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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 4th, 2024

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Our local shelter is having a Flash Sale on dog adoptions. $5 is beyond a bargain since adoptions include all shots and spay/neuter.

We've gotten our last 3 fur babies during the annual Aug Clear the Shelter campaign where fees are waived; this is the next best thing.

Sis adopted her last pup for $14 during a Valentine's special - still a huge bargain.


I'm happy to see shelters trying to get more animals into homes at affordable prices; some families can handle the ongoing fees of pet ownership, but not an upfront lump payout of $200 - $300, so this is great. 🤞the return rate is low - don't need that.

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Good afternoon from a humid central Texas.  At 1 pm the Weather Channel app said it was 89F and feels like 104F.  Boy am I glad the outside work is done for a few days.  On the weather on one of the DFW stations they were talking about wind gusts up to 65mph tonight, but I'm not sure exactly where that will be.  It doesn't pay to be in a hurry when trying to do a post, especially first thing in the morning.  I'm sorry about double posting one of the memes. 


This morning when we went to get the mail, we took the golf cart down the road to the Corps of Engineers Park.  The golf cart can be driven on roads where the speed limit is 35mph or less.  In the high range, it will reach 26mph.  I can understand why it came with seat belts.  Our lake level is still high.  According to our weekly newspaper the level on Sunday was 340.47, about half a foot.


@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope this second operation on your DB's knee clears up the infection, and has a good outcome.


4 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Flowers around the Titanic Memorial Garden, Cobh Ireland, April '24








Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers, Fred.


4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Cloudy and low 80s today. Yesterday it felt hotter than I like in high 80s but not too bad. It’s June so I need to get used to this. 

The eye doctor said he’s  happy with how the eye is healing BUT thinks the pressure is a tad high still and might need the pressure lowering drops again. Not sure why he’s happy about that, the whole reason to do the surgery is to get off the meds DH is allergic to. But for now just stay on the tapering regime for the steroids- 3x/day for 2 weeks, then 2x/day for 2 weeks with massages frequency to match. Return in 4 weeks. Do a visual field test then too. Other eye has been very itchy, maybe it started with grass pollen reaction. So DH began antihistamine drops but it got worse after a few days so maybe it’s the preservative in them 🤷🏼‍♀️. So back to Benadryl. We’re not giving up even if there are some steps going sideways. Still hoping the left eye will stabilize lower. Thank you Vanessa, Sandi, Nancy, all here who help keep me positive!  Means so much!  

Sandi, extra hugs to you and your family! 
Nancy, I’m glad you have the knowledge and meds to deal with your SI pain. Been there, it changes everything!  Saying goodbye to neighbors is always hard. I miss my NM community but I’m right where I belong and they are happy for us. 

Terri, extra blessings for smooth travels today!  

We stopped in Molde on our Hurtigruten cruise. It’s picturesque. Our weather was poor but I’m glad we did that cruise, 11 days for round trip Bergen to Kirkenes and back. I’d do it again!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Hoping Jane @Lazy1 can recover quickly without any longterm effects. Sometimes I think COVID reduced my sense of taste. We are still hearing of much worse from COVID including deaths, sigh. 

@1ANGELCAT I’m sorry Shirl is lashing out at people trying to help her. My mom was like that. It was tough on everyone. But she did come around and eventually admitted that her new environment was “a good place of old ladies!”  She became the life of the party there!  It took her maybe 6 months but she started out pretty ill after a heart attack. We didn’t expect her to live but maybe a few weeks. She healed up and enjoyed herself for another 4 years!  

Busy day… primary voting, hair cut, then I need to wrangle with social security. I thought I could do it all online but I might need to start by phone, which will mean setting aside a long time for being on hold. Trying to start benefits; website says I need documentation of first marriage, divorce, ex’s ss number…. That was a long, long time ago and about 7 moves! Don’t know why they need all that, I’m not claiming any benefits against his record, I have my own. But I have all my papers, just need to have the wherewithal to tackle it. 

Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good!  🌈 Enjoy something special of this gift of a day! 


Maureen, I'm glad the eye doctor was pleased with the healing process.  I hope the pressure continues to lower, and your DH won't need the eye drops.  I also hope you will check with the surgeon in MD about the eye drops to see if there is another option.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We just got the itinerary in an email for a certain set of relatives for their next voyage, the Zuiderdam for 42 days, just like us! Oh boy...what a treat. 😕 They arrive Saturday at our turnover day in IJmuiden, Netherlands. I was afraid of this happening. I hope we can continue doing what we like to do without them trying to butt in or tag along with us everywhere.


The relationship sort of went downhill during DH's Mom's last few years. They may think this is a fine time to try to get back into our good graces. I'm on vacation here, not looking for therapy sessions. Give me strength!


Funny thing is they probably listed us as their emergency contact for this cruise, and we're on it too so basically that's not allowed. He is on the outs with his family too so we're their closest relative.


Sandi, I hope the good memories of Nancy out weigh the sadness of today's anniversary.  At least the Zuiderdam has a lot of places to relax, so hopefully you can figure out a place to relax that the relatives won't frequent.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Cool here right now.... high today into the 80's before heat sets in later in the week. At least we are spared the humidity. Hopefully some rain this weekend although I am not all that optimistic. And if it does come, it will come with lightning which is not a good thing.


I am leading a very uneventful life right now. Slowly pottering around the house and tossing things out here and there. Walking the dogs... reading.


@NickelpennyThanks for posting Crabby Road. One of my favorites. I have a Maxine doll who often accompanies me on cruises. My cabin stewards love her.


Off to do as little as possible today. My eyes are a bit itchy...allergies are kicking in.




Susan, I hope your area gets rain this weekend, but without the lightning or fires.  


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'll celebrate cats, protecting children, and wine.  The term Old Maid is so old fashioned, single lady is better.

I would love to hug my cat today, but our last one passed away 13 years ago -- so I will send a virtual hug to my 2 grand-kitties Smudge and Soot.  Later this month DD and her family will be taking a month-long road trip, and we'll have these cuties at our house while they're gone. Then I can hug them every day. 🙂  Loving everyone's cat photos today!




I'll pass on the drink, haven't been to Molde, and would like the meal but with some ham in it. Last night's chicken dinner was a hit -- instead of broccoli I used asparagus and fresh herbs from the garden.


Yesterday's Wellness exam went well, my doctor spent quite a bit of time with me and I feel like I had a good visit.  Also got a hepatitus shot as I'd never had one (previous doctor didn't see the need, but my new doctor says protocols have changed and since we travel a lot....)  She wasn't concerned about the A1C, she knows I can bring it down.  Kidney function is holding steady and I'll know more when I see the Nephrologist next month.


Prayers for all on the Care List and a big cheer to all who are celebrating!





Carolyn, I'm glad your doctor visit went well and that she was pleased.  We got our hepatitis A and B shots about 15 years ago.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  What a good idea for supper -  I had already taken a package of bacon out of the freezer and was wondering how to do the eggs.  We have errands to do today and will take all the forms I had to fill out to the surgeon's office - that will also work as a dry run to know where to park on the 25th.  Vanessa, I think you could put me on the rotation - I do still want prayers, but I think this is going to be a long, drawn-out business!


We were in Molde in 2013 on Ryndam, with our younger DD.  We had a lot of fun.  It poured in town, even the Captain was calling it Mouldy!  We went to an outdoor museum, which of course was closed for the day, so we just walked around, and then walked around in town.  It must have been a formal night, because we had our picture taken.











Ann, I enjoyed your pictures of Molde.  Great picture of the three of you.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@StLouisCruisers special hugs today as you remember Nancy and the twin babies.   But I’m glad there is lots to celebrate.  I’m sure your cruise will continue to be great, you’re in control of what you do!  
@RMLincoln I was wondering if the preservatives were part  of the issue, our DD was allergic to them as well and it took a very good ophthalmologist to sort things out for her.  Hoping things settle soon! 
@Cruising-along so glad you had a good checkup!  Great news! 

We’re off to enjoy the nice weather! 

DS’s tree is spectacular, I think it’s an ornamental plum.



Brenda, that tree is spectacular.


9 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Stromboli Volcano at sunset. Precious!




Bruce, thanks for the picture of Stromboli.



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Happy Tuesday!  Thanks to all who post port pictures.  I learn so much from your photos and comments.

4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

what is the difference between a bloody Mary and a bloody Maria?  The recipe looks very similar to how I concoct my bloody marys!





A Bloody Mary is made with vodka; a Bloody Maria is made with tequila.

1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I got the itinerary change for next year’s cruise and will have to do some research.  Right now I’m more focused on my August cruise. 

Itinerary changes seem to very common.  I had port changes on my last 3 HAL cruises and there have already been changes on my 3 upcoming HAL cruises.  Some are very upset by this (see two recent bait and switch threads) but I just go with the flow and am happy to be cruising.  I enjoy researching the cruise ports which is why I find the Daily so helpful.  I book my HAL HIA excursions as soon as they are available but have found that some private tour companies won’t book more than a year in advance. 

Positive thoughts to those who are suffering.  Cheers to those celebrating.

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Good afternoon!  

I got so excited when my new phone arrived. But it turned out to be the wrong one. The rep ordered the wrong size, I ordered a plus. So it’ll be a few days. Craig decided to get a new one too. 

I am taking Blue to the vet later this afternoon. I think he has a bladder infection or UTI. We’ll see. Not sure how they get urine samples. 

I changed our menu for today from pizza to the Olive Garden take home entree I got yesterday. They are just $6 and enough for two. 

Thinking about you all!



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4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Don’t you think we need to add another ingredient! 😀


It could probably use a bit of pepper.


4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Had that for breakfast at the hotel! It was great. Did not know you were working at the Marriott!


Just part time.  I exhibited great restraint this morning.  I wanted to add a few brussels sprouts.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:


Itinerary changes seem to very common.  I had port changes on my last 3 HAL cruises and there have already been changes on my 3 upcoming HAL cruises.  Some are very upset by this (see two recent bait and switch threads) but I just go with the flow and am happy to be cruising.  I enjoy researching the cruise ports which is why I find the Daily so helpful.  I book my HAL HIA excursions as soon as they are available but have found that some private tour companies won’t book more than a year in advance. 

Positive thoughts to those who are suffering.  Cheers to those celebrating.


Well put, Tina.  Sometimes we forget how lucky we are that we can cruise anywhere.  Most people in this world will never have that opportunity.  


@StLouisCruisers Thinking of you today and hoping the memories with Nancy lift you.  Also hope you can enjoy the next 42 days and not have relatives attached to your hip.  

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  The forecast rain has arrived along with wind and a weather warning for possible funnel clouds - hopefully they won't materialize, as they rarely do around here.


I'm quite aghast at the temperatures in Texas - is that normal for this time of year?


In re-reading my post from this morning, I realize today is my 22nd CC Anniversary; who knew it was 2002 when I first joined?  Might need an extra glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. 


Hope all who are traveling stay safe!

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1 hour ago, dfish said:


It could probably use a bit of pepper.



Just part time.  I exhibited great restraint this morning.  I wanted to add a few brussels sprouts.



Well put, Tina.  Sometimes we forget how lucky we are that we can cruise anywhere.  Most people in this world will never have that opportunity.  


@StLouisCruisers Thinking of you today and hoping the memories with Nancy lift you.  Also hope you can enjoy the next 42 days and not have relatives attached to your hip.  

Oh no! Not the brussel sprouts! 😬😬😬😬

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39 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Just got the message that Paul returned home today.



Great news.

49 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

...I'm quite aghast at the temperatures in Texas - is that normal for this time of year?


In re-reading my post from this morning, I realize today is my 22nd CC Anniversary; who knew it was 2002 when I first joined?  Might need an extra glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. 

A little early in our area (DFW) for temps that high, but it does happen and usually means we have a brutal summer ahead of us.

Congrats on the CC anniversary!!

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Seeing the weather in Texas I can't help thinking about my neighbor across the street.  When we returned from our last cruise I noticed his house was for sale.  Sad to see it as he was really a great neighbor.  I asked him why he was leaving his beautiful house that he had done so much to improve and he said that he couldn't stand the weather here in Washington and he and his wife wanted to move back to Texas.  He was originally from Dallas and only lived here for five years.  Sold his house after two days on the market and bought a new one in Dallas.  

Luckily, Dallas hasn't had the worst of the recent Texas weather, but I worry about him.


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A quick good evening.  The dumplings and the collard greens are cooking, so I only need to add the chicken back into the dumplings, set the table and them get everything on the table.  


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon!  

I got so excited when my new phone arrived. But it turned out to be the wrong one. The rep ordered the wrong size, I ordered a plus. So it’ll be a few days. Craig decided to get a new one too. 

I am taking Blue to the vet later this afternoon. I think he has a bladder infection or UTI. We’ll see. Not sure how they get urine samples. 

I changed our menu for today from pizza to the Olive Garden take home entree I got yesterday. They are just $6 and enough for two. 

Thinking about you all!




Sharon, I hope the vet can take care of whatever Blue's problem is.  I also hope you get the correct phone soon.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  The forecast rain has arrived along with wind and a weather warning for possible funnel clouds - hopefully they won't materialize, as they rarely do around here.


I'm quite aghast at the temperatures in Texas - is that normal for this time of year?


In re-reading my post from this morning, I realize today is my 22nd CC Anniversary; who knew it was 2002 when I first joined?  Might need an extra glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. 


Hope all who are traveling stay safe!


Gerry, our temperatures this time of year are usually in the 80sF and maybe low 90s.  One of our thermometers was show 95F about 30 minutes ago.  The triple digits that Lambie @LambKnuckles showed this morning are the heat index or feels like temperatures.  Our weather has been changing quite a bit the last 8 or 9 years.  This area is getting more humid.  I keep telling DH there is no normal now regarding the weather.  Congratulations  on your 22nd CC anniversary.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Just got the message that Paul returned home today.




That is good news, Roy.  I hope he continues to recover without any problems.


18 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Seeing the weather in Texas I can't help thinking about my neighbor across the street.  When we returned from our last cruise I noticed his house was for sale.  Sad to see it as he was really a great neighbor.  I asked him why he was leaving his beautiful house that he had done so much to improve and he said that he couldn't stand the weather here in Washington and he and his wife wanted to move back to Texas.  He was originally from Dallas and only lived here for five years.  Sold his house after two days on the market and bought a new one in Dallas.  

Luckily, Dallas hasn't had the worst of the recent Texas weather, but I worry about him.




Ray, this year, most of the bad weather has been south of us, and we're 60-100 miles south of Dallas.  Some of the bad weather has been in Dallas and northeast of Dallas.  I can understand your neighbor wanting to get back to Texas.  The PNW is just too wet for us.



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57 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Seeing the weather in Texas I can't help thinking about my neighbor across the street.  When we returned from our last cruise I noticed his house was for sale.  Sad to see it as he was really a great neighbor.  I asked him why he was leaving his beautiful house that he had done so much to improve and he said that he couldn't stand the weather here in Washington and he and his wife wanted to move back to Texas.  He was originally from Dallas and only lived here for five years.  Sold his house after two days on the market and bought a new one in Dallas.  

Luckily, Dallas hasn't had the worst of the recent Texas weather, but I worry about him.


Always sad to lose a good neighbor. Our neighbor of 16+ years is selling his house as his job was outsourced to an off shore company. Ugh


Dallas, especially eastern Dallas, was hit very hard by one of the recent storms. The DFW area had 600,000+ people lose power for several days. Hopefully he was not impacted.

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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:


I thought you might suggest butternut squash.


Wish I had thought of that!   It has been a while since we've had any butternut squash.


@rafinmd Good news about Paul.  Thanks for letting us know.

@ger_77 Happy CC Anniversary.  

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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

In re-reading my post from this morning, I realize today is my 22nd CC Anniversary; who knew it was 2002 when I first joined?  Might need an extra glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. 


Hope all who are traveling stay safe!


I also just realized today is my CC anniversary, 17 years!

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1 minute ago, JazzyV said:
3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

In re-reading my post from this morning, I realize today is my 22nd CC Anniversary; who knew it was 2002 when I first joined?  Might need an extra glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. 


Hope all who are traveling stay safe!


I also just realized today is my CC anniversary, 17 years!


Mine too - but I'm a relative newcomer - just 6 years.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


I also just realized today is my CC anniversary, 17 years!


1 hour ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Mine too - but I'm a relative newcomer - just 6 years.

Happy CC Anniversary 🥂🥳

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Tonight when we took our ride there were four deer in the field.  A couple ran to the other sidw of the field, but a couple watched us as we rode by..  ifany are this year's fawns, the have already lost their spots.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


I also just realized today is my CC anniversary, 17 years!


1 hour ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Mine too - but I'm a relative newcomer - just 6 years.


Happy C c anniversary to both of you.



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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Sharon, I hope the vet can take care of whatever Blue's problem is.  I also hope you get the correct phone soon.

Thank you Lenda. Thank goodness it isn’t an infection but he does have some irritation so he’s on some ointment. Doctor was new to us and very young!  She thinks he might be incontinent. Oh dear.



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