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Everything posted by Purdey16

  1. So I hope I’m not boring you all on this Sunday morning 😂 after our bubbles we went to the dining room for lunch which was peaceful and had 3 courses with two glasses of wine, we our on the princess plus package which is alcohol up to $15 a drink and 15 a day , crew gratuities, and internet on one device, when we booked this cruise the cost of that package was $40pp per day , it is now $ 65 ish !!! After lunch we went to see if our cases had arrived but no and they didn’t turn up until 4.45 which is late for us . We had a reservation in the crown grill at 7.30 so once unpacked, showered, pre dinner drink then off to dinner, scallops and something I can’t remember for starters then black & blue onion soup, a 18oz T bone steak, sorry I forgot to take pictures of the veg &chips then pudding we had what’s in the pictures I can’t recall the names but all in all a lovely dinner, staff all very nice and attentive, smiling happy faces but we have always found that on princess, then off to the theatre for a Welsh lady singing different songs but by this time I was starting to fall asleep and Andy so we called it a night . Sea is calm and expected to be calm around the bay of biscay captain said , todays plan is go to a couple of port talks on Cadiz and Barcelona and chill . Enjoy your day everyone
  2. Josy here’s a picture of Iona in next to us and a MSC ship sailing out , we were late sailing about 4.45 , due to go out at 4
  3. Good morning all I am awake early so thought I’d drop a few lines and pictures of yesterdays boarding, travel into Southampton was horrendous traffic along the main road leading to the mayflower terminal a standstill really and we were caught in it until we changed lanes to go to the QE II terminal which wasn’t so busy , I really felt sorry for everyone going to the mayflower it just looked gridlock in all directions, anyway we got to the terminal about 10.15 , 15 minutes late by my schedule 😂 got our cases loaded up which was a good organised line and straight into terminal to check in which was also fast all they wanted was just passports, we collected our medallions and sat in the platinum and elite area for 5 minutes then at 10.45 we were called to board, so once on board it was a quick March up to the sanctuary to book our sunbeds for the 4 sea days we got, by then there was only a few left to pick from but we we’re still very pleased to get two and after us many people were disappointed but we did help a couple in a wheelchair get to the sanctuary as quick as us buy guiding them and helping with the lifts and getting a place in the Que for them and I think they got the last beds , so when that was done off we went to vines to get a nice glass of bubbly and meet our favourite bar tender again and then that’s when i started to chill a bit . Some photos of our inside cabin which had a lot more cupboard space than our suite in June so very happy with that and No hanging dresses on the walls , and some pictures of the sanctuary which if anyone is interested is $20 pp for the morning / afternoon or $40 pp for the whole day . If you want the cabanas it’s $240 a day 😬
  4. Thank you all , my cases have squeezed in the car just having my last coffee and then off to pick my son up because he’s having our car while we are away and taking us there , should be there at port for 10 o’clock as princess boards much earlier than p&o hopefully we get on earliest as we want to book some sun beds in the sanctuary this time since we will be going to some hot weather so fingers crossed as I know it’s a bum fight for them , this will be my first time doing anything like this . Last cruise in June it was board early to put our names down for the chefs table which was a lovely experience but at $135 pp we won’t be doing it again on this one . Have a lovely weekend everyone
  5. Thank you Graham I’m sure we will have a good one and I’ve promised everyone I’m not doing any dangerous activities on this one after my last cruise in June , still got lumps on my legs from my injuries 😄 .
  6. Have a lovely cruise Indiana on Norwegian Dawn , and sorry to hear about your flooding today and as you say probably once in a blue moon but taking safety precautions while your away is a good idea and you’re probably get it fixed when you get home , have a good relaxing trip.
  7. Hi Avril if I do a live blog I will let you know on here 😉 trouble is I’m not very good with my English and my comers and I tend to just write what’s jumbled in my head , no where near as good enough as Damian’s 🥴
  8. Yes we do like the speciality restaurant we are in the crown grill the first night then booked in sabatinis twice , but it will be our first time in sabatinis, done the crown grill a few times and the catch by Rudi in June going to Iceland and it was fantastic. she is our favourite ship too.
  9. Hope it’s not to long for you and you have a fab time
  10. Well I’m all packed up ,4 suitcases and 1 big hold all, housework done , nails and hair done so now chilling down the beach watching the air show , suns out and it’s a bit hot , hopefully the sun will shine everyday for you guys while I’m away . I will still read this thread every night because I’ve got Wi-Fi on the ship , I’m on sky princess so can’t really do a live blog on here for you but will post pictures now and again if people want .
  11. Yes and not even on the princess board, very worrying 🥴
  12. Hope all goes well for your dad sue and your mum , I feel for you it’s hard work we looked after my husband’s parents for 25 years, they moved down from Scotland to be with us down here in the south and it was hard work especially the last 8 years. Just make sure you look after yourself too .
  13. Have a fantastic cruise Michelle and enjoy every bit of it with your grandchildren, your such a wonderful person taking your grandkids on a cruise, you truly deserve it with what you’ve been through, I know it’s tipping down here now and thundering but I’m sure you will have some sunshine soon .
  14. Thank you selbourne for all of your thoughts and well written thread I’ve really enjoyed every bit of it for my night time reading 😂 so pleased you had good experiences for your dining and it was a shame your last night in limelight club didn’t quite go as smoothly, I’m a bit like a few others on here , I liked Iona in certain ways especially all the dining venues and mostly olive grove which I think we had lunch in most days , I wonder when and if when P&O will change it to a fixed paying price now just like princess has changed Alfredo’s to charging . My only downside for Iona was the atrium and just too big for me . Pleased your home safely.
  15. We sat on the atrium side and didn’t find it too noisy at all and we were listening to the lady play the piano and a singer , no foot traffic because they put a barrier across one end off the walkway in the evening, we had a lovely meal and due to go on sky again next week and will be eating in the catch again.
  16. A big Happy Anniversary to Graham and Pauline I’m a bit late in this message but have a wonderful anniversary day tomorrow what ever you do 🥂🍾💐
  17. Lovely to read selbourne, I really enjoyed your Britannia blog but just enjoyed this as much . I do hope the lift situation improves for you and it sounds everything else is going fine for you and I hope you have a fantastic holiday with your family.
  18. I really feel for you Michelle and with a hefty solicitor bill too it’s certainly not fair when this happens, you are a strong person so put all your happy thoughts into planning and looking forward to your holiday with your family, but I hope it’s resolved quickly for you .
  19. Good morning everyone it’s a beautiful sunny and blue sky and the sea gulls are rattling on , other half has gone for his power walk along the beach which he has been doing for a month now and coming back looking like a wreck 😂 , we’re watching the football as well this morning and probably potter down to the beach last which the family for a bbq on the beach later tonight. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  20. Really enjoying your blog Sarah and your doing just about the same excursions we have done , sorry to hear about your fall and I hope your big toe is a lot better for tomorrow, I think you’re going to the caves in lanzarote we went to as well , can’t remember the name of it but it’s on my fridge magnet if it is you will see tiny little white crabs in the water 😁 hope you haven’t done to much damage to your arm and wrist.
  21. Lovely pictures Sarah, enjoy Madeira tomorrow it’s my favourite place lots of different things to do .
  22. Exciting times a head for you mr & mrs Kalos and I hope all is well with your granddaughter and her baby .
  23. Good morning all it’s 15 c here this morning, other half has just come back from his power walk 🥴 sometimes I wonder why because he looks a wreck on return but he’s trying to be fit so we can spend his pension longer😂. Over the past few days I’ve booked two cruises one on queen Elizabeth going to Hong Kong to Alaska and one on princess San Francisco to Alaska but that one is in 2025 . we’re currently on our pre cruise diets now for our next one in a few weeks to the Mediterranean, looking forward to doing Rome this time because it was 17 years ago we were there with our 11 year old son and he didn’t fancy walking around in the heat and just wanted ice creams, so this time catching the fast train into Rome and lots of extensive walking while we can . Off to the golf range in a bit taking the grandchildren well 3 of them anyway , they all have their own clubs and we buy them a bucket of balls each to get their swings right and to waste a few hours away from the parents, apart from that it’s another lazy day then . Have a good day everyone
  24. Hi Sarah can I ask you about the early boarding que , was there many waiting in the que before you and if so did you get called out by time to board ? Just wondering if they are going to still make people stand outside in all weather conditions etc and if they got shelter. Im glad you’re enjoying your cruise now and continue to do so and we also bumped into some friends from a cruise 5 years previously so we made arrangements to meet up before dinner and have a drink each night .
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