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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 5th, 2023


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Good afternoon, Dailyites, we will be leaving soon to go to a Celebration of Life for a recently deceased neighbour.  This morning Pat needed to go to the dump, so first we had a coffee at Butchart's and checked out the dahlias, I was wondering if they were still in the ground, but they are going great guns.  Some must be 10 feet tall!  And huge dinner-plate flowers.  That's what you can do when you know how to keep the deer out!  There was great excitement when a little garter snake visited in the cafe area, the Australians were especially fascinated!  A garden employee watched over it as it made its way to a flower bed.  The gardens were crowded with "sticker people" off the Ovation OTS.  Lucky folk, they were here for the day and the sun was shining.  Then we dropped off the metal recycling at the dump, and came home for lunch.  


Some of the flowers.











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7 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!  


It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan.  Temperatures will be falling to a more fall like level.  That's ok, I love sweatshirt weather!   Yesterday we got up all the leaves in the back and side yards.  We filled 6 leaf bags.  Today it looks like we didn't do a thing.  We decided we wanted to get a start on the leaves.  Last  year the previous owners never raked a leaf and left them all for us.  We moved in on a Saturday and the leaves had to be at the curb on Monday for city pickup.  


Today I have an appointment with Social Security.  I will get retroactive benefits to April, but from here out, I get almost enough to cover my Medicare premium.  I should be getting more, but because I have a pension from the State Teachers Retirement System, I am considered a double dipper and they reduce my social security by 2/3rds.  Oh, well.


Today's meal sounds really good, but the squash is a starchy one and with the rice puts it over the top on carbs for me.  This first one is great for the vegetarians and you can leave out the cheese for the vegans.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/stuffed-butternut-squash-with-wild-rice/




We had a stuffed butternut squash a while back so this recipe might look familiar.  Today's meal is specific to stuffing it with wild rice.  This next recipe includes chicken sausage with mushrooms and cranberries along with the rice.  https://www.skinnytaste.com/stuffed-butternut-squash/




This next one cooks the squash, scoops it out and mixes it with the rice, goat cheese, pecans, and cranberries.  Then, the mixture is stuffed back in the squash shells.   https://inspiralized.com/wild-rice-stuffed-butternut-squash/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Thanks for the post about SS and teacher pensions. I have the same teaching pension/social security issue. I have wasted hours at Social Security offices, sent register mail to various offices with no response. Currently, some House of Representatives members (including the representative from our area), are sponsoring The Social Security Fairness Act. If passed, the Fairness Act would repeal both the GPO and the WEP.

I wrote to our area representative regarding this issue and requested a reply. The reply explained the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) in great detail, a waste for me as I have spent too much time studying the law. I would rather have learned who is sponsoring this, who is opposed and will any change happen if the legislation moves forward. Historically, similar legislation has remained in committee for years. I plan to keep corresponding with representative and remain, ever hopeful. 

Edited by Norseh2o
Left out a word.
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18 minutes ago, Norseh2o said:

Thanks for the post about SS and teacher pensions. I have the same teaching pension/social security issue. I have wasted hours at Social Security offices, sent register mail to various offices with no response. Currently, some House of Representatives members (including the representative from our area), are sponsoring The Social Security Fairness Act. If passed, the Fairness Act would repeal both the GPO and the WEP.

I wrote to our area representative regarding this issue and requested a reply. The reply explained the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) in great detail, a waste for me as I have spent too much time studying the law. I would rather have learned who is sponsoring this, who is opposed and will any change happen if the legislation moves forward. Historically, similar legislation has remained in committee for years. I plan to keep corresponding with representative and remain, ever hopeful. 


I think the original idea was to curb those who were getting two large government pensions.  For example, an attorney who gets a large social security benefit but who also served as a judge or elected official and gets either a large state or federal pension.  By large, I mean bigger than your average worker.  That was seen as double dipping.  But, when your social security is less than $500 a month it is hardly a windfall.  On the other hand, the argument is that if you contributed enough to earn those benefits, you should get them.   Mine will almost pay my Medicare premium, but not quite.  Oh well, every little bit helps.  

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My understanding of the offset in social security for state employees is that while working for the state you don't have the same social security deduction from your pay checks as employees who work elsewhere.  After retiring from the Navy I worked for the Defense Department long enough to retire from there.  I had to choose whether to accept Civil Service retirement or USN retirement, so I gave up my 20-year Navy retirement.  Still kept all the other benefits such as Tricare, though.


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3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Happy Thursday everybody , today a different story from sailingdutchy 
Fall time has arrived in SW Ontario so a few pics from farmingdutchy , the gardens are empty and I am well on my way to get them ready for spring once the snow has melted . This is just one on my gardens , I have used the fallen leafs to keep the pathways free of weeds next year .
Today the skies are grey but yesterday it was brilliant in our woods and love to share it with you.
Across the road the feed corn is ripening and drying 
Oh Canada ......
In a few days it is Canadian Thanksgiving , yes we are earlier than you folks below the 49th Parallel because Thanksgiving is a harvest festival and we have to do that earlier than you’ll below the 49th Parallel before the snow flies . So this year it is on Monday Oct 9 , 2023 . 
……………and guess what we already have a turkey in the freezer that DMIL at 97 will be preparing for us on the weekend so we do not have to get one of these guys that just came to visit us today , all 9 of them ………
Have a beautiful day everybody ………..got to do some last minute stuff for our next cruise coming up soon ! 
Tony 😍

I always enjoy your pictures and commentary.You live in a very beautiful area. Thank you!

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@JazzyVIt might be the meat.  When I cut back from eating red meat (which I love) and then eat red meat, it does not love me back.  Not until I have conquered it, by continuing to eat it.  Which right now, it's pricey to do.  I hope your tummy feels better soon.  I've currently been on a chicken, fish and pork diet.  But I know I will hear a steak calling  out to me on the cruise ship. Since we have reservations at the steak house.  I hope the day after is a sea day.


I have a name for the pain in my arm now.  It's a pinched olm nerve that runs along the arm.  I have begun to notice that when my hand is doing nothing, and i hold it out, the pinky will not be still. It twitches all the time, and I can't feel it move, just see it move.  The therapist squeezed my arm yesterday, and said she could feel the tenseness of the nerve.  Whoopee.  Too bad she can't feel the pain too.  Then she would understand how awful being in pain all the time is.


@sailingdutchyI love your woodland pictures, and the turkeys.


We headed out to Long John Silvers tonight for fish and slaw.  The food is good, the service is terrible.  How can you be a fish place, and tell the customer, that since we ordered fish, it would take a few minutes.  And when i need extra tarter sauce, the counter attendant ignored me 3 times.





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@Cruising-alongWhat is the name of the blackberry killer you use? And where do I find it? Is it safe around some bigger trees? The blackberries seem to invade everywhere. Thanks!

And I'm very confused about teacher retirements and Social Security. Is it each state that determines the deduction? I don't think DH has a reduction but now I'm not sure. As a Civil Service retiree with just enough civilian work time to qualify for SS, my Medicare is paid and I receive $54/month-whoopee! It will be time to celebrate if the windfall and offset provisions are eliminated.

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11 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Sandi.


Thank you Graham.  I'm glad you enjoyed them!




9 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

I love today's days - where would we be w/o awesome teachers? We should act as though everyday were do something nice day - doesn't that sound marvelous?

I'm good on the first part of the quote, but lost in the back half 

Pass on the meal, would try the wine, not been to Norway. 

The days all certainly made their own impact on the world; love the Beatles, not so much Mr Bond but acknowledge "he" impacted the world, lol.

70° headed to 82°. It rained last night!! That's worth celebrating. 

Shoulder is not happy today - I'm sure it's angry about the sideways move the surgeon & Chriro attempted to get it to do yesterday, but how are we to know what it can do if we don't see what it can't do? Probably not that deep - it just doesn't move that way yet, lol.

DH was prescribed a new med - didn't know he was given reading material on it until I found scraps of it in the yard that the dog had not quite finished eating. Ugh

Oh, rec'd notice someone at work nominated me for recognition as a Compassionate Leader. How humbling, no idea who so I guess I'll thank everyone. 

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 




Congratulations on your honor being nominated as a compassionate leader!  That must feel so good!




6 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I don't think you need a prescription for the RSV vaccine in the U.S., if you are in a group for which it's intended: adults over 60, those who are pregnant, and young children.


HOWEVER, the recommendation is for "shared decision-making," meaning that you're supposed to consult your health-care provider. As far as I can tell, a pharmacy won't ask you to prove that you did.


"Adults 60 years and older should talk with their health care provider about whether RSV vaccination is right for them. There is no maximum age for getting RSV vaccination. RSV vaccine is given as a single dose."




One other thing to consider is that, because it goes to Medicare Part D, not Part B, your Part D plan may not cover it in full. As it's a new, brand-name drug, my plan will have it in Tier I and I haven't met the deductible this year, there will be a large co-pay, like there was for Shingrix.


A week ago I read that Georgia required a prescription for the RSV vaccination, but when I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask some questions the tech said that was no longer true, that it had just changed.  With my chronic cough not getting better (just the opposite) I am considering getting a shot.  DH has no problems with his lungs at all and probably wouldn't.  We both get flu shots every year though.




6 hours ago, kochleffel said:


My top one would be starting political discussions with strangers. It has happened to me twice. Once just a (possibly drunk) British passenger at a shared dinner table carrying on about American politics, once several different passengers, all from the U.S., starting to yell at me the moment they learned where I lived.


Paul, on our 2017 cruises around Australia, Tasmania, PNG, and NZ we had four sets of table mates at dinner due to the various cruises passengers coming and going.  One set arrived and sat at our table, and an Aussie farmer (he told us all his occupation immediately) started a rant upon finding out we were Americans.  It had to do with the second amendment.  DH told him that was enough and he was welcome to leave our table if he couldn't hold his tongue.  He never mentioned it again but he certainly wasn't our favorite table mate ever. 🙄  Who wants tense conversations during dinner??




6 hours ago, kazu said:

Just dropping in to say hi from Amsterdam.








I will see if I can catch up but it might be another day.  Busy day and a bit weary.


Still in one piece (miracle of miracles).


Prayers for all those that need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Best wishes to all




Jacqui, I love the canal boat tours!  I hope you have a most enjoyable journey this time.😊




4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

On board and finally on the internet but unpacking is next.




Glad to hear the transfer went smoothly and you are settling in on Crystal Serenity.  We're all following along!




4 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Happy Thursday everybody , today a different story from sailingdutchy 
Fall time has arrived in SW Ontario so a few pics from farmingdutchy , the gardens are empty and I am well on my way to get them ready for spring once the snow has melted . This is just one on my gardens , I have used the fallen leafs to keep the pathways free of weeds next year .
Today the skies are grey but yesterday it was brilliant in our woods and love to share it with you.
Across the road the feed corn is ripening and drying 
Oh Canada ......
In a few days it is Canadian Thanksgiving , yes we are earlier than you folks below the 49th Parallel because Thanksgiving is a harvest festival and we have to do that earlier than you’ll below the 49th Parallel before the snow flies . So this year it is on Monday Oct 9 , 2023 . 
……………and guess what we already have a turkey in the freezer that DMIL at 97 will be preparing for us on the weekend so we do not have to get one of these guys that just came to visit us today , all 9 of them ………
Have a beautiful day everybody ………..got to do some last minute stuff for our next cruise coming up soon ! 
Tony 😍


Tony, I love the fall colors photos, and the garden being put to bed for the winter.  The turkeys are awesome!  We used to see them in Missouri but they are seen only rarely in my neighborhood here in Georgia.  One time in Missouri a mama turkey and her babies strutted through my back yard.  Adorable!




3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Every day should be do something nice day. I'm no poet. I salute teachers, including my dearly departed DM. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Tromso. 4 interesting days.


It's currently 81F and sunny. The last of these really pretty days I think. Well, yesterday was a mixed bag. The new eyeglasses seem ok, and my bloodwork was fairly normal. BFF came to pick me up for dinner carrying roses. I said to him that we'd agreed on no gifts. He didn't consider the flowers a gift, lol, so I have a dozen beautiful pink roses. I had a nice dinner of steak, baked sweet potato and a salad. Unfortunately like the last time I ate out, I had bad intestinal issues from the time I got home until this morning. I had specifically tried to eat sort of plain things. I've sent a message to my GI person. In addition, I was awakened twice during the wee hours with leg pain. On a good note, my eye exam this afternoon regarding the uveitis showed all quiet in the eyes. Again, thanks for all the Birthday good wishes yesterday. 


@StLouisCruisers I was happy to read that Scott has shown improvement. That's wonderful about DD's former students sending those emails of appreciation. Lovely Tromso photos.

@rafinmd On to your Serenity cruise!

@luvtoride I had to look up what ROMEO stood for, lol.

@smitty34877 I do hope the new aide works out.

@RMLincoln I hope DH's bloodwork reports are ok. And that you both have minimal side effects from your vaccines. Lots of brownie making going on at your house!

@Smmessineo A wonderful sentiment about how doing something nice can be small and not cost a thing.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Tromso. I scheduled for the RSV vaccine online at my pharmacy. No mention of a prescription. I'm going to check if there's a charge.

@dfish Hmm, I didn't know Social Security had those type of rules. That sucks.

@marshhawk That cat sitter sounds like a piece of work, using your stuff while at your house, and not coming and feeding the cats as he should! Nice of Donna to make the offer. I do hope you find joy in your life again.

@Haljo1935 I hope the shoulder is less sore soon. How nice that you were nominated for recognition as a Compassionate Leader! Congrats.

@luvteaching Enjoy the day with DM.

@Seasick Sailor Yay to feeling fine! 

@Norseh2o Wow, you've been busy! Enjoy the Audi A5; I'm jealous.

@kazu Thanks for stopping in, and lovely photos. Enjoy Amsterdam!

@sailingdutchy Nice garden area, but I bet it's a lot of work. The changing colors of the trees are very pretty. 

@mamaofami I hope everything is ok with you and Sam.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry to hear about the stomach problems after your dinner last night.  Not fun at all!  Not to mention the leg pain at night.  I remember having leg pain last year and no one could pin point why (physical therapist thought it was a Baker's cyst).  Well, last winter it went away completely!  I am so thankful for that.  Praying for relief for you soon!  So nice about the pink roses. 🥰




3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good afternoon, Dailyites, we will be leaving soon to go to a Celebration of Life for a recently deceased neighbour.  This morning Pat needed to go to the dump, so first we had a coffee at Butchart's and checked out the dahlias, I was wondering if they were still in the ground, but they are going great guns.  Some must be 10 feet tall!  And huge dinner-plate flowers.  That's what you can do when you know how to keep the deer out!  There was great excitement when a little garter snake visited in the cafe area, the Australians were especially fascinated!  A garden employee watched over it as it made its way to a flower bed.  The gardens were crowded with "sticker people" off the Ovation OTS.  Lucky folk, they were here for the day and the sun was shining.  Then we dropped off the metal recycling at the dump, and came home for lunch.  


Some of the flowers.












Ann, the flower pictures are gorgeous!  What a beautiful day.




14 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@JazzyVIt might be the meat.  When I cut back from eating red meat (which I love) and then eat red meat, it does not love me back.  Not until I have conquered it, by continuing to eat it.  Which right now, it's pricey to do.  I hope your tummy feels better soon.  I've currently been on a chicken, fish and pork diet.  But I know I will hear a steak calling  out to me on the cruise ship. Since we have reservations at the steak house.  I hope the day after is a sea day.


I have a name for the pain in my arm now.  It's a pinched olm nerve that runs along the arm.  I have begun to notice that when my hand is doing nothing, and i hold it out, the pinky will not be still. It twitches all the time, and I can't feel it move, just see it move.  The therapist squeezed my arm yesterday, and said she could feel the tenseness of the nerve.  Whoopee.  Too bad she can't feel the pain too.  Then she would understand how awful being in pain all the time is.


@sailingdutchyI love your woodland pictures, and the turkeys.


We headed out to Long John Silvers tonight for fish and slaw.  The food is good, the service is terrible.  How can you be a fish place, and tell the customer, that since we ordered fish, it would take a few minutes.  And when i need extra tarter sauce, the counter attendant ignored me 3 times.






Amazing about Long John Silvers service.  After my hair appointment this morning, and DH had done a lot of errand running during it, we stopped at Arby's to see if they had any roast beef.  If you recall, earlier this week someone (sorry, can't remember which of us) stopped at Arby's and they were OUT of ROAST BEEF!  Well, ours had some and there was a huge serving of it on our sandwiches, but honestly we both thought there wasn't much taste to our it. Even the barbecue sauce I put on it didn't help. We don't eat there often at all, but I remember them tasting so much better back then.  Guess I'll stick with chicken at Chick-fil-A.🐔


I'm sorry to hear about that arm pain caused by the nerve.  It sounds pretty bad and I wish there was something they could do to help you.


Good night all!

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42 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@Cruising-alongWhat is the name of the blackberry killer you use? And where do I find it? Is it safe around some bigger trees? The blackberries seem to invade everywhere. Thanks!

Hi Susie, we used Image by Lilly Miller.  DH got it at Home Depot.  It kills blackberry, tree stumps, and kudzu plus 85+ brush, vines and weeds. It says not to let the spray to drift onto plants and trees you don't want to harm (don't spray on a windy day).  Since it's just Cottonwood stumps and blackberry vines behind us, we haven't had to worry about getting it onto the "good plants". 

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“A week ago I read that Georgia required a prescription for the RSV vaccination, but when I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask some questions the tech said that was no longer true, that it had just changed.  With my chronic cough not getting better (just the opposite) I am considering getting a shot.  DH has no problems with his lungs at all and probably wouldn't.  We both get flu shots every year though.”


Sandi I always told my families we vaccinate not only for ourselves but to protect our loved ones. So it would be a good idea for DH to be vaccinated to lessen the chance RSV coming  into the house making you sick. 

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3 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

My understanding of the offset in social security for state employees is that while working for the state you don't have the same social security deduction from your pay checks as employees who work elsewhere.  After retiring from the Navy I worked for the Defense Department long enough to retire from there.  I had to choose whether to accept Civil Service retirement or USN retirement, so I gave up my 20-year Navy retirement.  Still kept all the other benefits such as Tricare, though.


My teaching salary was not taxed for Social Security, but I always worked other jobs that were.  After retirement I worked and paid into Social Security. They were jobs that didn't pay much, so that is why my benefit is so low, but I still think it is wrong to take 2/3 away.  


But, it doesn't matter what I think.  It is what it is.

Edited by dfish
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4 hours ago, dfish said:


I think the original idea was to curb those who were getting two large government pensions.  For example, an attorney who gets a large social security benefit but who also served as a judge or elected official and gets either a large state or federal pension.  By large, I mean bigger than your average worker.  That was seen as double dipping.  But, when your social security is less than $500 a month it is hardly a windfall.  On the other hand, the argument is that if you contributed enough to earn those benefits, you should get them.   Mine will almost pay my Medicare premium, but not quite.  Oh well, every little bit helps.  

I agree. Neither pension or SS is large. But, the GPO and WEP reduce the money significantly, If I live to 100 as I expect, the lost money will be more than  1/2 million. 

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 I do believe DH had SS deducted. What really irks me is I won’t be able to ever claim on his account, if that’s where life leads us. I was glad when we both didn’t end up teaching for the same district but now I see there were other drawbacks. I guess life is never perfect, is it?

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Annie, @marshhawk, when we lived in Kenya, I injured my elbow driving our car which had a really stiff gearbox.  The doctor there told me that when we left and I wasn't driving it, the ulnar nerve would repair itself.  It didn't, and eventually, when we moved here, I had surgery to "release" it.  That didn't help much, and I have struggled with it for 40 years now.  It's like having that electric shock feeling when someone hits your funny bone.  My pinkie finger and the one next to it are affected, but I'm lucky I haven't lost the use of my hand.  Do try to immobilize your arm (for weeks!) and I hope it will go away over time.   My arm has been really bad, too, the last couple of days, and I can't figure out what I did to aggravate it, usually chocolate or too much coffee will do it, but I don't think I've had too much recently.


Do you think you did it from the tree sawing and cleanup you've been doing?  I think it can be something like carpal tunnel and be from some repetitive action you've been doing.  So don't do it!!

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This will be short since we still don't have internet.  It should be restored about midnight.  My cell service is flakey.


@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I missed your post this morning.  Glad you are feeling better.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry about the tummy issues.

@marshhawk  Annie, the pinched nerve could be from all the computer work with repetitive motions.  Hopefully, being away from the computer on your trip will help.


Better quit while I still have a signal.



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1 hour ago, Norseh2o said:

I agree. Neither pension or SS is large. But, the GPO and WEP reduce the money significantly, If I live to 100 as I expect, the lost money will be more than  1/2 million. 





1 hour ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

 I do believe DH had SS deducted. What really irks me is I won’t be able to ever claim on his account, if that’s where life leads us. I was glad when we both didn’t end up teaching for the same district but now I see there were other drawbacks. I guess life is never perfect, is it?


No, it isn't perfect.  In some states SS is deducted.  In 1987 they started deducting for Medicare.  What irks me is that for the last 10 years I was considered an independent contractor and I paid the employer and employee share.  Grrrr.  

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The therapist says the best way to help the olm nerve is to stretch and move. Apparently getting older and not as active as I used to be didn't help either.  When I was cutting branches with the huge cutters, I was fine afterwards.  When I was using the small cutters (like wire cutters) for the vines, I tingled for two days!  I was on the computer for 8 hours today, and I'm tingling.  Pinky has a mind of it's own.  Tomorrow morning is PT at 9 a.m..  I should be good for two and a half hours on the phones.

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18 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

The therapist says the best way to help the olm nerve is to stretch and move. Apparently getting older and not as active as I used to be didn't help either.  When I was cutting branches with the huge cutters, I was fine afterwards.  When I was using the small cutters (like wire cutters) for the vines, I tingled for two days!  I was on the computer for 8 hours today, and I'm tingling.  Pinky has a mind of it's own.  Tomorrow morning is PT at 9 a.m..  I should be good for two and a half hours on the phones.

I had trouble with my ulnar nerve and they thought they'd need to reposition it at the elbow. But with therapy it got better. My only remnant is a slight bend to the ring and pinky fingers when I open my hand completely.

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3 hours ago, Norseh2o said:

I agree. Neither pension or SS is large. But, the GPO and WEP reduce the money significantly, If I live to 100 as I expect, the lost money will be more than  1/2 million. 

I’m in the same situation.  I get a Civil Service Pension but the Social Security is minimal. It is based on work i did before working for the Federal Gov.  I cannot collect spouses benefits and if DH passes first i will not be entitled to widow’s benefits either.  Very unfair.  

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8 hours ago, Norseh2o said:

Thanks for the post about SS and teacher pensions. I have the same teaching pension/social security issue. I have wasted hours at Social Security offices, sent register mail to various offices with no response. Currently, some House of Representatives members (including the representative from our area), are sponsoring The Social Security Fairness Act. If passed, the Fairness Act would repeal both the GPO and the WEP.

I wrote to our area representative regarding this issue and requested a reply. The reply explained the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) in great detail, a waste for me as I have spent too much time studying the law. I would rather have learned who is sponsoring this, who is opposed and will any change happen if the legislation moves forward. Historically, similar legislation has remained in committee for years. I plan to keep corresponding with representative and remain, ever hopeful. 

This bill goes to the House every year.  It never gets any further.  I have watched it die in the House year after year.  At first I was hopeful. Now i just don’t bother anymore.  It is never going to happen.


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