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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday January 30th, 2024


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It’s warmer in Gerri’s frozen tundra than north NJ today. And gray. But no snow so I’ll take it. 

Bon Voyage to our Hawaii Circle cruisers (thank you Vanessa for your excellent formatting work and tracking us all!) 

Bon Voyage Summer Slope (Dixie & George)!

Bon Voyage Sharon in AZ (Sharon & Craig)!

Bon Voyage Quartzsite Cruiser(Lenda & Steve)!

Bon Voyage dfish (Debbie & Sue)!

Extra  blessings to Paul @kochleffel on the Moh’s, to Sandi @StLouisCruisers dealing with shoulder pain - have you tried icing it?  - and to Terry and Tana for help from the nurse today.  And Vanessa @JazzyVevery day.  

Also for Terri and Jim @Cruzin Terri to have a quiet day enjoying the Miami hotel and suite!  

Yesterday the NJ eye doctor was helpful. First, he had the laser ready to open the suture in case the pressure was too high, but it wasn’t so that was very good. He got the Maryland surgeon on the phone to consult with her in real-time!  His exam showed it all looks very good!  They want to maintain the pressure in a safe range which is a balancing act between biological healing, meds and physics. They added a gentle finger massage to help move the fluid through the eye twice a day. Keep up the 2 med regimes for the different eyes - one eye gets new med 4 times a day, old med once a day; other eye gets the double med twice a day plus old med once a day…. now add in the massage exercise twice a day;  come back in 2 weeks!  It’s all good!!  On track. We do pressure measurements twice a day and gave both doctors’ direct mobile phone number to call if anything goes out if range. I’m confident we’re in good hands. I am so Grateful!  …  for all they can do, that we can manage to do our end and get to these amazing doctors!  That the prayers for guidance led us to this path!  

@HAL Sailer Melissa, thank you for your heartfelt sharing. I’m so glad you felt loved and celebrated on your special day!  Gentle hugs to you!  

Blessings to all the Care List needs, the celebrations, and each of you!  Thanks for all who make this thread happen. 🌈 

Good luck with Ivan today Jacqui! @kazu and watch your footing!  

Congrats on your successes Denise! @Denise T There’s no motivator like success!!  
Sorry to hear about the mishap @MISTER 67 for your DW, glad the ER only took 2 hrs! You did well. Let the healing be gentle. And 77 is terrific 🏆.
Enjoy something today all!  I know I will! I’ve already enjoyed being here with you.  Maureen 

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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  DH loves croissants , I love stegosauruses, I might try to draw one today, and I'm all about the escape.....Its sunny and 34 degrees-no warnings listed at all.  I worked until 10 last night, took me awhile to unwind after work and coffee all day.  Tonight I work until 11. They are not extra hours, they are just  Georgia calling California.


Our stereo (which was my dad's ) quit working last year.  The CD player in the bedroom died last year. I love music, and I love falling asleep to meditational music, so I broke down last night and ordered two CD boom boxes.  One for the office and one for the bedroom.  DH was not happy, he wanted to order something big and huge, with turntable.  I was a DJ for my college radio station, and have lots of albums from the early 70's.  I miss the music!  But he overthinks everything, and it will be months before anything happens. 


And now for the first part of the cruise-

Our excursion in Mykonos was to the Island of Antiquity. There was a French archeology team working on the island-there were lots of cats (I never saw one cat in Rome) the sea was blue, the sky was blue and it was a perfect day







Cleopatra's summer house








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We had croissants last night, not homemade, but they were good. The meal sounds good and would go well w/croissants. 

Not been to the port.

PT today - Shoulder aches, but it continues to move more; hoping surgeon says it's enough to move ahead to surgery. I know the rehab is tough and I need to be far enough into it that we can go on our May cruise. After canceling the March one, I don't want to miss another one. 😪

Currently 50° headed to 75°with rain this weekend. The yard probably will not be dried out by then.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

stopped for a minute to chat with a neighbour.  Apparently the older couple (in their mid-80's) who live down the street had an accident where she slipped on a mat in the kitchen and fractured her arm, leaving her DH struggling.  So, after my appointment, I put together a large container of soup and went over to their house and spent the better part of the day helping with household tasks.  Their kitchen, bathrooms and living room should be good for a few days, at least until their family arrives from the U.S. tomorrow.  I'll check in on them later today to see what they still need to have done.  


Bless you, Gerry.  You are truly a great neighbour and a very kind soul  ♥️ 




1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Yesterday morning I got a text from my girlfriend asking if I was able to help her, but a lot of blood was involved. Yikes!! I packed up every 1st aid thing I had and ran over. She had been slicing zucchini with her mandoline and cut 2 finger pads off. It was awful. There were 2 big holes bleeding like crazy. I got her cleaned and wrapped up and checked again last night. I suggested urgent care, but she didn't think they'd do any better than I did.. 


Another, kind, great friend helping ♥️. Bless you Joy and yikes on your poor girlfriend finger pads 😢 



21 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:


Yesterday the NJ eye doctor was helpful. First, he had the laser ready to open the suture in case the pressure was too high, but it wasn’t so that was very good. He got the Maryland surgeon on the phone to consult with her in real-time!  His exam showed it all looks very good!  They want to maintain the pressure in a safe range which is a balancing act between biological healing, meds and physics. They added a gentle finger massage to help move the fluid through the eye twice a day. Keep up the 2 med regimes for the different eyes - one eye gets new med 4 times a day, old med once a day; other eye gets the double med twice a day plus old med once a day…. now add in the massage exercise twice a day;  come back in 2 weeks!  It’s all good!!  On track. We do pressure measurements twice a day and gave both doctors’ direct mobile phone number to call if anything goes out if range. I’m confident we’re in good hands. I am so Grateful!  …  for all they can do, that we can manage to do our end and get to these amazing doctors!  That the prayers for guidance led us to this path!  


That’s such wonderful news, Maureen. 👍. You must be so relieved and so happy.  So glad things are improving and going as they should.



21 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Good luck with Ivan today Jacqui! @kazu and watch your footing!  


Thanks -but there’s no footing to watch.  My vets are mobile and come to the house to treat Ivan.  It costs but it’s so much less stressful for the dog and me.



16 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

PT today - Shoulder aches, but it continues to move more; hoping surgeon says it's enough to move ahead to surgery. I know the rehab is tough and I need to be far enough into it that we can go on our May cruise. After canceling the March one, I don't want to miss another one. 😪


I’m glad your shoulder is progressing and the PT is paying off.  I hope you get good news on your surgery and can go on your May cruise 🤞 



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Bon Voyage to all. How exciting for you all to be on your way to Hawaii.


Sorry to hear about stitches and shoulder pain. @StLouisCruisersi have the same issue my PT. told me to stand against the wall with head and shoulders back and hold. It does correct your posture. Also she said to then raise your arms 1/2 way up holding the same position.  I find it is one of the few things that relieves the pain.


Sorry to hear Tana is having issues. I hope they can be addressed.  


We are heading out to a short excursion soon just a ride around town.  It is way too hot to be walking.  

Have a good day. 

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12 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

Bon Voyage to all. How exciting for you all to be on your way to Hawaii.


Sorry to hear about stitches and shoulder pain. @StLouisCruisersi have the same issue my PT. told me to stand against the wall with head and shoulders back and hold. It does correct your posture. Also she said to then raise your arms 1/2 way up holding the same position.  I find it is one of the few things that relieves the pain.


Sorry to hear Tana is having issues. I hope they can be addressed.  


We are heading out to a short excursion soon just a ride around town.  It is way too hot to be walking.  

Have a good day. 


Debbie, thanks for your advice and the exercise to try.  I just did it.  Hardest part is raising the left arm halfway up.  That hurts but I'll try it slowly and maybe not halfway at first.  So many people have shoulder problems.  Friends Scott and Susan both have different shoulder problems.  And my twin is currently undergoing PT so that they will do a MRI for her.  Yes, PT before the MRI.  She told me this morning she was on her way there and that her insurance won't pay for the MRI until she has 6 weeks of PT.  Seems like they should find out what the problem is before they try the exercises but what do we know? 🤷‍♀️

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9 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Debbie, thanks for your advice and the exercise to try.  I just did it.  Hardest part is raising the left arm halfway up.  That hurts but I'll try it slowly and maybe not halfway at first.  So many people have shoulder problems.  Friends Scott and Susan both have different shoulder problems.  And my twin is currently undergoing PT so that they will do a MRI for her.  Yes, PT before the MRI.  She told me this morning she was on her way there and that her insurance won't pay for the MRI until she has 6 weeks of PT.  Seems like they should find out what the problem is before they try the exercises but what do we know? 🤷‍♀️

If it hurts my PT said don’t do it. Just stand against wall and don’t raise your arms.

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5 minutes ago, summer slope said:

A funny for the day. We were sitting in the Denver airport waiting to board and I checked my AirTag app and it said our luggage was in San Diego. It beat us there. 


Wow!  I thought the rules were that your luggage had to be on the plane with you?  Unless of course the baggage handlers mess up and it follows you on a later flight.  I've never heard of sending the luggage on ahead!!

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Good morning from beautiful Miami.  It is 63 F and very sunny.  

Thank you to Jacqui and Roy for the Daily and Fleet Report and the Maps.

Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with our comings and goings as well as our ills and celebrations.   I hope you get to feel better soon.

Thank you to those filling in while the F&B regulars are cruising.  @kochleffel and @superoma.  Thank you to @cat shepard for the wine report.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your shoulder pain improves.

@smitty34877 Terry, I hope Tana is doing better today.

@kochleffel Paul, I hope your MOHS surgery is successful.

@RMLincoln Maureen,  Glad DH got a good report from the Eye doctor.



I like croissants.   I would not be able to draw a dinosaur.  We are in the process of escaping on a cruise.

I like the quote.

We will skip the F& B for today.

We have not been to the destination.


DH is doing okay today.  However, I am having some GI problems. I need to get this under control before tomorrow.   Our plan for today is to go to Total Wine to get our supply for our cruise, however my need for proximity to a bathroom may thwart that plan.  I was up for practically the whole night and feel weak.  For breakfast I had only toast and tea and it went right through me.  Need to get this resolved quickly.  I am exhausted.


Hope everyone is having a good day.

God Bless,


PS.  Here is a photo of the Miami Port.  The MSC Miraviglia and the Norwegian Pearl are in Port today. They are also getting ready for a boat show and that is all the walkways and tents that you see.



Edited by Cruzin Terri
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@Cruzin Terri I don't drink anymore, so i don't know, but is there a wine package you can get on the ship in the event that your tummy wont allow you to go shopping?  I do understand the problem, as my meds wont let me leave the house until I have been up for at least 3 hours to make several trips to the porcelain gods.  I missed a few excursions this year in Alaska, for lack of ladies rooms.  Take care of yourself. Getting well today is the priority before boarding a ship.  Staying well is the overall priority.  Good luck!

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Terri @Cruzin Terri it sounds like you have a sensitive GI tract and traveling can upset that condition easily.  I recommend you get some fluids with electrolytes in you and hopefully you carry Immodium when you travel.  Some people use Gatorade but check out some Pedialyte at the pharmacy.  Ask the pharmacist if you should try that or an adult version.  As for food, watch what you eat today.  The recommendation is the BRAT diet, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  Rice is good too I think.  Baked or boiled potatoes, plain pasta, low-fat yogurt, soft cooked eggs, and clear broths.  Hope you can find something like that to eat.  You need to gain your strength back.  Once I was up all night like you and the next morning fainted in the bathroom while alone.  I could have hurt myself badly but only had a small bruise by my eye where my glasses hit the floor.  Good luck!!

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20 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

DH is doing okay today.  However, I am having some GI problems. I need to get this under control before tomorrow.   Our plan for today is to go to Total Wine to get our supply for our cruise, however my need for proximity to a bathroom may thwart that plan.  I was up for practically the whole night and feel weak.  For breakfast I had only toast and tea and it went right through me.  Need to get this resolved quickly.  I am exhausted.


Well darn.  Do you bring Imodium?  If not, you should be able to get some or if necessary, perhaps the front desk could help with it?



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Good morning, 

I've been reading every day but the last few days have been busy. Currently we're in a warm spell with a high of 62F yesterday and close to that today without rain. The rain comes back tonight and they we go lower temps and sun. Love the Pacific Northwest. 


I hosted (with the help of DS and DDIL) my DD DH's side of the family for Christmas on Sunday. So Friday and Saturday were spent house cleaning and getting some food ready. I made hamburger stroganoff which we had over baked potatoes. Sunday morning I got the potatoes in and they were done just right when the group arrived at 1:00 PM. I had 17 between the ages of almost 4 (in two weeks) and 80. We had a wonderful time, everyone ate and visited, and the 5 "greats" (ages almost 4 - 11) played with my dollhouse, my baby doll, etc. It was a lovely Sunday but I was tired after everyone left! 


Yesterday was back to the pool for two water aerobics classes. Today is putting what's left away from Sunday and maybe some escaping by working on cruise plans for Alaska this summer. 



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Good morning, Dailyites!  Thanks for the news and prayers for those suffering, especially Tana and Terri.  Bon voyage to the lucky ducks who are sailing.  We have decided to forego a cruise this spring, we looked into some, the prices are good, but airfares are exorbitant.  We'll wait until the fall.  It has been raining steadily for a few days, and the reservoir has gone up to 98.3%.  Good news, but as fast as it fills, we use it.


My Library of Congress story.  When we lived in Virginia, I took a genealogy course at the Northern Virginia Community College one year.  It turned out that, although a Canadian, I was the only one in the class whose ancestors came from Maryland, Virginia and what became West Virginia.  We had field trips to Baltimore, Hagerstown, etc., and found information and also many trips to the National Archives and the Library of Congress.  Our first visit to the Library of Congress, we were all given computers and told to write in the name of the ancestors we were researching.  I typed it in and suddenly the screen started flashing, alarms went off and the supervisor rushed over.  I was in trouble!  I was not invited back - my ancestors' name is "English", and the poor old computer just could not encompass all those references.  (It was a long time ago!)



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Wow!  I thought the rules were that your luggage had to be on the plane with you?  Unless of course the baggage handlers mess up and it follows you on a later flight.  I've never heard of sending the luggage on ahead!!

Only for international flights.

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Just waking up here on the vast Pacific. Looking out our window I see beautiful welcoming blue skies as yesterday was rather gloomy.

We ate in Discovery MDR and enjoyed some very nice fish that the chef purchased in Pitcairn Island. We then enjoyed some time in Living Room (Crows Nest) listening to the Filipino band. They are very good with a large array of songs.

Today is another sea day before our arrival in Fakarava tomorrow. They have a big Azamazing Day planned for us. Will have to wait and see but if it’s anything like our Azamazing Evening in Cozumel it should be great.

As much as we enjoyed cruising on the Prisendam this has been like cruising on a Prisendam on steroids. Again the activity and entertainment offers us so many choices. The singers and dancers work along with CD and Asst. CD so there can be multiple events going on.

While some of you are contemplating lunch I’m headed for first coffee. Have a great day and thanks to all who make the Fleet and Daily report possible. Some pics from Pitcairn from a fellow guest.  Bruce




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Thank you, all, for the wonderful non voyage wishes.  It will be spectacular!


@RedneckBob flattery will get you everywhere!  Thank you!


2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

@dfish Bon Voage! May you have smooth seas, light winds, great staff and food almost equal to your daily recipes on this thread. I say almost equal cause it would be difficult to equal your recipes!

12 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

@dfish, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @Sharon in AZ, and @summer slope - 


Oh My, what a crew!



You bet we’re a crew and everyone will know it by the time we disembark!  

We’ll celebrate croissants tomorrow at breakfast with a couple of the chocolate ones along with our eggs Benedict.  So, so, so excited!

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