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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024


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Good morning, everyone!


@kazu I am thankful there were no breaks, but sometimes soft tissue injuries take longer to heal.  I hope you are the exception to that!  I'm glad you and Ivan are staying in today.  So are we.  All area schools are closed due to ice.  The snow isn't too bad, but we got rain on top of the snow last night and that all refroze overnight when the temps went down below freezing.  So we have some pretty thick ice out there.


Today's meal is one we can sink our teeth into.  And, it is pretty easy once everything is in the slow cooker.   This first one trims the calories a bit and reduces the fat content.  There are great suggestions for sides to go with it.  https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/268703/slow-cooker-balsamic-short-ribs/balsamicshortribs1.thumb.jpg.04b08a532f34cd41521cb30fcd8f007b.jpg


This next one doesn't use tomato in the sauce and is gluten free.  If you want the potatoes instead of the parsnips, go for it.   https://acalculatedwhisk.com/slow-cooker-balsamic-short-ribs/




Here's a recipe that calls for honey glazed carrots as a side dish.  They'd make a pretty plate with the color.  https://www.joyfulhealthyeats.com/balsamic-braised-beef-short-ribs-paleo/




I think I'd go with the first one as the gravy looks great.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Jacqui, Glad to hear that nothing was broken.  That darn black ice can be so treacherous, I have been surprised a few times myself on it.  Hope the bruises and aches heal quickly.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  While I do like dark chocolate I’m not so sure that it’s the same thing as bittersweet chocolate.  I’ll spend some extra time with my houseplants today as I got most of them from my long gone grandmothers.  Since it’s going to be in the upper 50’s we won’t need to turn the heat on thereby saving energy.  Not so sure that I agree with today’s quote, most here seem to be enjoying rather than fearing it.  The meal suggestion sounds really good but short ribs have gotten so expensive around here the past few years.  Think I’ll pass on the drink.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events.  Glad @kazu’s elbow isn’t broken.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I would love to grab a nap today but feel guilty if I don't get enough done on the stocking each day.  Dilemmas!



Grab that nap if you need it, Sandi.



1 hour ago, cat shepard said:




Picking on me, aren’t you 😂 



18 minutes ago, travelnap said:

Jacqui, Glad to hear that nothing was broken.  That darn black ice can be so treacherous, I have been surprised a few times myself on it.  Hope the bruises and aches heal quickly.


Thanks and me too.  We were later in the afternoon so I didn’t have sun reflection to warn me.  I’m taking him earlier now to be safe.  No bruises at all - swollen, etc but it’s all internal.

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Made it through the storm with power on, so far so good, flooding issues expected in the area today near rivers. Glad we don’t have to go out till Friday unless DH wants to try for a haircut but that’s very close by so shouldn’t be a problem.  I think I need to change my profile to show our new location is NJ but not on the phone… need to start up a computer!  Made some more very slow progress on changes of address yesterday- Social Security and Medicare were easy online but went 3 rounds with retiree insurances getting transferred back and forth. It seems so much harder than just in 2021. Also did AAA!  I don’t want to be without them!  Will pick up the list again today. 

Great days in history!  I prefer dark chocolate but any chocolate will do!  

SO relieved to hear you are in one piece @kazu!  Was wondering if you were having issues. Soft tissue and tendons will take some slow babying to heal!  

@rafinmd thank you for explaining your treatment. So sorry you need this but they sure can do amazing things these days!  DH’s numbers have been creeping up every 6 months, we may be heading down the same path in time but our first needs are to stabilize his eyes- 2 weeks to next surgery. 


@Cruzin Terri Safe travels and manageable pain. You’ll be home today!  

@JazzyV many thanks to you for all you do for us!  Gentle hugs to you!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Peace to those suffering without it!  

Cheers if you are celebrating, and happy times if you are traveling!  
Thank you all for being here!  Enjoy something today, one day at a time is Enough because it is Everything!  


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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach

    What a difference a day makes. It is cool, only 58 degrees but sunny. The ocean is calm and minimal damage. Mostly branches. The Christmas tree was blown over in the park, should have been down now anyway.  Our weather forecasters said because this is an EL Nino year, expect more of this. Hope everyone did ok.

      @kazu  Oh my, Jacqui. Glad you are not seriously hurt.  

   Now have to go drag everything back out again.


Stay safe and enjoy today





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Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I do like bittersweet chocolate as I use it alot when making desserts (which I am not real good at).  I kill houseplants so I appreciate the one I have kept alive for almost 6 years (it was a gift for achieving School Nurse National Certification).  I will gladly celebrate cut your energy day!!  As I hate forced air - both heating and AC, I keep the temp very low in the winter (60F) and very high in the summer (~90F) in the house.  I would rather put on clothes, fire in the fireplace or lap blankets in the winter and ceiling/standing fans in the summer. 🙃  The meal sounds tempting, pass on the wine and drink, and never been to Sasebo.  No on the quote and interesting history days.


It is another cold start to the day here in the desert.  Presently 30F under clear skies with a prediction to make it to 60F.  We have a wind advisory for tomorrow during the day with winds up to 55mph.  We will see. I am glad to read everyone is warm and safe after the storms went through your areas!! What wild weather!!




PT yesterday, coupled with the gym in the AM, made for a very yucky day.  All over soreness was on tap and it seemed that it coupled into leg cramps.  I don't drink enough water during the day (I know!!) so I have to do better.  I did go out and buy some of the ingredients I didn't have for minestrone but was a slug last evening and had popcorn!!  So today, I will make that plus some menudo.  I love to cook as I find it relaxing; most things are from scratch. I rarely have things in the cupboard.  I will be going to get an eye exam and new sunglasses to replace the ones I lost in the ocean at Bimini!!  🤭


@kazu Jacqui, I am glad you didn't break any bones in your arm!!  I hate black ice!!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!!



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Happy Hump Day.  Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  No houseplants, just thankful to have reliable energy.  Not sure of the distinction between dark and bittersweet but I enjoy dark chocolate.


I think most dailyites will disagree with the quote but we seem to have shockingly high youth suicide rates.  I have not been to Sasebo although I did visit Nagasaki on the Crystal Harmony way back in 2004.


Three interesting dates in our history.  Happy 78th birthday to the UN.


The meal sounds nice but not something I would make.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad,Filete de Ternera Apanada Con Parmesano (Veal Loin), Mango/Blueberry Crisp as served pm MS Prinsendam January 10, 2019. 


We were in Panama City that day and it was dubbed Panama Hat Night.  It was the Grand South America and Antarctica cruise and we had several stuffed penguins on board which were brought out on special nights:




Been out for my walk and little storm damage, not much more than fallen twigs, and the lid of my trash can.  I had set it upside down to be safe from the wind but it did catch the lid which was next to the can on the grown.'




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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Took a bad fall on black ice last Thursday.  Huge ouch and aches.  Seemed to be improving until Monday night when I felt a scary “click” in my elbow.  

Oh, how scary for you!  So glad you did not break your elbow.  Hope it heals quickly, with not much pain.  Take care. 

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is currently saying "feels colder".  Feels colder than what ...oh 36 , now I know it feels colder than 36.  The wind last night was so persistent that while i was trying to go to sleep I thought I heard a motor running.  DH and I got up to inspect, and it was the wind.  Constant!  We did end up with standing water in the back near the patio, but that was it, we live on a hill, with the house in the middle of the hill.  


DH is now a house sitter at our neighbors house.  They have gone back to Vietnam for a month.  Last year they said a month, and were gone for two.  So who knows for this year.


I would love to save energy.  In 2020 we had the house re roofed.  Turns out that there were two roofs.  One laid on top of the other.  When the new roof was put on, they removed both roofs, and the house is always colder now.  Not enough insulation.  Temps this weekend will be below freezing, so perhaps a nice fire in the wood burning stove on Saturday night.


I am glad to read that all of you are safe after yesterdays storms.  Looks like this weekend is another repeat.  I didnt have any trouble with taking the dog out last night, I did it between major  wind gusts.  She was a bit nervous being outside.


When DH called about having to attend jury duty, at the end of the recording they said, that since they had cancelled, and he didnt need to show up, he was excused until next year.  I told him to hang on to his paper work.  He can send it in next year, that he is over 70.  I got out of jury duty this year, because I am his caregiver.  But when I get called again, I will be over 70.  Still his caregiver.


I dont really have a house plant, I have a plant that DH gave me for my birthday, it spent the spring, summer and fall outside, and this winter I brought it in.  The TV is currently discussing plant appreciation day.  LOL.


Not much going on today, walk the dog, and work.  So, off I go...




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Good morning. We survived the wind and rain and did not have flooding in the immediate neighborhood. Someone can have my chocolate and  I am a known houseplant killer.We will not have to have the heat on right now as it will be in the fifties for most of the day. The recipes look great, thanks Debbie @dfish.


@Nickelpenny, Pennie, you would do well in my DS’s home. The heat there is set for 60 as well. He wonders why I wear a fleece all the time while there! They do make it a whopping 64 when I visit but I am still cold. 

@kazu, Jacqui, I am sorry about your fall and hope the recovery is swift. I also took a spill with the slushy mess while dog walking but appear to be fine. I try to be so careful and I am sure you do the same thing but gravity defies us.

@StLouisCruisers,I tend to wake up at the same time as you but try to stay put until I really have to get up. Did you always wake up early or is this your new normal? I had gotten up at five most of my life for work and hoped that retirement would allow me to sleep later.LOL.

Have a better day today everyone!

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10 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


@StLouisCruisers,I tend to wake up at the same time as you but try to stay put until I really have to get up. Did you always wake up early or is this your new normal? I had gotten up at five most of my life for work and hoped that retirement would allow me to sleep later.LOL.

Have a better day today everyone!


Terri, I've awakened early like that for a couple years now.  I wouldn't know what to do if I slept all night long and woke up at 7 or 8 am!  I do stay in bed when I wake up and try to get back to sleep.  That's why I said I doze.  Once in a while I'll doze for 20 minutes or so but I have a habit of waking up at a certain time for exercise.  This morning I did go back to bed after I threatened it.  Put on a sleep mask and piled on the blankets, turned on the white noise machine and rested.  No sleep.  But it felt good to be lazy for a change!

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Here is a snapshot of Canada’s weather today.  Hope it is not offensive to anyone but it sure is accurate.






My plow (a really professional one) ended up in the ditch.  It’s slippery, slidey out there.

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@kazu and @smitty34877 Glad to hear nothing was broken on your falls but those soft tissue injuries can be just as bad.  


 We had a wild day and night of winds and then some thunderstorms late at night.   You could feel the wind blowing through our house, first time that has happened.  


Not much on the agenda for today, I have already been busy with work though since I work from home I haven't managed to get out of my PJ's yet.  That will come soon.  I hope to get an outside walk in later today. I haven't done one in awhile between the weather and being sick.  I think I walked miles back and forth in my house cleaning up from everyone. 


It looks like those on cruises are having a fabulous time.  We leave at the end of January for a short cruise to the Caribbean.  I think we will be joining @sailingdutchyon their 2nd cruise.  We are trying a room on deck 4 aft area (not all the way aft) to get the larger balcony since the retreat was fully booked.  We have only 2 short excursions booked and plan to stay on the ship for the majority of our cruise. We have been to almost all of the ports except Bonaire and we are not sure if we even want to head to the beach in Aruba.  We still have not gotten our boarding time.


Thank you all for your contributions. This is such a nice place to visit on a daily basis.  



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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I only use bittersweet chocolate in baking, not for eating. I appreciate my houseplants and try to keep them alive. With this big, drafty house, I try to keep my energy costs down. I don't agree with the quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Sasebo. 3 interesting days in history.


We have rain/snow, temp in the 30's, and high winds here today. Knock wood my power has stayed on. BFF wants to go out to dinner later, so hopefully it's not too wild out. I slept better again last night. I'm hoping the radiologist gets the disc of my MRI tomorrow, and that I hear something next week. The contractor that will be doing the renovation work wants to come by tomorrow, so I'll see if he agrees with the estimator's assessment.


I appreciated the kind comments yesterday about my postings of the Care List.


@lvhh Welcome to the Daily!

@rafinmd Thanks for the map.

@kazu Oh my on the fall! I'm glad nothing was broken. Take it easy and stay safe from the storm. Great that you have a generator.

@StLouisCruisers I admire your dedication to getting the stocking done.

@Denise T It sounds like your weather in Eastern PA was worse than mine in Western PA.

@cat shepard That's a scary picture!

@ger_77 Yikes on that wind chill temperature! 

@RMLincoln Those address changes sound challenging. How is DH doing regarding the allergy to his drops?


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



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Good morning from a cold, sunny and not windy Quartzsite.  It is 38F and will get to 60F this afternoon.  Not much on the agenda today, just some odds and ends that need be done.


Everyone knows I'm a chocoholic, but even I'm not fond of bittersweet chocolate.  I managed to keep a couple of houseplants alive until we started traveling more.  We try to cut our energy costs, but with rising electric rates that is not always possible.


Today's quote is probably true for many people, but I don't think it applies to the Dailyites.


The meal sounds good, but we'll skip the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Sasebo, Japan, which is about 48.5 miles from Nagasaki which we've visited twice.  I'll save those pictures until Nagasaki is the port of the day again.


Three interesting and important days in history.  They all changed the world in their own way.


@ocean sounds  I hope the winter storm is not too bad where you live.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry about your fall and the injury to your elbow and arm, but I'm glad nothing was broken.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad  you made it through the storm safely.

@Denise T  Denise, I'm sorry your front screen door was damaged last night, but glad everyone including Fancy came through unscathed.

@cat shepard  Ann, that tornado in the picture looks scary.  I'm glad none of the funnel clouds touched down.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad you can ride out the Alberta Clipper safely at home.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue are staying home today.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm glad your power did not go out during the storm.  


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm glad you are sleeping better lately.  I hope you hear from the radiologist soon, and can get an appointment soon afterwards.  I hope the contractor agrees with the estimate.
















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Wow - with all the storms, I don't know if today is the day for cutting energy costs, but it is a good idea. Houseplants don't do well in this house - the cat likes to rip the leaves off and 1 of the dogs likes to eat them.

The meal sounds great, not been to the port.

Today is lots of work and more PT for my shoulder.

The LIVE review I did took on a life of its own re animals on cruise ships and now a new thread has been started re leaving late comers behind on excursions. Creating awareness and having conversations are where change begins - I just never thought I'd be the one to start those conversations.

Pleasant 52° headed to sunny 66° and a bone chilling new week. 

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:



@dfishthanks for the bone in short rib recipes, yummy!  Looks like a storm headed your way. 




Glad you like the recipes!  There is a storm headed this way for Friday.   Sue was supposed to go pick up River, but we don't think that will be happening.  It is just too risky.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We survived the wind and rain and did not have flooding in the immediate neighborhood. Someone can have my chocolate and  I am a known houseplant killer.We will not have to have the heat on right now as it will be in the fifties for most of the day. The recipes look great, thanks Debbie @dfish.


I'll take your chocolate!   I am a rare one that likes the bitter chocolate more than the sweet stuff.  To me it has a richer flavor.  I kill houseplants as well.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


@StLouisCruisers,I tend to wake up at the same time as you but try to stay put until I really have to get up. Did you always wake up early or is this your new normal? I had gotten up at five most of my life for work and hoped that retirement would allow me to sleep later.LOL.



I used to get up at 5:00 for work as well, but over the years I have moved wake up time later and later.  Now I struggle to get up before 8.  I have been waking up around 4 am, so I get up, use the bathroom, and go back to bed.  Most nights I can get back to sleep.  There are occasional nights when I doze till I know the coffee will be ready.

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Good morning and thanks all!  
@kazu yikes!  So glad it’s not broken,  holping you have a quick recovery.   That ice is no joke! 

I happily celebrate house plants,  








Old man winter is definitely in the neighbourhood, we have minus 40 windchills in the next  few days, arghh, and a true minus 39 !  Arghh! 

Edited by bennybear
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