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Thursday December 7th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We'll likely have cotton candy at Christmas when we go to Calgary as they have a little machine that you pop in a solid candy and it magically turns into the spun candy we all enjoyed as children.  Yay for Illinois, I guess.  I wish everyone some joy in their lives.  I know Hanukkah begins tonight, so best wishes for a Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates.  My halo keeps slipping, so I think the act of trying to put it back up keeps it shiny enough.


Well it's raining.  The forecast last night was for freezing rain overnight, turning to snow later this morning.  I looked out first thing and the streets were wet and it was still raining - I feel bad for those having to make their way to work this morning.  Listening to the radio there are already a few accidents being reported; sure glad we don't have to brave the roads if we don't want to.  I'm supposed to have lunch with a friend, but last night we decided we'd confirm mid morning just because of the forecast.  Neither of us needs to be in an accident - lunch and our visit can wait.


Yesterday I finished the last of my kitchen towel toppers; I've now got a dozen made up that I've put into little zip top bags, ready to be given as host/hostess gifts when needed. I like having useful things like that available for last minute gifts.  The dining room table is now back to it's normal state and can again be used for it's original purpose.


DH went for coffee with his band mates yesterday afternoon and said our friend Wayne is feeling much better, although he still has some swelling in his legs.  @JazzyVthank you for putting him on our care list, but I think he can come off now.  Whether or not they'll be able to join us on the cruise in February is still up in the air - he's going to check with his health insurer to see if he will be covered.  It would be nice if they could be with us, but I'm not holding my breath.


@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DSIL.

@kazuI hope one of the doggy coats fits Ivan.  I'll bet he's one of the happiest doggos around, knowing he's found his furever home with a mom who truly cares about him.


I'm giving the drink a pass (not a fan of rye), would like to try the menu suggestion - DH's daughter made something similar in her Instant Pot a couple of weeks ago and said it was delicious - and would definitely enjoy the wine.  Trying to make space in the freezer for the turkey, so I brought out some ground beef that will be made into quesadillas for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning.

Not much time this morning to post, but just want to check in.

We are having breakfast and then getting ready to head off to the Neurologist.

Please say a prayer that all goes well.

I’m a bit nervous and Jim cannot understand why he is going.

I’ll try to write more later


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Good morning, everyone!


It is going to be warmer today and right now the sky is on the brighter side of things, so we'll be thankful.  We're going to get the last of the leaves up and then I plan to sew all afternoon.  I didn't get to my sewing yesterday because I got caught up in fixing the lights under the built in cabinets in the dining room.  I ordered new transformers for them and then had to replace all the light bulbs.  But, we now have light.  Last night we went out to a Christmas gathering and had a great time.  


DB Bill and his wife are ill, so Farkel Friday is up in the air.  He reports a cold that has knocked them out.  I asked if they had tested for Covid, but got no response.  He believes Covid is no worse than a regular cold and they never completed their vaccination.  He got vaccinated because he had to for work, but his wife only got one shot instead of the original two. Neither of them ever got a booster.  With my surgery scheduled in the next few weeks, I do not want to take any chances of catching anything from them.


The meal today is more of a side dish to me, but I supposed you could make it a main course with some additions to it.  It is way too starchy and high in carbs for me.  We'll be having fish and brussels sprouts tonight.   https://www.graceandgoodeats.com/creamy-parmesan-risotto/




I didn't pay attention to the no wine stipulation and this recipe calls for wine.  I knew my audience.  https://www.spendwithpennies.com/parmesan-risotto/




Here's a recipe for the slow cooker:   https://www.kleinworthco.com/garlic-parmesan-risotto/




Wishing you all a wonderful day.


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Quick update on my friend Dena. She was released to home yesterday with wound care coming to the house. She is in good spirits and happy to be back with her fur babies (3 cats). Some test results are still outstanding so still no firm idea what caused the issue. We have missed her at our Wednesday gatherings for a few weeks now so are planning to take ourselves and our meal to her house this coming Wednesday if she is ok with that. We can help her put up the rest of her Christmas decorations. Thank you again for all your prayers. 

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  When I got up, it was 29, in an hour, it's gone up to 34.  Sunny!

The outdoor cats were quite cold last night.  I need to prep the porch for them, so they can stay on the porch with a heater.


I just have to bribe them onto the porch.....


And Tazi came out from under the futon, and slept on the bed.  I do think she either drooled on me for hours, or peed on me...My night shirt was wet this morning...but it was the only thing that was wet...maybe I drooled on me all night.  Today is change the sheets day, get in touch with doc to get med refill, walk the dog, and work this afternoon and night.   I did call out sick yesterday, it was nice to just chill, and not have to put on the happy face for hours.







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Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 51F with a high of 74F.  There is a 6mph wind from the east and a few clouds.  The weather isn't bad for this time of year since December is normally our coldest month.


Originally, the only thing on the agenda today was taking the car into have the pressure sensors on the tires replaced.  Now, I'll be heading to Blythe to get four bolts to reattach the tanks to the toilets.  One of the four broke off and the tank is very wobbly.  I think while we have the water drained from the tank, it is a good idea to replace all the bolts on the two toilets.  There's never a dull moment around here, and I could use a few dull moments.


We should never forget the Day That Will Live in Infamy, and the attack on Pearl Harbor.  We've been to Pearl Harbor about three times, but only went out to the Arizona once.


DH is the cotton candy lover in this house.  I will salute Illinois.  National joy day sounds like a good day to celebrate.


I'm pretty sure my halo, if I have one, is tarnished.  😉


The risotto sounds interesting, and thank you Debbie @dfish for knowing your audience so well and including a recipe with wine.  We'll pass on the drink, but I think I would enjoy the wine.


We were in Kristiansand once, and I'll retrieve my pictures shortly.


@Denise T  Denise, good luck putting the new desk together.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I hope Jasper has gained some weight and can have the meds reduced.

@0106  Tina, when we visited the Arizona in 2007, we took a tour from the pre-cruise hotel.  It was basically a transfer that got us there early enough to not have to wait in line.  Just after seeing the movie, we boarded the boat to the memorial over the Arizona. 

@cruising sister  I hope the dentist visit doesn't hold any surprises.  They're my least favorite appointment, but one I keep regularly.

@ger_77  Gerry, that is good news that Wayne is doing better.  I hope they will be able to join you on your cruise.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sending positive thoughts that all goes well and the Jim will have answers to improve the situation.

@kochleffel  Paul and @mamaofami  Carol, and all other Dailyites who celebrate HAPPY HANUKKAH!
















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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We were in Kristiansand in on September 15. 2009, on the Tahitian Princess.  It was the first half of a b2b cruise from NYC to Cape Town.  Fortunately, our day was sunny and cool.  The town is surprisingly flat with low hills outside of town.  It is on the southeast part of Norway.  The town is an easy walking town.


To get from the port to town, we took the little tourist train.



There is a lot centered around the cathedral and the square in front of it.






Some of the buildings and sights from our walk.





For the Garden Club and others.  The building with the vines on the side is the cathedral



We walked through their market




Town from the ship



The coast as we sailed to the next port.




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19 minutes ago, superoma said:

Quick update on my friend Dena. She was released to home yesterday with wound care coming to the house. She is in good spirits and happy to be back with her fur babies (3 cats). Some test results are still outstanding so still no firm idea what caused the issue. We have missed her at our Wednesday gatherings for a few weeks now so are planning to take ourselves and our meal to her house this coming Wednesday if she is ok with that. We can help her put up the rest of her Christmas decorations. Thank you again for all your prayers. 


Eva, that is good news Dena is home and in good spirits.  I love the idea of your Wednesday group bringing lunch to her house and helping with the Christmas decorations.  I hope she feels like having you there.


16 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  When I got up, it was 29, in an hour, it's gone up to 34.  Sunny!

The outdoor cats were quite cold last night.  I need to prep the porch for them, so they can stay on the porch with a heater.


I just have to bribe them onto the porch.....


And Tazi came out from under the futon, and slept on the bed.  I do think she either drooled on me for hours, or peed on me...My night shirt was wet this morning...but it was the only thing that was wet...maybe I drooled on me all night.  Today is change the sheets day, get in touch with doc to get med refill, walk the dog, and work this afternoon and night.   I did call out sick yesterday, it was nice to just chill, and not have to put on the happy face for hours.








Annie, I love the 12 Days of Catmess.  I have a feeling the song will be in my head the rest of the day.  😁



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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the Day of Infamy report.  I haven't had cotton candy in years, enjoy visiting Chicago, and will definitely celebrate joy. I have not been to  Kristiansand.  Interesting point of view by Fry.


The meal sounds interesting.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Oven Roasted Beef Tenderloin, and Raspberry Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam December 7, 2013.


Well, I bit the bullet this morning and went over in person to the Radiology place.  It turns out while they were bugging me they already had all the information they needed from past visits.



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Good morning.I feel badly for the men on the roof at 32 degrees with a bit of wind and no sunshine. They are almost finished and it looks quite nice.


I have not been to the port but it looks lovely. Thank you, as always Lenda and Sandi. @Quartzsite Cruiser and  @StLouisCruisers.

I am going to try the slow cooker version of the risotto tonight, thanks to Debbie @dfish.


@marshhawk, Annie, I am sorry to hear of  @catmando’s difficulties. Does the concentrator support two oxygen lines? I am worried about you as well.I hope things start to improve soon.


As far as the days  go, I will celebrate Joy day and that includes our Joy @SeaSickSailor.

There are no haloes here!

I just  got three documents notarized and sent them off to a life insurance company that is of course holding up DD DH’s claim. This is for the second time,the same documents. I sort of wonder where all these things go as they don’t appear to reach their destination in spite of sending it by certified mail. 
Have a very good day today.

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Good morning. I haven’t read all the posts. My dark cloud overhead is still there. Now my PC is not working. There was a Windows update Tuesday. The computer was fine until last night. I  noticed pages wouldn’t load and did a restart. Now the desktop loads, but nothing works. I can’t open documents or browsers or anything. I will be visiting the Geek Squad this afternoon. Sigh. 

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I know how to run a cotton-candy machine, and I hate it--you end up with sugar all over you. It had not occurred to me to put wine in risotto. BTW, in an Italian menu, it might be a first plate, along with pasta and gnocchi, not a main course. No, no, no on the cocktail, because of the coconut and pineapple juice. Pinot Noir: Damiani 2022.


I was in Kristiansand last year on the Voyager of the Seas. Some pictures of the Setesdalbanen:



Today I'll do my (very small amount of) Hanukkah decorating before class at 4:00 p.m. We have more snow today.




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Good morning all!

Even as a child I never liked cotton candy, Illinois is our DDIL's home state and where our DS had his first job post college,  met her and fell in love.  We're so thankful to have her in the family!  Wishing everyone joy especially during this joyful season.  We'll go to Pearl Harbor next month and have a tour.  I'm passing on the meal, drink and red wine, we've been to Norway but never to this port.


The cruise prep continues and getting things crossed off my list(s).  Four bags are packed and ready for Luggage Forward next week (we thought we might have 6 bags sent, so this is a pleasant surprise).  Packing the one bag that has to be checked and our 2 carry-ons and that's it!  


I hope everyone has a good day!



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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Pearl Harbor Day is something we should never forget. Yum for the risotto!




I went to the MDR for a great prime rib dinner. And the off to the pub crawl and Oranje Party. I had a blast and won 2 bottles of “champagne” and 3 bottles of beer!




boy it sure is hard to keep track of the days!  Thank goodness the carpet in the elevator tells me what day it is!


Mariner Luncheon today and my complimentary PG dinner tonight. I am going to be stuffed!!


Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. Thoughts for the world and cheers for those celebrating. 

Have a great day everyone!!

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Good afternoon everyone. Hanukkah begins at sunset tonight and we light the first candle in the menorah. Hoping the lights never go out and wishing they bring peace to everyone. Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. (Picture taken many years ago).IMG_0002.thumb.jpeg.b01e3c0d49735e729ec885fa427d08ad.jpeg

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3 hours ago, dfish said:

DB Bill and his wife are ill, so Farkel Friday is up in the air.  He reports a cold that has knocked them out.  I asked if they had tested for Covid, but got no response.  He believes Covid is no worse than a regular cold and they never completed their vaccination.  He got vaccinated because he had to for work, but his wife only got one shot instead of the original two. Neither of them ever got a booster.  With my surgery scheduled in the next few weeks, I do not want to take any chances of catching anything from them.


I think that is a very wise decision, Debbie.  



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:


@kazuI hope one of the doggy coats fits Ivan.  I'll bet he's one of the happiest doggos around, knowing he's found his furever home with a mom who truly cares about him.


Thanks Gerry.  He certainly seems very happy.



3 hours ago, superoma said:

Quick update on my friend Dena. She was released to home yesterday with wound care coming to the house. She is in good spirits and happy to be back with her fur babies (3 cats). Some test results are still outstanding so still no firm idea what caused the issue. We have missed her at our Wednesday gatherings for a few weeks now so are planning to take ourselves and our meal to her house this coming Wednesday if she is ok with that. We can help her put up the rest of her Christmas decorations. Thank you again for all your prayers. 


How very nice of you and your friends.  I am sure Dena will appreciate it ❤️ 



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

I just  got three documents notarized and sent them off to a life insurance company that is of course holding up DD DH’s claim. This is for the second time,the same documents. I sort of wonder where all these things go as they don’t appear to reach their destination in spite of sending it by certified mail. 
Have a very good day today.


Oh my 😔. It’s hard enough to have to do those documents once.  I am so sorry you had to go through it again.  I hope the insurance company now processes things quickly for you 🤞 



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. I haven’t read all the posts. My dark cloud overhead is still there. Now my PC is not working. There was a Windows update Tuesday. The computer was fine until last night. I  noticed pages wouldn’t load and did a restart. Now the desktop loads, but nothing works. I can’t open documents or browsers or anything. I will be visiting the Geek Squad this afternoon. Sigh. 


Yikes Vanessa.  You’ve had too many things go wrong 😔. I hope the Geek Squad can help 🤞 

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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

I know how to run a cotton-candy machine, and I hate it--you end up with sugar all over you. It had not occurred to me to put wine in risotto. BTW, in an Italian menu, it might be a first plate, along with pasta and gnocchi, not a main course. No, no, no on the cocktail, because of the coconut and pineapple juice. Pinot Noir: Damiani 2022.


I was in Kristiansand last year on the Voyager of the Seas. Some pictures of the Setesdalbanen:



Today I'll do my (very small amount of) Hanukkah decorating before class at 4:00 p.m. We have more snow today.






It's nice to see everyone's sunny day photos in Kristiansand.  We are scheduled to visit there again on May 27, 2024 so hope we see some of those blue skies.  Tripadvisor says the railroad you pictured is open June, July, August, so we may not have a chance of considering an excursion on it.  No excursions listed had it as a feature.


Good luck with the Geek Squad Vanessa @JazzyV.  I wouldn't have a clue what to do without help.

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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the Day of Infamy report.  I haven't had cotton candy in years, enjoy visiting Chicago, and will definitely celebrate joy. I have not been to  Kristiansand.  Interesting point of view by Fry.


The meal sounds interesting.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Oven Roasted Beef Tenderloin, and Raspberry Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam December 7, 2013.


Well, I bit the bullet this morning and went over in person to the Radiology place.  It turns out while they were bugging me they already had all the information they needed from past visits.




Roy, I think we answer the same questions every time we check in for an appointment.  I asked once why I was filling out the form I fill out every year, and the answer was in case something had changed.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.I feel badly for the men on the roof at 32 degrees with a bit of wind and no sunshine. They are almost finished and it looks quite nice.


I have not been to the port but it looks lovely. Thank you, as always Lenda and Sandi. @Quartzsite Cruiser and  @StLouisCruisers.

I am going to try the slow cooker version of the risotto tonight, thanks to Debbie @dfish.


@marshhawk, Annie, I am sorry to hear of  @catmando’s difficulties. Does the concentrator support two oxygen lines? I am worried about you as well.I hope things start to improve soon.


As far as the days  go, I will celebrate Joy day and that includes our Joy @SeaSickSailor.

There are no haloes here!

I just  got three documents notarized and sent them off to a life insurance company that is of course holding up DD DH’s claim. This is for the second time,the same documents. I sort of wonder where all these things go as they don’t appear to reach their destination in spite of sending it by certified mail. 
Have a very good day today.


Terry, I'm sorry the insurance company is giving you such a hassle.  I bet you will be happy when the roof is finished and quiet returns.  


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. I haven’t read all the posts. My dark cloud overhead is still there. Now my PC is not working. There was a Windows update Tuesday. The computer was fine until last night. I  noticed pages wouldn’t load and did a restart. Now the desktop loads, but nothing works. I can’t open documents or browsers or anything. I will be visiting the Geek Squad this afternoon. Sigh. 


Vanessa, you are way past due for something good to happen.  I'm sorry about the computer and hope the Geek Squad can solve the problem easily.  



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We're back from the Neurologist with no definitive diagnosis.  A lot of speculation on MD's part, which did not make me happy.  Anyway, DH has to have a cognitive exam and an MRI of the brain.  We have a follow up appointment with the Neurologist on Jan. 11.  

We will see where this goes.

I will reserve judgment until then.

Thank you all for your prayers.



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Woo hoo! I made it through the dental appointment. I hate to go. I have a crown on the lower front which has been there for 52 years. I am always nervous he will want to replace it.  They don’t make them like they used to. It probably has some banned substance making it last so long. 

@smitty34877 I feel your pain. Settling my DH estate was a piece of cake,  life insurance included. For my DS you would have thought I was asking each individual to fork over money. One of his 401k is still giving me problems over a year later. 


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