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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 7th, 2024


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Good morning from a partly sunny, partly cloudy Quartzsite.  It is 57F heading to a high of 65F.  The weather is a bit strange right now.  We have sun, but dark clouds all around us.  The weather app says there is a chance of rain for about the next hour, but the future cast radar shows it going around us, which is the normal pattern. 


Last night about 10, the wind really picked up for about 10 to 15 minutes.  I could hear the flags flapping very hard, but it was too windy to try to drop the flag poles down.  As quickly as the wind kicked up, it dropped back down.  However, it was enough to blow the tall propane heater over, again.  Over the past few years, whatever they used for ballast broke apart and fell out.  I think today, we'll try to find a place where we can move it that's out of the way, and lay it on it's side.  Another option is to take it apart and store the pieces.


Alexander Graham Bell would not recognize his invention today, but it changed communication for the better and at times for the worse.  Name Tags are necessary, but as soon as I leave off come the name tags.  I hope I'm heard unless I'm being obnoxious.  


The E. E. Cummings quote is just plain weird to me.


Chicken enchiladas would be good, but I prefer the cheese enchiladas at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Texas.  I've tried making enchiladas, but I have not been very successful.  The drink sounds interesting, and I would like the wine, especially at that price.


We were in Luderitz in October 2009, and I'll look for my pictures soon.


Again, the patent for the telephone is an important day in history as is Roald Amundsen's discovery of the South Pole.


In 2013 on Veendam, we stopped in Sydney, NS, and drove to the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site in Baddeck.  These are a pictures from that visit.







@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm sorry Allen is in so much pain.  Hopefully, he will take the pain medicine.  

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, thanks for the pictures.

@dfish  Debbie, I was glad to read on yesterday's Daily that your thumb is better.

@Mr. Boston  Lauren and her family are in our thoughts as she enters hospice.  I hope she can be kept comfortable and pain free. 

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry the new dermatologist is not as good as your former one.  Ours is about my age and still does a through body scan at each visit besides listening to our concerns.  I hope he doesn't retire.

@Mtn2Sea  Thank you for the pictures of Halifax Island.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope all goes well at the eye doctor, and that he doesn't do anything drastic.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad Wayne made it home yesterday, and is feeling much better.  Enjoy your lunch with him today.

@57redbird  Save travels to SeaTac and a safe flight to Maui tomorrow.

@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I hope everything goes smoothly with your DD and with your dog sitting.  I was also glad to see the end of last year.

@ottahand7  Nancy, please wish your DB a HAPPY 81ST BIRTHDAY for us.

@aliaschief  Bruce, enjoy your sea days when you sail around Africa.  I think I would have made the same decision.
















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Great day - the phone changed lives! I am thrilled I don't wear a name tag for work - most days I know who I am and the fur babies can't read...

Aligned w/the quote, chicken enchiladas sound great, yes to the drink & wine, not been to the port.

Work started early today and doesn't look to be letting up. Squeezing in some training for a person who will be taking my place at an expo next week. I was looking forward to going, but Mgr notified the team he was sending someone else, so I'm doing all the admin, set up, support w/none of the perks. At least I know she'll be ready and positioned for success.

Neurologist appt tomorrow - I don’t look to learn much since no tests have been done, but I'm ready to do something. 

Currently 64° headed to rainy 68°. Had some decent boomers last night, probably more today. I'm not getting out today, so if they clear by tomorrow, it's ok.

Prayers🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


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We went to Lüderitz in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes.  It is a small town that serves a working diamond mine out in the desert.  It was possible to visit that mine in 2009 by making advanced reservations, which we did not know about.  Instead, we took a tour to Kolmanskop, a deserted mining town, that was inhabited in the early part of the 1900s.  It is now being taken over by the desert.  On the way back to the port, we were dropped off at the top of town and walked back to the port.


Our first look at Lüderitz as we approached the port.



In Kolmanskop, we went into the main building that housed the theater, bowling alley, etc.  



Some of the houses that are slowly being overtaken by the desert.





The furnishing are still in some of the houses.  This is the dining room in one of the large houses that were home to the upper management.IMG_7834.thumb.JPG.52f73d80f47b553d5d7c3c15613d9418.JPG


The "train" that carried the miners and equipment.



The "Garden Club" picture of the day.



Various buildings in Lüderitz as we walked back to the ship.









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2 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Luderitz, Namibia, a year ago this month while on the Zuiderdam...

Also on the island were, of all things, flamingos...

For a portion of our trip, dolphins accompanied our boat...








Very cool - I quite like the contrast of the flamingos🦩 with the penguins🐧.

Lucky you - thanks for shaing.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone from a cool rainy Boston.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Thank you Mr. Bell for your invention that we can’t live without.  No name tags necessary here.  Not sure what to make of the quote.  The meal and drink suggestions sound very good.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on our list and please add my friend and prior colleague Lauren and her family, who has a recurrence of a very aggressive cancer and has begun hospice care.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! Happy Birthday to @RedneckBob🍾


Sending my thoughts and prayers to your friend Lauren as she enters hospice care.  I hope she will be kept comfortable and at peace in her final days.🙏




2 hours ago, Sir PMP said:

Old diamond port of Luderitz, Namibia:



Thank you for your photos of Luderitz.




2 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Luderitz, Namibia, a year ago this month while on the Zuiderdam.  After going through immigration, we took a boat that went to Halifax Island, which is a small island that in the 1800’s had 400,000 African penguins, but today only has a few thousand.  Also on the island were, of all things, flamingos.  Although our boat stayed just a little offshore, it was hard to get good pictures since the penguins were pretty small compared to many of the other types of penguins.  For a portion of our trip, dolphins accompanied our boat.  We also saw a few Cape Fur Seals on the trip to Halifax Island.IMG_4810.thumb.jpeg.65442a8420bbf4feccb437477a8f40db.jpeg























Really interesting photos of the penguins and flamingos.  Thanks for showing them to us.




1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

For us today is take the dog to his groomer/boarding kennel, come home & pack to stay near SeaTac in prep for our 5 hour flight to Maui tomorrow for 2 weeks.  Cancelled last year since we had done the 35 day HAL cruise & we were vacationed out.  Hoping for sun & nice weather!


Have a wonderful time in Maui!  I hope you have nice weather, too!




37 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We went to Lüderitz in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes.  It is a small town that serves a working diamond mine out in the desert.  It was possible to visit that mine in 2009 by making advanced reservations, which we did not know about.  Instead, we took a tour to Kolmanskop, a deserted mining town, that was inhabited in the early part of the 1900s.  It is now being taken over by the desert.  On the way back to the port, we were dropped off at the top of town and walked back to the port.


Our first look at Lüderitz as we approached the port.



In Kolmanskop, we went into the main building that housed the theater, bowling alley, etc.  



Some of the houses that are slowly being overtaken by the desert.





The furnishing are still in some of the houses.  This is the dining room in one of the large houses that were home to the upper management.IMG_7834.thumb.JPG.52f73d80f47b553d5d7c3c15613d9418.JPG


The "train" that carried the miners and equipment.



The "Garden Club" picture of the day.



Various buildings in Lüderitz as we walked back to the ship.










Thank you for sharing your photos taken near and in Luderitz.

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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

To my fellow golfer. This is the quote on a birthday card I received my daughter.


”Tips for the Aging Golfer”


Keep your back straight, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, form a loose grip, keep your head down.


Now flush the urinal, go outside, and tee off!

No wonder I could never shoot straight. My grip was always too firm! 😀

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Happy Birthday, @RedneckBob!  🎂  And good morning, Dailyites, I wish for you all the best today.


The carrot cake was a success.  "Better than store-bought." he said.  I did add a little orange zest, because I happened to have one in the fridge, but I couldn't really taste it, so I don't think it is vital.  The skin flap is still hanging from my thumb, so I guess it didn't go into the cake, maybe just a bit of blood, no one will notice...


Last night I won a lot at a stamp auction, so must go and pick it up, and I have an eye appointment in a little while, so I won't hang around.   I made an appointment next week for my Prolia injection.  I had wanted to see the dentist just before the shot, but he's on a cruise (!) so I'll just wait six months.  There's lots to do this month, including Covid shots, and a lot of updating as we got new passports.  

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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Happy Birthday @RedneckBob


Thanks Haljo1935. Been trying to blowout the candle and am exhausted!

In January got the Misses a birthday card with a lit candle inside (led lite) and played the birthday song. After the song finished she blew on the candle and it went out!

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8 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Happy Birthday, @RedneckBob!  🎂  And good morning, Dailyites, I wish for you all the best today.


The carrot cake was a success.  "Better than store-bought." he said.  I did add a little orange zest, because I happened to have one in the fridge, but I couldn't really taste it, so I don't think it is vital.  The skin flap is still hanging from my thumb, so I guess it didn't go into the cake, maybe just a bit of blood, no one will notice...


Last night I won a lot at a stamp auction, so must go and pick it up, and I have an eye appointment in a little while, so I won't hang around.   I made an appointment next week for my Prolia injection.  I had wanted to see the dentist just before the shot, but he's on a cruise (!) so I'll just wait six months.  There's lots to do this month, including Covid shots, and a lot of updating as we got new passports.  

Thanks Ann!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute all 3 days, especially Alexander Graham Bell. Interesting quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Luderitz. 2 good days in history.


Well, I see the update to my iPad (17.4), broke the formatting for copying and pasting the Cares List. I did some editing, but wasn't up to fixing it all. Hopefully resolved soon, since I post the Cares List from bed, not my PC. It's cloudy here and 49F. Yesterday I felt increasingly less well with head congestion and a bit of a cough. I did a Covid test (negative then and again today). So I didn't go to pick up my friends at the airport last night with BFF. I haven't been sick since late 2019/early 2020 after my Panama Canal cruise, where I had a prolonged cold/cough (in retrospect I wondered about Covid). I took Nyquil and went to bed early, and got over 6 hours of sleep. Some pain on awakening, but gone quickly. I feel fair today, mostly head congestion, so I'll just rest and maybe nap later. I'll decide about cancelling PT tomorrow this afternoon.


@RedneckBob Happy Birthday! I have my sources 🕵️‍♀️!

@Seasick Sailor Sorry Allen is in so much pain. I hope he takes the muscle relaxer as that may help.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for your Great nephew's twins. And thanks for sharing the sweet photo of Elliott Rose. 

@kazu Definitely sounds like a stay inside day.

@MISTER 67 Enjoy the new living quarters!

@Mr. Boston Prayers for comfort for you friend Lauren with the aggressive cancer.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. I like your meal too. I am a big chilled fruit soup fan.

@marshhawk Your former Derm guy sounds like a gem. Too bad he moved away. 

@Sir PMP Thanks for the photos.

@Mtn2Sea Wonderful photos.

@RMLincoln Prayers that all goes well for DH at the eye doctor visit.

@ger_77 Good news that Wayne is now home and feeling better. I'm glad you got the meclizine from Pat @57redbird.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Lüderitz/Kolmanskop photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

To my fellow golfer. This is the quote on a birthday card I received my daughter.


”Tips for the Aging Golfer”


Keep your back straight, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart, form a loose grip, keep your head down.


Now flush the urinal, go outside, and tee off!

I still have the cup one of my aunties gave me 30 years ago.

Written on it is

Old Golfers Never Die They Just Lose Their Drive.😃

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9 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute all 3 days, especially Alexander Graham Bell. Interesting quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Luderitz. 2 good days in history.


Well, I see the update to my iPad (17.4), broke the formatting for copying and pasting the Cares List. I did some editing, but wasn't up to fixing it all. Hopefully resolved soon, since I post the Cares List from bed, not my PC. It's cloudy here and 49F. Yesterday I felt increasingly less well with head congestion and a bit of a cough. I did a Covid test (negative then and again today). So I didn't go to pick up my friends at the airport last night with BFF. I haven't been sick since late 2019/early 2020 after my Panama Canal cruise, where I had a prolonged cold/cough (in retrospect I wondered about Covid). I took Nyquil and went to bed early, and got over 6 hours of sleep. Some pain on awakening, but gone quickly. I feel fair today, mostly head congestion, so I'll just rest and maybe nap later. I'll decide about cancelling PT tomorrow this afternoon.


@RedneckBob Happy Birthday! I have my sources 🕵️‍♀️!

@Seasick Sailor Sorry Allen is in so much pain. I hope he takes the muscle relaxer as that may help.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for your Great nephew's twins. And thanks for sharing the sweet photo of Elliott Rose. 

@kazu Definitely sounds like a stay inside day.

@MISTER 67 Enjoy the new living quarters!

@Mr. Boston Prayers for comfort for you friend Lauren with the aggressive cancer.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. I like your meal too. I am a big chilled fruit soup fan.

@marshhawk Your former Derm guy sounds like a gem. Too bad he moved away. 

@Sir PMP Thanks for the photos.

@Mtn2Sea Wonderful photos.

@RMLincoln Prayers that all goes well for DH at the eye doctor visit.

@ger_77 Good news that Wayne is now home and feeling better. I'm glad you got the meclizine from Pat @57redbird.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Lüderitz/Kolmanskop photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Thank you for today's lists Vanessa @JazzyV.

It is Pauline's birthday next Wednesday March 13th.

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Good morning, 

We're having a lovely start to the day in the Pacific Northwest with blue skies and sunshine but a bit on the cool side - think less than 40F at the moment. I'l enjoy it while I can as rain is in the forecast for the next week or so. I've done one walk outside and now it's time for laundry, etc. I'd try the chicken enchiladas (I already make an often-requested spinach and ham one) but no to the drink and wine. Yay for Alexander Graham Bell! 


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