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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 27th, 2023


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Good morning, everyone!


Each day a little bit better.  I'm still pretty tender, but not as bad as it was.  I can roll over in bed without being in pain.  Not much on the agenda for today.   Sue is going back north this afternoon for her ex-MIL's 92nd birthday party.  She's picking up River and taking her to the party so she can see her great grandmother.  We don't know if River's dad will be there or not.  He needs a good kick in the patootie where River is concerned.  It has been a year since he's seen or talked to her.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that one, but don't think I want to make the trip.  So, I'll stay home and watch TV.  


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, that was really scary reading about your episode last night.   Especially when they said that your heart rate was abnormal. Please, please, please follow up with your doctor when you get home.  Remember that heart issues don't present in women the same way they do in men.  


Thank you again to Tina @0106 for the stellar job on the Meal of the Day.  She has graciously agreed to continue on through Tuesday and then I'll re-evaluate my situation.  This is taking a bit longer than the gallbladder did.  It did turn into a 5 hour surgery.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning from a calm and partly cloudy central Texas.  It is currently 66F and will be about 84F this afternoon.  I'll be heading outside as early as possible to mow and trim the yard before it gets too warm and there are still some shady areas in the yard.  Afterwards, I'll be washing the cars so we can put the car covers back on the two we don't drive often.


Old time player pianos have always fascinated me.  We added a modern day player to our piano about 30 years ago.  It uses 3 1/2 inch floppy disks.  Remember them?  DH made some with music he downloaded from the internet.  I'll be using a lot of sun screen while I'm doing the yard work.  The original cellophane tape was good, but the modern tape is better.


Zhuangzi quote is true, and like Jacqui @kazu I thought of "dust to dust" when I read it.


We'll pass on the meal, but I enjoy the Thai spring rolls on BHBs.  The drink is good, and the Riesling sounds nice with a decent price.  However, my Chateau St. Michelle Riesling costs less, so I'll stick with it.  Chateau St. Michelle makes a dry Riesling, a late harvest Riesling which is sweet, and one in the middle which I like.  It is slightly dry with just a hint of the sweet.


We visited Rarotonga in 2004 on Tahitian Princess.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


The evacuation of Dunkirk was a great undertaking using both military and civilian watercraft to get the trapped soldiers out of Dunkirk.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope you are feeling better this morning, but that must have been scary for your DH and DS too.  I'll add my advice to see your doctor when you get home.

@superoma  Eva, I'm glad lawyer said if needed he could push probate through quickly.  Hopefully, the bank won't require probate.  Just remember that you and your DS need to take care of yourselves and don't overdo.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you had help getting the dock in place.  I hope you can get the pump working and don't have to make a special trip into town for parts.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you are more comfortable today.











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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's a beautiful 45F and sunny here again this morning.  Yesterday I couldn't tell you that but I'm hoping you see my morning post today.  Did I just jinx myself?  Thanks Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report.  @portofrome must have been waiting for you!  Nice days today to celebrate, with Player Pianos, sunscreen and cellophane tape.  Amazing how there's a day for everything.  I don't know anything about the quote or quoter but it sounds profound.  The spring dinner wraps sounds promising.  Classic rum punch and a riesling will be popular with some drinkers.  And how exciting and important that Dunkirk operation must have been.  I really need to see that movie!  Thanks Debbie @dfish or Tina @0106for the menu suggestion and thanks Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepardfor the cocktail and wine today.  


Prayers for all our Care List folks and I'm hoping that list gets shorter soon.  The Celebration List isn't long enough so let's add to it if we can.  Thank you Eva @superoma for handling those lists for us.  


The scholar has graduated and went to the all night party the class held.  He's still not home.  After the ceremony he and the family enjoyed a 3 layer cake that was sky high prepared by his Mother.  It was triple chocolate with vanilla icing.  Even though it was chocolate I didn't eat a single bite!  Wait, what???  Sorry I just couldn't.  


I had the schedule wrong for last night.  We have dinner reservations tonight because the graduation was from 6 pm to 8 or later.  So we had a quick barbecue at 4:30 and left for the arena at Eastern Michigan University at Ypsilanti at 5 pm.  It was packed and we seated ourselves on the third level up from the floor where the graduates were.  It went on and on while people made long speeches.  During the speeches I felt really bad.  The rushed barbecue didn't sit well with my stomach.  Plus we'd had a huge sandwich at lunch and the night before I had a chopped salad at a restaurant that had odd ingredients and dressing.  So my sensitive stomach wasn't having it.  I left with my niece to watch over me once to get some air and a drink of water.  Felt slightly better so came back.  By the time they started announcing the A's I was feeling dizzy, light headed, dripping sweat down my forehead, and told DH to hold onto me so I didn't fall onto the row below us.  Then he says I tilted my head back and shook slightly like I was having a seizure.  Maybe I was trying not to faint, but I don't remember it.  He and my son grabbed my hands and led me out of the row, barging in front of all the other folks in that row.  They led me outside where two security guards asked if I was alright.  No, they said so they took me to the training room where a trainer took my blood pressure and oxygen levels while seated.  He gave me water, then everyone insisted I be checked out by EMT's.  So they wheeled me outside the back door and a fire truck arrived and three EMT's did some checking on me.  By that time the ambulance arrived and the paramedics did an EKG right there in the parking lot.  Checked my glucose.  Everything was coming back perfect except my heart rate, but hey!  There was a lot going on and 6 people attending to me.  I declined going to the hospital and insisted I be wheeled inside so I could hear them call Kai's name.  They took me to a tunnel that leads into the arena and I saw him walk up the stage and have photos taken.  I was more concerned with DS missing it!  At that point, DH and I were ready to leave so one of the security guards went with us to the parking lot and we got home quickly after that.  The rest of the family followed in about half an hour because they were stuck in traffic. 


Perched on the sofa watching everyone eat cake,  I was still feeling lousy so we went up to our room.  After a visit to the porcelain bowl where I removed the offending barbecue dinner, ((sorry!))  I felt somewhat better and went to bed, but I'm still not 100%.  I had a really bad night.  I just can't eat large meals and odd combos.  Today it will be something light for breakfast like toast.  Sorry for the long story but I can be long winded sometimes. 


To continue here, the port of the day is Rarotonga, Cook Islands which we enjoyed viewing on March 26, 2021 and April 17, 2022.  Links are below and so are the photos.  Feel free to share your adventures there!




We stopped in today's port of Rarotonga, Cook Islands in 2017 on the Maasdam.  That was the cruise my birthday was celebrated onboard two days in a row.  What fun that was!


We didn't schedule a tour here but heard from the destination expert that you could take a bus ride around the island quite easily and decided to do that.  


Being greeted upon arrival. enhance


Beautiful hillside views from our port town of Avatiu.enhance


Views from the bus along the route.enhance






Near the end of the bus tour. enhance




Back in town off the bus, we could browse all the goodies for sale at the market.enhance








Then we walked past the Catholic church.enhance






Heading back to the tender to the ship.enhance


I wish we were all there right now.enhance




Hoping for a better day for me today and a great day for all of you!



Oh my. Sandi. I am so sorry  this occurred. I echo Debbie in saying to PLEASE  get checked out when you get home.I hope you feel better soon.

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Good morning all. Prayers said. Off to make muffins and enjoy company. DH didn’t sleep last night, not good!  Too worried about something I guess. He gets that way sometimes. Funny how we each get to worrying about different things. 

I made a rum punch for us last night…. I’m not much of a recipe person, just use what’s on hand. This was rum, lime juice, peach mango juice and ginger ale. It went down too easily!  

Glad @StLouisCruisers you’re feeling better!  Hope it continues. 
@Denise T thinking of you and your long flights today!  🤞

@dfish Glad you made it through the day!  Making progress!

@superoma You made a heap of progress!  Hoping you are able to take care of yourself too. 


I have good memories of Raratonga. We took the circle island bus to a resort and rented kayaks for half a day. Paddled around in the lagoons, so beautiful. They use New Zealand $s so that made it a bit easier. There were two buses running, each going the opposite direction. Open sided buses, it was so pleasant. So South Pacific!  

Blessings to all in need. Cheers to all celebrating. Bon Voyage to the cruisers!  And safe travels to all away. 

Grateful Thanks to all the families who have lost loved ones in their service to our country. 

May everyone have a safe weekend! Maureen 

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Good Morning to All!!


Thanks for the info and thoughts for those on the care list.  BV to those sailing soon!


Today is the official date on my retirement papers. Never thought I would get here; never thought I would live this long. In a way, it is scary but in other ways, exciting. I am not one who can sit in a rocking chair knitting 🤣 so now I am the pilot of my ship and only I will decide when and where I point my compass.
I am signed up to be a substitute teacher and (second choice) in Health Offices for 2 school districts here in Tucson. Hopefully, that will work out but we will see. I have many adventures planned and look forward to adding many pushpins to my world map!
I am off to set a new course and who knows where it will take me!! 🥰
Have a great day everyone!!
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1 hour ago, travelnap said:

Don't worry Bob, that stuff never holds that long.  Just be thankful she didn't use duct tape.

In the pantry next to the cellophane tape is Gorilla Duct Tape; so I am on my peas and cues everyday!

Edited by RedneckBob
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@Denise T  Safe travels today.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, enjoy your first full day of retirement.


As I mentioned, we were in Rarotonga on Tahitian Princess in 2004.  We took the bus around the island.  


These pictures are from our bus ride.





We spent some time on the far side of the island at a beach.







Back in town, we walked around and made a big purchase of a Styrofoam cooler for our cabin, which I wonderful steward keep filled.








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Rarotonga, Rangaria, Raiatea; it’s confusing to me. They are all beautiful islands but I just call them the roto rooter islands.


When last in Rarotonga had a scary experience. Groups of us on a private snorkel trip and I guess one of the snorkelers thought we would snorkel from the beach or in shallow water. When he entered the water from the boat he realized we were in 20 foot deep water and he panicked even though he was wearing an inflatable vest. It took two crew members and one of us to pull him out the water. Always be prepared when you go snorkeling and know your limits. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It's fascinating to watch an old time player piano in action.  Every day should be sunscreen day; wish I'd listened to that advice when I was a teenager, rather than slathering myself in baby oil and sitting in the sun to bake!  Glad for the invention of cellophane tape - works much better than glue when wrapping gifts.


A partly cloudy day out there right now, and we're only expecting a high of +21 (70F), but that's okay, it means working in the yard will be comfortable.  Yesterday we went out and bought some small celosia plants to put around the dahlias that are not doing well.  We've got 4 pots of them, and I've deadheaded them, but don't see many buds coming, so I don't know what we'll do.  Likely end up using a lot of pot stuffers to disguise them, I guess.


@StLouisCruisers what a scary experience for you and your family!  As our Daily friends have already said, please get yourself checked out by your doctor ASAP!

@superoma wow, you've done a ton of work on your Dad's estate already; take the time you need, and care for yourself as well.

@Nickelpenny welcome to the first full day of retirement - enjoy every bit of it.


I like today's menu suggestion - when we had our lovely Sophia living with us, we often made fresh rolls using shrimp, lettuce, carrot, cucumber, etc.  They were delicious!  Today we're having a couple of guys in for dinner who we haven't had the chance to see in a very long time.   We used to get together with our young families and have great cook-outs, but we've tamed things down as the years passed.  Tonight we're calling it Put Pork On Your Fork, with barbecued pork chops, corn on the cob, coleslaw, dilled potatoes, and a dessert that will be provided by the guys.  They're brothers, and one is a great cook, while the other is a great supervisor.  LOL  We'll enjoy food, conversation and good company on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a cold (55F) and very rainy and windy Bluffton, SC.

It promises to be this way all day and most of tomorrow.  Not a very nice way for the unofficial start of summer here in the Low Country of South Carolina.

Thank you to Rich, Eva, Tina, Dixie, Ann and Graham for all the information we need to get us going this morning.

I am glad t hear that Debbie @dfish is on the mend and I hope that trend continues.

Sandi, @StLouisCruisers you must have been scared out of your wits.  I hope you are doing better today.  

Eva @superoma I hope you can settle things quickly with your Dad’s estate. We are still having our difficulties with DBIL’s estate.  It will take a good long time for that.  We now have an attorney both in New York and another here in SC. By the time we pay them both there will be nothing left for us.

By mutual agreement our cleaner has decided to come tomorrow.  The weather is so bad and she has a long trip that I did not want her driving in such bad conditions.  She was grateful. So she will come tomorrow instead.  


We plan to work on the cruise ports today and just stay inside.  Nowhere to go in this kind of weather. Our community postponed our Memorial Day Picnic as well.


We will skip the Meal and wine.  I love Rum Punches and will probably make a bunch and put it in the fridge.

Have not been to the port.


Hope everyone has a good day and a nice weekend.  Stay safe.

God Bless,


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Good morning, Dailyites. Happy Saturday!


Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. I’m at the car dealership getting an oil change. Later I’m volunteering at church (tomorrow, too). DH is on his way home from visiting his bro and wife in AZ. 


Thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers for all the celebrations. 


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7 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning, Dailyites. Happy Saturday!


Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. I’m at the car dealership getting an oil change. Later I’m volunteering at church (tomorrow, too). DH is on his way home from visiting his bro and wife in AZ. 


Thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers for all the celebrations. 




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Good Morning from a windy and warm day at the beach

   Looks like the skies have finally cleared and it promises to be a nice weekend. 

   one of my aunts had a player piano, we all loved it. Wonder what happened to it, will have to call my cousin.

    We were scheduled for Rarotonga but it was bypassed. Hopefully next time. thanks for all the pictures. Looks beautiful.  I wear sunscreen most everyday.

    @dfish Debbie, glad to hear you are doing better. 

      @StLouisCruisers  Sandi,  that sounds very scary. Please follow up with your doctor.  Rest and get better.

       @Nickelpenny Welcome to retirement. May you have many happy and healthy years of enjoyment.

    Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning and thanks for the Daily and all the information!


Thinking of @dfish, @superoma, @StLouisCruisers (scary, agree with others, hope you can see your doctor soon - and Congrats on the Graduation!)   Thinking and 🙏🏻 For all on our care list, and all those in need. 

Congrats to @Nickelpenny on retirement, and to @DeniseT, heading to your long awaited cruise! 

Excitement in my house - DD, DGS & I leave a week from today!  4 days in Italy, then board Symphony of the Seas from Civitavecchia on June 8. We will be back home on June 16th.    


Our June 4th arrival (connection through Frankfurt) into Rome is uncertain. Nationwide airport ground handling strike scheduled for Italy airports on the 4th.  Supposed to be “guaranteed” take off and landing times of 6-9 am and pm - our flight due in at 5:40 pm 🤷🏼‍♀️  United won’t let us change to next later flight until our connection is officially canceled.  Oh well - I have backup plans to get us to Italy. 


Feel sad boarding our fur boys that long, but we did a test there, and they loved staying together in same kennel.    They will also get private play time with just the two of them (the mini Aussiedoodle, Brutus, needs his exercise, but he’s not the dog friendly type). We need to leave lots of babies, as Brutus greets everyone with a baby (or two) in his mouth.  


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Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  We are off the ship and safely home.  The dirty clothes from the cruise are washed and put away.  I’ll need to figure out where to put some of the souvenirs.  I have no idea what’s for lunch and dinner but suspect neither of us will cook.

@StLouisCruisers I agree with others please check in with your PCP when you get home.  Very scary situation.

I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning and thanks all! 

@StLouisCruisersyikes! I echo the others, please get checked by a doctor.  Better safe than sorry. 

@dfish glad you weren’t too uncomfortable!


! @0106 great looking recipes!


Well, we had a totally unexpected, lovely surprise in the mail yesterday! 




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Good morning all!

Partly cloudy today, heading to the mid 60's.  I plan to make a visit to my favorite nursery and get more annuals to add to my pots.  This week the Cottonwood fluff is blowing, making gardening not as pleasant.  I'm not allergic (thankfully) like many are, but it's still annoying when it's flying in my face and up my nose. 🤣  We hope the fluff will be less this year since we had 4 Cottonwoods removed behind us.  Also will get the lawn mowed, that will pick up some of the white fluff.


My grandparents had an old time player piano -- lots of fun!  We always have sunscreen on hand, and I'm not totally sure I know what cellophane tape is.  Googling just said something about merchants using it to wrap food...


The drink, meal and wine all sound great to me.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I also prefer the same Chateau St. Michelle Riesling.  I love how they mark on the bottle how dry or sweet it is. Mid-range for me too.  

Tonight we'll be having the strawberry balsamic glazed salmon.  Yum.  Costco had the Copper River Salmon, our favorite.


We'll be in Rarotonga on the Grand Australia next year.  It looks like taking the bus 'round the island is the thing to do and I already had that on my trip spread sheet.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for your great photos.  Is it kind of a HOHO?  (would we be able to get off at a beach and back on the bus later?)


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Yikes!  I was holding my breath all through your post.  How very scary for you not to mention your family.  Is it possible you have an allergy to something in the BBQ?  


Debbie @dfish I'm glad you're taking it easy and know not to push yourself. They say the 3rd day is the hardest, so be easy on yourself.


Jake @Crazy For Cats Welcome home!


Brenda @bennybear Wow, how great is that?!  I know here the President sends letters on your 100th birthday (my Dad got one) but nothing for a 50th anniversary. 




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@cat shepard I chuckled at your comment that you wouldn't be interested in that 2020 Long Shadows Poet's Leap Riesling.  I have an idea for you.


Long Shadows is a terrific winery producing multiple varietal wines by different winemakers.  I went to their web site to see what is new with them and saw that the 2021 vintage of the Poet's Leap Riesling was fermented to complete dryness.  If you happen to stumble onto that one, you might want to give it a try.

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