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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday November 23rd, 2022


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Brenda, I'm glad they caught the cancerous spots early and hope the procedure goes well.



Annie, I hope you can figure out a way to work with the new boss.  I wish I could help with the $1000 question, but I'm also not good at asking for money.  BTW, there are a lot of rich people in Houston, but there are also a lot of people who don't have a spare $1000.



We have flown into and out of both London airports.  We stayed near Heathrow for six nights and found those hotels be be quite a bit cheaper than London hotels.  There is a free shuttle that runs between the terminals at Heathrow and the hotels within a certain area.  We took it to Terminal 1 and caught the Underground into London from there.  At that time, after 9:30 am the fare was half price.  We also rented a car at the hotel and it was an easy drive to Stonehenge.  I hope this helps your a little bit.



Thanks lenda, that dies really help. And graham, too. Appreciate the feedback.


another soccer giant falls. Germany lost their match against Japan!


@Vict0riannhappy anniversary!

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Wednesday Dailyites!  So many beautiful pictures you all have posted today!  Thank you!


Several things going on today, lights flickering in the house.  Seems it happens when the new (3 year old) heater turns on, if there is another major appliance (like the washing machine, the dryer, the oven, on at the same time.  This is not good, wiring is 59 years old.  When I started dating DH his roommate was an electrician, however he passed away about 10 years ago, so we need to find someone.  I think it might have something to do with all the vines that have attached to the lines from the street.  DH thinks its a faulty fuse box.  I would hate to have a spark somewhere in the house that burns the house down.


Last night we had an emergency Zoom meeting for the Houston campaign.  We were told that if we did not start our ask at 1000 dollars we would be let go.  Turns out that I was not the only one that wasn't doing this, but my calls were monitored yesterday.  And after the meeting I sat at my computer cursing my bosses.  I am not good at asking for money.  The bosses keep telling me that people in Houston have money.  I must not be calling the right people.  Any way after my brief temper tantrum, I started signing back in, and my phone rang. It was the BIG boss, so I could not ignore the call.  She wanted to tell me that I had the best rapport with our patrons than anyone else, and she really didn't want to let me go, but I had to figure out how to get that big ask.  She told me how to go from being their best friend to a serious fund raiser.  But there was something else that was bothering me, and I feel like a child again, and dont know who to tell in management what my biggest fear was. Not rejection, heck, in this job I am used to rejection, it was the news that they were bringing in another boss to assist with this campaign.  A boss that I asked to be let go from in April because I absolutely hate her micro managing, and her ability to belittle employees.  A woman who shows up as a manager for the zoom meetings, and dresses to appear like Lady Godiva (naked).  So I can wait to get fired, or I can ask to be moved to the Lincoln Center only, if she is not going to be part of that campaign, or I can do what she tells me and pray that I get moved to Hollywood Bowl in January, and be done with this.


Sorry about the rant, but if anyone has any ideas on how to ask for 1000 bucks right off the bat, I would love to know.  After that phone call, I called out for the rest of the day. Walked the neighbors dog.


Boy, that is asking a lot IMO.  I’m not good at asking for money, either and not everyone has that kind of money to spare 😔 


However, some do.  In hopes that it is of some help to play with - how about something like starting off hoping they can support and if they seem amiable then … “We are hoping that everyone can dig deep and contribute $1,000 to this most worthy cause” if they say no then “any donation is sincerely appreciated of course - can you help?”


Not sure if that is the right way to proceed or not.  Sure sounds like a demanding task.  Do they have a postal (zip) code of wealthy areas and phone numbers for you?  these types of calls need to be targeted to the right people.  If they don’t supply you with the tools, the ask is way too much and frankly, I think it is too much anyways.


I remember when I first started managing out here.  My VP was adamant everyone was rich.  They weren’t and it didn’t take long to see that or prove it.  Sheesh.


31 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Hear Ye , Hear Ye ……
Tomorrow, Thursday 24 November in the Year of the Lord 2022 ,
In Victoria , British Columbia , Canada 
Ann and Patrick , our very good friends will be celebrating 
Their 60th Wedding Anniversary  ! 
Go and spread the word ………
All Hail the King !
Oyez, oyez, oyez !


Thank you Tony or should I say Antonius 😂 


A very happy and special anniversary to Pat and Ann @Vict0riann a day early 🥂 




14 hours ago, bennybear said:

@kazu@MISTER 67and @JazzyVThanks for the good wishes,  it has been replaced for now, but have to get a new one soon.  I told him I need a few more decades out of the new one, lol!  

Yesterday wasn’t my day,  was called back on two skin biopsies and both need to be reexcised as they were cancerous.  


But in the scheme of things,  not so bad and we will be dog sitting for a few days, should be interesting! Lol!  



Oh dear, Brenda.  So sorry to hear this 😞. I hope they can get it all and it isn’t too painful 🙏🏻. You will be in my payers 🙏🏻 

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3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report.  

Sorry I have been absent, however Suzi and I tested positive for covid. We are both feeling pretty bad, but hopefully the meds will start helping soon. We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.  

Get well quick.

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Good morning from SE AZ. Craig’s busy vacuuming and a bit later I’m going to finish making the dressing and the pie I never made on Monday. I started the dressing on Monday by sautéing the onions and celery in lots of butter and added the breakfast sausage which Craig finally was able to find at Safeway. Today I just need to finish it up. 

Yesterday I made a spinach casserole that DD requested for our big meal. We also took Blue in for a check up on his toe and Valley Fever results which were negative. He hurt his toe at Craig’s brothers house, it got caught between the slats on the deck and broke the nail above the quick. Our vet did surgery and removed the nail. It’s healing very well and hopefully a new nail will grow normally. 

The size of our Thanksgiving has gotten smaller. DS’s significant other has covid and the girls are sick. So, our gathering will only be 6 people. I’m going to find out if they want a delivery of food, not if they do because DS has never liked Turkey or ham. All he wants are the rolls. 

In our small town on the eastern plains in Colorado there was a diner that had a jukebox. I loved that place. I’ll save my cranberry eating for tomorrow.  I usually only drink espresso when I’m in Italy. 

We missed Kotor when we were on the Oosterdam in June. The sea was too rough to anchor and transport people in the tenders. However, we did stay a while waiting for some new crew to arrive. The Captain said that it was really important for the crew to come through Montenegro because they don’t require visas. I have a few pictures from the Bay of Kotor that I’ll share in a separate post. 

Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
Ann and Pat @Vict0riann we wish you a wonderful day tomorrow with these wonderful  words from "Hallmark "  I could not say it any better ......
"On your Diamond Anniversary, we send you all out love on this very special day,
Sixty years of giving happiness, love and loyalty to each other must not go unmarked.
We wish you many more years of love and good health together "
Martha and Tony , sailingdutchy 

Can you believe the prices in 1962, those were the days.

I remember paying 25 cents for a pack of cigarettes, twenty five cents for a bus or subway ride in Chicago. Ticket price for a grandstand seat at a White Sox or Cubs game was $1.25.

I was 16 years old in 1962 and managed to get a vendor's job for the baseball season at Comiskey Park and Wrigley Field, sold Coca Cola for 25 cents, peanuts for 15 cents, pop corn was 25 cents and an Ice cream cup was also 25 cents, commission was 20% or 5 cents for every Coke you sold.

Edited by MISTER 67
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3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report.  

Sorry I have been absent, however Suzi and I tested positive for covid. We are both feeling pretty bad, but hopefully the meds will start helping soon. We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.  

I hope you recover quickly with no lingering after effects.


@bennybear Sorry about the cancer spots, but thankfully it was found and can be dealt with.  


@marshhawk I would be fired quickly from your job.  I can't ask for money, especially that much money.  I hate when people make the assumption that I have that kind of money sitting around looking for something to do.  I would be tempted to never donate again.   


But, something else in  your post struck terror in my heart.  I started and went through the great appliance breakdown during the pandemic.  Thank goodness for those stimulus checks!   But, now I am in a new house with different appliances and I could start all over!   Pray that doesn't happen. 


@Vict0riann  In case I forget tomorrow with the hustle and bustle:



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Good morning and thanks all!   Appreciate all the kind words.  
@seagarsmoker hope you both feel better soon! 
@Vict0riann congratulations  tomorrow on 60 years!  @kazuglad your luggage is having such an interesting trip and will be home soon,  seems like you have teen age luggage, argh! 
a few more different photos of our lady of the rocks and Montenegro. 












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@superoma we have flown in and out of both Heathrow and Gatwick many times.  

From Heathrow it is easy to get into central London by tube.  We also have enjoyed visiting nearby Windsor when we’ve stayed at the airport overnight.   

From Heathrow you will be immediately on the major M roads for driving.    I don’t recommend it jet lagged.   We have found both the bus and trains very good and they  are both available at both airports.   We enjoyed taking a train out to Oxford last time and then renting a car and driving from there.  

So depending on prices either airport works,  Gatwick also has a quick train into London right from the terminals,   Both airports have good hotels for over nights.  


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5 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@superoma we have flown in and out of both Heathrow and Gatwick many times.  

From Heathrow it is easy to get into central London by tube.  We also have enjoyed visiting nearby Windsor when we’ve stayed at the airport overnight.   

From Heathrow you will be immediately on the major M roads for driving.    I don’t recommend it jet lagged.   We have found both the bus and trains very good and they  are both available at both airports.   We enjoyed taking a train out to Oxford last time and then renting a car and driving from there.  

So depending on prices either airport works,  Gatwick also has a quick train into London right from the terminals,   Both airports have good hotels for over nights.  


Thank you

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Scenes from the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. I don’t really know what each picture is of but do know that it’s all beautiful.  This is June 11, 2022 and also the day Craig lost his EarPods. The tracking on his phone never changed from location—Bay of Kotor, so I just think that the battery went out. 

The approach to Kotor is beautiful. Somehow this ship beat us. 







There were sailboats everywhere, this area was especially pretty with the little patch of beach. 






And sunset that evening. Gorgeous. 



Maybe someday we can return and make it to town. I really want to see the cat museum and store. 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you for the good wishes - Pat and I will certainly give thanks tomorrow for the time we have had to spend together!  I haven't been on Cruise Critic much for a couple of weeks, we have been having many hospital and doctor visits, and my news has all been good so far (heart monitor results should come in today, but I imagine I am just being anxious), polyps benign, bone density improving on Prolia;  Pat has not been so lucky and we are waiting for results from the 'scope they did the other day.  We have been surprised by the speed they have done things here, we hear so many complaints, but we have none!  I must say, each hospital visit I have seen more and more small children in the emergency waiting room.  That has been on the news, that children are getting the 'flu bug that is going around, and there is a shortage of children's Tylenol, actually the drug store shelves are almost devoid of all Tylenol products.  Fortunately, we stocked up on our day in Bellingham, before we had to come home early.


So that is all my news.  Prayers today for those ill, and we will toast those celebrating this evening.  DD is feeding us, I think it will be enchiladas.   Tomorrow we'll probably go out for dinner.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

...how about something like starting off hoping they can support and if they seem amiable then … “We are hoping that everyone can dig deep and contribute $1,000 to this most worthy cause” if they say no then “any donation is sincerely appreciated of course - can you help?”


@marshhawk, the phrasing @kazu offered above is almost exactly the script my Alumni Association used with great results when we were trying to move donors up a level.


If the donor declined the upsell, then the script used the line that we hoped they would continue their previous generous giving of $____. 


And, if they balked at continuing their prior giving, the script went to the final phrase @kazu offered as the closing 'ask' for any donation possible.


Hope this helps with your dilemma,


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2 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Got a fresh turkey that hadn’t been brined nor soaked in other solutions and the guy in the meat department splotcocked (sp?) it for me. It’s going on the Big Green Egg tomorrow early.

Spatchcock for those on those who are unfamiliar with the term...means to butterfly, to remove the backbone, thus allowing it to be completely opened out and flattened. Doing this reduces the cooking time significantly and allows the whole bird to be cooked in different, speedier ways, such as grilling.  @TiogaCruiser I'm sure your turkey will be delicious.


My DS is hosting Thanksgiving.  I just finished preparing my contribution to the meal: marinated shrimp with olives, shaved Brussels sprouts salad with apple and pecans, lasagna with sausage and spaghetti squash lasagna. 



Thank you to all who post on the Daily.  Positive thoughts to all who are ill or struggling; cheers to all who are celebrating.




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6 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

...we haven't seen the sun much this week which is really rare for the Sunshine State.


@MISTER 67 Isn't that the truth! I'm still in SWFL and dearly missing its usual dose of sunshine -- although the sun is trying to peek out now.


Things here are delayed. Our 'moisture check' was to be done by now but Tropical Storm Nicole pushed the contractors back and this past Sunday's torrential rains put other crucial needs ahead of ours. I'm glad I packed my patience. (Although the lack of sunshine was straining it...)


FEMA continues to pick up more and more Hurricane Ian debris along my barrier island's two lane road. Sadly, as the debris piles disappear, the devastation hidden behind them becomes more obvious. I'm blessed to be spared the suffering of so many.


This morning at Publix, I said to the cashier, "I don't know whether to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving or a Happy You Made It Through." With her eyes filling with tears, she said she's just thankful that, day by day, her family is making it through.


I have much to be thankful for and I hope each of you do as well. As I count my blessings, I'll add a prayer for everyone here in SWFL and elsewhere who is just making it through...



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Good morning all!

It's a beautiful sunny day, our rain is gone for a couple days. 🙂  I'm kind of dragging this morning, as I probably got 4-5 hours' sleep last night.  Oh to be on a rocking ship again!  Too much rattling around in my head, I guess.


Only 1 cranberry?  I like Espresso once in awhile but prefer a Latte.  That reminds me of the Neptune Suite First World Problem I had in our first and only NS last year.  The Eurodam Concierge tried but said they could only get Espresso pods for the coffee maker.  I don't want Espresso every morning, so just didn't use the coffee maker.  We'll be in our 2nd NS on the Koningsdam in the spring, and this time (in case they still only have espresso)  I think I'd like to bring my own coffee pods that would be compatible with that machine.   In a search on CC someone said the kind of coffee maker is a "Mocoffee" -- can anyone help me with this?


Love Jukeboxes, the quote is a good one, will pass on the meal but the drink and wine both sound good.  I adore Kotor!  We've been there several times.  Of course there are cats galore in that town, which adds to the appeal for me, but the beauty is astounding.  Definitely in my top choices in the Med!


Well the puppy is fitting in very nicely with DS, DDIL and her "big sister" Rogue.  She's having a great time playing with Rogue and looks very happy.


Our youngest DGS (7) has been sick since their first night at Whistler. 😞  I do wonder if it may be RSV, he has all the symptoms other than trouble breathing (thank goodness for that).  Needless to say, he's very sad not to be able to be skiing and having fun with the others.  I'm also worried it, whatever it is, will spread through the family there.


Jacqui @kazuOMG about your luggage!  Unbelievable that they want to deliver it between 11pm and 1 am.  I think I would just say let me come pick it up at the airport.  I know we were tempted when ours sat at SeaTac for a day longer than they said it would.


@seagarsmokerI'm very sorry to hear you both have Covid.  I hope you feel better soon.


Annie @marshhawkI'm probably not the best one to comment on your boss' demands about fund raising.  My antenna goes up when I feel pushed to buy/donate/spend $$ when I know what I can afford or not.  Too bad the boss doesn't know there are people like me who get turned off very quickly by pushy people. As an example, we have donated to Yellowstone Foundation for decades.  When they were taken over by a different group, their mailings became more and more pushy.  We still are donating, just because it's a cause near and dear to us.  But I do notice the change and am not happy about it. At least they aren't calling, but still...  I know you aren't pushy (bless you!) I wish you could find a different job. Again, sorry for being blunt, but it's really too bad your boss doesn't see that a lot of people get turned off by that.


Brenda @bennybearI'm sorry about the biopsy results but thank goodness it was caught early.

Nancy @ottahand7Good news that your DB's prognosis is better!

Sharon @Sharon in AZhow are you feeling today?  Better I hope!

Bruce @aliaschiefThank you for the photos of Hearst Castle.  I went once as a teenager when we lived in the Bay Area but at that age I didn't fully appreciate it 😉  I know I would love it now.


Here's a photo from last night.  Pepper tuckered out on DDIL's lap after playing non-stop with Rogue.



And here are the photos of Kotor that I shared last time.


Sailing into Kotor





It's an easy town to just wander around in.







I could easily post dozens of cat photos from Kotor, but will just leave this one here. This was just outside the Cat Museum.



I had vowed not to buy any more souvenir magnets, but this one captured my heart.



We took a boat excursion to the Skrpjela Baroque Church.  View of our ship from the boat.



We passed this monastery on St. George's Island



Just a couple photos of the church --



Part of the ceiling






Baroque church.jpg


I have procrastinated long enough, time to get those pumpkin pies started.  Have a great day everyone!


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Good afternoon.... nearly. Sunny and a bit warmer today. Supposedly we have more weather coming in next week. We shall see.


Out to the shelter this morning to put some information in personnel files. Unfortunately we had to let a long time employee resign. We will miss him. While there everyone was rushing about because someone stole a kitten!!! We caught it on tape... and we know who it was. The individual was given an hour to return kitty or charges will be filed. Honestly, with video cameras all over the place you would think they would know better. The individual had already been determined to not be a good home. Police are standing by.... to retrieve a cat???? Life does get interesting out there.


Today's destination looks really interesting. Great pictures.



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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Spatchcock for those on those who are unfamiliar with the term...means to butterfly, to remove the backbone, thus allowing it to be completely opened out and flattened. Doing this reduces the cooking time significantly and allows the whole bird to be cooked in different, speedier ways, such as grilling.  @TiogaCruiser I'm sure your turkey will be delicious.





Thank you.

When I first heard about the technique I tried to commit it to memory by visualizing a rooster hitting a wall……. And I NEVER get it right without help.


maybe “ butterfly” would be better.

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A quick afternoon check-in.  

@bennybearI'm sorry to hear about your results; you will be in my prayers that they'll be able to remedy the situation for you.

@seagarsmokerwishing you both a return to good health, very soon!

@Sharon in AZhope you're feeling better soon!


Bright sunshine and a temp of +1C will bring down a bit of the snow, but I'm pretty sure there will be lots for the grandsons when they come on the weekend.  Maybe I can get a couple of small shovels for them and they can make a path to the bird feeders . . . hmmm.

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Good afternoon everyone. Another mass shooting , this time at a Walmart. There is so much hate and availably assault rifles that this will just keep going on and on. I don’t think assault weapons should be so easy to get.

As we prepare here for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have been part of this group for the past several years. I guess we started when the pandemic did. It feels like family.

Stay safe everyone,


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