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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday October 6th, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn.  PAs should have their day.  I see a wonderful one for my primary care.  I purposely chose her for ease of access.   I have physicians for my RA and asthma treatment.    Fun quote by Einstein.    Great two days in history.    The Sabin vaccine began the end of polio and iron lungs and the beginning of the basis of NATO  is also very important.   Pass on the Cod dish, the cocktail and the Mark West Pinot Noir, I have had it before and it wasn't a favorite.   @StLouisCruisers thanks for the photos of today's port. 

Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine.  @RMLincoln I hope your DH continues to improve and thinking of you as you make a lifetime move to NJ.    

It is a beautiful morning here but things go south quickly with wind and rain through Saturday evening, a good excuse to watch horse racing from Keeneland and Belmont at the Big A, though I think Phillipe is sending rain toward Long Island again.   We are going to Walmart this morning and that is about all the excitement we have around here for today.   Have a lovely day.  Nancy 

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50 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Sunday noon a realtor comes to give us her take on selling our condo. I’m not expecting good news with markets diving, interest rates up (but nothing like what I paid for my first house in the late 70s). Seems my path in life is to buy houses high and sell them low, but thankfully the next egg has grown in between the buying and selling!  

Our NCL Joy cruuse stopped there and the ship had a problem at security for people getting back on, the line was 90 minutes!  We sat on a park bench for 2 hrs waiting comfortably till the line was only 10-15 mins while enjoying the local entertainment on the pier, happy it wasn’t raining, but it makes us not wanting to choose Joy again. Of course Havens guest were allowed to cut in at the front of the line Maybe that’s worth the extra $$$?  

Hoping there are only good things happening in your lives today!  May peace and healing happen in our country, your country and the world! 🌎. Maureen 


Thanks for the memory of the housing market in the late '70s. My first house's mortgage rate was 10.56% - and the market went even higher than that!


Sailing in Yacht Club, MSC does the same for its passengers. Last year when we did cruise in YC, the French seemed rather upset that MSC would do that for us. But this year we just cruised in Fantastica. The Germans were more accepting and orderly in line when YC passengers were moved in front.

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Wishing all our Canadian Dailyites, as very happy Thanksgiving weekend.


 Good morning from a still dark central Texas.  Sunrise is not until 7:26 this morning.  It is 64F and feels like 64F, but our high will be 85F.  There is a 5 mph breeze with 98% humidity and a dew point of 63F.  It is getting to the time of year, when we need to start the day with jeans and change into shorts later in the day.  Tomorrow the high will be 73F, and then we'll be back in the 80s for the next week.  Fall temperatures are always a roller coaster in this part of Texas in the fall.


Tomorrow will be a good day for cooler weather since we'll be inside for several hours watching the Red River Rivalry.  For those not familiar the RRR, it's the annual football game between Texas and Oklahoma.  It's held on neutral ground in the Cotton Bowl during the Texas State Fair in Dallas.


I'll take my walk later this morning, but first I have an appointment for a very much needed hair cut.  With all that's been going on, it's been six weeks since I had a hair cut.  Talk about shaggy.


Our internet was still out when I went to be last night, but it was back this morning.  You don't know how much you use the internet until it's down.  The phone company has been installing fiber optic cable along the main road to our little community.  They are also installing new phone lines on the poles.  Those lines still need to be hooked up.  


I looked up come and take it day, but I'll pass on it.  The Mad Hatter is an interesting character in the book.  I'll celebrate Physician Assistants.  On my rare visits to the PCP's office I see the PA.  It was the PA who first suggested DH needed a head CT Scan that lead to the NPH  diagnosis.


The Albert Einstein quote is very good.  We read to the DDs every night when they were little.  By the time they started school, they would bring library books home for us to read to them.


I think we'll pass on the mead today.  DH likes broiled cod, but neither of us is a fan of curry.  We'll pass on the drink.  We've had today's wine and enjoyed it.


We have not been to Albany, Australia, but I grew up near Albany, Texas.  The name is where the similarity ends.


Two good days in history beginning with Harry Truman.  When the Salk vaccine first came out, we got our shots at school.  As soon as the Sabine oral vaccine arrived, my father took me to the junior high school one Saturday where the vaccine saturated sugar cubes were being distributed.


@RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your DH's telemed visit went well and that things are coming along with the move.  Enjoy your retreat.

@cat shepard  Ann, thanks tor the continued well wishes for DH's recovery.  It will be slower than what we expected before the surgery.  BTW, I'm not sure what normal is anymore, or if our life was ever was normal.  😉

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Albany.

@Denise T  Denise, I'm happy Fancy is doing much better.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news about your DB and DSIL taking you out for dinner.  I'm glad is was fun.  You deserved a break like that.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I remember those interest rates.  The mortgage for the house we bought in 1980 was 13%.



















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Debbie and Ann for your dedication to keeping this thread going on a daily basis.

interesting Days.

Very interesting and true quote.  

i think i will skip the meal.  Curry and I do not go well together.

The drink and wine look like they would be a hit.

I have not been to Australia.


i have nothing much planned for today except get the month’s finances in order so that it is not a mad rush before we go away.  

I am starting to feel the crunch with a number of things to do before we leave.


One of the things I have to do is get a lot of old documents together for shredding.  Our town is having a free shredding event on October 14 and each household is limited to 2 small boxes of paper. This is good.  We used to have these periodically prior to the pandemic and then they stopped.  So this is welcome.  However, I need to get these sensitive papers together.  Then on the 14th get there early because once the trucks are full, they close up.


Today is the second anniversary of my DBIL’s passing.  He was such a special person and so much a part of our lives for so many years. It was an honor to care for him and it gave me a whole new perspective on special needs persons.  I know that DH still misses him.  Would you believe that we are still trying to settle the estate?  The court is really taking their sweet old time.


Prayers for everyone and cheers for those celebrating and cruising.

God Bless,



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Good morning, everyone!


It is going to be a nice sunny morning here in mid-Michigan with a projected high of 63F.  Then the temps drop and we'll have highs in the mid 50s.  Sweatshirt weather is my favorite season!  Not much on the agenda today.  This weekend we have the new car show out at Northwood University and the Parade of Homes.  Both are fun to walk through.  


Today's meal sounds interesting to me.  I'd like to give it a try.  As the first site says, you can play around with the spices to get the mixture that suits you best.  https://shreddedsprout.com/2020/03/03/poached-cod-in-tomato-curry/




This one is slightly different and I like the addition of the lime before serving.  https://gfchow.com/2022/06/16/poached-cod-in-tomato-curry/




This one is way different and has no coconut cream.  Just for you, Carolyn @Cruising-along!

I'm not sure I'd like the chick peas in it, though.   https://onthebias.nyc/poached-cod-in-tomato-curry/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach

     At least it is not raining at present. Our golf course remains closed. I may have to take up @RedneckBob advice and go to Tampa to golf! 

      We missed Albany due to weather. So thanks for the pictures. I agree with Sandi @StLouisCruisers, an Australian circumnavigation is a great trip. We totally enjoyed ours last fall.

      I will be happy to see a BHB in Port Canaveral today. Will have to do a drive by as it is very rare, only when doing a repositioning in the fall season.

    Off to water aerobics.


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Interesting collection of days - 1 important to TX Revolution, 1 should help lighten the mood & lift spirits and the other important for patients & medical providers. I can surely support medical care & caregivers.

 Reading is important - fairy tales or not.

Pass on the meal, the drink sounds nice, DH would like the wine, not been to AU.

Days in history should be remembered. 

66° sunny, headed to 86°. I am thrilled to see a temp under 70!! And even a high under 90 is worth a smile given the summer we've had. No rain forecasted, but tomorrow's high is to be only 72° so that's still a win.

So happy for Friday - I just want some 💤 😴 to see if I can shake this cough. Also need to unpack from cruise & repack for the next one - just don't feel like it, hoping feeling better will motivate me. No idea what clothes to pack, but will include Therabands for the shoulder. And will not overflow to a 2nd suitcase!!

I'm sure I will feel worse about leaving the fur babies for another 2 weeks than they will being left behind. They travel w/us except for cruises, so leaving them is hard.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Is Come and Take It Day like curbside recycling where everything at the curb is open for others to take?  Both DH and I have a number of hats, but don't think we'll be wearing any today.  Yay for Physician Assistants - a valuable position in any medical clinic.


Thank goodness for scientist Sabin's vaccine - I do recall getting the shot as a child, and later just a drop on the tongue.  A friend of ours had polio as a child, albeit a mild case in that he didn't have to go into an iron lung, but today suffers from post-polio syndrome and is having great difficulty walking.  


Well I'm glad I brought the plants in to the house last night because right now we're sitting at -6C (21F).  Looking at the forecast for the next number of days, it seems we can put them all back out on the deck because we aren't expecting another frost for at least a week.  Might as well get them as much sunlight as possible before we have to bring them in and use grow lights to supplement the usual light they would get.  Here's what our dining table looked like last night.



@smitty34877I'm so glad you had an enjoyable evening out; it's good for the soul to get out of your regular surroundings for even a couple of hours.

@RMLincoln enjoy your retreat!


This morning I'm making cupcakes and this afternoon DH and I will bring them over to a friend (her husband has the post-polio syndrome) for her birthday.  Other than that there's not a lot on the agenda - I've taken the turkey out of the freezer and it's thawing slowly in the spare fridge, so Thanksgiving dinner preparations are under way.


I think today's drink of the day would be great on a warm summer's day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, but will take a pass on the menu suggestion.  Of course it's Friday night pizza night, so on our way home from our friend's this afternoon we'll stop and pick up something hot and cheesy that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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The term "mad as a hatter" comes from the hatmaking industry, where mercury was used, causing poisoning with symptoms that resembled insanity. "Mad Hatter" refers to Alice in Wonderland, but the character there is called just the Hatter. The physician assistants I've encountered, in primary care and at the ER, were excellent.


I agree with Einstein but I would not limit it to fairy tales, which are a specific subgenre of folk tales.


I remember the mass vaccination campaigns using the Sabin oral vaccine, which began in the U.S. in 1961. The trials of it took place outside the U.S., mostly in the Soviet Union, because the introduction of the Salk injected vaccine in 1955 had reduced the community circulation of the polio virus too much to make a U.S. trial valid. Oral polio vaccines are used in much of the world, but an improved version of the injectable one is used now in the U.S.


I would be fine with the cod in tomato curry, might like the drink but not too often. For a Pinot Noir, I'd go with Lakewood Vineyards 2022, although it's another one that's only available by subscription. I've been to Albany in Oregon and New York, and New Albany in Indiana, but never to the one in Australia.





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Ok folks, I have something serious to talk about, not trying to be funny. I have been posting on this thread for a little over a year almost on a daily basis and found great  info on ports of call especially photos of the ports. Also general info on drinks and food are great, and many more things.
Yesterday I saw this thread on HAL that ended almost as soon as it started. Since this thread was started has this ever been an issue?



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Good morning. Fall is here. Current temp is 37 with a high predicted of 68 although I think it may do a bit better and get into the low 70's. I need to start prepping my heaters for winter. Usually turn them on about the 15th. Food and drink does not appeal today - think I am getting fussy. I have been to Albany on the final world cruise of the QE2. Did not see much of it as I, in common with most people on the ship, had an awful cold. The shuttle drove us from the ship to a pharmacy which did a real rush business that day. Look forward going back on the GA and hopefully enjoying the town and countryside.


Since I no longer have to go out the Humane Society, I have been leading a very quiet life. I do some dog walking and that is it - both my dogs daily and the shelter dogs twice a week. I am getting a lot of reading done and many books out of the back bedroom which doubles as a library. And today's big project is to mop the floors..... whoopeeeeee!!!


My best wishes to all,  both skin and fur. My pups are full recovered from their dentals and seem ready to take on the world. @kazuI envy you the time in Amsterdam.


Counting down the days until the GA.... and beginning to panic a bit on clothes.





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Happy Friday.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  3 interesting days with a special salute to Physicians Assistants.  I have not been to that Albany.


I do like the Einstein quote.  Those 2 dates in history are well worth celebrating.


I'll pass on the Cod.  My alternative is Veal Consume, Grilled Pork Medallions, Steak Fries, and Rhubarb Tart a la mode as served last night on Crystal Serenity,





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Good morning or what is left of the morning,


I am late again to the party. I slept better and the cough is improving some. I suspect sitting out in the windy evening air watching DGS play soccer did not help. I was a bit surprised when my son told me one of the men watching the game was the coach of the “Academy” which starts at age 6 and is a tryout team. At 6?  I have to say the league he is on is good and all about the kids having fun while learning. ( DGS has figured out how to get first in line for the candy at the end of the practice/game!) I am just not so sure about tryouts this young. The coach came up and talked to DGS and commented on his game and specific praise. DGS is having so much fun I don’t want that to change. 

I encourage anyone who is interested in history to watch the documentary on the polio vaccine. It was eye opening to know we could have had it sooner if the two major players and one in particular played together better. Sad really. I am not sure we are that much better now. 

It looks like our cruisers are having fun. I am enjoying there tales and pictures. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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Good morning again.  I got my hair cut, and it feels and looks so much better.  My open day has changed a bit.  We are waiting on a tow truck to take our "fishing" car into the shop.  The last time we drove it, the fuel line broke and started spewing gasoline every where.  The car is a 1995 so things will happen.  It's been sitting in front of the house for the past three months.  Today, we finally got around to calling a tow truck, which I will follow to the repair shop.  Since I will already be on the edge of town, I'll head on over the the county seat and W-M.  I'd planned on going early in the morning tomorrow, but when I was in town earlier today, I remembered that tomorrow is Pioneer Day.  That is a good day to avoid town unless you want to see what all the vendors are offering.


2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Interesting collection of days - 1 important to TX Revolution, 1 should help lighten the mood & lift spirits and the other important for patients & medical providers. I can surely support medical care & caregivers.

 Reading is important - fairy tales or not.

Pass on the meal, the drink sounds nice, DH would like the wine, not been to AU.

Days in history should be remembered. 

66° sunny, headed to 86°. I am thrilled to see a temp under 70!! And even a high under 90 is worth a smile given the summer we've had. No rain forecasted, but tomorrow's high is to be only 72° so that's still a win.

So happy for Friday - I just want some 💤 😴 to see if I can shake this cough. Also need to unpack from cruise & repack for the next one - just don't feel like it, hoping feeling better will motivate me. No idea what clothes to pack, but will include Therabands for the shoulder. And will not overflow to a 2nd suitcase!!

I'm sure I will feel worse about leaving the fur babies for another 2 weeks than they will being left behind. They travel w/us except for cruises, so leaving them is hard.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



The reference to Come and Take It day being important to Texas history goes back to the Texas fight of Independence from Mexico.  At the Battle of Goliad, which like the Alamo was more of a massacre, the Texians, as they were called, had one cannon.  They yelled to the Mexicans to "Come, and take it."


1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Ok folks, I have something serious to talk about, not trying to be funny. I have been posting on this thread for a little over a year almost on a daily basis and found great  info on ports of call especially photos of the ports. Also general info on drinks and food are great, and many more things.
Yesterday I saw this thread on HAL that ended almost as soon as it started. Since this thread was started has this ever been an issue?




RNB, I've seen people trying to get a thread back on topic, but nothing quite like that one.  I think the second post closing the thread is a record.



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Good morning all!

It's a foggy morning here, but we'll have summer temperatures today and tomorrow 🤣  75 today and 79 tomorrow, then a sharp fall in temps.  Sometimes it seems that summer just doesn't want to give up this year.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I also looked up Come and Take it Day and will pass.  I always got a kick out of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland.  I sent a Happy PA Day to our DSIL this morning.  He's a great PA and his patients love him.  He also gives his DMIL and DFIL great medical advice!


I would like the drink but pass on the red wine.  Not sure about the meal, but the recipe Debbie @dfishchose for me would most likely be the one I'd like. 😄 Thanks!


I agree that any reading to a child works.  Our son was reading to me by the age of 4.  We will be in Albany on the GA, thanks for the photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers!  We have a "sea safari" private tour booked that day.

I think I was 6 when I got the polio vaccine.  We laugh now because my Mom had them put it on my thigh (so it wouldn't be visible).  Little did she know that less than 10 years later all the girls were wearing mini skirts!!  🤣  It really isn't that visible anyway.


I checked on my friend Ronda yesterday who is in the hospital with a kidney abscess and stones.  She's making tiny steps of progress, they put her on an antibiotic and will do some scans. Hoping she can go home on Sunday if this works.  Then she will have to deal with getting the stones taken care of.  Her blood sugar is more under control now (not great but way better than it was). She'll be seeing a urologist for the stones and going to a Diabetes class.  Vanessa @JazzyV thank you for putting her on the care list -- I don't know how you keep up with all off us.  She can probably be taken off now that she isn't in immediate danger anymore and things seem to be falling in place finally.  Many thanks!


Today we're waiting for a call back from our PCC.  We (I) got a wild hair yesterday and found a cruise to book for 2025.  Taking advantage of the $99 deposit.  It's round trip Seattle (huge plus for us), the 28-day Alaska/Arctic Circle. Another plus, it would be gone over the 4th of July and we'd miss all the booming explosions in our neighborhood. 😉  

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

I Phone or I Pad? There is a security update that Apple is highly recommending software update ASAP.

There is also an update to bring I Pads up to latest version.

This is a Public Service Announcement.😎

I find that they roll these out at staggered times. My iPad was updated about a week ago and my iPhone before that. My dh’s iPad never updates on the same day as mine. Always good to do updates since often they are correcting software issues

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8 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a foggy morning here, but we'll have summer temperatures today and tomorrow 🤣  75 today and 79 tomorrow, then a sharp fall in temps.  Sometimes it seems that summer just doesn't want to give up this year.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I also looked up Come and Take it Day and will pass.  I always got a kick out of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland.  I sent a Happy PA Day to our DSIL this morning.  He's a great PA and his patients love him.  He also gives his DMIL and DFIL great medical advice!


I would like the drink but pass on the red wine.  Not sure about the meal, but the recipe Debbie @dfishchose for me would most likely be the one I'd like. 😄 Thanks!


I agree that any reading to a child works.  Our son was reading to me by the age of 4.  We will be in Albany on the GA, thanks for the photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers!  We have a "sea safari" private tour booked that day.

I think I was 6 when I got the polio vaccine.  We laugh now because my Mom had them put it on my thigh (so it wouldn't be visible).  Little did she know that less than 10 years later all the girls were wearing mini skirts!!  🤣  It really isn't that visible anyway.


I checked on my friend Ronda yesterday who is in the hospital with a kidney abscess and stones.  She's making tiny steps of progress, they put her on an antibiotic and will do some scans. Hoping she can go home on Sunday if this works.  Then she will have to deal with getting the stones taken care of.  Her blood sugar is more under control now (not great but way better than it was). She'll be seeing a urologist for the stones and going to a Diabetes class.  Vanessa @JazzyV thank you for putting her on the care list -- I don't know how you keep up with all off us.  She can probably be taken off now that she isn't in immediate danger anymore and things seem to be falling in place finally.  Many thanks!


Today we're waiting for a call back from our PCC.  We (I) got a wild hair yesterday and found a cruise to book for 2025.  Taking advantage of the $99 deposit.  It's round trip Seattle (huge plus for us), the 28-day Alaska/Arctic Circle. Another plus, it would be gone over the 4th of July and we'd miss all the booming explosions in our neighborhood. 😉  

I have looked at that 28 day Alaska cruise and it looks good. Thinking, thinking.



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36 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Friday....My alternative is Veal Consume, Grilled Pork Medallions, Steak Fries, and Rhubarb Tart a la mode as served last night on Crystal Serenity,





Ooh, Roy - I would very much like to try the Rhubarb Tart a la mode!!

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46 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Are there any cruises that follow this itinerary?



https://www.smyril-line.com Is a ferry service that also stops in the Faroe Islands. 

i saw a tv programme about it, might have been the mighty cruise ships one on discovery, not sure.

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