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Everything posted by SbbquilterUT

  1. I can understand this being concerning for some people. Have only ever used room service during quarantine so not a fun experience.
  2. During longer sailings we have also seen a chorus formed. One cruise they held the chipping contest in the Sky lounge and I was terribly nervous chipping a golf ball towards the band set up.
  3. We would do it after checking how many ships would be in port that morning. Walk off has worked well for us in the past.
  4. I would consider trying a massage at a local spa to make sure you like it - for me 80" is barely long enough but DH hated his.
  5. Always want to make the most of expensive flights so B2B is my minimum. Loved a 12 + 7 this summer on the Apex and would have gladly stayed longer. We are taking advantage of Solstice pricing from Mexico this winter and sailing her - first time driving to port at a mere 6 hours. But the long awaited is May with a 12 night TA, flight to Prague for land visit, train to Budapest for another land visit before boarding 15 day river cruise. I love the relaxation of sea days and arriving in Europe without the jet lag.
  6. You are right - I got confused as I don't get the classic package, just the coffee.
  7. Yes but you need the Premium upgrade if you want alcohol I them.
  8. We are sailing the following week - originally looked at 8/4 as that is our 45th anniversary and chose a week later. Glad you found another solution.
  9. Be careful if you are considering a room that has specific perks or suite, the adult in the other room will not have those perks on the card. An adjoining room can be booked with the kids, at least we have done that.
  10. We loved those on the Apex - sailing out of two Iceland ports we stayed there and enjoyed the view. But cold getting out and either walking down the ramp to 15 or taking the stairs down to 15.
  11. We still had an evening clean up of the cabin and tidy of the bathroom - always looked great when we returned to the cabin, with the Go Green. My understanding is that they did not do a full clean and vacuum of the room and the bathroom was only a quick wipe down. Since at home I do not vacuum and fully clean my bathroom twice a day I was very happy with the service.
  12. I would call and ask for a supervisor as Refundable means you get it all back by the method it was paid for.
  13. I put out clothes that are specific to the travel after they are washed and dried, on the guest room bed, any time within a month of the trip. Toiletries are easy as I have a travel supply and bag that I used when traveling weekly for work. All are my own products so I know what I am using. For our Jan cruises I have also added the swim suits and cover up as it will not be used until then. I actually pack the day before travel. We fly to port so I also line the suitcase with a large trash bag and place another over the top of the packed bag to protect in case of rain/snow. Plan personal bag to have under clothes, pajamas, change of clothes and toiletries in the event of an event. We travel carry on size bags so it goes quickly.
  14. We made reservations prior to boarding but it was not necessary. The first night was very confusing for many people and the lines quite long. We discovered that if we waited and walked down at about 6:30-6:45 the early diners were leaving and we could eat at any of the restaurants. Also remember that all those dining rooms share a kitchen area so you can order items from any of the menus not matter where you are seated. We did miss getting to know the wait staff so next time we will dine in one restaurant nightly and request the same waiter.
  15. I do not believe that applies in the UK but it is worth asking.
  16. We are headed out for B2B late January - love the S class ship so looking forward to a lovely time. For us it is the first time we could drive to the port which made it really appealing. Then found out we could do two one way car rentals for less than parking so it was a total win.
  17. My husband thinks me nuts but I line the bags with large garbage bags and put another over the top once packed - had some ugly moments when traveling full time for business and this has saved me several times.
  18. We easily walked off at Tampa, Uber met us outside in the lot and we were at the airport for our 10am flight - less expensive for the two of us and no waiting for the bus to fill. Airport is less than 10 miles away and traffic should not be bad heading that direction. You are the only ship at the pier so much less congested than FLL or MIA.
  19. Yes they have the Club on Apex - on 12 night in August they held the Captain's reception there. Cabin did have information page but I failed to turn it over for a couple days.
  20. No downside and lets you choose earlier boarding times.
  21. I have put a standard 22" roller bag as well as a 24" through the scanner.
  22. I found the Uber pick up at 25 a pain - they would pull in right where newly arriving passengers were dropping luggage.
  23. I love my Soda Stream but since I carry on there is not room - call but I doubt the person at the call center will know. I have the Non-alcoholic package for coffee and club soda from the bar.
  24. We just bring our refillable bottles.
  25. Alternately if it works for you, we take the train in and it is only a couple blocks to the port.
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