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Everything posted by QueSeraSera

  1. Back from the Norway fjord cruise, and it was magnificent. A beautiful country with beautiful inhabitants. Air arrangements by Silversea worked perfectly; I will post in the appropriate forum about that. Silver Dawn was clean and gorgeous. With a single exception we enjoyed every meal we had on board (while fish should not be overcooked, undercooked is worse IMO). I am in awe of those who post continuous threads or sub threads about their trips. I thank all who do so, and I must admit to being weak in that department. @gnome12 you are going to love your cruise in these parts next year I feel sure! Don't forget to change your Norwegian currency (if you get any) back to dollars before you leave (guess what I didn't do). Catching up here, and reading about @Daveywavey70's angst regarding a Celebrity cruise. Our recent 1st cruise on Royal Caribbean's Odyssey turned out plenty of fun. Like you, we went because a group of friends were going. Like you (I hope) we upgraded to a suite. Of course the experience wasn't = to Silversea, but it turned out to be plenty of fun. Buying the drinks package may have played a role in that. One last pic from Norway, the 7 Sisters waterfall, just one of so many we saw on the cruise.
  2. Cruising the fjords of Norway has been wonderful, internet access has been a bit spotty, just now had a chance to catch up with the cooler! below a shot of a church in Nordfjordeid and a Norwegian dawn from Silver Dawn, taken on our first morning here when my brain had no concept of what time zone it’s in sorry about the orientation, I’m just pleased I pulled off copy and paste on this new ipad
  3. OK friends, just a couple days out from our cruise to Norway, ends in Denmark. We're using Silversea air & so far all looks good, flying Lufthansa over and SAS back, both business class. Any last words of advice? Of all excursions, I'm thinking the Flam railway might be the best. On a surely irrelevant note, on my father's side, I'm 3/4 Norwegian, so it is a bit of a return to the father-land for me. Won't be able to post like JP or our Australian friends do, but will try to put up a picture or 2. How to cope with leaving the pets behind? Just got to do it I guess....
  4. Could I have some butter with these eggs?
  5. Gus the cat attracted to our Saturday night wine Love that there are fellow star gazers here. Below is our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, as you might also see it through a good telescope or very good binoculars.
  6. I've also had recent troubles with the MySilversea site. The problem goes away if I go to the Silversea site, then select MySiversea at (near) the bottom of the welcome screen. It could just be my computer though.
  7. Best wishes to Mysty & Myster & all Canadians on this important anniversary. Great neighbors. I'm already considering what will be our 2nd bottle of wine tonight to join in marking the occasion. Our first bottle, just opened, is a delightful sauvignon from Italy. As can be seen below, Gus (our sommelier) finds its bouquet enticing.
  8. High school chemistry. It's been a very rewarding 2nd occupation, of course not financially, although there is a salary, but emotionally / spiritually.
  9. Normal for an innovative or challenging design. Congratulations are appropriate after a difficult test!
  10. Hope you are both home safe, we so enjoyed your posts.
  11. And he got it done! which is what we engineers do. Chemical engineer here for 35 yrs prior to "retirement job" teaching. Darn good Myster for a EE (he'll understand tongue in cheek - I'd love to swap stories with him about the interactions between MEs, EEs and ChemEs over our years)
  12. I do not recall that option, though I have seen it on another cruise line. However, there is do it yourself free laundry which we like just fine; washers and dryers on every deck. Detergent is provided. Most times the machines are open but not always; if your closest one is booked, just check another floor up. It might be just me, but I am perfectly happy to wash certain components of my laundry myself πŸ™‚. On our 2 Silversea cruises we have never paid extra for dining. From the folks I "know" on this board, it seems La Dame is probably worth it if you want to splurge, but we have found the multiple included dining options superb. We haven't even begun to pick out 2025 cruises yet. You've inspired me to start browsing! Welcome to Silversea, hope you have a great cruise.
  13. A tie takes up near negligible space in luggage. I suggest bring one in case you decide you want one.
  14. Managed to get all 3 of our furry family members in one picture, thought about you all and felt safe to post it here. Front to back its Biscuit (quite elderly, getting her paws trimmed next week), Gus, and Alfie. Will miss all 3 on our vacation in a couple weeks. How is it that Gus the cat has possession of the dog bed?
  15. There is one thing lacking in this delightful forum where I am a newcomer. Malice. Sorry, just haven't seen it, and sure as hell haven't missed it πŸ™‚
  16. Here's a pat on the back HBE4 - you deserve it. I live in a somewhat similar situation as you, and have found it best just not to think about it πŸ™‚
  17. ditto on this, love ours too (and the two that preceded it over 30+ years, both of them left behind when we sold the house/lakehouse in which they were installed) Our current KitchenAid has 3 shelves, and we did exactly what @Jimbo suggests, raising the 2nd shelf so our larger dinner plates fit & now we like the 3 shelves since we made the adjustment. Sea Dog - best of luck with the knee issues, get better soon!
  18. I want to thank those who clarified that my dear wife's birthday wishes were NOT don't get me anything. Said event happened yesterday, gave her a box of Godiva chocolates and tickets to AIN’T TOO PROUD: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE TEMPTATIONS! playing in Richmond in July w/ a promise of dinner with the show. She is happy. Never underestimate the emotions that may arise on your spouse's 65th birthday and do get them a present or two!
  19. My fault. 2md attempt below. The good news regarding this adoptee is she hardly limps at all anymore. We've got a vacation to Norway coming up, its going to be hard to leave her!
  20. Davey, both photos of your parents are beautiful
  21. Alfie doing great, to think she was going to be put down because of her limp. She's hardly limping at all anymore! Wish I could've caught the tail wagging in this pic.
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