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Sea Hag

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Everything posted by Sea Hag

  1. On the Sky, there are four M6 minis that are club class. They're the front corners of the ship on Lido and Marina. Extra large balconies and really nice cabin layout. Solid metal balcony rails instead of glass.
  2. No, I think you're correct on this.
  3. I was looking at the new sailings just to look. Prices didn't look so bad to me, but I wasn't looking at high-end cabins. I also was looking at standard pricing since we don't do packages. And the website was erroring out for me in reckless abandon.
  4. I'd be astonished if they don't have a team whose main mandate is following social media. As far as any of that team reading through and specifically following any one thread on any one social media site, that's something that may or may not be.
  5. Does this mean that the sky suites have "gone to the dogs" on this sailing? 😂
  6. You and me too! Hasn't come across my radar.
  7. That's what I'm seeing - forward on Sun deck only.
  8. I'll be sticking with my current "package" choice which is no package. The math tells me that neither plus nor premier pay off for us.
  9. An RV trip to Texas was another possibility for us, but when I saw this cruise I immediately jumped on it. If something about the cruise goes south, then I may be back to the Texas plan.
  10. You got good advice and answers above, so I'll just add that for years I saw people here saying that their favorite suite perk was the suite breakfast. They're right about that. We were in a suite on the Ruby last fall, and we really liked the special breakfast in Sabatini's.
  11. Very interesting. I just checked that, and a basic balcony is now going for more than $100 more than I paid for our CC mini. I was surprised when we booked that the prices were as low as they were. Looks like Princess is catching on.
  12. I'm on this cruise and that roll call too. You can spend as much or as little time as you like with the roll call folks. You don't need to even go to a meet and greet if you don't want to do that. It's all good.
  13. We went to icy strait for the first time in August of this year, and we really liked it! Loved the tram that goes up the mountain, and we got to go on a short hike, lead by a guy with a rifle in case of bears.
  14. We've gone down Tracy Arm several times and only once got reasonably close to the glacier. Too much ice in the water all the other times. That one time was pretty good. We went down Endicott arm back in August of this year, and it was a huge nothing burger. When we got to where we could see the glacier, way out in the distance, the sun was coming up over the mountains and that pretty well blinded us out of seeing the glacier well at all. The ship then turned around and left Endicott. We've been to Glacier Bay some number of times, can't remember what, and that's varied. I think the worst day there was better than any of the others. I don't want to discourage you from trying for another glacier viewing, but that's how it's been for us. I booked us on a May 2024 cruise that goes to both Glacier Bay and Hubbard Glacier. I'm hoping for a better viewing experience on that cruise. Haven't been to Hubbard yet.
  15. It's good to have hope, but between now and October they have time to fix many things and break many things. 😂
  16. There's not only a roll call, there's a very long, very active roll call. I think it's true that most of us there booked this cruise either on elite day or the day after when it opened to the general public. We're all really excited about seeing another eclipse! I agree with the others who've said that they expect some cabins to open up sometime down the road.
  17. I don't get it. Where are you seeing this as a family suite? On the Princess website, I'm seeing A753 as an owner's suite.
  18. That sounds great. I wanted the 5/11/24 southbound voyage of the glacier, since it goes to Sitka and Hubbard.
  19. Well, darn! I hope it works for you soon. Are you after something specific?
  20. No, I booked it through the website. I got an error a few times at one step or another, but I just circled back around and tried again. I hoped it might be faster than calling, and I think it was. My PVP is on a Panama Canal cruise, so I couldn't ask her for help.
  21. I'm not sure when it became available. I just kept checking back until I found it up. Then it was just dealing with the errors. That website sure has a lot of personality.
  22. Persistence pays. I was able to make my booking. I was after one of the two M6 cabins on Marina deck on, as near as I can tell, the only sailing that goes to Hubbard Glacier and Sitka, so I wanted to lock it down asap. I did get a lot of errors doing the booking, but it's done.
  23. Should be available for elites today, but I'm still not seeing it. This has worked for me in the past - log in and book a day ahead of general public. Not sure why it's lagging today.
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