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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. Oh, I thought I remembered the sign Wonderland on the wall near the D Lounge….maybe that was Allure? I haven’t been on Harmony yet….Wonder cruise will be in November,
  2. I also agree completely! The D Lounge on the Oasis and Radiance ships were our favorite. Didn’t they replace it in Oasis for Wonderland?
  3. We didn’t mind the later time, but my belly had a difference of opinion and decided I needed to eat earlier. 😳
  4. On Odyssey the door to the lounge was locked until 7am.
  5. The lounge didn’t open until 7am on our Odyssey TA in April. The sign on the door had the hours it was open. Not sure when it closed, but didn’t open until 7am.
  6. Not sure if this was already mentioned, but we’ve noticed that the lounge wasn’t opening until 7am. Used to be open earlier (or all night maybe).
  7. We’ve been on 6 cruises so far since the restart and we, like you, had always had MTD. since the restart we couldn’t get in until at least 15 minutes later than our reservation, which was always the first time for the night. Between the time to be seated, the time to get menus, the time to order and the time to eat we realized it was way too late for us. I moved all existing reservations to early dining. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that when cruising resumed they had one DR for traditional dining, one for MTD and one for the unvaccinated, which was parents with children that at the time couldn’t get the vax. Now that’s gone away, I would think MTD should/could go back to what it was prior to the shutdown.
  8. And we’re joining you on that cruise on Feb 22 😀
  9. I bring a small USB fan and it’s not a problem
  10. While I did agree with you, after that 14 year old young man died on the ride in Orlando after getting thrown off due to his size, I’ve realized that some times it’s not discrimination that dictates rules, but safety.
  11. We live in an over 55 active community. It always gives us “relics” a laugh when young guests come to the Boot camp class and they can’t keep up with us.
  12. I would think the Alaska cruises will soon be wrapping up this season soon so that shouldn’t be a problem….. I doubt we will still in this situation this time next year.
  13. Do you know how many are cancelling due to failing tests? So far no one on these boards has been able to gather that information. There will always be people that would fail some health test, be it flu, headcold, strep, bronchitis, pneumonia, noro, or the other multitude of viruses out there. That’s no longer a valid reason IMO.
  14. This was part of a post that the OP must have read. They didn’t actually say it would be today Please note that guests confirmed on U.S. sailings departing on or before August 7, 2022, should adhere to protocols previously communicated.For those clients booked after August 14, 2022, please await the specific protocol details from us related to those sailings. As we begin to transition to a point where everyone, regardless of vaccination status, will be able to sail with us once again, we continue to work closely with our destination partners. Additional information will soon follow, however, until then, current vaccine guidance remains unchanged.
  15. We’re also cruising from Copenhagen and bringing emed tests in carryon. We brought them on our odyssey TA in April because we needed to test to fly home. We tested in Italy. No issues at all.
  16. I thought the same thing. It made no sense to drop the vax requirement while keeping the testing for Vaxed and boosted. It’s time to stop the testing. It just makes no sense now.
  17. Our cruise that leaves from Copenhagen on Sept 4 only had 3 questions that I was able to answer now. This is different than before when we had to answer the questions the day before the cruise
  18. Yes and it’s not necessary to keep it cold. Bring the unopened bottle to any bar and exchange for a cold one. That’s what our friends have done….
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