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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 17th, 2024


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Good morning. The weatherman has been predicting "possible rain, thunderstorms, some heavy rain" and he got it right for once. Yesterday afternoon we had a major deluge, and this morning another thunderstorm with a bit of hail and lots of water and some very loud bangs. And, it is getting dark again. My Chihuahua is terrified of all this - the first time I have had a dog that shakes and pants. Most of mine just ignore it, or just go hide. Hiding is not enough for him. Poor little guy. Oops, just got a weather alert for another severe thunderstorm in about 15 minutes. And evidently Monty can sense it.... he is sitting up and shaking.


Otherwise things here are pretty routine. I continue to sort slowly and I have one more package to get off to scottie rescue tomorrow morning. Then I get a reprieve and they are talking about sending someone down to pick up the larger stuff come Spring. Sounds good to me.


@Denise TI hear you on student research abilities or lack thereof.


Take it easy everyone. I need to get ready to deal with an hysterical chihuahua.







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Happy Tuesday - it was a pleasant shock for the temp to be 68 or 69 early this morning. The "coolness" didn't last long, but it's a sign better days are coming down here! I never knew there was a Constitution day but agree it's important. Not a fan of country music and it's been years since my last NYC visit. We enjoyed it then, but not sure we'd enjoy it today based on reports of increased crime around Times Square (where we always stayed). 


Pass on the meal & cocktail (although it's pretty). There's no Matua on the wine rack right now but I've had my share and order it in some restaurants. I look forward to visiting Stanley one day, and thank everyone for the gorgeous photos! 


Yesterday down home (SW Florida) a shrimp boat ran into the Matanzas Pass Bridge. That's the big bridge that connects the mainland to Ft Myers Beach. It took 3 hours to get the boat dislodged from the bridge, and then make repairs to the bridge, so it was shut down most of the day. This morning I got an alert from the local news station - the bridge was hit again this morning, by the SAME shrimp boat!!  This time there was no damage, but my goodness - there may be a shrimp boat captain looking for another job 😉


@Denise T Definitely don't cater to those lazy students. You're not expecting too much! It amazes me how people who have graduated from good schools/colleges can't put a simple sentence together.

@0106 What a scary situation for you and DH. Glad he got good care and is on the mend!



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Good afternoon from a nice day in central Texas.  It's a good thing I needed to check something on the calendar or I would have missed my dentist appointment.  I thought it was at 1 pm, but it was at 11 am.  The 1 pm appointment was for next month for a routine cleaning, but I changed that today since it conflicted with one of DH's PT sessions.  No wonder, I was getting them mixed up. 


Anyway, the appointment was basically painless and quick.  The dental tech switched the place holders with the post; then put the crowns in place and made a couple of adjustments.  After a few x-rays, she screwed the crowns in place.  No you didn't read that incorrectly.  They no longer glue the crowns to the post, but leave a very small hole in the center of the crown.  She had a very small socket wrench with an extremely slender Allen wrench to screw the crown down.  The hole is filled with a quick drying substance and topped with a bit of the crown material which is cured with an ultraviolet light.  The dentist did the last part, and I was out of there in less than 30 minutes.  I'm very glad I chose this option instead of a bridge.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


It's supposed to be an overcast day here and about mid-60's. I have PT this morning and I want to stop by the funeral home and show them a few pictures from the burial at sea. They asked me if I'd do that. 


Yesterday it was so nice to get back in the pool. My stuck hip flexor muscle felt so much better after 2 water aerobics classes and the second is a lot of stretching. I did most of the unpacking yesterday and just a few things to finish up today before putting the suitcases away until next summer. I have one Alaska on the Eurodam with a friend in August 2025 and am considering one more in September as well. We'll see how things go. I have the 2 week booked in 2026 and now my friends who went with me last week want to do that as well. It's totally fine - we travel well together and are all very independent. I'll be doing that one solo for sure. 


Have a good Tuesday!



Karen, it would be great if you could join several of us on the 2025 28-day Summer Solstice cruise.


1 hour ago, GeorgeCharlie said:

We visited Falkland Islands on Dec 15/22 on board the Oosterdam.


For us, having Falklands on a South American cruise itinerary was mandatory, and I’m sure we were not the only ones onboard who were concerned as to whether we would be able to make it ashore.


It ended up being a fairly nice day, with scattered clouds and an odd shower passing through.


Oosterdam at anchor, with Stanley in the background.



Of course, getting to see penguins was the main reason we wanted to visit the islands.


And we got to see them in all kinds of shapes and colours!!!!




A chick still wearing its winter coat.



We were very fortunate in being able to book Falkland Helicopter Services for a tour of the Islands, as it greatly enhanced our experience in seeing (and learning) about penguins and the Islands as a whole.


Bill & Tom beside the Robertson R44 helicopter.

image.thumb.jpeg.77cdaa24d2be498f55a00295eada126e.jpegFor reference in size, both Tom & Bill are well over 6 feet tall.


The helicopter tour meant, rather than taking a couple of hours by 4x4 vehicle to get to Volunteer Point, by helicopter it would only take about 20 minutes.


In addition, with our tour scheduled to leave at 10:30am, we didn’t need to be in any big rush trying to catch a tender. 


Plus, you get a different view of the landscape from above.




A picture of the helicopter sitting on the top of the rise at Volunteer Point.



You will also note the sheep grazing amongst the penguins, as Volunteer Point is part of a working sheep farm. Almost all of the land in the Falklands is privately owned and the owners charge the tour companies an access fees.  


We got to see three different species of penguins at Volunteer Point; King, Gentoo, and Magellanic.











With being able to visit Volunteer Point by helicopter meant we still had lots of time to see other sights, so we took another helicopter tour out to see Rockhopper penguins – “the penguin with an attitude“.



A short video showing rockhoppers going down to and coming back up from the ocean.


There is also a fifth species of penguins on Falkland Islands, called the Macaroni penguin and unfortunately, we didn't see any. The Macaroni penguin is the most numerous of all the world's penguins, with an estimated world population of over 9 million breeding pairs, but very few nest in the Falkland Islands.



We did an extensive review of our 31-day SA cruise on the Oosterdam, which included our visit to Falkland Islands in more detail. The Falkland Islands portion starts at post #148.




Thank you for all your pictures from Stanley, and for the video.


1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:



We were very lucky that the captain of the Zaandam in 2015 was able to get us into the inlet near Port Stanley which usually has a 1 in 3 chance due to wind and rough seas.
Ready and dressed for the occasion , including painters booties for the penguin dodo  ! 
Roughing it for miles and miles through the wet fields in a group of jeeps so they could pull each other out in case they got stuck.









And of coarse you would like to see some of my penguin pictures today 












There were still a lot of mines to be found and to be cleared by experts coming from Africa , a result of the English - Argentine war .


















DW  Martha would like a cup of hot chocolate ……….
Next time I would like to go a little further to Volunteer Point where our friends went ………to see the  Emperor Penguins ……
Have a very nice day everybody . See you in the next Port 
Tony 😁😁






Tony, thanks for the great pictures.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn & @StLouisCruisers.

The Constitution is the foundation of our country. I'm not big into country. I used to like NYC, but it can be scary sometimes. Witty quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I have been to Stanley on my SA/Antarctica cruise on Zaandam in 2018. An important day in history.


It's cloudy here today from remnants of Francine. I hope we get some rain too, as we're in drought condition. I'll be seeing my PCP in a couple of hours, about the leg. BFF has been having a tooth issue. He will have a root canal on Friday, then the new crown placed on Monday. All of this stuff coming up close to the cruise. I just hope my doctor doesn't find anything that will keep me from going.


@StLouisCruisers Excellent Stanley photos. I hope you hear about your test results this week. Great photos from the wedding!

@seagarsmoker Nice family photos.

@ottahand7 I'm glad DB seems in good spirits and is doing his PT. I'm sure your visit was a boost for him. I hope your AC gets fixed today.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@Lady Hudson I hope DH gets an answer, so then some treatment can be applied.

@smitty34877 Thinking of you and the family as you face each day.

@marshhawk Enjoy the symphony tonight. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck at the dentist. Lovely Stanley photos.

@0106 Thanks for letting us know what happened. I'm glad you and DH got good care. And thank goodness you had insurance! Prayers for you both. Thanks for the Stanley photos too.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the PT is helping you.

@GeorgeCharlie Nice to see you. Thanks for the great photos.

@sailingdutchy Yay, your pictures showed up! Excellent photos.

@kazu Thinking of you.

@mamaofami I hope Sam is having less pain.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Approaching the Falkland Islands, Jan 2, 2019, on the Zaandam



Tenders getting ready



Arriving at Stanley





On the slopes on the far side of Stanley Harbour is a monument to the Royal Navy vessels which have served in the Antarctic Ice Patrol or to protect the Falklands: HMS Beagle, HMS Endurance spelled out in stones, among others. 





Local tavern and British phone booth



Christ Church, most southern Anglican church in the world





Unique kneelers made by the church women



Whale bone arch outside the church, built 1933



Bluff cove penguin rookery

Gentoo penguins





King penguins





My Avatar




Vanessa, good luck at the doctors today.  Thanks for the good wishes at the dentist.


48 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Three interesting days.  We aren't much for Country, although some of it is good.  I'll pass on the meal and drink, but usually have a bottle of the Matua wine on hand. 


I've been especially interested in the posts and photos of the port today.  We'll be going there (fingers crossed) on the '26 World and haven't made plans yet for that day.  I can't see spending upwards of $1,000 for a HAL tour.  I checked out Adventure Falklands but their website gives no tour details or prices....have to contact them.  I may be in the minority, but I don't like that (giving my email address before I've committed).  I liked the idea of walking to the Visitors' Center and picking up a tour there.  I think it was Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser who did that?


Yesterday I got a lot done in the yard, and it looks like today won't rain after all so I hope to do more.  I'm taking it slow because a couple days ago I stupidly missed a step going downstairs and (thankfully) only wrenched my already pulled shoulder muscle.  Lower back was affected too. I think my knee gave out from under me.   It could have been much worse, but has made me paranoid now going down the stairs.  Must learn to be more careful and think before I move!


Tina @0106 Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's fall and subsequent problems.  Thank goodness he's doing much better now.


Thank you everyone who posted photos of the port today.  It has been very helpful!!





Carolyn, both times we've visited Stanley we got the shuttle out to see the penguins.  We could have taken the longer 4x4 tour, which was still available outside the visitors center.  On our 1999 visit, there were very few vehicles available for tours.  It seems, then Prince Charles was in town, and all the local vehicles were being used for that event.  Coming back from seeing the penguins, we had to drive by the airport, and there was one big bus loaded with people heading that way.  That was all the reporters getting ready to leave.  The closest we got to seeing royalty was the helicopter flying him the short distance from town to the airport.


37 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. The weatherman has been predicting "possible rain, thunderstorms, some heavy rain" and he got it right for once. Yesterday afternoon we had a major deluge, and this morning another thunderstorm with a bit of hail and lots of water and some very loud bangs. And, it is getting dark again. My Chihuahua is terrified of all this - the first time I have had a dog that shakes and pants. Most of mine just ignore it, or just go hide. Hiding is not enough for him. Poor little guy. Oops, just got a weather alert for another severe thunderstorm in about 15 minutes. And evidently Monty can sense it.... he is sitting up and shaking.


Otherwise things here are pretty routine. I continue to sort slowly and I have one more package to get off to scottie rescue tomorrow morning. Then I get a reprieve and they are talking about sending someone down to pick up the larger stuff come Spring. Sounds good to me.


@Denise TI hear you on student research abilities or lack thereof.


Take it easy everyone. I need to get ready to deal with an hysterical chihuahua.








Susan, I'm glad you are getting some decent rain now.  I feel bad for poor Monty when the storms hit.  Our little dachshund, Brandy, was also a shaker when upset.



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Good morning (it's still morning here), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for your American Constitution, we're not great fans of country music, although many are, and we've never been to NYC.  Interesting quote.


Late to the party today as we were up and making breakfast for our friends who arrived last night.  I didn't fuss, just made bacon, eggs, fruit salad and had some muffin mix, so made blueberry muffins and coffee.  We sat around the table almost 2 hours talking and laughing over things our DH's did during their university days.    Now they're off to see a couple of other friends in the city and will be back later in the afternoon.  


We had a great thunderstorm roll through around 3:30 this morning - loud enough that even I woke up.  One of the booms was so loud (and close) that it shook the house.  With it came a good amount of rain which although is good for our lawns, doesn't help the farmers around here who are only about 70% finished with harvest.  Right now there are severe rain warnings out for the southern part of the province where harvest is even less complete.  Sure hope it passes them by!


@ottahand7I'm so glad you had a good visit with your DB and he was in good spirits; hopefully the PT will help in that respect as well as his physical needs.

@Lady HudsonI hope your DH's medical will find the cause of his pain and that there's a quick remedy for it.

@0106OMG, how awful about your DH; I'm so glad you're both home safe and sound and that you were so well taken care of in your time of need.  Where did he fall - on the ship or an excursion?  Thank goodness for travel insurance!

@marshhawkspeaking of travel insurance, contact your TA or whoever you booked the cruise with and make sure you add it before final payment.  You don't want to leave home without insurance!


Not a lot happening here today for us - DH went out and picked up some ugly big mushrooms that seem to have sprouted in our lawn.  It's like they just erupted through the soil - ugly things!  I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion.  I wouldn't mind it as a side dish, but can't imagine eating it as a main, and DH doesn't care for zucchini at the best of times, so there's that.  I had planned on making dinner tonight, but our friends want to take us out to a local restaurant they'd heard about online.  We've been there a number of times and always have had a good meal, so we're looking forward to going back with our friends, knowing there'll be good food, good conversation and lots of laughs.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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37 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, both times we've visited Stanley we got the shuttle out to see the penguins.  We could have taken the longer 4x4 tour, which was still available outside the visitors center.

Thank you Lenda, I think this sounds perfect for us.  I like the idea of being able to walk around afterwards and catching another shuttle back.  Very interesting about the Prince Charles visit too. 🙂 


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Carolyn @Cruising-along we've taken those tours from the visitor center twice and were quite satisfied with them.  And on Feb. 25, 2012 when we were in Stanley, Prince William was there flying helicopters around the island.  We actually saw the helicopters that day.  He was there for a total of 6 weeks deployment as an RAF helicopter search and rescue pilot.  Argentina considered it "provocation" during the 30th anniversary of the British/Argentine conflict.  

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This update from Roy just came in on my email.


Another mixed bag.  We tried an enema last night and it helped some but not enough.


Therapy today was a solid block 9-12.  In PT we worked again with walker, rollator, and cane.  I made progress with the cane but not ready for prime time.  At the end we did some balancing work standing unassisted.


Speech,Language therapy was various types of paper puzzles followed by another session with the big screen.


OT was more like PT with time on a bike to build stamina, and then a joint session with the Recreational Therapist on an adaptation of yoga, again to build balance.


Food so far is pretty much what I ordered.



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I spoke to the doctor's office today.  I had already read the ultrasound results this morning on the patient portal of the facility I was at last Wednesday.  Further evaluation was recommended so I have an appointment with a specialist who will do a biopsy on Oct. 7, 20 days from today.  That's the earliest they could book me since they are already booking in November.  I'm sure it will be fine waiting a short time and the doctor's nurse confirmed that for my case.  I'm feeling positive. 🙂

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25 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Carolyn @Cruising-along we've taken those tours from the visitor center twice and were quite satisfied with them.  And on Feb. 25, 2012 when we were in Stanley, Prince William was there flying helicopters around the island.  We actually saw the helicopters that day.  He was there for a total of 6 weeks deployment as an RAF helicopter search and rescue pilot.  Argentina considered it "provocation" during the 30th anniversary of the British/Argentine conflict.  

Thank you Sandi, much appreciated.  And I'm sure that if both you and Lenda were satisfied we will be too!

10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I spoke to the doctor's office today.  I had already read the ultrasound results this morning on the patient portal of the facility I was at last Wednesday.  Further evaluation was recommended so I have an appointment with a specialist who will do a biopsy on Oct. 7, 20 days from today.  That's the earliest they could book me since they are already booking in November.  I'm sure it will be fine waiting a short time and the doctor's nurse confirmed that for my case.  I'm feeling positive. 🙂

Thank you for letting us know.  Sending prayers 🙂  

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning (it's still morning here), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for your American Constitution, we're not great fans of country music, although many are, and we've never been to NYC.  Interesting quote.


Late to the party today as we were up and making breakfast for our friends who arrived last night.  I didn't fuss, just made bacon, eggs, fruit salad and had some muffin mix, so made blueberry muffins and coffee.  We sat around the table almost 2 hours talking and laughing over things our DH's did during their university days.    Now they're off to see a couple of other friends in the city and will be back later in the afternoon.  


We had a great thunderstorm roll through around 3:30 this morning - loud enough that even I woke up.  One of the booms was so loud (and close) that it shook the house.  With it came a good amount of rain which although is good for our lawns, doesn't help the farmers around here who are only about 70% finished with harvest.  Right now there are severe rain warnings out for the southern part of the province where harvest is even less complete.  Sure hope it passes them by!


@ottahand7I'm so glad you had a good visit with your DB and he was in good spirits; hopefully the PT will help in that respect as well as his physical needs.

@Lady HudsonI hope your DH's medical will find the cause of his pain and that there's a quick remedy for it.

@0106OMG, how awful about your DH; I'm so glad you're both home safe and sound and that you were so well taken care of in your time of need.  Where did he fall - on the ship or an excursion?  Thank goodness for travel insurance!

@marshhawkspeaking of travel insurance, contact your TA or whoever you booked the cruise with and make sure you add it before final payment.  You don't want to leave home without insurance!


Not a lot happening here today for us - DH went out and picked up some ugly big mushrooms that seem to have sprouted in our lawn.  It's like they just erupted through the soil - ugly things!  I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion.  I wouldn't mind it as a side dish, but can't imagine eating it as a main, and DH doesn't care for zucchini at the best of times, so there's that.  I had planned on making dinner tonight, but our friends want to take us out to a local restaurant they'd heard about online.  We've been there a number of times and always have had a good meal, so we're looking forward to going back with our friends, knowing there'll be good food, good conversation and lots of laughs.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope the farmers will be able to harvest their crops without any damage from the rain.  Enjoy your dinner out with your friends.


14 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I spoke to the doctor's office today.  I had already read the ultrasound results this morning on the patient portal of the facility I was at last Wednesday.  Further evaluation was recommended so I have an appointment with a specialist who will do a biopsy on Oct. 7, 20 days from today.  That's the earliest they could book me since they are already booking in November.  I'm sure it will be fine waiting a short time and the doctor's nurse confirmed that for my case.  I'm feeling positive. 🙂


Sandi, thank you for letting us know what you have found from the ultrasound.  I hope the biopsy comes back negative.  A positive attitude is always a big help.



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I think the rain and thunder have passed and little Monty is sleeping the sleep of the exhausted. I tried to wrap him in a light towel to mimic a thunder shirt, but he was having none of it. Funny, we have had thunder and lightning storms before, but this time it really got to him. I will look into a thunder shirt although he hates "clothes" of any type - including his little jackets in the winter. Strange little dog.





Edited by durangoscots
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56 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I spoke to the doctor's office today.  I had already read the ultrasound results this morning on the patient portal of the facility I was at last Wednesday.  Further evaluation was recommended so I have an appointment with a specialist who will do a biopsy on Oct. 7, 20 days from today.  That's the earliest they could book me since they are already booking in November.  I'm sure it will be fine waiting a short time and the doctor's nurse confirmed that for my case.  I'm feeling positive. 🙂

Thanks for letting  us know . It is always hard to wait but we are all here with you. Sending my prayers and a hug.


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@StLouisCruisers I hope it all turns out well.  If the nurse isn't too worried about the wait, I wouldn't fret too much.  20 days isn't that long, really.  What drives me nuts is waiting on the results.  I have an MRI tomorrow night and it will probably take a month to get the results.


@Cruising-along I walked out to Gypsy Cove to see the penguins when I was in Stanley.  I was much younger then and wouldn't try it today. The shuttles are inexpensive and very nice.  I also had an excursion booked with the Adventures Falklands group.  The guy running it is very personable and easy to deal with, not just in booking, but when I cancelled as well.  I would trust him.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I spoke to the doctor's office today.  I had already read the ultrasound results this morning on the patient portal of the facility I was at last Wednesday.  Further evaluation was recommended so I have an appointment with a specialist who will do a biopsy on Oct. 7, 20 days from today.  That's the earliest they could book me since they are already booking in November.  I'm sure it will be fine waiting a short time and the doctor's nurse confirmed that for my case.  I'm feeling positive. 🙂

You are in our thoughts for a positive outcome.  

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The zucchini would be OK with me, although an irrelevant association gave me pause: I had a crazy uncle who went through phases when he had to have a specific food every day. One year, in November, it was pan-fried summer squash. So on Thanksgiving Day at their house, as the family was sitting down to eat, my aunt was in the kitchen, battering and frying squash since he wouldn't eat anything else. This was the same year that she served mashed turnip even though neither she nor anyone else in the family liked it and, through distraction with the squash-frying, forgot to serve the Jello salad, which was an absolute requirement at any holiday dinner back then.


I'd like the drink better if tonic water were added. For a Sauvignon Blanc (again!), let's have the Billsboro 2023, $26. "The 2023 vintage is delivering a lot of citrus and floral flavor, and the Sauvignon Blanc is no exception. Zesty and herbaceous with notes of lemongrass and boxwood with a hint of tropical fruit on the finish. The palate is a little softer and more inviting than previous vintages, while still feeling zippy."


I'll mention that everyone in the graduate course I'm taking this semester writes standard English in complete sentences, even (perhaps especially) the international students.


I'm teaching tonight, Theology and Climate Change.



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Good morning!


I have not read the Daily yet but noticed Sandi had results come back. Praying hard for you sister!


Yesterday, we were supposed to process thru Immigration at 10 in Kuchiro.


We were told the connectivity is not working and it's slow processing. 


We were called at noon, and the line was long to process.


By the time we could get off the ship, it was after 1, and there was a bus

ready to drive us to Kuchiro with another line waiting to get on it. I felt bad for those who missed their tours, but I felt we had many ports to visit coming up, and it was fine




There was a "farewell show" from the shore. It was a lady dressed as a doll, and she wrote a letter with gratitude that we came.


We were able to get a hat for Allen in a kiosk. I told him I did not think it was appropriate to wear his Army hat in Japan.




And for dinner, Allen had a delicious brisket and me.. lobster.




Sat and listened to the little trio with a cappuccino and off to bed


I told Bonnie all the girls have written back to say it was a glorious day to hear she is cancer free!


It is 5:15 am here, and I think the Captain said we will arrive in Hokodate early. It is a nice walkable area along the sea front with restaurants, shops, and temples.


I can see the sun has already risen, and we are slowly sailing, so the port can't be far!


I hope your day is a blessing!



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Good afternoon from a very pleasant 78 degrees today, I love it.

Thanks for the daily and fleet report, I like the dish of the day and make something similar all year long. We planted yellow squash this year and of course it comes in all at once, but I was determined to use it all and made casseroles for the freezer, they remind me of my grandma who I adored. We’ve not been to the Falkland Islands but that area is still on my radar.


My shopping trip with our daughter’s MIL was semi successful. She did get one pretty blouse and a sweater that she could wear together or not, but she was more determined to shop for her younger son (SIL) who has a birthday this week. We were done earlier than I thought we would be, so we picked up our granddaughter and took her to Wendy’s for a frosty. We sat down at a table and Emma said while pointing at us, “you’re my grandma and you’re my grandma”, she seemed amused by that. I totally forgot about kids always needing to go to the bathroom so we had to use the one there. We were in one stall and I could see the other stall and it looked like the person was standing in the stall because the feet were facing out and to the side, then the toilet flushed (whew!) but I didn’t hear anyone open the stall door. So I’m hurrying Emma, and “I gotta wash my hands, Grandma”, the feet are in the same position and I’m starting to panic so I told her I had wipes in my purse so we took care of that, but I never could figure out who it was. There was one other family in the restaurant but the shoes didn’t match. I should have said something to the employees but they probably wouldn’t have gone in anyway, we have a huge homeless/drug problem here and it was probably someone tripping in there.


Getting ready for a cruise is SO much easier than getting ready for a stay in a condo. Adding the food element is a pain and it’s me who takes care of that stuff so once that is sorted, I can think about what clothing to bring. We did a Costco run this morning for gas and to pick up hot dogs and buns for our traditional lunch with Fritos Scoops and beer. 

Hoping everyone is having a great day!




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Thanks to my friends here for your concern and support for me.  I appreciate you Carolyn @Cruising-along, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Charlene @cunnorl, Terry @smitty34877, Debbie @dfish, Joy @Seasick Sailor and @seagarsmoker.  Your signature says J. Brown but I wish I knew your first name because I would love to address you personally!  


Joy @Seasick Sailor that was thoughtful of you to think of Allen's military baseball cap while in Japan.  I can't wait to see what you bought to wear while there!  Your waiter looks familiar so I've probably seen him on a prior cruise.  He looks so friendly, but don't they all??

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5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn & @StLouisCruisers.

The Constitution is the foundation of our country. I'm not big into country. I used to like NYC, but it can be scary sometimes. Witty quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I have been to Stanley on my SA/Antarctica cruise on Zaandam in 2018. An important day in history.


It's cloudy here today from remnants of Francine. I hope we get some rain too, as we're in drought condition. I'll be seeing my PCP in a couple of hours, about the leg. BFF has been having a tooth issue. He will have a root canal on Friday, then the new crown placed on Monday. All of this stuff coming up close to the cruise. I just hope my doctor doesn't find anything that will keep me from going.


@StLouisCruisers Excellent Stanley photos. I hope you hear about your test results this week. Great photos from the wedding!

@seagarsmoker Nice family photos.

@ottahand7 I'm glad DB seems in good spirits and is doing his PT. I'm sure your visit was a boost for him. I hope your AC gets fixed today.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@Lady Hudson I hope DH gets an answer, so then some treatment can be applied.

@smitty34877 Thinking of you and the family as you face each day.

@marshhawk Enjoy the symphony tonight. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck at the dentist. Lovely Stanley photos.

@0106 Thanks for letting us know what happened. I'm glad you and DH got good care. And thank goodness you had insurance! Prayers for you both. Thanks for the Stanley photos too.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the PT is helping you.

@GeorgeCharlie Nice to see you. Thanks for the great photos.

@sailingdutchy Yay, your pictures showed up! Excellent photos.

@kazu Thinking of you.

@mamaofami I hope Sam is having less pain.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Approaching the Falkland Islands, Jan 2, 2019, on the Zaandam



Tenders getting ready



Arriving at Stanley





On the slopes on the far side of Stanley Harbour is a monument to the Royal Navy vessels which have served in the Antarctic Ice Patrol or to protect the Falklands: HMS Beagle, HMS Endurance spelled out in stones, among others. 





Local tavern and British phone booth



Christ Church, most southern Anglican church in the world





Unique kneelers made by the church women



Whale bone arch outside the church, built 1933



Bluff cove penguin rookery

Gentoo penguins





King penguins





My Avatar



Great photos Vanessa.

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