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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. They will usually show up in 7 to 10 days. I think they have a glitch in their system. One cruise I canceled in October and two that I canceled in January show as past cruises, but no points were ever awarded for those. Too bad, because those were all suites.
  2. Out enjoying our mid 50° weather today. I can’t believe that the trees are starting to bud. That is definitely a little early for our area. We are supposed to be close to 70° tomorrow.
  3. @dani negreanu Dani, that sounds like a horrible travel day. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy the rest of your trip.
  4. +1 for birthdays and Valentine’s Day Just like the Tubi commercial, I wish I didn’t venture down THAT rabbit hole on the origins of Valentine’s Day.
  5. We are so lucky, we get to visit our dentist tomorrow morning for our routine cleaning. We had to find a new one also, when ours retired during the pandemic. He is way too thorough, so I am sure he will find something with one of us.
  6. We were out for a walk at the lake today. Seeing a lot more eagles lately, but it is mating season, so they are more active. Sorry, no pictures of mating, but I did find this pair in one tree. A little closer video of the male. IMG_6814.MOV They are something to see, flying in tandem.
  7. Susan is still a Covid virgin. She never got it, and we were on five cruises in 2021 and 2022 during the height of it. I never got it until after our flight to California last summer to pick up our grandson. I was surprised she didn’t get it then, nor did anyone else. It was just like a cold when I had it. We only had one booster, and probably will not get another. Maybe if we had health concerns we would.
  8. Ok, now I am getting concerned about Alexa. Never had this happen before. Last week, we had bought some Valentines cards at a Hallmark store. So when Susan was reviewing some charges online, she saw a charge from Little Green Apple and wondered what it was. It turns out that it was how the charge from the Hallmark store was posted. So fast forward to today. I get an email saying that Little Green Apple would like us to complete a survey. So as I mention this to Susan, she asks what Little Green Apple was, and I told her it was the Hallmark store. As soon as I said Hallmark, Alexa starts talking about where we can find the nearest Hallmark stores. No one said Alexa, or otherwise asked her to join in, but there she was, offering information. With all the changes in AI these days, it appears she is now giving me her opinion without asking for it. Well, no thanks to that, I already have one of those in my house. 😉
  9. This is what has me worried when we will finally return to cruising. I hope that enough people mention it on their post cruise survey, that they make some changes. I don’t think I have read any comments from people saying they were thrilled with it.
  10. I was just looking at the brunch menu for one of our local restaurants. I know food prices are up, but this seems a little excessive, especially for the size of dish they show. I am hoping they just got an extra digit in there.
  11. Tell me about it. We really notice when we are buying food to keep grandkids fed. Plus, the boys have developed expensive, adult tastes, and they can eat twice as much as I can. Well, growing boys need fuel.
  12. Helping out at my daughter’s house this morning, so I started searching for Ricky. I thought I found him, but he looked like instead of being inside a box, the box was inside him. Oh wait, that is my granddaughter’s, work in progress, Valentine’s Day box. I did track him down, and found him getting ready for the game. Looks like he prefers the 50 yard line.
  13. Went out to the lake for a walk this morning, before the high winds are due to arrive. (20-30 mph winds with gusts to 50 mph) Saw three eagles, and we should start seeing many more in the next two months. This one was a little far away for a good iPhone photo. I may need to carry my Nikon, which has a better zoom. I tried to get closer to two of them sitting in a tree, but they took flight. I didn’t realize their average wingspan is 7 feet. Oh well, five miles walked before 10 am.
  14. Who do you think they are targeting with all their amped ships? That is their demographics
  15. Our area was under that advisory. The schools would not let any of the kids out for recess, because the winds were supposedly blowing our way. They were advising wearing masks outdoors. I am surprised your DH hospital doesn’t require masks. Ours say they will require them indefinitely.
  16. I hate those excursions that say you are too old to book them. I have been told it an insurance decision for whatever individual operator Royal is using, and the age limitations are not determined by Royal. They probably had too many people over a certain age getting injured in some fashion, so insurance carrier would tell them to put an age limit on them. Of course, it probably doesn’t make much sense, since they have everyone sign a waiver anyhow. It is just those out-of-shape old people that give us old people, that stay in shape, a bad name. I would book Summit again in a heartbeat. I liked that ship.
  17. I guess count me as one of those who like the pool at Margaritaville in Falmouth, but only because I like the Cuban sandwich there. The last time we were there, we were sitting in the margarita glass shaped hot tub, when my wife looked down and saw some money on the ground under it. $150!!! So I climbed out and went down to retrieve it. I thought, dang, this will pay for all our food and drink today. Then I got the bill for something like $14,000. I guess their $150 doesn’t go as far as ours. 🤣
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