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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday April 20th, 2024

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Good morning/evening. The Indian Ocean remains calm. The Indian Festival and buffet was a huge success and was appreciated by all. Many of the guest were wearing some beautiful Indian designed clothing.

Another great sea day with trivia and lectures. Enjoyed a nice lunch in MDR followed by a long refreshing nap.

Tomorrow we visit Muscat, Oman followed by Sir Bani Yas, UAE.

Tonight we will dine in Discoveries MDR and will skip the guest illusionist act.

With the time day difference and touring during port days it’s been difficult staying fully up to date on what’s been happing to all our Daily subscribers. Regardless for those with medical or other issues your in my thoughts and prayers.

@kazuSo happy to hear you are going cruising.

Have a great weekend everyone. Bruce


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Interesting collection of days - I'll pass on Cli-Fi day after reading @grapau27 educational post.

Pass on the meal (b sprouts),  drink (beer) and wine (price - ouch), not been to the port.

Good day in racing history.


Thank you to everyone for the suggestions re my cat. It's hard leaving such a social guy completely alone. The vet was no help - said "we have availability if you'd like to board him." No thank you - I can't imagine being locked in a cage for so long🥺 So, we'll find a sitter, but not sister. And we'll be sure the dog door is closed - I didn't even consider that he might bring something inside the house.🫣


Yesterday ended up being a very long work day - got the guide published w/no review from boss then spent 2.5 hours covering the project recap & checklist w/him & my fill in, then another 2.5 hours creating some auto-subscriptions for 50 users that had to be done before I could log off. HAL was closed by the time all that was done, so I did not get to call about the courtesy holds I did. We'll see what they say when I call today.


Extra hugs🤗 and prayers🙏 for those with procedures and losses; the list is long.


Rains have begun and the thunder is really crackling & booming; Mr Weather doesn't know it's dumping. 💦Temps dropped a tad since I first checked. We had already reached our high for today, but now we have a couple points to go. Currently 59° headed to a rainy 61°.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


Light rain? No, we need Noah to send his ark


An hour ago, I got this


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Snow today here in N. Minnesota. Cli-Fi Day is a new one for me; I defer to my Geology Reference books for the historical Climate facts. Saucy Scallops…Yes!!

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1 minute ago, LocoLoco1 said:

Snow today here in N. Minnesota. Cli-Fi Day is a new one for me; I defer to my Geology Reference books for the historical Climate facts. Saucy Scallops…Yes!!

Where in N MN are you located? I went to college in Moorhead - go Cobbers!!

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6 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Where in N MN are you located? I went to college in Moorhead - go Cobbers!!

Lake Mille Lacs- Brainerd. I drove BNSF trains to F-M weekly,’Oh, look!! a Tree!!’😹

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Very unsettled weather expected today in north Jersey, 40s to 60s, maybe a shower, high winds! 

I need to look at my packing list and start organizing things to be packed tomorrow.  We’ll bring food for car lunch snacks and hotel room suppers so we don’t have to venture out. We’ve collected pizza slices and quesadillas for suppers. I’ll need breakfast items with me for Tuesday to eat while DH is in surgery, there isn’t even water in the waiting room but there is a coffee bar in the lobby. We’ll leave home Monday late morning, two nights in the very nice Embassy Suites across from the medical complex; then we hope to have Wednesday night at a friend’s house… that will allow me to attend my old church group event that night, give us a good visit with my friend in our previous community and drive home Thursday morning at a time to miss most of the rushhour traffic. That’s the plan, we’ll see what really happens. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Toasts to those celebrating! 
Smooth travels to all away! 

Thanks all for being here. Hugs to you!  
I hope Sarah is perking up!  Good news Brenda!  Better weather Denise!  
Praying for Amazing… Tana, Vanessa, Maurice, Jane, Jacqui, Roy, Melissa, Pennie, Jim, Chuck… 

Enjoy something special today! 



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Good morning from a wet and windy central Texas.  It is 61F and raining.  The rain will taper of for a while, then begin again around 10 am and then last until sometime in the early morning hours tomorrow.  Our temperatures will drop during the day and stay in the 50s until tomorrow afternoon.  By Monday, we'll have a couple of days of sun and be in the 70s heading back into the 80s by mid week.  It would be a good day to stay home with a good book, but our semi-annual homeowners meeting is this morning.  Since I didn't turn in an absentee ballot or a proxy, I need to go to the meeting.  It's a good chance to visit with some of our neighbors.  The meeting wouldn't be so bad if a few people did not talk an issue to death before we vote.


Today's days are really not ones I'd celebrate.  The Chinese language is difficult, and I prefer my fries naked, especially the ones from the Dive-In on BHBs.  Cli-Fi day is probably the best of the three.


The quote is a little too much for this early in the day.


The meal sounds good, but while DH would like the Brussels sprouts, I'd leave them out.  I'll pass on the drink, but would try the wine if it was offered to me, but at that price wouldn't buy it.


We have not been to Akita, Japan.


Danica Patrick's 2008 win was good for racing and for women.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information on Cli-Fi day.

@summer slope  Dixie, enjoy the visit with your DD, DSIL and DGS.

@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for the port of the day map, and taking the time to post it.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope your internet doesn't go out again today.  Is there an agency in SC that you can report their poor service to?


@cat shepard  Ann, have a good visit with your niece and great nieces.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry Tana is have such rough nights, and that both of you cannot get much needed sleep.  Enjoy the visit with your NH family, and I bet your two dogs will enjoy the granddog.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the tree potting went well yesterday.  Enjoy the road trip.

@dfish  Debbie, your getaway next weekend sounds like fun.

@LocoLoco1  Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I hope you get the answers you want when you call HAL today.















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Good morning Daily-ites from a gloomy 63, high of 66 day today. Expecting rain about 1. Not sure if we will make the Farmer's market today.


Prayers said for our care list, Sandi's brother, the twins and friends, and my family and friends, soldiers, veterans and innocents caught in the middle of war. Vanessa I pray several times a day your surgery is successful. 


I do like a few extra crispy and hot fries, but nothing on them but salt.


Never picked up any Chinese words unless it is food related.


Today's food menu sounds great. I would give it a try, but I'm with Debbie, the Brussels sprouts should be air fried, fried, or baked crispy.


Wishing you all a blessed day, and a safe and healthy weekend. 🙏 

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  About to turn on the F1 race qualifying, which is in China this weekend.Temp is 63, very hazy sunny, and the temps are to drop back into the 50's tonight. I need to wrap the porch up again to keep the babies warm. And turn the heater back on. We are not too sure that all the babies are doing OK.  Mom cat seems to have lost interest in them.


While i was melting all night, sleeping on top of the covers.  The window was open, but it just would not cool down!


Meeting up with friends for lunch  Then another run to the pet store for Formula for the babies and Cat Milk for the mother. she is quite run down, and then DH works this afternoon.  So a somewhat busy day. Leftovers for dinner.


My favorite Cli-Fi film is Day After Tomorrow.  I like the quote, I guess most of us are in our Indian Summer, the drink sounds like something I would have made in highschool.. (actually we did create something called an apple bomber-beer and boones farm) and DH would love the scallops and pasta without the brussel sprouts.  The last time I ate a scallop, my throat closed up and I couldnt breathe....so I have stayed clear for a long time.


Safe travels to all who hit the road this weekend.



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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Sunrise over Half Moon Cay



Wow. We were just there a few weeks ago and it was also beautiful. No wind, no clouds! But be aware if you rent a clamshell to guard it with your life. We went to have lunch, left a small bag in our lounge chair and when we returned someone had taken over our clamshell. Could I have called them squatters! 😳

Oh, by the way, to rent a clamshell in the future might require you take out a loan. I can remember when HMC opened, clamshells were either free or $9.95 for the day. Last month the rent was $49.95 for the day and in Nov 2024 the price is up to $69.95 per day! And the lounge chairs are free. What a deal!

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a rather gloomy day today with grey skies and cold temperatures.  Sue is going to River's soccer game.  I'm staying home as I have a Zoom meeting.  Then I'll hit the gym, grocery store, and gas station.  I'm looking forward to next weekend as I am first heading to Columbus, Ohio for a conference with my health care group that I was the director of for many years.  Then, up to Kent for a few days to visit with friends.  Many of those in the health care organization are good friends after all those years, so it will be great seeing them again.  


Today's drink sounds interesting and I was going to suggest we do a taste test on a BHB on the next Dailyite adventure, but the recipe kind of nixed that.  It looks really pretty though!  Thanks, Dixie @summer slope.


Today's meal sounds really good to me.  I would substitute zoodles or cauliflower rice for the pasta to cut the carbs.  The brussel sprouts are pan fried so that brings out the natural sugars in them and they are really delicious.  Many people have only had them steamed, the worst way to cook them in my estimation.  I either pan fry, roast in the oven, or do them on the grill.  https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/281046/creamy-pasta-with-scallops-brussels-sprouts/




In this recipe the brussel sprouts are thinly sliced and sauteed with pancetta.  The previous recipe used bacon.  I like either one!   This one doesn't have the pasta, which is ok by me.  https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/scallops-brussels-sprouts




Now that's some good eating!


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Nice food Debbie.

These are the scallops in Epicurean speciality restaurant on P&O Iona.



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3 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Greetings from beautiful Port Charlotte.

70 right now with another day of sunny skies and a high of 85.

Interesting days but let’s have Chinese Food instead of Chinese Language day. I’ve never had Cheddar Cheese French Fries. No comment on Cli-Fi day.

Pretty good quote.

The meal sounds good but without the Brussel Spouts.

It’s Saturday morning so that means breakfast out at our favorite diner. 
The Stanley Cup Playoffs start today, we have a battle of Florida with the Lightning facing off against the Panthers this afternoon, Go Bolts!

Have a great day and stay well.

The Lightning and Panthers are playing Sunday afternoon, not this afternoon.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I only know one word in Chinese, that's thank you - pronounced shay-shay.  I had to look up cli-fi day, but understand now it's climate change fiction.  Cheddar cheese fries sound good, but I prefer mine naked with Dive-In sauce on the side, please.


The sun is shining brightly and there doesn't appear to be any wind - according to the weather app, it should go up to +9 (48F) today, so that will help melt the snow we've received the past 3 days.  Thankfully our fellow showed up again yesterday and shoveled - hopefully for the last time for a number of months!  I might be tempting fate, but yesterday I took out a couple of extra winter coats I've had in storage, bagged them up and have them ready for donating to the Salvation Army on our next run that way.  


I hope @kazu's flight went well and she was able to settle in to her hotel and relax before heading out tomorrow on her cruise.

@Seasick SailorI've been thinking about Allen's eczema, hoping it is getting better - you haven't mentioned it lately.

Thank you @rafinmd for the map of Japan - it brought back such wonderful memories of our time there visiting the different cities - Tokyo, Chiba, Kanazawa, Ibaraki, Saitama, Yamanashi, Kyoto, and more.  


Not a lot happening here today, so this morning DH and I will do a run by Tim Horton's to pick up coffee and muffins and head over to see our friend Ollie. When we were in Calgary at IKEA I picked up a few extra packages of tea lights and napkins as a little pick-me-up gift for her, so we'll have a visit and deliver them.  


Like @marshhawk said, I think we're all in the Indian Summer of our lives, referring to the quote.  After reading the ingredients of the drink, will give it a pass, would really like to try the wine if someone paid for it, and would take the menu suggestion if the brussels sprouts were left out or on the side.  I found a recipe online the other day for air fryer panko/parmesan chicken breasts that I plan on making and will serve that along with mini baked potatoes and asparagus at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all who have something to celebrate today, even it if just means getting out of bed to face the day.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning everyone from a rainy, cool Boston.  Good timing on the rain, now I don’t have to water the flowers that I planted on the roof deck yesterday afternoon.  Another day of getting ready for next weekend’s showing.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Probably won’t be celebrating the days today.  I like the quote but it’s a little melancholy for me today.  I need to keep going on my projects, sort of reminds me my old job.  The meal and drink suggestions sound tasty.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!

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Good morning from FLL.

We are here finally.  A gruelling flight from Toronto to FLL - no food, no drinks just a glass of water and a bag of junk food.  That’s biz class.

finally got to to the hotel close to midnight exhausted and starving.  Ordered a sandwich, had some much needed water and a glass of wine and hit the hay around 2 AM.  We’ve spent the last couple of hours trying to get wifi on and off.


I finally put my foot down (I didn’t swallow the Canadians are having problems - have been in hotels everywhere and never had a problem) and told them I had no intention of paying for wifi and I now have the employee password.

In catch up mode and as long as the wifi holds, I may just start a live thread.

We are meeting Brian and Michelle @POA1 for drinks and dinner 👍 

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11 minutes ago, kazu said:

We are meeting Brian and Michelle @POA1 for drinks and dinner

 And perhaps a little tech support. 😉 Actually, I do have an important tip for you regarding Wi-Fi on the ship, so remind me before I get too deep into the cocktail list.

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Just now, POA1 said:

 And perhaps a little tech support. 😉 Actually, I do have an important tip for you regarding Wi-Fi on the ship, so remind me before I get too deep into the cocktail list.

Ooh - the Institute has opened its long awaited weekend tech support shop with First Customer prize going to @kazu!! Is the prize membership in the Bubble of Awesomeness?🥳

So happy to hear you made it to FL & are dangerously close to going on a cruise - enjoy @kazu!!🥂

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16 minutes ago, kazu said:

Good morning from FLL.

We are here finally.  A gruelling flight from Toronto to FLL - no food, no drinks just a glass of water and a bag of junk food.  That’s biz class.

finally got to to the hotel close to midnight exhausted and starving.  Ordered a sandwich, had some much needed water and a glass of wine and hit the hay around 2 AM.  We’ve spent the last couple of hours trying to get wifi on and off.


I finally put my foot down (I didn’t swallow the Canadians are having problems - have been in hotels everywhere and never had a problem) and told them I had no intention of paying for wifi and I now have the employee password.

In catch up mode and as long as the wifi holds, I may just start a live thread.

We are meeting Brian and Michelle @POA1 for drinks and dinner 👍 

Atta girl!  What hotel are you staying where they want you to pay for wi fi?  

Re flights;  did you fly Air Canada?  Sounds like something they’d provide.  Money for nothing. 

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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. Happy that Jacqui is finally in Fort Lauderdale but what a lousy way to welcome visitors to the US.

I would not dare to try to learn Chinese Language, and will pass on the cheddar on my fries, Not sure about Cli-Fi but if it helps us recognize Climate reality it’s a good thing.  My most memorable of recognition of the reality were passing through the Northwest Passage on a cruise ship in 2016 and the frequent floods in downtown Annapolis.

I have not been to today’s port.

An interesting quote by Adams and a great day in racing history..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Papaya with a Rainbow of Fruit, Apple, Pear, and Cucumber Salad, Filet from Sirf amd Turf, and Tiramisu as served on MS Zaandam April 20, 2017.



A chilly morning for my walk but it should be warmer about lunch time when I head out to the fire house.



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Temps continue to drop as does the forecasted high. Now have a flood advisory. 

I just need to make it home from my appointment & let the dogs out, then it can do whatever it's threatening to do.

Lot of us seem to be in the path of bad weather- Stay safe!






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Good morning from Durango. Chilly and sunny but will warm up as the day goes along. We may or may not get some showers in the afternoon. I only have one outing planned for the day .... a meeting of the kennel club at 1:30 which may turn into an argue session. Some members need to read the by-laws. I will have my copy handy.


Glad @kazuis ready to board the Volendam. I really enjoyed that ship. If you or anyone you know is interested... give the string trio a listen... they are really good.


Off to walk the dogs and make a couple phone calls and prepare for battle at the meeting.



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Good morning from the Pacific Northwest, 


It started out with temps below 30F but the sun is out and it's a pretty morning. High is supposed to be mid to high 60's but rain is forecast for late afternoon. 

Today is a more leisurely day. I'll pop into town and stop at Costco then go up to the Kiwanis Salmon BBQ and get meals to-go for myself and my GF. It's a nice meal - salmon, cole slaw, baked potato, garlic bread, beverage and ice cream bar. It's done Fri-Sun for the month of April which is our local Tulip Festival. I can do backroads and hopefully avoid the crowds. With the sun out it's bound to be a traffic nightmare in the valley where the fields are. It's also the street fair in Mount Vernon so lots going on. 


@kazu So glad you made it to FLL and have a wonderful visit with @POA1 and @Huskerchick. Be part of that "bubble of awesomeness" as you deserve it! 



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Good Afternoon from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      Dont know any Mandarin, I like fries plain. The meal sounds interesting but I prefer Scallops without anything. Had the best ones on Cape Cod last weekend. Have not been to todays port. 

     Played golf very early today. We were first off so it was great. Going to be a very warm day here - mid 90s next several days. The beach is already packed. The park is already full. 

      I was happy to see @kazu finally made it to Ft Lauderdale. Relax, enjoy and have a wonderful cruise.

     @RMLincoln Safe travels and hope the surgery goes well

       @cat shepard   Enjoy your visit with your nieces. Sounds fun!

        @summer slope  Enjoy your family and your cruise.

 Going to take DD down to the beach later . We will watch the ships leave.


Stay safe and enjoy today




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