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Everything posted by Pcardad

  1. Thank you for the wonderful posts!!!
  2. OPINION - Regent bought a certain amount of bandwidth and by restricting it, they ensure an equal experience for all.
  3. Depends on the port....maybe 1130 to 330ish.
  4. I've found the non-Starlink ships can vary wildly (that's about the high-end) but I only have one data point above 4MBPS for the Starlink ships.
  5. That's great! You are the first I have heard this from....I have about 30 people at 4 give or take 2%
  6. Apologies! Seems like most people are capping at 4MBPS down.....
  7. I understand your point. I hope they get it too....but they stopped dinner with Entertainers and senior officers a while back and then started it again (Covid, etc.) and they stop it if something is bouncing around the ship. I would guess that most guests will experience it...but it is no more guaranteed than the ports are. There is a lot more uncertainty on a cruise vs. a land vacation (Covid showed just how much) and people should remember this.
  8. I have about 40 data points for DL with SL - what were your test results?
  9. That would include any port on every itinerary though. They try to provide whatever they are offering...but are not responsible for outside pressures like weather, sickness on board, scheduling conflicts, etc. I've seen this business from many angles for many years and the cases of false advertising are few are far between.
  10. Vote with your wallet...but the grass isn't any greener. I deal with them all.
  11. Any of you can book a table if you have the booking numbers of the other parties. The question is will they accommodate 8 people via the automated system. I am not sure it is set up to take that many in a specialty....but you can book 2 sets of 4 and the same time and talk to the restaurant manager, the F&B Manager, etc. when you get on board and ask to put the tables together. They have done that multiple times for us in the past.
  12. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine, if or when, the invitation will arrive. If there is an invitation and it causes a conflict with the specialty restaurant, a simple conversation with the F&B Manager, the GM, etc. will result in the reservation being rescheduled for another night.
  13. It all depends on the officers' schedules, the health status of the ship, etc. They will try but if there are people with a LOT of SSS nights they will get priority as will the higher suites. They may also only extend this to the people in the suite although there is a table in CR that can seat more than 8. The best you can do is wait and see if you get an invitation onboard. It will be written and be in your cabin on check-in or on your door during the cruise.
  14. If you are invited to eat with a senior officer it will be on a day of their choosing that fits into their schedule. You will get an invite a couple of days prior to the date. It is not something you can book.
  15. Respectfully, if Regent avoided every port that cannot provide "Regent quality services" then Regent would have to drop half their ports. I like the small ports in remote parts of the world - there are not many left and I would like to see them before they gone or changed forever.
  16. The boarding time slot is generally ignored by everyone involved in the process.
  17. If memory serves, taking a credit instead of pre-cruise hotel is about a $150 - $200 credit depending on location. You never get the retail amount back, you get something closer to what Regent would pay by contracting for thousands of rooms a year.
  18. It wasn't my intention to seem snarky...apologies if it read that way. Just clearing up assumptions about what I do for a living.
  19. I think the "failure" originated on the hotel side (something caused lack of anticipated capacity) and there were no other options available to book the volume Regent needed at the prices they had negotiated. I have a disclosure that I share with people that basically explains we are in a new world and things can happen. To be fair, it is a lot easier for a small guy to fix this issue than it is for a company looking for 300+ hotel rooms last minute in Iceland...plus I charge more than Regent does.
  20. I have done a multimillion dollar years with Regent but gross sales are not the same as profit.
  21. I am not the CEO of a TA but thanks for assuming. I own a company that provides special and detailed services to people who want these services and can afford them. A very small % of what we do is booking with Regent...about 3%. The rest is.....well, more personalized. Nor do I have ANY interest in agreeing with or not agreeing with posters here as my business is not open to the public. I save my "clout", such as it, for my clients. Here, I try to share facts that might not be readily obvious to people without a lot of Regent experience. There is zero benefit in this for me unless you consider that I own 100 shares of NCLH stock for the OBC.
  22. A butler is a non-issue for us. There is nothing they can do that we cannot do ourselves at this point. We typical take a basic room and deviate the air for a direct flight to the embarkation area 1- 2 weeks ahead of time to add more vacation onto the air Regent provides.
  23. It's easy - you remotely run your company that pays you in US dollars while travelling parts of the world where your dollar goes so much further. Been doing it for years.
  24. Sounds like you did very well as Regent offers Business Class as included in the overseas cruises. Getting First Class (2x or 3x the price) is a huge win. Caviar = ask your butler (if you have one) or ask to speak to the F&B Manager to see what your complimentary (if any) or paid options are. Enjoy your trip!
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