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Everything posted by OneSixtyToOne

  1. Day 3 - Continued… More pictures from the fortress. We left the ruins for lunch at a local banquet hall called Agamemnon‘s Palace. Surprisingly the food was excellent. Sometimes the included lunch can be hit or miss but this was a home run. The desert was a sponge cake soaked with an orange sauce made from the local produce. Everyone raved about it. After lunch we were off to Epidaurus to visit the finest Greek theatre still in use today. We were amazed by how well preserved it is. The tour guide demonstrated the 3 foci where sound is projected into the audience. During a play the actors will move to one of these spots to deliver their lines. Cheering from the premium seats. On top of the world After visiting the amphitheater, it was back to the hotel via the coast road and some great views. All in all it was a fabulous way to start our Classic Greece experience. As you can tell from the photos, the weather was beautiful. Temperatures were in the 50s and there were no crowds. Perfect for sightseeing. I highly recommend Greece in the off-season. Tomorrow’s weather is identical. We will be heading to Delphi which is a 3 hour ride into the mountains. I’ll be sure to wear additional layers. Also worth mentioning, because this happened to be a weekend, there was very little traffic. The tour guides were amazed how quickly we were able to leave Athens. This might be the reason Delphi was moved up a day (from Monday to Sunday). If planning to book this excursion, you might want to consider a date that lands on the weekend.
  2. Day 3 - Continued… Had an excellent breakfast this morning at the hotel. Large selection of items and great cup of regular coffee. They have a coffee bar in the back for those looking for something more exotic. We met up in the lobby at 7:50 AM to start our tour. At first I thought the Blue Man Group was in town. We boarded the bus and we were off to the Peloponnese peninsula and Corinth to view the canal that connects the Aegean Sea with Ionian Sea. It’s a 19th century engineering marvel that was built by the same company that constructed the Suez Canal. A canal was envisioned from ancient times where at this site ships were actually carted overland to save time and the avoid the danger of shipwrecks. Pictures don’t do it justice. It’s a spectacular view. Next stop was the Mycenaean stronghold containing the site of Agamemnon’s palace. On the way we passed a fortress built by the Corinthians and is the largest castle in Eastern Europe. On the way we passed along the plains of Argos and it became clear why this area has been fought over for millennia. It‘s flat, fertile bottom land, unlike so much of Greece. The fields are filled with olive and orange trees. The oranges are all ripe making a brilliant splash of color on this green fertile valley. From the Mycenaean fortress the ruler controlled the valley below all the way to the sea and beyond. When we arrived at the ruins the first stop was to explore a beehive tomb with the foreboding entrance and classic Mycenaean arch. The walls are blackened from fires built by shepherd taking refuge with their flocks We then proceeded to climb the path to the fortress and entered through the massive Lions Gate, some of the oldest statues in the classical world. Inside is the area where a gold burial mask was discovered and mistakenly attributed to Agamemnon. There is a copy in the adjacent museum but the original is in Athens.
  3. Day 3 - Still on California Time It’s 5:00 AM in Athens and we’ve been up since 2:00. Looking forward to a hardy breakfast and our first excursion. Today we head to the Peloponnese peninsula. For anyone planning or thinking about doing the Classic Greece Extension his is the pre-cruise itinerary. As I noted in a previous post, some events have switched days from what is published on the website.
  4. I just read about a supermarket in the Netherlands that has opened a slow checkout lane for people who want to chitchat.
  5. Day 2 - Arrival, Sleep, or Lack Thereof The sleep deprivation continued on our final flight, this time with a crying baby. Note to Torstein, consider starting a adult only airline. Arrival at Athens was a breeze. We arrived a few minutes early at 5:50 PM. After claiming our baggage we found our Viking rep and driver waiting outside of baggage claim. Viking contracted with a private taxi to drive us to the hotel, large comfortable Mercedes Benz. We hit rush hour and it took almost an hour to get to the Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel. If you are not using Viking Air, I suggest purchasing their transportation option. This would have been an expensive cab ride if we did it on our own. The hotel is a very nice upscale business hotel. Lots of marble. The Viking rep greeted us as we arrived. She was in the middle of doing an overview of the extension with 4 other guests. We were brought up to speed and provided some basic information with more details to come after we rest up. The extension is booked up so there will be 30 of us. Some of the events have changed days. Our free day was suppose to be Sunday but we will now be going to Delphi and the free day will be Monday. So anyone taking this extension, days are subject to change. If you plan to book an independent tour on the free day, plan accordingly. As far as accommodations are concerned, we have a fairly large room that has a view of the Acropolis from the edge of the window. (see pictures) I did have to crop out the car dealership across the street. Right now, we’re too tired to do anything except turn in. Looking forward to breakfast which runs until 11:00 AM but we will be off at 8:00 for our first full day of sightseeing. More on that in a later post.
  6. After the overnight from LAX we are in Munich awaiting our connecting flight to Athens. We were on the “screaming toddler from hell” flight so we got absolutely no sleep. Munich is a great airport. No crowds and we cleared passport control in less than 3 minutes. Much easier than connecting thru Frankfort. Looking forward to getting to our hotel in Athens so we can sleep.
  7. Just boarded. Lufthansa is using face recognition for boarding. No more scanning boarding passes. Just stand in front of the camera and wait for the green light.
  8. We’re are currently at LAX waiting for our flight to arrive. We arrive way too early as DW demands. In the meantime a 747 bound for Frankfort has arrived at our gate (see picture). It’s one of the last in the Lufthansa fleet. We’ll be on that particular plane later this year for our next cruise. That might be our last chance to fly on one. As far as Athens weather, I’ve been tracking it for a while and is similar to the climate we have in San Diego, which is also Mediterranean. Daily highs are in the 50s-60s, lows in the 40s. Periods of rain. Best to have a good raincoat/outerwear and dress in layers. I brought sweaters, long sleeve shirts, and a few polo shirts. I’ll tell you how I fare after we arrive.
  9. Day 1 - Departure: We are doing our final prep before heading to the airport in a few hours but I wanted to start this thread while I still had access to a real keyboard. We have a loooong day/night ahead of us flying from Southern California to Athens for the 4 day pre-cruise Classic Greece extension. It will be our first time in Greece and we are really excited to get the journey under way. The weather is cooperating here today. The rainfall stopped yesterday and is not expected to resume until this weekend. For those unaware, a series of major storms caused by an atmospheric river has hit the West Coast and massive flooding has resulted. We live in the southern portion of the state and have been spared the worst of it. We also lucked out and missed the ground halt that happened to all US air traffic yesterday. Hopefully our trip to Athens will be uneventful. I will update this thread periodically when the opportunities arise.
  10. FYI Named after Charles Darwin's ship HMS Beagle on which he circumnavigated the world.
  11. Agree. Also I don’t think the website is designed to allow you to pick multiple ships/staterooms across multiple legs. In looking at other multi ship cruises (River/Ocean) they also require a call.
  12. We are booked on the Mediterranean Odyssey this spring from Venice to Barcelona. You might want to research that itinerary As far as I know it's not part of a longer cruise. At 13 days it hit our sweet spot. It doesn't go to Athens but does make one stop in Greece (Corfu). We are also adding pre and post extensions so that puts us at 17 days.
  13. Interesting that the new Lyon, Provence & the Rhineland cannot be booked online and is instead “call for a quote.” That one must be a logistical problem juggling reservations across two existing itineraries. Needs a human instead of a computer program to figure it out.
  14. You’ll want to check MVJ daily. I was in the same situation and 2 weeks later some reservations opened up for a day or two and I was able to book.
  15. Worth noting that Venice, the Adriatic & Greece might be a leg of a longer cruise, Ancient Adriatic Treasures. (Viking Sky departs Venice on Aug 18, 2023). If that is the case they are probably waiting to fill the longer cruise first. If that fills up for your class of room, they will probably upgrade you.... or not. They might also upgrade the longer leg pax. I was curious and just tried booking Ancient Adriatic Treasures and only PV1 are available in the PV category
  16. It’s called a list icon because clicking on it presents a list of items.
  17. 1) You cross time zones so you gain an hour by going west. 2) Air connections? Getting to the embarkation port is most important. You don’t want delays to cause you to miss the sailing. Pick the city that gives you the most flexibility. 3) You no longer dock in Venice. Whatever you choice you make, be sure to do an extension there to really see the city. Also getting to the ship may be problematic and expensive if you do not book a Viking extension or Viking Air.
  18. I’ll just add one of the most significant changes to MVJ is you can now manage your Viking air booking before you are ticketed. You do not need Air Plus to do this, though the availability of carriers is limited to those which Viking has agreements with. Even after ticketing, you can change seat assignments without going to the airline website. Much more convenient than prior iterations.
  19. I’ve posted about our experience on the Jupiter. The observatory is the most misused, misunderstood, and underutilized asset on any Viking ship.
  20. See post #415. Free air is only for one cruise (Eastern Seaboard Explorer). EBD does nothing. You get the same price if you book now with or without it.
  21. I received my final reminder email today for our upcoming cruise and it clearly states you need to book reservations for included excursions:
  22. If you look at your invoice you'll see that the complimentary SSP is listed as "Promotional Amenities" without a dollar amount. It will not be affected by any price changes.
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