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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 30th, 2024

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My laptop has a broken hinge!  I tried opening it and heard a crack and it wouldn't open.  We worked on it a while and got it open, but I will have to leave it open.  No more closing so I will have to replace the whole thing soon.  We take it with us places and can't close it to travel with.  They don't make things like they used to, do they?😖




4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

We're having a cooler Monday morning but the sun is out so that's good. Off to the pool in a bit for water aerobics then some banking to do so not the most exciting day. DS is supposed to be over to do some painting but we'll see how that goes. 

@StLouisCruisers I saw on the sailaway thread for today for the Eurodam that they are staying in Juneau overnight and not going to Glacier Bay or Sitka. Instead they will cruise Endicott Arm on Wednesday. A copy of the letter is posted there. 



I'd better get over there and read it so I can catch up.  Thanks for pointing it out to me!




3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Just got an email from Roy.


Still here another night as my morning weight showed too much fluid.


Wearing compression socks overnight but slept reasonably well.


Morning was a bit chaotic but finally calmed down.  From a cardiac standpoint I would have been cleared for rehab but waiting on the fluids.

Roy Ferguson




Sorry to hear about Roy's fluid retention and hope that's rectified soon.  We want him back in rehab!  Thanks for relaying the message Lenda.




1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:

So Sorry tried different ways to copy and paste or send emails from old iMac to the new one 



Last try .....
Oh Wowwwwwww  he did it ! 
From the screen in the crows nest
Chilean coastguard 
And a gorgeous sky before while starting the crossing to Antarctica 
Tony 😄


Nice photos Tony!  I'm glad you got them posted today.




44 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Sorry, in my rush to let you all know about Pennie @Nickelpenny I forgot to mention:


 Please let everyone know I am fine and I hope to get back to posting in the next week or so.”




That's good that you heard from her and we can stop worrying.  I hope the family emergency is handled soon so she can get back to posting.

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Good afternoon from a warm, 89F, and breezy central Texas.  The bushes and Silverado Sage are trimmed and looking better.  For some reason, the bushes by the house had really grown over the summer and were very shaggy looking.  It was fairly warm, but for most of the time I was in the shade, which helped.  When I'm doing this chore, I can't wear my big hat that shades my ears and face, since it keeps falling off when I bend over.  I also use muscles and positions I don't use when doing the regular yard work.  As The Beatles song says, "I get by with a little help from my friends".  Only in this case, my friends are Advil and Aspercreme.  😉


A couple of weeks ago, DH ordered two watch batteries from a third party vendor through Amazon.   They were supposed to arrive within a few days.  Now, two weeks later, still no batteries.  I contacted the seller through Amazon for a refund.  The seller sent a very long message that basically said he believes the batteries arrived, and I just didn't see them, but he issued a refund.  This is the first time anything like that has occurred with a third party seller, and it really insulted me.  Not only did I message him back, that of course I'd return the batteries if they ever arrived, but I would not be buying anything else from him.  I also reported the seller to Amazon with a very poor rating. To give Amazon credit, I got an immediate reply that they would investigate the incident.  End of rant.


@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the compression socks and other measures help relieve the fluid build up, and you are able to return to rehab tomorrow.


6 hours ago, ellbelle said:

Good morning, it’s still dark here and slated to get to 95 today, which will be cool compared to the 100’s forecasted the rest of the week. Have I mentioned I’m sick of summer?


Seems everyone and their brother has podcasts these days but a nice collection of days. Have not been to Cape Horn yet although still on “my” radar. The meal looks good, may have to try. Tonight I’m going to make sautéed shrimp with garlic and parsley and serve over basmati rice. I’m still using up my shrimp “fest” in my freezer so it’ll probably be one shrimp dish a week for a few weeks. 

No lunches to prepare today and no granddaughter this morning either. The city is doing an upgrade to the rainwater drainage system and construction is in front of our across the street neighbors today, so we are blocked in. No way in or out, lucky we’re retired (as many on our street) otherwise this would be a pain.  They have had two excavators working together along with five dump trucks in wait and these things are massive in size so we’re staying out of the way. We are going to attempt to get some crabgrass pulled out of our back lawn, the gardeners have treated twice to no avail. I also want to trim back the new growth on our tomatoes, hoping to direct the energy to the remaining fruit.


Thinking of all on the care list and yay to those traveling! Have a great day.




Cheryl, it sounds like you have quite a mess in  your neighborhood.  I hope the grades can be done quickly.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I woke up and turned on the news only to find that a chemical plant in the county east of ours had exploded and saw huge plumes of gases flowing out.into the air.  They said that they were asking for people to evacuate in that county near the plant, and others to close their windows and turn off the air. BUT they didnt say which way the wind was blowing, and I did smell weird air when I went out to feed the outdoorians.  Our friends live in that  county,  But they are staying with the youngest daughter during the week while the  husband is working in an office over on the southern part of town.  


Helene just isnt going away, and the amount of damage the rains did in NC is incredible.  I rerouted our trip out west, as we were going to start out at a museum near the NC border. Now we will be going through Alabama and Mississippi, ;and stop in Corinth MS.  I have a personal goal to visit all of the Civil War battlefields, before land grubbers buy out all the land.  I have been to Gettysburg, Antietam. Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge,Andersonville (where the only battle was to stay alive, but my grandmothers older brother did not) Tupelo (battlefield is a small park the size of half of a city block) and an area of Florida, a non battle which happened  near the end of the Civil war, where they just chased each other around amongst the swamp and the pines.  Visiting Corinth and Shiloh is a bucket list for me.  I guess I will get around to Virginia some time, where one of my great uncles died in Richmond.  The battle of Cold Harbour. I think most families would have gone through 5 generations since the civil war, mine has only had 3.


@RedneckBobI am sorry that you have been ill, and I do hope that better days are coming soon for you.  You were truly missed here.  Perhaps you should get one of our email addresses so that if something goes wrong, you or a family member will let us know what is going on. The Dailyites are family.  We worry.


@dfishI am sorry that Sue is having a hard time with her son. Other than blocking him on her phone, there is not much more she can do.  Call the law?  no.  Unless he shows up at your door. I was taking care of my dad in Florida years ago, and my beau at the time went off the wagon while he was staying in my house to take care of my cats.  He got lonely and drunk, and called long distance to random numbers in Alaska, because he said they were all lonely (in winter) and would talk to him.  My phone bill was over 600 bucks that month.  I then added unlimited long distance to the phone, and threw him out.


DH is sleeping in this morning, I guess that binge watching Downtown Abbey all weekend was too much for him.  And we only got into season 2.  I cant wait til Formula 1 comes back.


From the Museum of Rome





Annie, I was wondering if you were affected by the incident at the chemical plant.  I hope they wind is not blowing your way.  Your route for the trip sounds good.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning from Yellowstone!

We’ll be checking out of the B&B this morning, then have a few hours in the park before driving to Bozeman and flying home. It has been wonderful as always, and this time we were blessed with excellent weather too. And as always I’m already looking forward to coming back. 

Some photos from yesterday. We walked around Norris Geyser area, the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, and finally saw a bear this trip. A good sized black bear. 
















Carolyn, thanks for the pictures, and safe travels today.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've subscribed to a few podcasts, but never find the time to listen to them.  Translators are important, and loving people is too.  Thank goodness for dental anesthetic, the Grand Ole Opry was so important back then, and yay for the ethernet!


Well the little message on the bottom corner of the computer was accurate; we woke up to 6 degrees this morning with only a high of 13 expected (42 and 55), and wow, did we have some rain overnight!  I heard it raining hard somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, but of course went back to sleep.  When I got up this morning I saw it must have rained buckets, as there are leaves splattered all over the back lawn.  Right now we've got a strong wind blowing, so I'm sure more leaves will be coming down; there's no point in going out with a rake just yet.


Today in Canada it's National Day of Truth and Reconciliation; a time for us to remember the children who were taken from their homes and put into residential schools, and the atrocities that happened there.  The theme in Cree is "Tahto Awasis Asitakimaw" which means "Every Child Matters"; I'll be wearing my orange shirt today to honour them.



@JazzyVBon Voyage; I hope you have a wonderful cruise and that your leg doesn't give you any grief at all.  I'd be bringing a rollator along if it were me.


I'd like to try the drink, will say yes to the wine, and might try the recipe later in the winter.  Yesterday DH was looking for something in the fridge freezer when he had an avalanche of frozen food come down on him.  He was not amused, but it meant we had to finally clean it out and organize it a bit better.  While doing that I found a vacuum sealed package of barbecued smokies from Summerfest that are currently thawing in the fridge and will be served with leftover fries from New York Fries that DH brought home yesterday.  I think we'll dine at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly those who suffered losses from Helene.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



National Truth and Reconciliation Day is an important day, and I hope it helps heal some of the very old wounds.


3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:


Better watch it Sailingdutchy is trying to post again , wonder if has learned it yet to do it on his new iMac ..............




Today another nice memory to look at , Cape Horn or in Dutch Kaap Hoorn named after the city in the Netherlands of Hoorn for the birthplace of navigator Willem Corneliszoon Schouten who rounded the Cape in 1616 .
Forward to 2015 while on our Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam on Feb 7th , 2015 our Captain PJ van Maurik  went through the Drake Passage and circled Cabo de Hornos .
We had very fine weather doing all of this so I can show a few pictures , but you can see that the winds can be very strong here from the damaged monument that had partially been blown over 



Tony, what a difference a few days makes.  We along with Sandi, @StLouisCruisers were at Cape Horn on February 26, 2015.  It was too rough to cruise around Cape Horn.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Sitting in the dentist waiting room.  

Jim does not need an extraction.  Dentist is planning to save the tooth.  So glad about that.

So much easier on JIm (and me too)



Terri, I'm very happy the dentist is planning on saving Jim's tooth.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning!


 I have heard from Pennie!  @Nickelpenny


She asked me to let everyone know that she had a family emergency and has been away. She will catch up soon. 



Sharon, thank you for letting us know Pennie is all right.  I hope the family emergency is resolved soon.


59 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Not exactly a stroopwafel, but....


It's a Jewish custom to eat fried foods at Hanukkah. In the Middle East, this usually means filled doughnuts, while in central and eastern Europe it was potato pancakes.


Dutch Jews, however, eat waffles. This is because a Hebrew phrase associated with Hanukkah, nes v'fele, meaning "miracle and wonder," sounds to the Dutch ear as if it should mean "miracle [of the] waffle."


Paul, the best stroopwafels are the fresh ones in The Netherlands.  Thanks for the link to a very interesting article.



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So glad to hear that @Nickelpenny is okay but sorry she had a family emergency.


@RedneckBobsorry to hear you were ill. I do miss your posts.  I am glad you are back.


@rafinmd  Roy it sounds like you have a very good treatment team and I am sure as soon as you are able you will be back in rehab and then home.


@Cruzin Terriglad to hear your DH doesn’t need dental surgery.  Also that your home had no damage.


Elizabeth sorry to see you are missing Glacier Bay on your cruise and some other ports. I do hope the weather gets better. 

Vanessa have a wonderful time on your cruise.  

Sandy sorry about the broken hinge on your lap top.  It is hard nowadays to get a new computer and transfer everything.



The weather here is still too hot to do much outside during the day.  I do miss the change of seasons.  


The damage from the hurricane is horrible so many people lost everything.  And it seems like there may be another storm heading to the gulf, not what anyone needs at this or any other time.


I have been to the port but don’t have any pictures as I spent my time being incredibly sea sick. Once we got to Antarctica I was fine.  

I have been dealing with my 95 year old mother today whose dementia is getting worse and worse.  Some days she is fine but today is not one of them.  It is a horrible thing to see. 

I do hope everyone is having a decent day.






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Just checking in quickly. Have been busy sewing aprons. Fancy ones with flounces. The picture doesn’t do them justice. Have made 4 and have one more cut plus lots of material for more. I hadn’t bought material for quite a while so was surprised at the prices. But daughters and granddaughters are pleased and that is the main thing.


grey skies but not cold, remnants of Helene. We should clear by Wednesday and I hope weather people are right. I am taking the train to Toronto to see come from away and I don’t want to be wandering around the city in the rain! Really looking forward to the play.


much good news in the daily today. Nickel penny has been “found”, Roy should be moving to rehab, marshhawk has revamped her travel plans and they sound good, Vanessa cruising. All good things. 

Family in Virginia is fine and had minimal rain or damage where they are (Petersburg area) so that is good. Pictures from Asheville NC are so sad. I hope help gets to those who need it quickly. 

take care everyone.


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I've gotten a few photos from DGD Ashley.  They enjoyed their tour so much.  Ashley went with us in July 2019 and it was a scorcher that day and totally jammed shoulder to shoulder.  Today was lovely and not crowded she said.  Chris loved it!






Then she treated us to photos of dinner, pizza for Chris, eggplant parmagiana for Ashley, bruschetta, and some amazing lemon ice cream served in a lemon!  I'm hungry now!








She promises to send lots of photos along the way.  Thanks for putting up with me!

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Good afternoon!


It has been relatively quiet around here today and we've been enjoying that.  We went downtown to our favorite store and we each found a treasure we couldn't live without.  Sue got some gray denims with sequins around the bottom and I got a winter white jacket with a fuchsia tank top.  Then we went to our favorite coffee shop and bought tons of specialty coffee.  I also got a new oven mitt as the old one is shot and doesn't protect you from heat.  It is going in the trash.  


@Sharon in AZ Thank you for making contact with @Nickelpenny and relaying her message to us.  Pennie, we are all happy to hear that you are ok and hope the family emergency has been resolved with a good outcome.


@RedneckBob I'm glad to see you back and in celebration I will make the cheesy ground beef casserole for you with brussels sprouts instead of cauliflower.  


@JazzyV Vanessa, enjoy that cruise!


@rafinmd Roy, I hope you are improving enough to get back to rehab soon!


@marshhawk Annie, it is good that you, Chuck, and BFF can be flexible with your vacation plans.  I hope you all have a great time.


@Cruising-along Safe travels home today!


@Quartzsite Cruiser Sue says hi back.


@StLouisCruisers That lemon ice cream looks so good!  


@kazu  I hope your plan works for a decent night's sleep tonight.  Perhaps call the dr. back and tell them the gabapentin isn't helping.  



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@StLouisCruisers Sandi I have not been keeping up on CC and not sure if the explanation on Eurodam missing a port.


Here's Bobby:


hello maam joy and sir allen. how are you?..we did not missed ketchikan.. we cancel one port ( sitka ). because of bad weather.. but we are overnight in juneau..

thank you for always keep in touch.. 


..enjoy your cruise.. miss you both..



Edited by Seasick Sailor
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Good cloudy evening, I hope everyone is doing well and is staying safe.

  With all the tragedy that had occurred from Helene, the loss of life and property, I find it difficult to understand people whining about not getting bread with their meal or the baked potato only being half . There is also a thread about why HAL doesn’t do longer cruises from the west coast . It just goes on and on.

I understand that people have a right to vent but I feel that there are more important things in life right now. 
Have a peaceful evening.🙏❤️

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Only 10 days until I fly to Amsterdam to start my TA from Rotterdam to FLL. Very excited! I was surprised & pleased that my PCC called on Friday to make sure I was all set. All my excursions are planned -- I'm very excited to be able to go to Flanders Fields out of Bruges. HAL announced that trip fairly recently, and I'm glad to learn more about the war that was supposed to end all wars......


On the down side , I got a letter that last week's dexascan  revealed that I have significant osteoporosis. Darn, I wasn't expecting that! So now I get to add another "--ist" to my list of doctors - a rheumatologist. But that can wait until after the cruise. Despite Helene, NOTHING is going to rain on my parade!! LOL!

RNB - glad to have you back! Sharon, thank you for tracking down Pennie. Jacqui - hoping you get a good night's sleep. Annie - you need a superhero cape! Prayers for all in need and cheers for all that are celebrating, especially on a BHB!

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4 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Sorry, in my rush to let you all know about Pennie @Nickelpenny I forgot to mention:


 Please let everyone know I am fine and I hope to get back to posting in the next week or so.”




what a relief.  I am so glad that Pennie it’s OK.


Bmy eyes keep me from posting a lot but this is a huge relief to me


Glad you’re OK pennie @Nickelpenny



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Pay no attention to the long post below.  This is the third time I have tried to comment and my morning comments continue to live with me.  


@RedneckBob so happy to hear from you and I hope you are on the mend.  We all missed your humor.  


Thank you @Sharon in AZ for tracking down Pennie in.  


Annie it sounds like a great substitute trip after your resort town was damaged. The horror that Helene caused is beyond words.  I wonder how much warning the people in Ashville had for the catastrophic flooding.  


DB called today and sounded fine.  DS called tonight and said DSIL said he isn't trying.  The attorney's office called and left a message to call tomorrow.  I hope it is good news or the process begins again with a not so highly rated firm.  


Roy I hope the swelling continues to go down.  


Prayers for everyone suffering the aftermath of Helene.  War seems to be spreading so prayers for all in war zones.  



Repeat content below.  I can erase tediously but not erase the blue bubble.  When I want content to stick it doesn't. 🤯



This was probably on January 30, 2023 beginning 8 straight sea days as we headed to Antarctica and missing The Falklands.  


January 30, 2023 Grand South America on the Volendam.   As Tina @0106 mentioned we had to do the same maneuver.  I think I missed Captain's warning to sit down and came out of the bathroom and instead of sky usually visible it was all water.  A view of lifetime for sure.  Not many photos from that area so some good porn that night.  We had planned on a special carry on wine for our dinner in Canaletto.  The wine was gone at the end of first course.  They had a large private travel agency dinner in Canaletto that night and our entrees came and hour after our soup.  Why didn't they warn us that we should rebook another night. There must have been twenty with that group. 

Edited by ottahand7
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Turned into a beautiful day today, sunny with interesting clouds!  

I ordered COVID tests. Thank you!  
I lined up a new ophthalmologist, (first time for me in New Jersey) appointment for November-much closer to us than where DH goes for the Johns-Hopkins trained surgical specialist. My new group even comes on campus weekly but they don’t have all the lab equipment here so I’ll go to their office which is very close by, and that’s a good long-term plan if I need to get the transportation dept to shuttle me someday. 

Great to hear Pennie is ok; not great about her troubles. Thank you Sharon for making contact. 
Hoping RNB’s issues recede. 

May Jacqui, Roy, Annie and I get a better night’s sleep!  

Good day to those in the other hemisphere. 

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