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Everything posted by QueSeraSera

  1. We're enjoying the weather this year too in our part of the state. Haven't seen a tick yet. But of course no swimming yet either 🙂
  2. Our granddaughter Lulu graduated kindergarten today!
  3. Mostly good news today from the vet surgeon regarding our new puppy Alfie. Surgery not recommended as she has adjusted well to the pains she is likely feeling from the massive amount of arthritis in her young hips and a knee that goes out and pops back in on its own - both due to some trauma she received some time ago. This agrees with my observations - she is full of the joy of life. We are to keep an eye on her and if the limp worsens or she is in obvious pain, return her to the doc. This morning she had to fast, those puppy eyes seemed to say "HOW COULD YOU?" as I fed our cat and elderly dog before off to work, Karen took her to the vet. I don't think its been more than a year that we bought the sofa below, that has turned into Alfie's bedroom.
  4. This all a bit concerning as we look forward to our upcoming cruise around Norway on Dawn. If I remember correctly, candles are not allowed to be brought on board? We may need to pack winter coats.
  5. My night to cook, thought a baked potato bar thing might be fun, serve yourself what you want, open a 2nd bottle of wine, & watch a Bruce Springsteen special since we both like most of his music. Then:
  6. took the words right out of my mouth 🙂 meat loaf song... Lirio, it really is gorgeous! & cat empire really is fun
  7. Doesn't seem to be a 3 day weekend party mood around here. Do what you want about vaccines, actually I think no one gives a s*** anymore. I got mine, have no idea if I'm supposed to get a booster or not, I'll just let Walgreens tell me what to do. Maybe. Don't worry, me neither. I vote we can all do what we want. Meanwhile, enjoy your friends, spouse, solitude whatever. I think we all just want to be needed by someone, or musically
  8. Oh that is ridiculous! Again my apologies although I promise I have nothing to do with it apart from being a resident here. If you don't mind, could you say whether it was a state or county police officer protecting us from your license plate frame? There have been discussions around the Old Dominion that county police should not have the ability to issue traffic tickets on the interstates...
  9. So sorry about your experience here. Up around DC has been bad for as long as I can remember, but lately its also been awful around Fredericksburg.
  10. No missed it, never went out to Captiva except a single exploratory trip in our rented VW Beetle convertible (never will forget that). I remember Cheeseburger-Cheeseburger and I think a place called the Lighthouse. There's an excellent grocery store mid-island, and we would typically buy grouper or some other fresh seafood, and a bottle or two of wine, then retreat to our condo for some of the best nights by the beach I remember.
  11. I'm a lucky man, I had a great Mom. Dad and Mom moved to Lee County Florida (near Ft. Myers) for their retirement. They loved it there, but Mom died from what a doctor there said was an untreatable heart ailment. Once the shock wore off, I started looking things up. Turned out the Cleveland Clinic had a treatment for her condition. Maybe it wouldn't have worked for her, I don't know, but I do know I wish she'd had a chance at it. I'm glad you all are talking up the benefits of living near Cleveland Clinic. I will say that we always enjoyed our visits to Ft. Myers and Sanibel while she was alive.
  12. Love this @Lvshack Thinking back on the Rascals: songs like Just a Little, Groovin, Lonely too Long, introduced me to soul music with their versions of songs like Mustang Sally. Have a blast at Wembley!
  13. My Morning Jacket (the band) is putting on concerts in London (30th of May) and Manchester (31st May) UK
  14. Happy Anniversary to you and yours Mysty! The food pics are delightful.
  15. After plying my beautiful wife with a French red blend, she agreed I could copy a Facebook pic she posted for Mother's Day here. Her caption was something like: my mother and I in our best polyester dresses and worst hairdos from the 70's. Love her sense of humor (always have, always will). My wife is on the left
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