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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 28th, 2024


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Good warm and sunny afternoon. 
  I’m back from my appointment with Botox. He increased the dosage and did more around the hand. My next appointment is the end of September. 
  He was able to tell me the new neurologist starts in September and he issued refills for the prescription that was expiring. 
I still have the appointment in August, they are not sure who it will be with.

I hope everyone has a good day.

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Carolyn, yes overnight marinating is best. I have to admit that several times I’ve done two nights. I think it makes them more tender and flavorful. Glad you enjoyed them. 

I saw a slug near my basil plant and now need to go check it out. I didn’t know they can be so damaging. 


Thank you Sharon. I wondered about 1 hour but missed that you marinated yours overnight. Makes more sense. 

Yes slugs are extremely damaging. Here’s my poor basil plant. And this was done in 1 night. 😢



Edited by Cruising-along
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21 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Wow!!  That’s crazy. I would actually leave it alone but just check for those slugs, it might come back. 

Sharon if only it was just 1 slug. Every morning and evening I kill dozens of them. I may have killed the one(s) who did this in my morning slaughter today. This area has tons of them. Probably the only thing I dislike living here. 

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Hello everyone. Just a quick post. We are packing up for our move to the Zuiderdam tomorrow.  We did not have any rain this entire cruise. The captain joked that we should all stay on board so the good weather continues.  The forecast was for rain every day on the long term forecast and each port we went to the forecast changed to sunny and warm.  Now I can only hope it works on our next cruise since rain is predicted every day.  

I hope everyone had a good day and that all are well.  So glad to hear that those with procedures are on the mend.  

A picture of the sunset tonight on our way to Rotterdam.  


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15 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Sharon if only it was just 1 slug. Every morning and evening I kill dozens of them. I may have killed the one(s) who did this in my morning slaughter today. This area has tons of them. Probably the only thing I dislike living here. 


Sprinkle "Sluggo" around your plant. I have a beautiful basil plant and our landscaper Claudio said use Sluggo!! I did and those little sucker's love it and croak. 

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7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites 


Surprisingly a soft breeze this morning. It was nice sitting in my rocker on the patio for awhile. 


We had a fun game night. I lost... no, it's OK. No reason to shed tears for me. Lol.. My girlfriend makes a dish with potatoes, onions, and mushrooms, lots of oils and butter, but the spices makes it incredible. I ordered fried shrimp and fries, and another brought molasses cookies. I'm still full.


MSH had the TV volume up so high trying to listen to the debates, so we parted early and took Elvis on an evening ride. We saw 2 bucks, a bunch of frogs, and a dead armadillo. 


This morning our AC guy will come check our unit for the summer. We are thankful to have a good system. 


MSH is hankering for catfish, and I need to make a visit to Kohls, so that's on our list for today.


Prayers have been said for each of our Daily-ites. My girlfriend,  (whose husband Ron has multiple issues) fell a few weeks ago, damaging her shoulder tripping over a box. She is opting for PT rather than surgery. She's still in pain, sees the PT for evaluation on Monday. She doesn't even want us to stop by with food for a visit. Please keep her in thought. (Belinda)


My sweet husband is calling for his coffee, so I'll catch up later.


Blessings to each of you today. 


Joy, I hope Brenda can improve and become pain free with PT.  Great pictures of the wildlife and the guard dog.  😉


6 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good early morning and thanks all!    My grandmother was very frightened of lightening storms as when she was a young girl, someone was struck by lightning at the dinner table and killed.   @marshhawk ooh, your poor mother! 
@smitty34877 yikes on the oxygen.  Things always are worse in the night.  Hoping you have some days of calm. 



Brenda, thanks for the picture of the American Goldfinch.  I'm not a birder, I just googled the image.


5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Thank you all so much for all the kind thoughts and virtual hugs yesterday. It was a good day and it ended up being just what I wanted it to be. As I told you yesterday my DS, DBIL, and DSIL and her husband and I went out for Mexican food at a local place. DD DH took me there for the first time when I came to meet his family. @bennybear it's on the west side of Mount Vernon and called Mexico Cafe. Anyway, we had a lovely lunch, great conversation, some good memories of DD DH (and a few tears on my part - but not many) and it was a perfect way to remember and honor him on the first year anniversary. It was my treat to them all and DS really enjoyed his time with his aunt and uncles as well. 


Meanwhile we're in for a streak of nice sunny weather and not too hot. I sail on the Westerdam in 9 days (July 7) so have to start getting ready. Today is a few errands, banking and the pool. 

Happy Friday!




Karen, I'm glad you had a good time with your family yesterday.


6 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Friday! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Not as hot today. Highs in the 80s with sun. I will have to water the vegetables today. I also have a massage scheduled for today which I desperately need. Getting all of my grading done today so that I can focus on completing my dissertation this weekend. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

We Made It Its Finally Friday Friday Humor Funny Cat Pictures Tgif Images


Lightning Cat | Мемы про котов, Котята, Самые милые животные


Denise, I hope you will be able to finish your dissertation over the weekend.


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I rarely use the CAP LOCK as that's considered shouting online, Lightning safety is important and I try to manage Logistics. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the shiraz. I haven't been to Barra Norte River. A good day in history.


It's going to be a nice day, warm and sunny. Already 73F. Storms this weekend, possibly severe. Unfortunately I woke up with a uveitis flare in my right eye, so I'm doing hourly drops. This evening I'm going to a 70th Anniversary celebration. When I first came here, I had a mentor at work, who became a friend and later associate. I was alone, without days off to go home for many holidays, so he invited me to join his family for many holiday celebrations. I became like their 5th child. He will be 97 this fall, and his wife is a few years younger. Their 4 kids will be there (3 are local). So, BFF will make his first social outing since the leg fracture. He will wear long pants for the first time, since the boot can go over them. We're going to try using the knee scooter, so I'm working on the logistics of getting him in the car and into the country club where we'll be going. Also I'm a little anxious about driving at night afterwards, but I'll manage.


@Vict0riann I'm glad you came home yesterday and felt like having pizza. Prayers for not much pain today.

@StLouisCruisers Have a relaxing sea day.

@kazu Good luck with Ivan at the vet; I'm sorry to hear that he needs dental work. 

@cat shepard Stay safe at the food bank.

@1ANGELCAT Good luck with the botox today and I hope you find out who's replacing your Neurologist.

@RMLincoln I'm glad DGD and her DH are making progress with the cleanup, and hopefully the insurance deductibles aren't too high. Enjoy the phone meeting with your church ladies today. 

@smitty34877 I'm impressed with your culinary skills! Oh no on the oxygen concentrator not working last night, and thankfulness for the backup tanks. 

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the brownouts, with the computer crashing and loss of phone connection while you were working. Wow on your DM's experience with lightning and storms. 

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for your friend Belinda with her injured shoulder.

@Denise T Good luck with finishing your dissertation this weekend.

@bennybear What a beautiful bird and great photo.

@Haljo1935 I'm glad you saw the Nephrologist, who wants to find out the type of stones.

@luvteaching It sounds like your outing yesterday was a great way to remember and honor your DD DH.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope you enjoy the 70th anniversary party, and I'm glad your BFF will be able to join you. 


4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  I'm not crazy about lightning, either!  When we lived in Virginia, near the top of a hill ("Tallwood Terrace") a tree across the road was struck by lightning and it stripped all the branches down one side - we had an even taller tree than the one that was struck, right outside our bedroom window, so we had it cut down.  Here, we very seldom get thunder and lightning storms, in the last 30 years maybe 10 times, if that.  


I had a good night, very comfortable, and I just took some Tylenol this morning, I imagine all the hospital drugs have worn off by now.  Pat has an ECG and bloodwork this morning, and then hopefully next week the cardiologist will tell us what is in his future - he is definitely slowing down and much more tired and quickly breathless.  


DD sent me a couple of funnies.






Ann, I'm glad you had a good, restful, comfortable night last night.  I hope Pat's tests will help the cardiologist decide on a course of action to help Pat feel better.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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12 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sprinkle "Sluggo" around your plant. I have a beautiful basil plant and our landscaper Claudio said use Sluggo!! I did and those little sucker's love it and croak. 

Thanks Joy. I’ve used other brands (and they always worked until this year) but haven’t tried Sluggo. Will get some asap. 

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Nutritionist has not called back, so likely won't hear from her til next week. Hmm, next week is a short week w/the holiday, so maybe it will be the following week before she calls. 


Made final payment today on Sept AK cruise for our anniversary. We were departing on Sept 21, which is our actual anniversary. When that got canceled due to a charter, they moved us to the next week departing Sept 28. Fingers crossed 🤞 I'm able to go. Now to determine if I can do the Oosterdam Oct TA...

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Well, ulti quote is not working for me today so now I will probably miss someone but here we go


Ann @Vict0riann  so glad to hear you slept well  last night.

My prayers for Pat for his test and hope l all goes well 🙏 


Sharon @Sharon in AZ thanks to you and all for the good wishes for Ivan.  It was just a physical before his operation.  OMG he was such a GOOD boy.  thebvet was amazed at the shape he was in and said at the end (and she did emphasize itso since it’s caps lock day) - what a VERY NICe dog.  


Hope you have a good transfer over @tupper10 and a great cruise on the Zuiderdam


Susan @durangoscots believe it or not, in 24 years of having dogs I never had to do dental work.  I credit the food they had and the treats but Ivan came late and ignored so I am paying the price (and he will think he did too when he starves that morning) ).   If we were closer, I would happily take your neighbours’ boxes that they are not breaking up 😉 


 @Cruising-along I use slug bait to protect my hostas when necessary.  there’s been enough over the years that it’s not necessary.  I don’t have the slug stuff that Joy @Seasick Sailorrecommends but it sounds excellent.  

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Sharon if only it was just 1 slug. Every morning and evening I kill dozens of them. I may have killed the one(s) who did this in my morning slaughter today. This area has tons of them. Probably the only thing I dislike living here. 

When I lived in Maryland, Carolyn, I had a lot of hosta plants. And slugs.  My lawn guru told me they attract slugs, so he helped me get rid of the hostas at my house. And once they were gone, I never saw another slug or slug trail. 

if you don’t have Hostas, you might check to see what else could be attracting them. 

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26 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

When I lived in Maryland, Carolyn, I had a lot of hosta plants. And slugs.  My lawn guru told me they attract slugs, so he helped me get rid of the hostas at my house. And once they were gone, I never saw another slug or slug trail. 

if you don’t have Hostas, you might check to see what else could be attracting them. 

Thank you, I do have Hostas, but they aren't near the flowers and basil that the slugs are really going after.  The slugs here eat everything -- we've even seen them eat grass... And yes, they go after the Hostas too but honestly not as much as my pansies or all my bedding plants. I'm not about to give up on all my flowers, even though they love them all 😞  Once our summer really starts, it will get drier and we won't have as much problem.  From about April-July is the worst.  


*the good news is I haven't seen signs of the mole in a long time*  

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4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Sharon if only it was just 1 slug. Every morning and evening I kill dozens of them. I may have killed the one(s) who did this in my morning slaughter today. This area has tons of them. Probably the only thing I dislike living here. 

Have you tried putting out a saucer of beer? That seems to attract them and hopefully keep them away from the plants. For some reason, this year we have a bunch of snails along with the slugs. Where did they come from? Ugh!

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I had a problem with a slug this week.  I transplanted my Tithonia and Zinnia seedlings and heavily sprayed them with deer spray to keep the Chipmunks from digging them up.  The next day one was snipped off laying on its' side.  I keep diatomaceous earth for such soft bodied creatures and spread it around the seedlings and I haven't lost another.  This is the slug attracting hosta garden so I guess I should have figured that would happen.  


My DSIL texted me today with a picture of my brother's knee all red and swollen and asked what I thought. I said contact the nurse to get hold of the surgeon but they didn't seem to be alarmed.  After asking if he overdid it and she said no.  I said if it gets worse have them take him to the ER since they are now into the weekend.  He has been on three times a day IV antibiotic since his second surgery 5 weeks ago. He can't catch a break.   

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12 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

My DSIL texted me today with a picture of my brother's knee all red and swollen and asked what I thought. I said contact the nurse to get hold of the surgeon but they didn't seem to be alarmed.  After asking if he overdid it and she said no.  I said if it gets worse have them take him to the ER since they are now into the weekend.  He has been on three times a day IV antibiotic since his second surgery 5 weeks ago. He can't catch a break.   

Does seem a trip to the ER is in order, especially since it's the weekend now and next week is likely a reduced office schedule due to the holiday. 

That really seems a long time to be on IV antibiotics w/no improvement. 

Prayers 🙏 and hugs.

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20 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Have you tried putting out a saucer of beer? That seems to attract them and hopefully keep them away from the plants. For some reason, this year we have a bunch of snails along with the slugs. Where did they come from? Ugh!

Yep, I've tried everything. I just may try it again, now that it *should* stop raining quite so much. 

19 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

I had a problem with a slug this week.  I transplanted my Tithonia and Zinnia seedlings and heavily sprayed them with deer spray to keep the Chipmunks from digging them up.  The next day one was snipped off laying on its' side.  I keep diatomaceous earth for such soft bodied creatures and spread it around the seedlings and I haven't lost another.  This is the slug attracting hosta garden so I guess I should have figured that would happen.  


My DSIL texted me today with a picture of my brother's knee all red and swollen and asked what I thought. I said contact the nurse to get hold of the surgeon but they didn't seem to be alarmed.  After asking if he overdid it and she said no.  I said if it gets worse have them take him to the ER since they are now into the weekend.  He has been on three times a day IV antibiotic since his second surgery 5 weeks ago. He can't catch a break.   

I need to look up diatomaceous earth 🙂 

I agree your brother should get to the ER, that doesn't sound good. 😞  

6 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Some recent pics.  Sunrise two days ago and a White Admiral and Red Admiral butterflies on ninebark bush.  





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2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I had a problem with a slug this week.  I transplanted my Tithonia and Zinnia seedlings and heavily sprayed them with deer spray to keep the Chipmunks from digging them up.  The next day one was snipped off laying on its' side.  I keep diatomaceous earth for such soft bodied creatures and spread it around the seedlings and I haven't lost another.  This is the slug attracting hosta garden so I guess I should have figured that would happen.  


My DSIL texted me today with a picture of my brother's knee all red and swollen and asked what I thought. I said contact the nurse to get hold of the surgeon but they didn't seem to be alarmed.  After asking if he overdid it and she said no.  I said if it gets worse have them take him to the ER since they are now into the weekend.  He has been on three times a day IV antibiotic since his second surgery 5 weeks ago. He can't catch a break.   


When in doubt, it is often better to be over cautious than take a wait and see attitude.  Given his history with the first knee replacement, It seems a visit to the ER is in order.  Nancy, I hope things improve soon for your DB.


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Some recent pics.  Sunrise two days ago and a White Admiral and Red Admiral butterflies on ninebark bush.  





Nancy, thanks for the pictures. Beautiful sunrise, and wow on the butterflies.



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10 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Have you tried asking at the place where you donate if they have boxes you can use? Any Costco nearby?


Thanks Susie - yes I tired them - they need them unfortunately.

Costco mostly has the open ones or really huge ones - too big for me to manage.  But I will go again and see what I can snag.  I’ve had some luck at the Dollarama & have lowered my purchase at the liquor store.  they will give you one box with each purchase - so I make more trips - LOL.

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