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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 17th, 2022


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4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


I’ve certainly been celebrating thrift shops by donating to them a lot.  No neighbour night for me tonight but a neighbour lunch is on the agenda tomorrow.




Well, it’s been a bit depressing since I’ve been on.  After discovering Shadow’s physical issues and neurological damage, I knew I couldn’t help her. She needed to be assessed by a vet (which I was paying for) however the rescue said under no circumstances could she be euthanized.  They had already refused to do it when it was recommended by 2 other vets.




On Monday, she took me down trying to get her in the house and I went flat on my back.  Got her in and realized my hand and wrist was very sore and getting sorer.  Thankfully the X-rays revealed nothing was broken (my previously broken wrist) and it is badly strained, sprained and torn.  No lifting, no heavy weights.  I had told the rescue that if they weren’t going to listen to vets, no point in me taking her or keeping her and to find her a new home. Now, she had to go to a new home as I wouldn’t be able to lift her.



She was picked up yesterday morning and went with her new harness, leash, toys, food, treats, beds, etc.  She is now on the run in Oromocto - having been lost by her new foster within what appears to be an hour of her arrival.  My trainer is going down there today in hopes of sightings and wait and get her to come.  She will come to her.  I feel awful - sick and mad at the same time.  She was here for 3 weeks & wasn’t lost.  Stupidity 😡 


I offered to cancel my grief meeting today and go with her and Liz said no - she wants me to go and besides, Shadow loves her and she will come to her if she can find her.



She and I loved that munchkin.  “She’s a sweet soul but when you look in her eyes you can see her brain whirling trying to figure out how she will take her next step and where to place her foot” (my trainer’s words).


It was sad enough giving her up and not able to help her enough.  She left here a much happier dog than when she arrived.  Now, it’s all for naught.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Wednesday everyone !!!!!!


I hope they find her and can help her. You have done your best. Believe me I know the frustration and sadness. It is soooo hard....you want to save them all, and you can't. Take care of yourself now and hoping for the best for Shadow. 

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Good morning all!

We're having glorious sunny weather here in the PNW, heading for the low-mid 80's F today and tomorrow.  


We've donated to many thrift shops, especially when DD passed and I gave away many of his things.  I have wonderful neighbors and feel so blessed to have them.  I love all cats, but black cats have a special place in my heart. I'm loving all the black cat photos today! We had one, "Ebony" who we took in when he was abandoned.  Like many, he turned out to be one of our best pets. He lived to be 17.   Now the black cat in my life is my neighbor's cat "Jinx" who is very special to me.  He isn't like any other cat I've ever known, he's amazingly calm and even loves tummy rubs (!!) He's also very jealous of any other cat that comes in our yard, so we're being very careful to not let him know that our Grand-kitty Nimbus is here for the week.  He (Jinx) tried to get into our house yesterday as DD was bringing Nimbus to us --- thankfully they didn't come nose to nose 😉  


I'll pass on the wine but the drink sounds good and all the recipes for today sound great!  I printed off the "carnivore" one though for future use.


Jacqui @kazumy heart breaks for you again for yet another disappointment.  Prayers that Liz can find Shadow soon and I'm so sorry you reinjured your wrist.  I hope you heal quickly.


Our Ebony  1982-1999



"Spek", one of our DD's previous cats



And my neighbor's cat Jinx. We aren't sure how old he is, but his whiskers have turned white and he's getting a little greyer and arthritic so we're guessing around 15 but he's very active for his age.






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Well, my computer is back from the shop and it is giving me problems with the Daily...... hopefully there are not duplicate posts, but if there are, forgive me. Those gremlins are at work today.


I am slowly getting my financial issues straight.... have dealt with my pension provider and social security on deposits and now trying to set up some adjustments to my accounts. This may take awhile and is a first class pain. And to add to my stress, the roof at the shelter still has some leaks. Several of us have a meeting with the contractor this afternoon. And rain is on the way.


I just want to add a few more words on the Shadow situation which I know is distressing especially for Jacqui. It sounds very much like the  original rescuers in the case were suffering from "rescue blindness". We so much want to save them all that sometimes we go to extraordinary lengths to save a dogs that really can not be saved. And we fail. I see it at the shelter and it is one reason why we have a fairly frequent turnover of kennel staff. I have done rescue for over 40 years and cried over many animals. It is a very hard thing to do. There are rewards, but there is also a lot of heartbreak. We can but do our best. Jacqui has done her best.... the problem seems to have been blindness on the part of the original rescue, determined to save a sweet dog with major medical issues.





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10 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having glorious sunny weather here in the PNW, heading for the low-mid 80's F today and tomorrow.  


We've donated to many thrift shops, especially when DD passed and I gave away many of his things.  I have wonderful neighbors and feel so blessed to have them.  I love all cats, but black cats have a special place in my heart. I'm loving all the black cat photos today! We had one, "Ebony" who we took in when he was abandoned.  Like many, he turned out to be one of our best pets. He lived to be 17.   Now the black cat in my life is my neighbor's cat "Jinx" who is very special to me.  He isn't like any other cat I've ever known, he's amazingly calm and even loves tummy rubs (!!) He's also very jealous of any other cat that comes in our yard, so we're being very careful to not let him know that our Grand-kitty Nimbus is here for the week.  He (Jinx) tried to get into our house yesterday as DD was bringing Nimbus to us --- thankfully they didn't come nose to nose 😉  


I'll pass on the wine but the drink sounds good and all the recipes for today sound great!  I printed off the "carnivore" one though for future use.


Jacqui @kazumy heart breaks for you again for yet another disappointment.  Prayers that Liz can find Shadow soon and I'm so sorry you reinjured your wrist.  I hope you heal quickly.


Our Ebony  1982-1999



"Spek", one of our DD's previous cats



And my neighbor's cat Jinx. We aren't sure how old he is, but his whiskers have turned white and he's getting a little greyer and arthritic so we're guessing around 15 but he's very active for his age.






Lovely black cats Carolyn.


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4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


I’ve certainly been celebrating thrift shops by donating to them a lot.  No neighbour night for me tonight but a neighbour lunch is on the agenda tomorrow.




Well, it’s been a bit depressing since I’ve been on.  After discovering Shadow’s physical issues and neurological damage, I knew I couldn’t help her. She needed to be assessed by a vet (which I was paying for) however the rescue said under no circumstances could she be euthanized.  They had already refused to do it when it was recommended by 2 other vets.




On Monday, she took me down trying to get her in the house and I went flat on my back.  Got her in and realized my hand and wrist was very sore and getting sorer.  Thankfully the X-rays revealed nothing was broken (my previously broken wrist) and it is badly strained, sprained and torn.  No lifting, no heavy weights.  I had told the rescue that if they weren’t going to listen to vets, no point in me taking her or keeping her and to find her a new home. Now, she had to go to a new home as I wouldn’t be able to lift her.



She was picked up yesterday morning and went with her new harness, leash, toys, food, treats, beds, etc.  She is now on the run in Oromocto - having been lost by her new foster within what appears to be an hour of her arrival.  My trainer is going down there today in hopes of sightings and wait and get her to come.  She will come to her.  I feel awful - sick and mad at the same time.  She was here for 3 weeks & wasn’t lost.  Stupidity 😡 


I offered to cancel my grief meeting today and go with her and Liz said no - she wants me to go and besides, Shadow loves her and she will come to her if she can find her.



She and I loved that munchkin.  “She’s a sweet soul but when you look in her eyes you can see her brain whirling trying to figure out how she will take her next step and where to place her foot” (my trainer’s words).


It was sad enough giving her up and not able to help her enough.  She left here a much happier dog than when she arrived.  Now, it’s all for naught.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Wednesday everyone !!!!!!



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Good morning and thanks all! 
@kazu   I am just so sorry, this has been so mishandled by everyone but you!  You have put your heart and soul into helping little shadow!  I’m glad you didn’t break anything, although sprains can be as painful if not more so!  Please look after yourself! 


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46 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having glorious sunny weather here in the PNW, heading for the low-mid 80's F today and tomorrow.  


We've donated to many thrift shops, especially when DD passed and I gave away many of his things.  I have wonderful neighbors and feel so blessed to have them.  I love all cats, but black cats have a special place in my heart. I'm loving all the black cat photos today! We had one, "Ebony" who we took in when he was abandoned.  Like many, he turned out to be one of our best pets. He lived to be 17.   Now the black cat in my life is my neighbor's cat "Jinx" who is very special to me.  He isn't like any other cat I've ever known, he's amazingly calm and even loves tummy rubs (!!) He's also very jealous of any other cat that comes in our yard, so we're being very careful to not let him know that our Grand-kitty Nimbus is here for the week.  He (Jinx) tried to get into our house yesterday as DD was bringing Nimbus to us --- thankfully they didn't come nose to nose 😉  


I'll pass on the wine but the drink sounds good and all the recipes for today sound great!  I printed off the "carnivore" one though for future use.


Jacqui @kazumy heart breaks for you again for yet another disappointment.  Prayers that Liz can find Shadow soon and I'm so sorry you reinjured your wrist.  I hope you heal quickly.


Our Ebony  1982-1999



"Spek", one of our DD's previous cats



And my neighbor's cat Jinx. We aren't sure how old he is, but his whiskers have turned white and he's getting a little greyer and arthritic so we're guessing around 15 but he's very active for his age.






Loads of black cats!  All very good looking felines!




7 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@kazu   I am just so sorry, this has been so mishandled by everyone but you!  You have put your heart and soul into helping little shadow!  I’m glad you didn’t break anything, although sprains can be as painful if not more so!  Please look after yourself! 


Gorgeous photo!



DS and family's plane departs shortly for Seoul, a 15 hour plus flight from Detroit.  Then another flight to Singapore but not sure how long that one is.  Korean Air takes over in Korea.  Delta no longer flies to Singapore through Narita, Japan.  At least I don't think so.  Praying for a safe flight, and plenty of rest before they arrive in Seoul.

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Good morning, all! Well, we’re heading out to Dinner with Neighbours tonight, so our timing is on! @rafinmd Roy, thank you for putting my DD on the care list, but you can take her off now. The immediate danger has passed, and China has ceased the saber rattling - for the moment. As long as nobody dares them to invade, they seem to back to the uneasy truce that marks the status quo. 
@kazumy heart is breaking for both you and Shadow. My college training was an Animal Health Technician and I spent several years working at a busy small animal hospital in Vancouver. While it isn’t common to see a dog survive distemper, it’s not that rare. I have never, however, seen a survivor actually recover. Someone at the rescue involved, both in Egypt and here, indeed has rescue blindness as Susan says at the expense of reality and compassion. I am so sorry.

@ger_77 thank goodness you posted today. I was a little worried. Don’t underestimate the fatigue. It’s normal to be completely drained and to take a few weeks to get your energy back. Don’t push yourself. It will just set you back. And yes, it’s frustrating!

on a happier note, we visited Punta Arenas in February 2020 and had a wonderful tour. With an eight year difference, it’s even possible some of the dogs sleeping in the shade of the statue were the same ones, or the children of dogs in previous photos! 

We arrived at the first viewpoint ahead of the ships tour busses. The vendors were just setting up, and a dog was enjoying the warm sun in the cool air of Patagonia.


instead of the view over town, here are some chimney pots right beside the lookout, courtesy of the steep slope.024ABF15-23CC-47B3-AC21-F8A767A6EB00.thumb.jpeg.4071021f6bff8e300df9f44e79af1eb4.jpeg


Same statue, different year. And different dog. Or is it?



Replicas of the explorers ships. They were so tiny to cross the seas and to live so long in such cramped quarters!BD78274A-6567-407B-BAB5-09235371A0AA.thumb.jpeg.6cd746f491edf355e54d348022d10231.jpeg


DH and I steering The Beagle.



An interesting restaurant in town where we had lunch, and the menu.



The baked king crab chowder was amazing!


A local artisan shop. In a corner was a bag of rustic, rough spun local wool dyed with plants on hand and of uneven thickness. I bought a ball and made a bowl.


And the rough spun bowl today.


And the old Fort, partly restored, guarding the entrance to the strait.



The church with the million dollar view.


The palisade fence cresting the hill like a Mohawk haircut.


And wild Calafate berries. It is said that whoever eats the calafate berries in Patagonia will someday return to Patagonia. I picked them and ate them, and wouldn’t mind returning at all.



Happy Wednesday, everyone, and May your BHB take you to whatever land your heart is calling for!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Good morning, Dailyites.  First off, such sad news from Jacqui , @kazu. Sorry about your re-injured wrist.   I hope Liz and the others find Shadow safely and get her happily settled with a foster family.  What an ordeal!  Prayers go out for them, and also those ailing on the Daily and neighbours and friends.  Our neighbours on both sides are away at the moment, I've been doing their watering.  My aunts had two black cats, a Persian named Jezebel and a sleek short-hair named Lucy (for Lucifer, and so she was!).  As children, we loved them both.


The stuffed shells sound good, but I think I will make something blander, without tomatoes.  I got up late today and felt very weak and wobbly, so I had a piece of toast, my first solid food since Friday, I've been on a clear liquid diet for four days, I know I just can't do another, four will have to do.  Now it's 10:30 and I must go and shower, Pat will be back soon from golf.    I have a stamp meeting this afternoon, but I think I will just pop in with my donation and say hello and leave.  No energy for being sociable!  


Thanks for all the pictures of Punta Arenas - they bring back memories.  We did all that!  



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Good afternoon from central Texas with changing weather.  Like @Seasick Sailor Joy said, rain is predicted for central Texas from the DFW area to Austin between now and next Wednesday.  It will be appreciated, and is needed.  Like the trees in Joy's picture, some of our trees are turning red and yellow, but with our triple digits, I'm afraid they are dying from lack of water.  Many trees were stressed by the unusual winter storm in 2021.


After last week's 1/2 inch of rain, the green parts of our yard (weeds) really started growing and need mowing.  Today is our last triple digit day, hopefully until next summer, and it's too hot to mow.  I'll have to find time between rainy days to tackle the yard.  I guess I could have done it this morning if I hadn't slept late, and if we hadn't needed to run an errand to take advantage of a sale before everything was gone.


We have donated to various thrift stores during our almost 55 years of marriage.  There is more waiting to be donated.  We often see our neighbors and visit with them when we take our almost nightly golf cart ride around the neighborhood.  Thank you all for you pictures of your beautiful black cats.


Our younger DD had an almost black cat, Friskie, who lived to be 18 years old.  We got her shortly after the Challenger disaster, and she died about 2002 or 2003.  DD said she knew when it was time to have Friskie put down when she stopped purring.  That cat purred almost 24/7.  This is Friskie sometime before she died, and her sleek black fur was turning rusty.  She looks a little disgruntled in the picture, but she was a sweet girl.



The Virginia Woolf quote is very true.


We like stuffed shells, and it's been a while since I made any.  I usually stuff them with a ricotta and spinach mixture and top with marinara sauce.  I also have a recipe that includes a sauce with  vegetables.  It is good, but time consuming, so it's been a while since I made it.  I'll share that recipe later for those who need another recipe for vegetarians.


Tonight however, we'll finished the ribs and potato salad from the other night.


I like mai tais and would try a strawberry one.  The wine sounds good, but pricey.


We have been to Punta Arenas twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III.  We did not see much of the town because we did a flight over Antarctica which was wonderful.  The ship was a very old 737 with no doors on the overhead bins, just elastic cords.  All we saw was the drive to and from the airport and the airport.  I did get a t-shirt at a shop in the airport.  This was also in pre-digital days.  We were back in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi and her DH.  I'll post my  photos in another post, but be warned, there will be repeats.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, @JazzyV. Vanessa, and @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura for your pictures of Punta Arenas.  Vanessa, you look very festive in your picture, and Laura, the basket turned our well.

@ottahand7  I'm glad your finger is healing well.  Thanks for the beautiful picture

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad your weather has cooled down to acceptable levels, and hope you get some rain.  Our drought level here is listed as exceptional, the highest (worst) level.  

@marshhawk  Ann, I hope your neck is feeling better by now.  The meme with the rabbit sums up what we are feeling about @kazu  Jacqui.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Molde.  We enjoyed our day there several years ago.

@Overhead Fred  Loved the picture of the swans.  They look so graceful in the water.

@durangoscots  Susan, your explanation of what happened with Shadow makes things clearer, but it still should not have happened.  It sounded like the rescue organization was "vet shopping" until they found the answer they wanted.  I'm very glad @kazu  Jacqui was able to give her the best three weeks of her life, and let Shadow know she was loved.  If foster "parents" can't keep control of a dog, who was probably very stressed being taken from the only real home she knew, then I hope they are not given another dog to foster.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your wrist is already getting better and will not give you too much trouble.  Sending positive thoughts that Shadow is found soon.  She must be so stressed after finally being in a loving, safe home. 

@Vict0riann Ann, I hope the solid food gives you more energy and that you feel better soon.




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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

I just want to add a few more words on the Shadow situation which I know is distressing especially for Jacqui. It sounds very much like the  original rescuers in the case were suffering from "rescue blindness". We so much want to save them all that sometimes we go to extraordinary lengths to save a dogs that really can not be saved. And we fail. I see it at the shelter and it is one reason why we have a fairly frequent turnover of kennel staff. I have done rescue for over 40 years and cried over many animals. It is a very hard thing to do. There are rewards, but there is also a lot of heartbreak. We can but do our best. Jacqui has done her best.... the problem seems to have been blindness on the part of the original rescue, determined to save a sweet dog with major medical issues.



You are absolutely correct on the ‘rescue blindness’.  The rescuer called her a miracle dog.  And was adamant that she not be put down.  I’m not saying that’s what would have to be done but with 2 vets’ opinions here and a vet tech (although she would have to be assessed), that was their suspicion.

There was no point in me taking her to a vet when I had no legal power to do what was right for her if that is what the vet saw fit.  

There has been no word on her yet.  It’s pouring rain which would make it difficult for her to come out of hiding/shelter.

it was pitiful to hear her slip and fall on the floor. (Even the non slippery ones that Marley walked on easily and he was scared of slippery floors even though he could walk on ice - LOL). Sometimes she splayed out and couldn’t get up.  I had to pick her up.  Sad.  Can’t do that with one arm.

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These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess.  We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal.  Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999.  We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat.


The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage.






This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town.



When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church.







Palacio Sara Braun



The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping.  The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck.  You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture.





The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site.



Below are various scenes of the town as we wandered around.







This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about.



On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel.



Back at the pier, we saw this clock.






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This recipe is a very different take on stuffed shells.  I do not remember where I came across the recipe so I am not able to attribute it to anyone like I should.  As I said, it does take some time, but it was a hit with both the vegetarians and the meat eaters.




12 jumbo pasta shells                                                                       ¼ t dried marjoram leaves

2 c ricotta                                                                                          ½ to 1 t salt

2 cloves garlic, minced                                                                      ½ t dried basil leaves

½ t ground black pepper                                                                   1/3 t dried thyme leaves

1 pkg. chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry

¼ c plus 2 T grated Parmesan cheese, divided


Prepare Garlic Vegetables.  Spoon into 10-inch round baking dish.


Preheat oven to 350oF.  Cook shells according to package directions.  Drain and cool.


Combine ricotta, spinach, ¼ cup Parmesan cheese, garlic, marjoram, salt, basil, pepper and thyme in medium bowl.  Spoon cheese mixture into shells.  Arrange shells on top of Garlic Vegetables.  Carefully spoon sauce from vegetables over shells.


Bake, loosely covered with foil, 35 to 40 minutes or until stuffed shells are heated through.  Sprinkle remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese over shells and heat uncovered until cheese is melted..




1 T olive oil, divided                                                                          3 T butter

¾ c sun-dried tomatoes (not in oil)                                                    2 T minced fresh parsley

4 T all-purpose flour                                                                         salt

2½ c vegetable broth                                                                         ground black pepper

1 medium zucchini                                                                            1 med. yellow squash

1 large head garlic, coarsely chopped

2 large carrots, cut diagonally into ¼ inch slices


Place cut zucchini in colander, salt and let sit to remove moisture.  Do not add salt to vegetable mixture.


Heat 2 tablespoon butter with a little oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat until hot.  Add garlic; cook and stir.  Add the broth.  Cook 1 to 2 minutes or until sauce thickens, stirring constantly.


Cut zucchini and squash lengthwise into halves.  Cut each half into crosswise slices.  Place zucchini in colander and salt to draw out moisture.


Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in medium skillet over medium heat until hot.  Add carrots; cook and stir 2 minutes.  Add zucchini and squash; cook and stir 3 minutes or until crisp-tender.  Remove from heat.  Stir garlic mixture and parsley into carrot mixture in skillet.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.


I think the sauce and vegetable could be prepared ahead of time and warmed before putting in the oven, or the time in the oven could be increased.



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Lenda those pasta shells sound wonderful! I love to take time cooking in my beautiful kitchen, having a glass of wine, chopping, stirring,  sauteing, another glass of wine... 


Jacqui dam already! Wish you could lock your house up and come stay with me til that black cloud in Canada passes.


Just found out a few minutes ago my girlfriends brother died a few hours ago. I don't have any news as to what happened but please pray for her (Debbie) and family! 

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Joy, first our condolences to you, your friend and her family on the loss of her brother.  That is why I couldn't like your post.


Some days I like taking time to make dinner, but I only made this recipe when the DDs were visiting for Christmas.  Even with the younger DD's help, it took more time than I wanted to spend in the kitchen and not visiting.  I may try it again, and if it's when they are visiting, I may make it ahead of time and reheat it.


I also like to have a glass of "cooking" wine while making dinner, but this just might be a two glass recipe.  🤣



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47 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Lenda those pasta shells sound wonderful! I love to take time cooking in my beautiful kitchen, having a glass of wine, chopping, stirring,  sauteing, another glass of wine... 


Jacqui dam already! Wish you could lock your house up and come stay with me til that black cloud in Canada passes.


Just found out a few minutes ago my girlfriends brother died a few hours ago. I don't have any news as to what happened but please pray for her (Debbie) and family! 

I'm really sorry your girlfriend's brother died today.  Always sad news.  I will add her and the rest of the family to my morning prayers.


We always enjoy a glass of wine or sometimes two while dinner preparations are in progress.  I'm sure a lot of us do!

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Good afternoon. 

Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Nice collection of days.  We donate a lot to Thrift shops.  Don’t have a black cat or any cat for that matter.  Tonight we will stay home and not deal with any neighbors. 

I like the quote and the meal.

We have been to Punta Arenas on the Veendam in 2012 repositioning cruise.  We changed our tour at the last minute when we missed the call at the Falkland Islands.  So we took the ship tour to see the penguins at the Isla Magdalena.  it was a great day.  If I can get some photos I will post them.


I was very tired today and did not do much.  Not much sleep last night.


Thanks to all for the prayers for my neighbor. 

@kazu Jacqui, i am sorry about how things happened with Shadow.  

@smitty34877Glad you’re doing better and I am sure your neighbors will be happy with the lasagne. 


Hope everyone is having a great day.

God Bless,



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@ger_77 do take care of yourself and let others help as necessary.  You're "almost daughter" is a real gem.  I hope you're officially negative now.


@kazu there are just no words for what Shadow is going through.  I am really disgusted with the attitude at the rescue, rescue blindness just does not strike me as a viable excuse.  I hope Shadow is soon found and gets either a loving family that can really help her or a graceful crossing of the Rainbow Bridge, whichever is most appropriate.  Do take care of yourself. You can be justly proud that you gave Shadow the best years of her young life.



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4 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Well, we’re heading out to Dinner with Neighbours tonight, so our timing is on! @rafinmd Roy, thank you for putting my DD on the care list, but you can take her off now. The immediate danger has passed, and China has ceased the saber rattling - for the moment. As long as nobody dares them to invade, they seem to back to the uneasy truce that marks the status quo. 
@kazumy heart is breaking for both you and Shadow. My college training was an Animal Health Technician and I spent several years working at a busy small animal hospital in Vancouver. While it isn’t common to see a dog survive distemper, it’s not that rare. I have never, however, seen a survivor actually recover. Someone at the rescue involved, both in Egypt and here, indeed has rescue blindness as Susan says at the expense of reality and compassion. I am so sorry.

@ger_77 thank goodness you posted today. I was a little worried. Don’t underestimate the fatigue. It’s normal to be completely drained and to take a few weeks to get your energy back. Don’t push yourself. It will just set you back. And yes, it’s frustrating!

on a happier note, we visited Punta Arenas in February 2020 and had a wonderful tour. With an eight year difference, it’s even possible some of the dogs sleeping in the shade of the statue were the same ones, or the children of dogs in previous photos! 

We arrived at the first viewpoint ahead of the ships tour busses. The vendors were just setting up, and a dog was enjoying the warm sun in the cool air of Patagonia.


instead of the view over town, here are some chimney pots right beside the lookout, courtesy of the steep slope.024ABF15-23CC-47B3-AC21-F8A767A6EB00.thumb.jpeg.4071021f6bff8e300df9f44e79af1eb4.jpeg


Same statue, different year. And different dog. Or is it?



Replicas of the explorers ships. They were so tiny to cross the seas and to live so long in such cramped quarters!BD78274A-6567-407B-BAB5-09235371A0AA.thumb.jpeg.6cd746f491edf355e54d348022d10231.jpeg


DH and I steering The Beagle.



An interesting restaurant in town where we had lunch, and the menu.



The baked king crab chowder was amazing!


A local artisan shop. In a corner was a bag of rustic, rough spun local wool dyed with plants on hand and of uneven thickness. I bought a ball and made a bowl.


And the rough spun bowl today.


And the old Fort, partly restored, guarding the entrance to the strait.



The church with the million dollar view.


The palisade fence cresting the hill like a Mohawk haircut.


And wild Calafate berries. It is said that whoever eats the calafate berries in Patagonia will someday return to Patagonia. I picked them and ate them, and wouldn’t mind returning at all.



Happy Wednesday, everyone, and May your BHB take you to whatever land your heart is calling for!


Thank you for posting a nice collection of photos of the port and also of yourselves.



Edited by grapau27
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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess.  We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal.  Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999.  We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat.


The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage.






This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town.



When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church.







Palacio Sara Braun



The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping.  The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck.  You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture.





The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site.



Below are various scenes of the town as we wandered around.







This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about.



On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel.



Back at the pier, we saw this clock.






Superb photos Lenda.


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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Lenda those pasta shells sound wonderful! I love to take time cooking in my beautiful kitchen, having a glass of wine, chopping, stirring,  sauteing, another glass of wine... 


Jacqui dam already! Wish you could lock your house up and come stay with me til that black cloud in Canada passes.


Just found out a few minutes ago my girlfriends brother died a few hours ago. I don't have any news as to what happened but please pray for her (Debbie) and family! 

That is really sad news Joy.

Sending our prayers and condolences to Debbie and her family.


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50 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@JazzyV I loved your pictures, and your picture.  It was @ger_77whos adopted daughter was bringing them food.  My cats dont bring me anything but furballs.



Thanks. I don't know how that comment got there, I know it was meant for @ger_77. Sometimes my cursor jumps around. That's my story and I'm sticking to it 🙃! Or maybe not enough coffee!


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Just found out a few minutes ago my girlfriends brother died a few hours ago. I don't have any news as to what happened but please pray for her (Debbie) and family! 

 So sorry to hear about your girlfriend Debbie's brother. Prayers for her and his family, as well as you.

Edited by JazzyV
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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Just found out a few minutes ago my girlfriends brother died a few hours ago. I don't have any news as to what happened but please pray for her (Debbie) and family! 


I am so very sorry to hear this 😢 Prayers for Debbie’s brother & her and her family 🙏🏻 


@ger_77I hope you are soon feeling much better and negative 🤞 

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