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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday February 13th,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Good days to celebrate, but not sure about the Desperation Day.  If you're so desperate to find someone just so you're not alone on Valentine's Day, you need to give your head a shake.  You're valuable, you're enough, go and treat yourself without worrying about having to be with someone else!  Go and volunteer at a food bank, help a neighbour, be kind to a stranger, then order in a lovely meal for yourself and enjoy it.  Jumping off my soapbox now.


We had a good day yesterday - DH worked on the computer while I spent most of the morning working on fabric, getting it ready so I can cut out pieces and make coasters.  We went to the hospital in the afternoon where they increased his pacemaker to 60bpm, and came home.  I asked DH if he felt any different, and he said there was no change that he could tell.  I guess we'll see how he does today.  Funny thing (well, funny to me) last night DH was watching a news program while taking his night meds and instead of taking a potassium pill, accidentally took a diuretic.  Well, he was up and down like a jack in the box every half hour through the night - you'd think for as long as he's had to take medication, he'd be a little more observant of what pills he's got in his hand.  I'm sure he'll be more careful in the future.  


Not much planned for the day, but there's a fabric store across town having a sale on notions, and I'd like to pick up some different threads, etc., so will likely head out.  DH will come with me and depending on how he feels, will either join me in the mall or may just sit in the car and read.


I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and a hard no on the menu suggestion.  I dislike dumplings - there's something about the texture that just doesn't do it for me.  It's Shrove Tuesday so we'll be having shroves for dinner  - pancakes and bacon will be served at our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or who just needs a hug.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!   ☺️☺️☺️


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This is paczki territory, but I probably won't be having any. It's also pierogi territory and the Ukrainian Catholic Church nearby is famous for its pierogi sales, but I probably won't be having those, either.


I would like the suggested meal, although to make it at home I'd need to make the dumplings non-dairy. Would try the drink if I had any of the ingredients beyond lime. For a Pinot Noir, Nathan K from Seneca Lake. I haven't been to Abu Dhabi.


Last night "they" changed the weather forecast and said that the snow would be mostly to the south of us, in Pennsylvania. So far we haven't seen any. I have a Zoom conference with my Hartford professor this afternoon, and in the evening I teach a class on the Song of Songs.


58 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Last weekend our fire department station nearest our home had a fire!  About 2:50 am they were alerted to smoke in the fire station.  Upon further investigation they found one of the fire trucks engulfed in flames.  They requested help from other stations as they proceeded to fight the fire.  They've asked the State Fire Marshall to join in the investigation of the cause of this fire.  Now they have to replace the fire truck and are coming up with plans for service coverage. 


The same thing happened at a fire station across the state line! I remember that other departments provided loaner equipment, but they also had to rebuild the firehouse.


2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I woke up to major changes to our 8/31 Zuiderdam itinerary.  Quebec will no longer be an overnight stay.  Bar Harbor was removed.  Saint John and Portland were added.


I visited Bar Harbor on the Norwegian Gem in 2018 and liked it, even though the weather was awful, cold and rainy all day. It was also cold and rainy in Halifax and Saint John.





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56 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Roy you might find this interesting.  Last weekend our fire department station nearest our home had a fire!  About 2:50 am they were alerted to smoke in the fire station.  Upon further investigation they found one of the fire trucks engulfed in flames.  They requested help from other stations as they proceeded to fight the fire.  They've asked the State Fire Marshall to join in the investigation of the cause of this fire.  Now they have to replace the fire truck and are coming up with plans for service coverage.  I certainly hope there won't be any delays in case of fire in this area of the district!  Meanwhile, good luck to you with all the appointments this week!

Ouch!  Just glad there did not appear to be major damage to the station.  Is this operated by the county or volunteers.  We are a largely county station with additional help from volunteers and the county has reserve apparatus that can be brought in when something is broken.


I hope there's a reserve available as the ordering time for a new fire engine is probably a year or more.  The alternative is to go on the used equipment market where there is a chance of getting a very nice engine for a pretty decent price.


Praying that the coverage from nearby stations is not too far away.



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Good morning. The snow, although quite beautiful, is coming down like crazy. The trees look incredible but of course it is very slippery out there. I have bacon and could make pancakes later. I would like the meal of the day but don’t have the ambition to make it. I agree with Gerry @ger_77  about Desperation day. That is really sad. I have not been to the port and hope that in this house at least it is always love day for all.

We all slept better last night for the first night in what feels like forever. I am hoping for a good day today and wish the same for all of you.


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Checking back in before class to let you know that both Jacqui & Eva, who are currently on the staff of the FR & D, have volunteered to research the wine of the day, while I am away. 

I confess, I was hoping that someone not currently on the staff would volunteer, before having either of them do double duty. Any takers?  

If so just shoot me an email at annge3@gmail.com



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3 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

I was hoping that someone not currently on the staff would volunteer, before having either of them do double duty. Any takers?  


I'm willing to do it. It will overlap with bartending duty, but only for the first two days. Have emailed you.

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1 minute ago, kochleffel said:

The paper today reports that Bob Edwards, who was the host of "Morning Edition" for just short of 25 years, has died.


I particularly remember his weekly conversations with the late Red Barber.  In the likely words of Red, Rest In Peace, Colonel Bob.



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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  It is sunny and 41 degrees. Last night we had that heavy rain storm like Sandi did,  It was like Mother Nature squeezed a very soggy sponge over us.  And then it was done, the wind started up, and we ended up losing power during the night. It was only out for a little over an hour, but the house really cooled down.  Donna who never sleeps was up when it went out and called the power company.  She then texted me when the power came back on.  I was not awake for either text.


@StLouisCruisers Donna was mugged outside her home in 2003.  Since then, she is no longer sleeping in her bed, never gets into jammies, stays dressed 24/7. Her lights outside are always on, and she sleeps on the sofa in the den. She never drives to work the same way, she never comes home the same way.  She lives in constant fear.  So I do hope your Morgan will get help, and get out of where she is living, so she can start living again.


Desperation day?  Even when I was single, I would not worry about not having a date on Valentine's day.  It's a day. With a name.  The ex # 1 said I could choose between our anniversary or Valentines day.  But he wouldn't send me flowers for both.  I chose the anniversary. (they were 2 days apart) I should have chosen divorce.  But I had to wait 9 years to do that.  Silly me. And yes there are times that I wish i could edit  and proof  my life.  But I am under the belief that all that I have gone through brings me to where I am.  And where I am is not that bad.





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@JazzyV Vanessa - I don't need to be on the care list but thank you for putting me there.


We are finally having some decent weather here. It is still windy but at least the sun is out and it is warm.   I do miss the snow - looking out the window with no place to go and the kids home from school.  Those were some fun days. 


Not much on my agenda today - hopefully I will get to do some errands later in the day. 


I hope everyone has a great day.   

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Over 8” snow so far!  So glad we can stay in but wasn’t sure of that last night….  

DH had blurry vision suddenly late in the evening, then couldn’t get a pressure reading on the surgical eye. Oiy!  Which eye drops to do? Texted docs but it was rather late to expect an answer. Made a best guess that the pressure was too low, took the steroid only, and was able to get a reading - still very low but he guessed right. This morning’s text from surgeon confirmed to discontinue the glaucoma med in that eye. Today blurriness is gone but again can’t get a pressure reading. It’s so tricky!  I wish the docs had given us better instructions for What Ifs!  But we are muddling through. One day at a time is Everything!  

Maybe I’ll make crepes sometime today. We still have power but winds are gusty. 

Blessings to all in need!  Stay safe in the storm track and all traveling, enjoy the cruise preps. Hoping all those in project mode have positive results. Sad to hear about the fire station fire!  I’m confident other departments will help, it’s quite the “family”.  I hope @ger_77 DH feels better soon, and @tupper10, all I’ll or in pain or distress. Thanks all for being here!  M—

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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu, @richwmn and maps @rafinmd.

Love all the Days - Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Paczki Day (big around here) and Mardi Gras (I've never been). I'll salute black love day. I will not be desperate for a Valentine today. In college for a while I lived in an all girl big dorm; and I'd be sad to see all the flowers coming in and none for me. But no longer! Interesting quote. It's also Galentine's Day, for us single women to celebrate female friendship. I like the meal and wine (although a bit pricey for me). Pass on the drink. I've not been to Abu Dhabi. 2 interesting days in history.


It's 39F and sunny. Go figure. The storms went south and east of us. No snow. Of course my furniture removal had been moved to Thursday or Friday. But I'm glad it wasn't put back to today, as I didn't get much done yesterday with the final packing. Sleep and pain are the same. It takes me a while to get going in the morning, until the pain eases a bit. Tomorrow I have an appointment in the AM, then stop at the grocery store, and BFF wants to go out to eat in the afternoon.


@Crazy For Cats Disappointing to hear about the itinerary changes.

@rafinmd I hope you get a good report from the Pulmonologist today.

@cat shepard Grout cleaning is hard, but satisfying when you see the difference.

@kazu I hope you're able to get to your appointment tomorrow.

@ottahand7 Sorry that things did not go well at your Tamarind dinner; John not even getting a meal is terrible. 

@smitty34877 The snow is pretty if you have no where to go; although shoveling is a chore. Great news that everyone slept better last night, and I pray that that continues.

@RMLincoln Wow, you're getting slammed with snow. I'm sure it was unnerving for DH to have symptoms last night (it always happens at night or on a weekend). Good for him for guessing right. I agree you need instructions for what to do under different circumstances. Continued prayers for him. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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2 hours ago, kochleffel said:


The same thing happened at a fire station across the state line! I remember that other departments provided loaner equipment, but they also had to rebuild the firehouse.



I visited Bar Harbor on the Norwegian Gem in 2018 and liked it, even though the weather was awful, cold and rainy all day. It was also cold and rainy in Halifax and Saint John.






Sorry to hear about the fire department fire across the state line, but happy to hear equipment was loaned to help out.  It's a necessary service.




2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Ouch!  Just glad there did not appear to be major damage to the station.  Is this operated by the county or volunteers.  We are a largely county station with additional help from volunteers and the county has reserve apparatus that can be brought in when something is broken.


I hope there's a reserve available as the ordering time for a new fire engine is probably a year or more.  The alternative is to go on the used equipment market where there is a chance of getting a very nice engine for a pretty decent price.


Praying that the coverage from nearby stations is not too far away.




This fire department is county funded and operated.  I don't know about volunteers.  Back in 2014 a house 4 doors down from us burned up due to an electrical fire.  They had trucks here from all over the county.  That was a major fire!  




2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. The snow, although quite beautiful, is coming down like crazy. The trees look incredible but of course it is very slippery out there. I have bacon and could make pancakes later. I would like the meal of the day but don’t have the ambition to make it. I agree with Gerry @ger_77  about Desperation day. That is really sad. I have not been to the port and hope that in this house at least it is always love day for all.

We all slept better last night for the first night in what feels like forever. I am hoping for a good day today and wish the same for all of you.



I love hearing when people say they slept better last night.  It makes such a difference!  I hope you have a good day too.




1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  It is sunny and 41 degrees. Last night we had that heavy rain storm like Sandi did,  It was like Mother Nature squeezed a very soggy sponge over us.  And then it was done, the wind started up, and we ended up losing power during the night. It was only out for a little over an hour, but the house really cooled down.  Donna who never sleeps was up when it went out and called the power company.  She then texted me when the power came back on.  I was not awake for either text.


@StLouisCruisers Donna was mugged outside her home in 2003.  Since then, she is no longer sleeping in her bed, never gets into jammies, stays dressed 24/7. Her lights outside are always on, and she sleeps on the sofa in the den. She never drives to work the same way, she never comes home the same way.  She lives in constant fear.  So I do hope your Morgan will get help, and get out of where she is living, so she can start living again.


Desperation day?  Even when I was single, I would not worry about not having a date on Valentine's day.  It's a day. With a name.  The ex # 1 said I could choose between our anniversary or Valentines day.  But he wouldn't send me flowers for both.  I chose the anniversary. (they were 2 days apart) I should have chosen divorce.  But I had to wait 9 years to do that.  Silly me. And yes there are times that I wish i could edit  and proof  my life.  But I am under the belief that all that I have gone through brings me to where I am.  And where I am is not that bad.






Annie, that is so sad about Donna and her life since she was mugged!  She really needed therapy to get herself past this.  Too bad she couldn't get a fresh start somewhere else.  Both Morgan and her mother say they felt such a feeling of relief when we told them we wanted to help get her out of there.  I'm hoping she is able to concentrate better on her final months of college with a new location and no bad memories there.  My DD says she has the name of the suspect who robbed her in December and looked up his charges, etc.  This was a big guy, 6'2" tall and 250 pounds so very intimidating especially with a gun.  He has at least 10 charges of robbery over $1000 with a weapon, carjacking with a weapon, eluding police, property damage when they chased the car and he caused damage, even striking (hitting or kicking I guess) a police dog!  I can't remember all the charges there were so many!  He should stay in jail until trial because his bond is high.  Morgan has been instructed she must report Monday the 19th to give a deposition on everything she can remember about that day.  They gave her a victim's attorney and everything.  I'm sure we will all be relieved when this is over and done with, but the judicial system is slow.




19 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Over 8” snow so far!  So glad we can stay in but wasn’t sure of that last night….  

DH had blurry vision suddenly late in the evening, then couldn’t get a pressure reading on the surgical eye. Oiy!  Which eye drops to do? Texted docs but it was rather late to expect an answer. Made a best guess that the pressure was too low, took the steroid only, and was able to get a reading - still very low but he guessed right. This morning’s text from surgeon confirmed to discontinue the glaucoma med in that eye. Today blurriness is gone but again can’t get a pressure reading. It’s so tricky!  I wish the docs had given us better instructions for What Ifs!  But we are muddling through. One day at a time is Everything!  

Maybe I’ll make crepes sometime today. We still have power but winds are gusty. 

Blessings to all in need!  Stay safe in the storm track and all traveling, enjoy the cruise preps. Hoping all those in project mode have positive results. Sad to hear about the fire station fire!  I’m confident other departments will help, it’s quite the “family”.  I hope @ger_77 DH feels better soon, and @tupper10, all I’ll or in pain or distress. Thanks all for being here!  M—


Maureen, I hope you can get the answers you need when you need them.  Tricky indeed.  Hoping the numbers remain good for DH.


I hope our firehouse wasn't damaged badly too.  The information sent out didn't mention the place burning down or anything so I hope it's still there.  I'm sure they won't put us all in danger by not having plans in case of fire or disaster of some sort.  There are a lot of homes in this development, and the area around us is rural.  Those folks need protection too.  I'm sure they've put together a plan for the time being.

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Good snowy morning. The storm has ended and we did get several inches.

I did have Fastnachts for breakfast.For many years, my church made them, it started out as a youth group project and eventually became a group project for close to 40 years. We went around the clock the weekend before and it was a good time while it lasted. They were made from scratch and were delicious. 
Stay safe out there.



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@JazzyV we had our galentine day one year when I lived in NC.  All us single ladies went to Mama Dip's in Chapel Hill.  It was a small soul food place and not a hot spot for Valentine's Day.  I still remember her stewed tomatoes. I wonder if her cookbook survived my lifetime move to Michigan and I am too far away to check. 




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Good day from sunny Hamilton. The weather continues to be warmer than usual and we had a few flakes of snow but that was it. I always wanted to move to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ,beautiful there,especially around the bay of Fundy. We went camping there and it was wonderful with fresh lobster cooked in the town which we ate over a campfire. Nova Scotia is just plain gorgeous, used to go  to thrift shops and pick up vintage quilts. We went to Springhill, the town where Anne Murray was born and truck drivers would stop to let you cross the street. Hope the weather there improves for those guys. 
thanks for the maps, health updates and lovely photos. 
 Yesterday I saw the ones from Cherbourg andvremebered when we were there ,ordered a platter of mussels in metric and she brought this huge kettle of them, good laugh from everyone in the n

bistro. Then they took the bread from our table and placed it at another one. Good idea but shocked us at the time. Loved Cherbourg.

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It’s Wednesday morning at 6 AM and upon dawn we should be seeing land for the first time in six days. Ocean feels calm enough that we should be able to tender and visit Islands Of Bay in New Zealand. Our day will consist of seeing the glow worms and upon our return to ship we will have a cultural destination day onboard.

Last night was White Night onboard. We chose to dine in MDR instead of pool side BBQ and buffet. We did return to pool side and enjoyed  the entertainment. 
Just stepped out on balcony and though it’s still dark I could see land and New Zealand. It will be nice to walk on terra firma and not be staggering.

It’s time for coffee and to get ready for our first excursion of many.

Tomorrow in Auckland the third segment ends and a new one begins. There will be 603 guest on next segment. Will celebrate our Hump Day by walking on land.

Thanks for the reports and post. Will read later. Bruce



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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good snowy morning. The storm has ended and we did get several inches.

I did have Fastnachts for breakfast.For many years, my church made them, it started out as a youth group project and eventually became a group project for close to 40 years. We went around the clock the weekend before and it was a good time while it lasted. They were made from scratch and were delicious. 
Stay safe out there.




1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good snowy morning. The storm has ended and we did get several inches.

I did have Fastnachts for breakfast.For many years, my church made them, it started out as a youth group project and eventually became a group project for close to 40 years. We went around the clock the weekend before and it was a good time while it lasted. They were made from scratch and were delicious. 
Stay safe out there.



No thanks.

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Good Afternoon, this morning it rained, turned to snow, then back to rain and now it’s snowing and starting to stick.  Still glad to be “stuck” at home.

@JazzyV after the second cup of coffee kicked in I realized that our first leg has an overnight in Quebec.  Once I realized that I was thrilled with the change.  Saint John is a rare stop for us.  I hope that one holds.


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