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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday October 10th, 2023


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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!


DH and I are having all sorts of conundrums.  Last week DH went to the bank and ordered Euros in exchange for dollars.  The bank said he could pick them up at the bank, and they would call when they arrived.  Yesterday DH got a text from the post office, that something was wrong with the address, and they could not deliver the money.  Turns out that anything less than 1k is sent via the USPS.  So this morning we got up early, and we tried to complete our passport info for the flight to Italy, and for the life of us, and I mean both of us, we could not figure out how to complete the forms.  We submitted the Passport info, but they wanted more info, and there was no way to close the page.  


Then DH headed to the post office, with his phone, and the text.  They said in the text that in order to complete getting it delivered, he owed them 35 cents...I thought this is a total scam.  And he tried to charge 35 cents to his CC, and then they texted back that the numbers were not correct.  He is blind in one eye, and I am legally blind and run around with my grandfathers magnifying glass to read those little numbers on credit cards, and account numbers on bills, etc. but the numbers looked right to me. So DH is doing battle with the post office, and then he will do battle with the bank, because how could they not know that anything less than 1k wouldn't come to them.


And he just got home, and the post office informed him that the text was a scam.  Now to contact CC companies.


Donna said she would come over yesterday to get trained on the cat sitting, and she took off and was gone all afternoon.  And she has pool tonight, so that wont work, and tomorrow DH has an infusion, so that wont work either.  OMG!!  Way too much is happening right now!  Only two more sleeps until we leave!

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Interesting to read about Ada Lovelace. I just finished reading the recently published "The Wager" by David Grann. It is an account of a British warship shipwrecked on the coast of Brazil during the futile War of Jenkin's Ear with Spain. Aboard was John Byron, Midshipman, the grandfather of Lord Byron and hence the great-grandfather of Ada Lovelace. There were many trials and tribulations endured by the crew that originally numbered over 400 (that included starvation, mutiny, and even cannabalism) of which approximately 30 men survived. Through fortune, John Byron survived and his lineage continued. 


For those considering sailing or have sailed around Cape Horn and through Drake's Passage, it is a  fascinating  read!



Edited by Heartgrove
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Annie @marshhawk I'm very sorry to hear of all these problems cropping up in the final days before your cruise.  I hope you can get the Euros delivered, the credit card sorted out, and the cat sitter Donna to actually fulfill her promise to help with the cats while you're away.  I'll add you to my prayers to get all the help you can with your last minute problems.  I hope you can finally get to relax once setting sail.  You two deserve it!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I had to look up Ada Lovelace, but when I did, I was very thankful for her gift of knowledge that we take so much for granted today.  My ultimate fear is of snakes, and I will definitely not face that one.  We do have the metric system in Canada, but I still think of height in feet and inches, and weight in pounds.  Distance is easy because 100kms takes you an hour at 60mph.  Menus in Canada still describe steaks in imperial measures so you aren't left wondering what size you're ordering, and you can order a 6 or 9 ounce glass of wine.


We've got a cool but bright fall day out there this morning with a current temperature of 5C (41F); the daytime highs are gradually starting to go lower though, today being 19(66), but the rest of the week in the 11 - 13 range (51-55).  Afternoons on the deck are lovely with the sun shining through the windows; Sochi spends most of the afternoon out there and in her catio.


Not a lot on the agenda today, just heading out to W-M to pick up food for Sochi, and I have to make an appointment to get my shoulder looked at.  Because the weather's still nice, I think it might be the right time to put away the outdoor furniture and store the cushions downstairs before it gets too cold and wet.


@marshhawkoh my goodness, what a bunch of hassles you're having to endure just before you leave.  Once you are on the plane, I'm sure you're going to let out a huge sigh of relief!  I hope you can get everything straightened out quickly.

@cruising sistersuch sad news about sweet baby Murphy; her parents must be totally worn out with worry.


I know I'd like the drink of the day, would certainly enjoy the wine, and think today's menu suggestion would make a great dinner on a colder day.  There's still lots of turkey left so I think we'll be having hot turkey sandwiches with the remaining pumpkin pie for dessert on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in the wars in Ukraine and Israel, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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52 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!


DH and I are having all sorts of conundrums.  Last week DH went to the bank and ordered Euros in exchange for dollars.  The bank said he could pick them up at the bank, and they would call when they arrived.  Yesterday DH got a text from the post office, that something was wrong with the address, and they could not deliver the money.  Turns out that anything less than 1k is sent via the USPS.  So this morning we got up early, and we tried to complete our passport info for the flight to Italy, and for the life of us, and I mean both of us, we could not figure out how to complete the forms.  We submitted the Passport info, but they wanted more info, and there was no way to close the page.  


Then DH headed to the post office, with his phone, and the text.  They said in the text that in order to complete getting it delivered, he owed them 35 cents...I thought this is a total scam.  And he tried to charge 35 cents to his CC, and then they texted back that the numbers were not correct.  He is blind in one eye, and I am legally blind and run around with my grandfathers magnifying glass to read those little numbers on credit cards, and account numbers on bills, etc. but the numbers looked right to me. So DH is doing battle with the post office, and then he will do battle with the bank, because how could they not know that anything less than 1k wouldn't come to them.


And he just got home, and the post office informed him that the text was a scam.  Now to contact CC companies.


Donna said she would come over yesterday to get trained on the cat sitting, and she took off and was gone all afternoon.  And she has pool tonight, so that wont work, and tomorrow DH has an infusion, so that wont work either.  OMG!!  Way too much is happening right now!  Only two more sleeps until we leave!

Annie, i get one of those from the Post Office every day.  They are total scams and I just ignore them and report them as junk and delete them. Unfortunately, it happened at the same time that you ordered Euros.   


I hope you don’t have too much trouble.

Good luck.


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Good morning to all.  

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet report.

Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with our needs and celebration.  And to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for our nourishment and hydration.

Believe it or nor, i knew about Ada Lovelace.  Maybe from doing so many crosswords over the years.

I am always facing my fears.  Sometimes it causes me to cry.

Forget about the metric system.  Too old at this point to learn something new.  Too much work!


I had another night of broken sleep.  I went to bed around 9:30 and was wide awake at 3am.   At 6 am or so I was sleepy and went back to bed and slept til 9:20.  This is not good because it is not restful.  I am so tired I am unable to do anything useful.   Two weeks from today we leave for Italy and I have so much to do.  

The HVAC guy comes tomorrow.  He better show.  Tomorrow, bright and early I will call the company and make sure we are on the list.  As a matter of fact, I may call today so that there is no question.

I need to get everything back in the closet so that the house doesn’t look a mess but don’t want to put it all away only to take it out again tomorrow.

We also have to have the floor guy come back.  You all know of the love I have for him!!!!!

My cleaning lady hurt her back and she is out of commission.  No telling when I will see her again.

It never ends.

When DH was at the doctor last week, we spoke about memory problems.  He has an appointment with a neurologist next Wednesday for a consultation.  He is not happy and doesn’t want to go.  

Just too many things happening at the last minute.

Then I wonder why I am not sleeping.


Prayers for all.  Especially for Baby Murphy and her parents.  

Prayers for Sandy’s friends DH Scott.

Prayers for Carol’s DH Sam

Prayers that Annie can straighten out her mess with the PO text.


Cheers to those celebrating.

Take care everyone and have a good Tuesday.

God Bless,



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Good late afternoon from Portland, UK.




Sorry haven’t been here - having a busy time between life and the LIVE thread 😂 




hopefully sea days will provide internet 🤞 



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4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

Face your fears is hard but helpful if you want to overcome them.

2 other interesting days and quote.

Today's food sounds good as was my dinner last night.

Prayers 🙏 for all who are unwell.

Take care and stay safe.


Thought of you and other British friends today as we are in Portland, UK, on the Rotterdam.  We took the Port shuttle into Weymouth.  There were plenty of volunteer ambassadors to answer questions and direct us. We also took a local bus to Dorchester.  Nice day, despite the gray skies, at our only UK Port this trip.20231010_124808.thumb.jpg.dbfb757767a97be7091ff32ebee4bc31.jpg



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Few pictures of when we were in  Wellington , New Zealand in April 2013 on the Oosterdam and toured the city on our own to the wonderful Te Papa museum where we spend a few hours to learn a lot about New Zealand and than we took the Cable Car up to one of the large hills in the city to walk back down through the beautiful Botanical Gardens 
We had a very nice day and would love to go there again soon ! 
Have a great day everybody , back to slowly filling my suitcase ..........
Tony 😁😁
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Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days.  I won't be facing my fear of heights any time soon, repetition does not help with me. I like the quote, will pass on the red wine.  The meal sounds good but we had pasta just last night, the drink sounds very good.  


We will be in Wellington on the GA.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Tony @sailingdutchy for your photos.  We also plan on taking the shuttle into town and the cable car up to the gardens.  So am I correct in thinking we can get back down by going down through the gardens?  


Yesterday I heard from my friend Ronda -- unfortunately she's still in the hospital.  They moved her from Mt. Vernon to Virginia Mason in Seattle.  They're concerned more now about the fluid in her lungs, so she's getting treatments to drain that.  She's hoping to go home Friday, but we thought that a week ago too.  


Annie @marshhawk Oh my, you don't need all this stress right before you leave!  Those scams are getting worse all the time. I seem to get some everyday in my inbox (not from the P.O. yet, but from many others).  I hope everything gets straightened out soon and that you have a wonderful holiday!


Today we'll be going down to be with the DGSs.  First we'll watch the youngest at his cross-country meet, then we'll be with them tonight while DD and DSIL go to a concert.  So this morning I need to bake some cookies to take to them. 😄  Oh, and we'll get our pumpkin from DGS.  Now we may not be getting the 28-pounder, someone else is interested.  He has others though. 😉  

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20 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days.  I won't be facing my fear of heights any time soon, repetition does not help with me. I like the quote, will pass on the red wine.  The meal sounds good but we had pasta just last night, the drink sounds very good.  


We will be in Wellington on the GA.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Tony @sailingdutchy for your photos.  We also plan on taking the shuttle into town and the cable car up to the gardens.  So am I correct in thinking we can get back down by going down through the gardens?  


Yesterday I heard from my friend Ronda -- unfortunately she's still in the hospital.  They moved her from Mt. Vernon to Virginia Mason in Seattle.  They're concerned more now about the fluid in her lungs, so she's getting treatments to drain that.  She's hoping to go home Friday, but we thought that a week ago too.  


Annie @marshhawk Oh my, you don't need all this stress right before you leave!  Those scams are getting worse all the time. I seem to get some everyday in my inbox (not from the P.O. yet, but from many others).  I hope everything gets straightened out soon and that you have a wonderful holiday!


Today we'll be going down to be with the DGSs.  First we'll watch the youngest at his cross-country meet, then we'll be with them tonight while DD and DSIL go to a concert.  So this morning I need to bake some cookies to take to them. 😄  Oh, and we'll get our pumpkin from DGS.  Now we may not be getting the 28-pounder, someone else is interested.  He has others though. 😉  


Yes it is a very nice and easy walk down all the way through the gardens from near the exit if I remember well it was a short walk with the help of a little map or with your phone to get to the shuttle bus .



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I agree with what Tony @sailingdutchy that at the end of your walk down the hill of the Botanical Garden, you will be easily able to walk back to your starting point, or wherever the shuttle bus drops you off.  You will walk right by the Beehive and the Parliament Building.  The Beehive is the executive building of the Parliament. I found this nice map of the downtown area which may help you plan for your trip.




Try printing it off to take with you.  You can right click on the map, then click on open image in a new tab, and should be able to print it off with your printer.  


DH and I went to a local grocery pharmacy before lunch and got our flu shots and RSV shot.  I'll have to let you know which arm hurts worse tomorrow, but the RSV shot hurt more to receive than the flu shot did.  



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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:


Yes it is a very nice and easy walk down all the way through the gardens from near the exit if I remember well it was a short walk with the help of a little map or with your phone to get to the shuttle bus .




18 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I agree with what Tony @sailingdutchy that at the end of your walk down the hill of the Botanical Garden, you will be easily able to walk back to your starting point, or wherever the shuttle bus drops you off.  You will walk right by the Beehive and the Parliament Building.  The Beehive is the executive building of the Parliament. I found this nice map of the downtown area which may help you plan for your trip.




Try printing it off to take with you.  You can right click on the map, then click on open image in a new tab, and should be able to print it off with your printer.  


DH and I went to a local grocery pharmacy before lunch and got our flu shots and RSV shot.  I'll have to let you know which arm hurts worse tomorrow, but the RSV shot hurt more to receive than the flu shot did.  



Thank you Tony and Sandi, very helpful.  Sandi I printed off this map and am putting it in my (huge) folder for the cruise.  I'm looking forward to this day in Wellington. 🙂  


BTW we noticed too that the RSV shot burned a bit going in and after.  Otherwise a sore arm for a couple days and tiredness the first night.

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Good afternoon.  It is getting cloudy, which will be better when I work on the flower beds.  It looks like we'll be getting the convertible back later this afternoon.  While they have it, they are also going to check the motor mounts, as the firewood and the pothole could have damaged or broken them.  


The news on the "fishing" car is not good.  It probably could be fixed, but since there is a lot to repair, it would cost more than the car is worth.  It is a 1995 Volvo turbo station wagon that was totaled by the insurance company in 2011 because of hail damage.  Until the problem with the gas line, fuel filter and tank, it still ran well and from a distance looked good.  It is what we used when we needed to haul big, heavy loads.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good chilly morning,


Fall is here, cold one day and hot the next. I will wait a bit to got for a walk. Molly is a fair weather dog. 


I talked to my DSIL yesterday. No changes on baby Murphy. Still on the ventilator, still not tolerating feeds well and not gaining weight. So sad for all. 

My asthma is finally improving.  I hope to be swimming by the end of the week. I should be set for vaccines next week. 

I look forward to trying some of the recipes Debbie posted. I tried the white chicken enchiladas this weekend and they were a hit. Thanks Debbie for your contributions. 

Prayers for our care list and those around the world who need it. 

Happy cruising for our dailyites and have a great day. 




Lorraine, I was really hoping there would be better news about Murphy.  I feel so bad for her and the family.  I'm still hoping for a miracle.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We have another cool day with a mixture of sun and clouds.After I walked the dogs I decided to walk to the grocery store to pick up a few things.It was nice to be able to leave the house as Tana’s aide arrives around eight. So far it is going well as we all adjust to a new person,

I have not been to the port but appreciate the pictures. The recipe sounds good but tonight we will have leftover lasagna.

Have a great day everyone!


Terri, I'm glad the aide is working out, and that you have some time to get out of the house.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!


DH and I are having all sorts of conundrums.  Last week DH went to the bank and ordered Euros in exchange for dollars.  The bank said he could pick them up at the bank, and they would call when they arrived.  Yesterday DH got a text from the post office, that something was wrong with the address, and they could not deliver the money.  Turns out that anything less than 1k is sent via the USPS.  So this morning we got up early, and we tried to complete our passport info for the flight to Italy, and for the life of us, and I mean both of us, we could not figure out how to complete the forms.  We submitted the Passport info, but they wanted more info, and there was no way to close the page.  


Then DH headed to the post office, with his phone, and the text.  They said in the text that in order to complete getting it delivered, he owed them 35 cents...I thought this is a total scam.  And he tried to charge 35 cents to his CC, and then they texted back that the numbers were not correct.  He is blind in one eye, and I am legally blind and run around with my grandfathers magnifying glass to read those little numbers on credit cards, and account numbers on bills, etc. but the numbers looked right to me. So DH is doing battle with the post office, and then he will do battle with the bank, because how could they not know that anything less than 1k wouldn't come to them.


And he just got home, and the post office informed him that the text was a scam.  Now to contact CC companies.


Donna said she would come over yesterday to get trained on the cat sitting, and she took off and was gone all afternoon.  And she has pool tonight, so that wont work, and tomorrow DH has an infusion, so that wont work either.  OMG!!  Way too much is happening right now!  Only two more sleeps until we leave!


Annie, I'm sorry about the scam email, and I hope you get everything straighten out before you leave.  Even if I recognize the site on the email, I go to their official site and do not open any links in the email, unless I know it's from a verifiable source and is needed to finish something on the site.  We all just have to be so careful with emails, texts and phone calls now days.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all.  

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet report.

Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with our needs and celebration.  And to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for our nourishment and hydration.

Believe it or nor, i knew about Ada Lovelace.  Maybe from doing so many crosswords over the years.

I am always facing my fears.  Sometimes it causes me to cry.

Forget about the metric system.  Too old at this point to learn something new.  Too much work!


I had another night of broken sleep.  I went to bed around 9:30 and was wide awake at 3am.   At 6 am or so I was sleepy and went back to bed and slept til 9:20.  This is not good because it is not restful.  I am so tired I am unable to do anything useful.   Two weeks from today we leave for Italy and I have so much to do.  

The HVAC guy comes tomorrow.  He better show.  Tomorrow, bright and early I will call the company and make sure we are on the list.  As a matter of fact, I may call today so that there is no question.

I need to get everything back in the closet so that the house doesn’t look a mess but don’t want to put it all away only to take it out again tomorrow.

We also have to have the floor guy come back.  You all know of the love I have for him!!!!!

My cleaning lady hurt her back and she is out of commission.  No telling when I will see her again.

It never ends.

When DH was at the doctor last week, we spoke about memory problems.  He has an appointment with a neurologist next Wednesday for a consultation.  He is not happy and doesn’t want to go.  

Just too many things happening at the last minute.

Then I wonder why I am not sleeping.


Prayers for all.  Especially for Baby Murphy and her parents.  

Prayers for Sandy’s friends DH Scott.

Prayers for Carol’s DH Sam

Prayers that Annie can straighten out her mess with the PO text.


Cheers to those celebrating.

Take care everyone and have a good Tuesday.

God Bless,




Terri, I hope you can get some sleep tonight.  I also hope the HVAC guy and the flooring guy show up when they are supposed to, and that everything is fixed before you leave in two weeks.


2 hours ago, kazu said:

Good late afternoon from Portland, UK.




Sorry haven’t been here - having a busy time between life and the LIVE thread 😂 




hopefully sea days will provide internet 🤞 




Jacqui, I'm glad the cruise is going well.  Thanks for the pictures from Portland.


2 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Thought of you and other British friends today as we are in Portland, UK, on the Rotterdam.  We took the Port shuttle into Weymouth.  There were plenty of volunteer ambassadors to answer questions and direct us. We also took a local bus to Dorchester.  Nice day, despite the gray skies, at our only UK Port this trip.20231010_124808.thumb.jpg.dbfb757767a97be7091ff32ebee4bc31.jpg




Thanks for the pictures.


13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I agree with what Tony @sailingdutchy that at the end of your walk down the hill of the Botanical Garden, you will be easily able to walk back to your starting point, or wherever the shuttle bus drops you off.  You will walk right by the Beehive and the Parliament Building.  The Beehive is the executive building of the Parliament. I found this nice map of the downtown area which may help you plan for your trip.




Try printing it off to take with you.  You can right click on the map, then click on open image in a new tab, and should be able to print it off with your printer.  


DH and I went to a local grocery pharmacy before lunch and got our flu shots and RSV shot.  I'll have to let you know which arm hurts worse tomorrow, but the RSV shot hurt more to receive than the flu shot did.  




Sandi, I'm glad you both got the flue and RSV shots.



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 @Cruising-along   We were in Wellington last December. DH had planned to ride the cable car both ways with our DD.  A very nice guide at the top gave us the map ( same as Sandi`s) and told us it was accessible to walk thru the garden back to the city. It is beautiful walk, a little steep in places but an elevator was by the gift shop that helped in one area.  We only had one issue with stairs and we had to backtrack  thru a different exit. Still ended up by the " Beehive".  The gardens are beautiful and well worth a visit. 


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Happy Tuesday!  Just went and got my Flu vaccine, I'm not getting more than 1 at a time.  Have to figure out if I want the RSV vaccine, and when to get the covid booster.  Cruising in February, so not sure if I should wait a bit to have it closer to that trip.  Don't want it "worn off" by then.  My last dose was in November last year. So far, my arm feels ok.

@marshhawksorry to hear about your troubles before you leave.  I got 2 text messages the last 2 days about a package at the post office, it took a bit of reading and re-reading them to figure out they were scams, but 2 in 2 days???  Someone needs to put their technology skills to better use.  We had credit card fraud issues last summer, it took a bit to get it all straightened out, I feel for you...

@cruising sistersorry to hear about Baby Murphy, she is in my daily prayers, along with her family and caregivers.  

Prayers for all in need, and good thoughts for those cruising or traveling!  karen


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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Annie @marshhawk I'm very sorry to hear of all these problems cropping up in the final days before your cruise.  I hope you can get the Euros delivered, the credit card sorted out, and the cat sitter Donna to actually fulfill her promise to help with the cats while you're away.  I'll add you to my prayers to get all the help you can with your last minute problems.  I hope you can finally get to relax once setting sail.  You two deserve it!

+1 @marshhawk

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3 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Thought of you and other British friends today as we are in Portland, UK, on the Rotterdam.  We took the Port shuttle into Weymouth.  There were plenty of volunteer ambassadors to answer questions and direct us. We also took a local bus to Dorchester.  Nice day, despite the gray skies, at our only UK Port this trip.20231010_124808.thumb.jpg.dbfb757767a97be7091ff32ebee4bc31.jpg



Thank you.

We sailed into Portland on MSC Virtuoso in April and took the shuttle into Weymouth.



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1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

 @Cruising-along   We were in Wellington last December. DH had planned to ride the cable car both ways with our DD.  A very nice guide at the top gave us the map ( same as Sandi`s) and told us it was accessible to walk thru the garden back to the city. It is beautiful walk, a little steep in places but an elevator was by the gift shop that helped in one area.  We only had one issue with stairs and we had to backtrack  thru a different exit. Still ended up by the " Beehive".  The gardens are beautiful and well worth a visit. 


Thank you Charlene, good to know!

1 hour ago, quilty964 said:

Happy Tuesday!  Just went and got my Flu vaccine, I'm not getting more than 1 at a time.  Have to figure out if I want the RSV vaccine, and when to get the covid booster.  Cruising in February, so not sure if I should wait a bit to have it closer to that trip.  Don't want it "worn off" by then.  My last dose was in November last year. So far, my arm feels ok.



Karen we are doing the same, getting them one at a time.  We're cruising in early January, so we plan to get the Covid booster in early December.  

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I won't say that I knew who Ada Lovelace was, because that would be bragging.


In the 1970s, Ohio had a highway director who believed that the U.S. would eventually transition to the metric system, and he started to prepare us for it by posting signs along the interstate highways that were 60 miles from destinations:


60 mi

100 km

That's not strictly accurate, but it was close enough for government work.

My father hated the metric system with a passion, and nearly had apoplexy every time he saw one of these. 


8 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Can you imagine going to the Pinnacle Grill and ordering a steak. “I would like the 123 milligram filet or the 1.2 kilogram tomahawk steak”!


There are restaurants in Europe that price fish, especially, and sometimes meat by the 100 grams. It's not that hard to remember that a pound is 454 grams, so 100 grams would be a little less than 1/4 pound.


I would like the versions of chicken penne pasta that don't also contain dairy ingredients, but would pass on the drink. For Pinot Noir, I'd consider Fulkerson 2019 Pinot Noir (again). I haven't been to Wellington, NZ, but I've been to Wellington, Ohio.


1899 African-American inventor Issac R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame. To be clear, he didn't invent the bicycle; he was working on a bicycle frame that could be folded or disassembled, but the modular frame he invented is the one we use today for most bicycles.



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23 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I won't say that I knew who Ada Lovelace was, because that would be bragging.


In the 1970s, Ohio had a highway director who believed that the U.S. would eventually transition to the metric system, and he started to prepare us for it by posting signs along the interstate highways that were 60 miles from destinations:


60 mi

100 km

That's not strictly accurate, but it was close enough for government work.

My father hated the metric system with a passion, and nearly had apoplexy every time he saw one of these. 



There are restaurants in Europe that price fish, especially, and sometimes meat by the 100 grams. It's not that hard to remember that a pound is 454 grams, so 100 grams would be a little less than 1/4 pound.


I would like the versions of chicken penne pasta that don't also contain dairy ingredients, but would pass on the drink. For Pinot Noir, I'd consider Fulkerson 2019 Pinot Noir (again). I haven't been to Wellington, NZ, but I've been to Wellington, Ohio.


1899 African-American inventor Issac R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame. To be clear, he didn't invent the bicycle; he was working on a bicycle frame that could be folded or disassembled, but the modular frame he invented is the one we use today for most bicycles.



Correct. I was told over 55 years ago that the US was going to change to the Metric  system. When I went to college and yes, I did go to college, many of my subjects were using Metric. That worked out well!

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21 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I won't say that I knew who Ada Lovelace was, because that would be bragging.


In the 1970s, Ohio had a highway director who believed that the U.S. would eventually transition to the metric system, and he started to prepare us for it by posting signs along the interstate highways that were 60 miles from destinations:


60 mi

100 km

That's not strictly accurate, but it was close enough for government work.

My father hated the metric system with a passion, and nearly had apoplexy every time he saw one of these. 



There are restaurants in Europe that price fish, especially, and sometimes meat by the 100 grams. It's not that hard to remember that a pound is 454 grams, so 100 grams would be a little less than 1/4 pound.




A pound is 500 grams in the metric system so much easier than all these strange measurements measurements that you are using , how many feet in a mile , you say ?

The temperature of freezing water and boiling water ? 


 There are only 2 countries in the world the USA and Liberia that have this odd system , plus a few minuscule little Islands .

Canada has almost changed completely since the 70's that our PM Mr Trudeau enacted , it is because of our dear neighbours to the South that we are still talking about 2 by 4 's 


Hope I did not start a war here now .......


Tony 😁




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