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The Daily for Wednesday 02/02/2022


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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I feel so bad for the families of the two police officers killed at Bridgewater College yesterday. It is only 23 miles from us in a sleepy little town. Hard to believe something like that would occur there!


Warm spell arriving here for the next few days so maybe the snow will melt - to be replaced by some fresh! It is only February after all.


Stay safe, and be careful for those in the Midwest's snow storm.


- Jack

Very sad news Jack.

Condolences to their families and friends.


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Good morning from a blustery cold, but still dry, NE OK.  The forecast has pushed the ice mostly south and east of us, so that’s good.  It will be interesting to see how much snow actually moves in.  I can see the leaves shivering outside, and birds and squirrels on the feeder, grateful for DH’s offering yesterday.  As for me, looking forward to DH’s chili tonight!

When I was in elementary school 🦕, ukuleles were a thing, and just about everybody had one.  As I recall, I could play one song.  I’ll bet my parents were glad when that phase passed!

Everyone stay safe and warm, and let sleeping groundhogs lie!

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Agreed with @aliaschief  It reminds me of my sisters wedding long ago when my new BIL brought a bottle of Chevas Regal 25 year old to the reception. I watched in horrors as my uncle  mixed it with 7-Up. It is like ordering a glass of Chatueau Rothschild and putting ice cubes in it. We have so many ways to ruin something good.

Edited by jimgev
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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Thanks Debbie! I have been on the diet too long since the second day but I’m hanging in there. Got to get the bod ready for upcoming 25 days of cruising and three weeks in Kauai!🤞


Well, it sounds like the pain, suffering, and deprivation of the diet is well worth it.  You'll be thankful once on board.


1 hour ago, Suslor said:

I agree with @StLouis Cruiser, what will be will be regarding the weather. My mom always said “We’re having weather, be thankful “. 
Sadly our block has lost another loved resident. Our next door neighbor passed away last night at 104. 🙏🥲❤️.  Her house has been empty the last five years while she was in a nursing home. We all kept watch on the house mowing the grass, planting flowers, changing the door wreath to match the season, etc.  it will be strange to hear footsteps on the stairs again.  
Take care all and have a good day no matter what the weather. 


I am sorry for your loss.  What the neighborhood did by looking after the house was a wonderful thing.  I suspect there is more of that action than we know of because it doesn't get reported.  

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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday and Happy Groundhog Day!  I really only like Groundhog Day because I absolutely love the movie, one of my all time favorites. 

I will pass on the meal suggestion today because Craig would hate it, but have wanted to try Ree Drummond’s version 



I would love to try the wine today but agree about the drink, that combo of ingredients just sounds weird although someone must like it since there is a recipe. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning. Have been to Plymouth, but by land, not by sea. I will pass the on food and drink today. We had a light snow overnight and it was cloudy this morning and cold.... no predictions here on the future weather.  Little Bandit lucked out - I had a dental cleaning scheduled for him today but cancelled when snow was predicted.


The roofing materials are finally coming in for the shelter (that should bring the snows!) and yesterday before this latest little storm, the roofer went up to do some temporary patching. He said even the patches need patches. I will be glad to get that project behind us. We have some bad leaks. Lots of buckets on hand. Fortunately the dogs and cats are dry.... it is the lobby and staff area that seems to be suffering.


Hope Tana continues improving and look forward to hearing from Jacqui. I know she is busy. Hoping both Jose and Marley are on the mend.



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In the hour since I posted my pictures of Plymouth, our wind has picked up, and it's still predicted to be 33-35 mph by this afternoon.  So far the dust is not blowing, but it's only a matter of time.


An interesting collection of days.  I'll celebrate Groundhog Day, not because of Phi, but it's DD and DSIL's 18th anniversary.  They got married on the Golden Princess and wanted to marry on February 14, but it was taken.


I like the Mark Twain quote.  We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


4 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Phil just saw his shadow. 6 more weeks of winter 😱


It doesn't matter how cloudy the day is, he always sees his shadow because of the tv lights.  I don't think his predict counts anymore.


3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I feel so bad for the families of the two police officers killed at Bridgewater College yesterday. It is only 23 miles from us in a sleepy little town. Hard to believe something like that would occur there!


Warm spell arriving here for the next few days so maybe the snow will melt - to be replaced by some fresh! It is only February after all.


Stay safe, and be careful for those in the Midwest's snow storm.


- Jack


So sad about the policemen and all the threats and shootings at colleges.


3 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:


Wiarton Willie predicts an early spring.  Sure hope he's right. 🤞


Hope so too.  Spring will come to the desert before it reaches Texas and the areas in the north.


2 hours ago, Suslor said:

I agree with @StLouis Cruiser, what will be will be regarding the weather. My mom always said “We’re having weather, be thankful “. 
Sadly our block has lost another loved resident. Our next door neighbor passed away last night at 104. 🙏🥲❤️.  Her house has been empty the last five years while she was in a nursing home. We all kept watch on the house mowing the grass, planting flowers, changing the door wreath to match the season, etc.  it will be strange to hear footsteps on the stairs again.  
Take care all and have a good day no matter what the weather. 


Sorry for the loss of your neighbor who lived a very long life, and obviously had very nice neighbors who took care of her house.


1 hour ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good morning all!


Big change in the weather from yesterday!  From 60 degrees and sunny to this mornings freezing rain ☹️. Should transition to snow this afternoon, but the totals are just guesstimates,  They are showing close to 24 hours of snowfall!



Of the days, Ukulele Day is interesting. Used to travel with an older friend who always carried a rather small suitcase. Almost like magic, out of that suitcase would come an endless collection of lovely outfits AND her ukulele. (RIP,  Katie Hug.) 


Love Mark Twain quotes; we claim Samuel Clemens as our own and a visit to Hannibal MO is always fun, including Mark Twain Cave.


I will skip the meal and the drink today, but a glass of Prosecco would be nice. Haven’t been to today’s destination. 

Lifting up all on our prayer and concerns list 🙏 and a toast to the lucky ones on our celebrations list 🍷

Take care all,

St Louis Sal



We drove through Hannibal several years ago and enjoyed seeing the town.  We just did not have enough time to really explore.  Hope to make it back some day.


12 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Have been to Plymouth, but by land, not by sea. I will pass the on food and drink today. We had a light snow overnight and it was cloudy this morning and cold.... no predictions here on the future weather.  Little Bandit lucked out - I had a dental cleaning scheduled for him today but cancelled when snow was predicted.


The roofing materials are finally coming in for the shelter (that should bring the snows!) and yesterday before this latest little storm, the roofer went up to do some temporary patching. He said even the patches need patches. I will be glad to get that project behind us. We have some bad leaks. Lots of buckets on hand. Fortunately the dogs and cats are dry.... it is the lobby and staff area that seems to be suffering.


Hope Tana continues improving and look forward to hearing from Jacqui. I know she is busy. Hoping both Jose and Marley are on the mend.




Glad to see the materials are arriving.


9 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Groundhog in snow - 6 more weeks of winter?? I’m gonna need more wine!!


Sounds like a good plan.



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Good morning, all, and thanks to Rich, Roy and the F & B ladies!  Hope we hear some good news from Jacqui!  It's supposed to rain here for the next three days, then get cold again.  Hopefully, no more snow.  When it started to get really cold in December, I brought in two tender fuchsias and have been watering and spritzing them.  One has re-sprouted happily, but the other looks really dead.






I'm sure I've been to Plymouth, but as a teenager, I think.  No pictures.  Like Graham, we've sailed to and from Southampton, and Dover.  


Stamp Club meeting today, and I will let everyone know that we have collected 29 pounds of stamps to donate to the cancer society.  Then, tomorrow, we will get the box over to a lady who will arrange to get them trimmed and sorted for selling.

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Good morning and thanks all!  DH loves cold soba noodles! Yum! Just wish we were eating them in Hawaii!  And that pink Prosecco sounds lovely!  Thanks Lenda for the lovely port photos, we’ve been near Plymouth but not to it.  

We were lucky to hear one of the top Ukulele players in Hawaii, Jake Shimabakuro who was truly amazing along with his little son.   We bought our DGD a glow in the dark Ukulele from a very serious shop.  I love how they pronounce it “oook”. 

4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I feel so bad for the families of the two police officers killed at Bridgewater College yesterday. It is only 23 miles from us in a sleepy little town. Hard to believe something like that would occur there!


Warm spell arriving here for the next few days so maybe the snow will melt - to be replaced by some fresh! It is only February after all.


Stay safe, and be careful for those in the Midwest's snow storm.


- Jack

So sad!

4 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:


Wiarton Willie predicts an early spring.  Sure hope he's right. 🤞

well Balzac Billie says more winter, no surprise!  

We had a lovely ermine visitor,  unfortunately it is too large a file to post.



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Good morning, all! This seems like a year where we get six more weeks of winter anyway, so the groundhog may as well stay warm and not bother waking up yet! A hot version of today’s meal sounds like a good thing. I think some kind of noodle broccoli stir fry will hit the table tonight.

DH has just left to get the ferry back to the mainland. He has some dental work scheduled for tomorrow. I’m staying on the island for a few more days. I don’t get here much in the winter, and miss my home.

Later today I’m doing an additional print on a shirt I’m making for DD’s birthday.


3 hours ago, Suslor said:
Sadly our block has lost another loved resident. Our next door neighbor passed away last night at 104. 🙏🥲❤️.  Her house has been empty the last five years while she was in a nursing home. We all kept watch on the house mowing the grass, planting flowers, changing the door wreath to match the season, etc.  it will be strange to hear footsteps on the stairs again.  
Take care all and have a good day no matter what the weather. 

I’m sorry for the loss of your neighbour, but heartened at the care and concern she had from her neighbours when it was needed.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The steps and area where the pilgrims boarded the Mayflower after her unexpected stop there for repairs.



For some reason, it’s reassuring to learn that cruises NOT going as planned is not a modern phenomenon.


2 hours ago, jimgev said:

There are always good reasons for a nap.

And if there isn’t, you’ll think of one if you just rest and close your eyes for a minute.


Prayers and hugs for all,who need them, and as ever, thought for @kazu and her reunion with Jose yesterday.


Happy Wednesday, and cheers to the lack of groundhogs predicting unpleasantness aboard a BHB!



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the  Daily and to all contributors.

Punxatsutawney Phil saw his shadow, even though it was overcast! It's a nice little town that makes a lot of money off this yearly event. Not a Ukulele fan.

Not sure about the quote (the conscience part).

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I haven't been to today's destination.


Good news - I failed my test! I had the results back in less than 24 hours, seeing them on my phone around 7AM today. So I guess it was just some cold/sinus thing. Then I went to the Apple genius bar around 11 as one of my airpods had no sound. I'd tried all the online tricks. It ended up I had to replace one. 


It's in the 40's now, but everyone here is gearing up for rain starting this evening, freezing rain tomorrow evening, then snow. I advised BFF to reschedule a Friday appointment if possible. I have no where I have to be, thankfully. I just hope the power stays on, so I have heat.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, you and Marley.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana to regain strength and stamina.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear DD's arm felt better yesterday.

@Heartgrove So sad about those 2 college officers. I don't know what's wrong with people.

@Suslor Sorry to hear about your neighbor, but wow 104 is a long life. So kind what the neighbors did taking care of her house.

@grapau27 Lovely post about February Blessings.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to DD and DSIL! 


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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I thought today's drink looked kind of festive.  I might want it around the holidays.  


2 hours ago, 0106 said:

Groundhog in snow - 6 more weeks of winter?? I’m gonna need more wine!!


Funny, but we Dailyites do not need a reason for wine.  We manage quite well just because.  


17 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good news - I failed my test! I had the results back in less than 24 hours, seeing them on my phone around 7AM today. So I guess it was just some cold/sinus thing. Then I went to the Apple genius bar around 11 as one of my airpods had no sound. I'd tried all the online tricks. It ended up I had to replace one. 


It's in the 40's now, but everyone here is gearing up for rain starting this evening, freezing rain tomorrow evening, then snow. I advised BFF to reschedule a Friday appointment if possible. I have no where I have to be, thankfully. I just hope the power stays on, so I have heat.



But if we did need a reason, @JazzyV's negative test would be a great one.   Vanessa, it is raining here already and supposed to turn to snow just before midnight.  I chipped away at my ice conglomerates in the driveway the best I could.  Ten minutes and my back and right shoulder start screaming.  I'm hoping what I did is good enough that the plow people can do a decent job for me tomorrow.

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Good afternoon everyone.


Trying to catch up and apologies for not posting yesterday. I had a long visit with Jose and he was very happy to see me.  I got some housekeeping duties attended to for him and brought him some chilies and Manchego cheese.   And I found a Mrs. Dash that is spicy for him.  He was pretty thrilled.


I could definitely see some improvement in him (although he has a long ways to go) which was very encouraging.


Unfortunately when I got home, I got a call returned by the vet clinic and apparently Marley needs another test to try to track down his protein.  The fear is cancer still - apparently bone cancer and cancerous tumours.  I pretty much lost it.  I didn’t want to try to get him into the vet again, especially with trying to get to the hospital so I called the mobile vet and they agreed to accommodate me this morning so I could go after.  Worth every penny IMO.


Ground hog day - All of the Canadian groundhogs saw their shadows.  I heard on the news this morning that Phil has only been right 40% of the time, so hopefully he and the our groundhogs are all wrong.




Love the quote by Mark Twain.  


I did remember to say rabbit, rabbit, rabbit yesterday.  I hope it helps.  One thing is for sure, I was glad to see January go. Worst January of my life weather wise and life wise.


5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Next time NS is on Port Everglades we will be.boarding. 


Wonderful!  Hope you have a fabulous cruise!


4 hours ago, Suslor said:

I agree with @StLouis Cruiser, what will be will be regarding the weather. My mom always said “We’re having weather, be thankful “. 
Sadly our block has lost another loved resident. Our next door neighbor passed away last night at 104. 🙏🥲❤️.  Her house has been empty the last five years while she was in a nursing home. We all kept watch on the house mowing the grass, planting flowers, changing the door wreath to match the season, etc.  it will be strange to hear footsteps on the stairs again.  


So sorry to hear about your neighbour 😢 How kind of you all to help care for her home while she was in the nursing home.  


24 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good news - I failed my test!


That is good news!


Glad to hear Tana has a view 👍 


Looks like we have another storm coming tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather hold so I can get into the hospital tomorrow 🤞 




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Hump Day everyone!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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32 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the  Daily and to all contributors.

Punxatsutawney Phil saw his shadow, even though it was overcast! It's a nice little town that makes a lot of money off this yearly event. Not a Ukulele fan.

Not sure about the quote (the conscience part).

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I haven't been to today's destination.


Good news - I failed my test! I had the results back in less than 24 hours, seeing them on my phone around 7AM today. So I guess it was just some cold/sinus thing. Then I went to the Apple genius bar around 11 as one of my airpods had no sound. I'd tried all the online tricks. It ended up I had to replace one. 


It's in the 40's now, but everyone here is gearing up for rain starting this evening, freezing rain tomorrow evening, then snow. I advised BFF to reschedule a Friday appointment if possible. I have no where I have to be, thankfully. I just hope the power stays on, so I have heat.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, you and Marley.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana to regain strength and stamina.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear DD's arm felt better yesterday.

@Heartgrove So sad about those 2 college officers. I don't know what's wrong with people.

@Suslor Sorry to hear about your neighbor, but wow 104 is a long life. So kind what the neighbors did taking care of her house.

@grapau27 Lovely post about February Blessings.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to DD and DSIL! 


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Thank you Vanessa.

I am really pleased for you that your test came back negative.


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