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The Daily for Monday 03/14/2022


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22 minutes ago, kb4683 said:


Currently on N. Statendam.  If you haven’t already heard, we will probably not arrive in PE until 11:00 on Wednesday.  Had to turn around last night 5 hours from Aruba for 2 medical emergencies.  Didn’t arrive back in Aruba until approximately 4:30 am.  Currently doing 22kpm to try to make-up some lost time.


Thank you very much for letting us know @kb4683 , will keep an eye on that so we do not take too early a shuttle to the port .

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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:


Thank you for the wonderful pictures of this memorable tour we did together Ann @VictOriann it was  so nice  your DD Cathy was with us .  What a beautiful place  Ravenna  is to visit , I could add another bunch of pictures of that day but we are busy packing for our flight tomorrow to Ft Lauderdale ......................so looking forward to another cruise on the Nieuw Statendam , I have some very big surprises in store for DW Martha , hope she likes it ! 


Take care everybody , I know I have not posted for a long while but I do some lurking .


Tony 😍

Have  a  great  cruise.


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I love butterflies and will share some pics of them.   Love chips too, I wasn't too good at geometry but better than Algebra.   I have a book only on a cruise.    Meal, will pass, the drink it a winner, wine too pricy but I love Brunello, sometimes Costco has a pretty good one for low $20.   Never have been to Ravenna.  


Prayers to all on Roy's Care List and the people in Ukraine and for a peace in this war.   🙏


Canadian Swallowtail, American Lady, Great Spangled Fritillary, Coral Hairstreak and an emerging Monarch.  For Potato Chip Day a pic of a spectacular roast beef sandwich from In Room Dining on the NS with a lot of chips.  The food was so good on the ship even the in room dining was excellent.  Disappointments were Dave-In and speed of delivery at NY Pizza.   

62919 CST.jpg

American Lady 2 61321.JPG

bombus frit 9121.JPG

F Coral Hairstreak 2 72621.JPG

Monarch 1 9919.jpg

Roast beef.jpg

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It was 53 years ago today that I met my DH. It was a Friday night dance at my high school and he had been in as a guest for the geography teacher to talk about his mining experience in the Yukon! He stayed with Steve to chaperone the Friday dance the geography club was sponsoring. And the rest is history! 


prayers to those who need them. Just getting ready to hoist a glass for those celebrating.

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I just realized I never signed in today. We loved Butterfly World in Florida where we were in cages and the butterflies were free to fly around. People's pants cuffs were checked as we left to make sure no butterflies found there way into them.

I love potato chips, but dont buy them too often because I cant eat just one. It's the salt that gets me hooked.

The rabbi from my home synagogue is in Ukraine with several NY rabbis offering humanitarian aid to people of all denominations. He zoomed from there last night and his stories were heartbreaking.

Stay safe everyone,



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1 minute ago, mamaofami said:

I just realized I never signed in today. We loved Butterfly World in Florida where we were in cages and the butterflies were free to fly around. People's pants cuffs were checked as we left to make sure no butterflies found there way into them.

I love potato chips, but dont buy them too often because I cant eat just one. It's the salt that gets me hooked.

The rabbi from my home synagogue is in Ukraine with several NY rabbis offering humanitarian aid to people of all denominations. He zoomed from there last night and his stories were heartbreaking.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, the cabinet that fell.  Was it china that needs to be replaced or was it an impromptu way to downsize.  Do you have enough to get by for now?



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Back from the adventure.  We chose to go the alternative way, no highway.  Kind of a nice drive, and it really did seem to take less time coming home, than getting there.  Doctor was young, think he graduated from high school two weeks ago.  They took xrays and came back in and said that nothing was wrong.  There are no teeth to be hurting him, they were pulled before the radiation treatment started last February.  He told DH to go back to the original surgeon (that wont work, the original surgeon plowed his private plane into the ground about 8 years ago)  but since that was not possible to get with his oncologist.  DH called the office and got an appointment for Wednesday morning at 9:40.  DH thinks perhaps there is an infection and the oral surgeon called in a prescription for antibiotics to be taken for a week.  He didn't think there was one, but I think he was humoring DH.


DH is supposed to have a colonoscopy this Friday, but I asked him to call and check with the office since he will be on the antibiotics, they said they would call him back, and no one has yet.  I cant imagine stripping my guts with pre op, and taking antibiotics...pathway to tummy hell.  But if anyone knows different then let me know.


Now i am going to say something that probably seems selfish, so forgive me..my DH comes up with ailments every time i am having appointments with my doc.  I am always rescheduling my appointments and sometimes...his ailments, I think are in his head.  Either to sabotage my health, or to re affirm that he is more important.  Not sure.  But I am getting frustrated.  And angry.  And I am not a nice person when I'm angry.  So, right now, I'm going to take myself outside, and get some fresh air and sunshine, and see if I cant get my disposition, repositioned. 

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Happy Pi Day, and good afternoon from a now sunny but cool Pacific Ocean.  We're enjoying another sea day.


I have always liked 🦋 butterflies. Many years ago, older DD and I went to the Cockrell Butterfly Center at the Houston Museum of Natural Science and enjoyed seeing all the different vatieties.  We like potato chips, but I don't keep them in the house very often anymore.


As an avid reader, I like today’s quote.


We'll pass on the meal and the wine.  I'd like to try the wine 🍷 if someone else is buying. 😉


DH visited Ravena on the same cruise that @Vict0riann Ann and @sailingdutchy Tony did, while I stayed on the ship.  I posted his pictures on 7/12/21 when it was first the port of the day.  I'm enjoying seeing more pictures of the area.


@Mr. Boston  Please wish your mother HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, please say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your brother.  While I'm not surprised the hospital will release Jen tomorrow, I am appalled they are going to when she has no safe place to go.  Sending positive thoughts and hope a place can be found in time for her.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the pictures.  It looks like Pauline had a lovely birthday.

@aliaschief  Thank you for the pictures.

@smitty34877  Terry, sending positive thoughts that the new antibiotic helps Tana as she deserves a break.  Also, sending all of you a big hug.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I hope you can be tested on Saturday.  Where we are, we had to be tested on Friday.  We did have a proctored test for back up.

@marshhawk  Safe travels to the new oral surgeon.  I hope he can help your DH.

@sailingdutchy  Bon Voyage, Tony.  Have a wonderful cruise.

@ottahand7  Beautiful pictures of the butterflies.

@bennybear    🎂 🎊 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  🥂 🎉


We're still not sure how many passengers are on board.  We think there are more than last week since there are now two shows at night.  However, the upper level of the MDR is still closed.  DH saw a lot of people going into the MDR about 7:45 last night. They could have been second seating.  There were a lot of people at the sailaway and more people in the pool than in the past.



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We found two places that will give us an antigen test on Saturday!  Now to try to sort out flights.  If we have to fly on Saturday and overnight one night in SD, I think a Friday test will tide us over to boarding.  But hope we can organize flights for Sunday!  Our PCC says Flight Ease will use Alaska Airlines, but not Horizon, but Horizon is the Alaska commuter airline....


Tony, @sailingdutchy, we wish you a big Bon Voyage and hope you have a great cruise, I got you some stamps last week, but will wait until you get home to mail them.   As you can see, we were getting desperate, too, and are working on a Koningsdam cruise along the California coast...   



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2 hours ago, kb4683 said:


Currently on N. Statendam.  If you haven’t already heard, we will probably not arrive in PE until 11:00 on Wednesday.  Had to turn around last night 5 hours from Aruba for 2 medical emergencies.  Didn’t arrive back in Aruba until approximately 4:30 am.  Currently doing 22kpm to try to make-up some lost time.

Wow, maybe one of the officers wanted to try out their new water skis !!  LOL


Happy Birthday @bennybear, @Mr. Boston's mom, and @StLouisCruisers brother, with many returns of the day to each of you!

Bon Voyage to @sailingdutchy and Mrs. sailingdutchy tomorrow!


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Now i am going to say something that probably seems selfish, so forgive me..my DH comes up with ailments every time i am having appointments with my doc.  I am always rescheduling my appointments and sometimes...his ailments, I think are in his head.  Either to sabotage my health, or to re affirm that he is more important.  Not sure.  But I am getting frustrated.  And angry.  And I am not a nice person when I'm angry.  So, right now, I'm going to take myself outside, and get some fresh air and sunshine, and see if I cant get my disposition, repositioned. 

No, it isn't selfish, what you're saying may well be true.  We had a similar thing going on with DH's elderly uncle (we were his only close family) who, whenever we had something planned - whether a weekend away, or a major trip - he would suddenly fall ill.   After cancelling more times than I can even remember, I finally clued in that each of the episodes coincided with our planned absence.  DH didn't want to say anything, but I finally took it upon myself to have a chat with him.  I told him that we loved him but that we had lives to live, and that I'd caught him in his little charade.  He became very defensive, but then said "well, what should I do, you're leaving me alone!"  He wasn't alone, he was living in a very nice elder care facility, and it was his choice to either like it or dislike it.  I reminded him that he was young once, lived his life as he chose, and we were going to continue to do the same.   Strangely enough, he never got sick after that. 


You might want to just have a heart to heart with your DH and remind him that your health is equally as important as his, and that it's imperative that you look after yourself if you're to look after him.   Coming down off my soapbox now.   I hope I didn't offend you.



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We celebrated a Gala Night last night on the Zuiderdam, it was so nice to see so many guests looking spiffy. The service was good & surf and turf meal in the Main Dining room was  delicious. After 2 years of a bit too much quiet, being surrounded with background noise at a fine dinner made the evening a night to remember.
it is March 15 in these parts. Thank you all for the Pi jokes, hope that pie is one of the dessert choices today!



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@ger_77 Gerry, you did not offend me.  You made me realize that what i was thinking is quite possible what was happening.  You actually made me feel cared for, so thank you.  The other thing that really gets him is that his doctors, our friends and his step mom all tell him how grateful he should be that i am in his life, helping him.  He hates that.  So  we aren't going to discuss anything right now. (he and his step mother spoke last night, and she chewed him out)  I dont need to throw fuel on the fire.


My doctors have all told me I'll go before he does, because I cant seem to take care of myself.  I like life too much to just roll over.


I did go out in the sun, and got inspired to do some work, cutting this weird vine that grows in the south that is covered with thorns.    The only upside to this vine is that it slows the fall of the tree limbs that it has killed.  But I got thorned and my hand wont stop bleeding, and I just got an email from my boss that i have to be in a meeting at 6 p.m.   Hugs to you all.  And dont worry, that talk will happen when he is off the pain pills. 🙀

Edited by marshhawk
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@marshhawkhugs to you!  What you thought and what Gerry discussed sounds very plausible to me.  But I hope you have all your appointments lined up and get some answers on your own health very soon.  Tell him he is not to attempt to schedule something for himself until he checks with you to make sure it doesn't conflict with your appointments.  You've been waiting for a while now to figure out what to do next.  Good luck to you!


Late this afternoon I got word that DB's ex-wife toured a skilled nursing facility that agreed to accept Jen.  They've begun the paperwork and hopefully she can be moved there when she's discharged.  All I can say is they'd better approve of this move because that is what insurance is for!  They will be able to do all three therapy disciplines for about 30-45 minutes a day each.  So better news for Jen.


And for Buddy twin told me she texted her daughter this afternoon and said she was going to stop by the hospital to see Buddy.  Her daughter said don't bother because he was heading home from the hospital.  His WBC numbers had been going up but twin didn't know what levels they were at.  I just hope he is feeling lots better than he was Friday!  


🙏🙏🙏 for Ann, Jen and Buddy!

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@marshhawk  My hubby seems to 'need' to have something wrong with him ALL THE TIME!  He gets one issue resolved & finds something else to worry about so off to yet another dr. appt. -- but, thank heavens, except for when it's his heart (has a history of a-fib/flutter)..he can take himself.

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I just love this caring group!  ❤️

@StLouisCruisers, so glad you are getting some positive news from your extended family!

@marshhawk, I'm so glad you found us, and so happy that we give you some of the affirmation your deserve.

@ger_77You are always so wise and generous.

@kazu you and your men are on my mind.  I so hope that Marley has gotten some meds or treatment to get him back on his feet and in your loving home.

Everyone else who has challenges big and small, and cheerful celebrations - all the best!

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We just got our COVID test results - No Virus!


So we are good to go to join @sailingdutchy, @kb4683, and @sassy~one on the Nieuw Statendam on Wednesday! 


We have an 8 AM  non-stop flight from MSP to FLL on Wednesday - rumor has it that the ship will be arriving in port a bit latter than usual...

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@marshhawk You need to take care of you! DH will be in a world of hurt if you go down. so it's to his benefit that he let you get to your appointments.


@StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear that a place was found for Jen to go, and that she will be able to get therapies she needs. Good news that Buddy was discharged. Sounds like his counts are up, and hopefully they gave him some treatments to his mouth that makes eating easier now.


@Overhead Fred Great cake for Mitzi!  And yay on the negative tests!

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Carol, the cabinet that fell.  Was it china that needs to be replaced or was it an impromptu way to downsize.  Do you have enough to get by for now?



Funny you should ask, Roy. Our parents and us used to keep kosher. We have their every day meat and airy dishes as well as our own, Then there are fancy china as well as my own, I kept them all beccause we have so much room in the cabinets. The set that broke was our everyday meat dishes, but we dont use them anymore, What really upset me was a set of Stengle ware that was my mother's and I had a sentimental attachment to them. I have two pieces of that left. My daughter came and we moved all the heavy unused goood china to low cabinets that rouch the floor,. ruthfully, I;m more upset with the aids than I am about this and the handyman can fix and rehang the cabinets and shore up another one that is starting to separate from the wall. Thanks for asking.


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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Back from the adventure.  We chose to go the alternative way, no highway.  Kind of a nice drive, and it really did seem to take less time coming home, than getting there.  Doctor was young, think he graduated from high school two weeks ago.  They took xrays and came back in and said that nothing was wrong.  There are no teeth to be hurting him, they were pulled before the radiation treatment started last February.  He told DH to go back to the original surgeon (that wont work, the original surgeon plowed his private plane into the ground about 8 years ago)  but since that was not possible to get with his oncologist.  DH called the office and got an appointment for Wednesday morning at 9:40.  DH thinks perhaps there is an infection and the oral surgeon called in a prescription for antibiotics to be taken for a week.  He didn't think there was one, but I think he was humoring DH.


DH is supposed to have a colonoscopy this Friday, but I asked him to call and check with the office since he will be on the antibiotics, they said they would call him back, and no one has yet.  I cant imagine stripping my guts with pre op, and taking antibiotics...pathway to tummy hell.  But if anyone knows different then let me know.


Now i am going to say something that probably seems selfish, so forgive me..my DH comes up with ailments every time i am having appointments with my doc.  I am always rescheduling my appointments and sometimes...his ailments, I think are in his head.  Either to sabotage my health, or to re affirm that he is more important.  Not sure.  But I am getting frustrated.  And angry.  And I am not a nice person when I'm angry.  So, right now, I'm going to take myself outside, and get some fresh air and sunshine, and see if I cant get my disposition, repositioned. 

I understand


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