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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. I maybe dont know what you mean. Solarium doesnt have food. It has loungers and some chairs, 2 places on each side with a long table and comfortable sofa kinda. Each side has one swing that holds a couple of people. They do have a hot dog cart near the door and during the day a bar set up in addition the the bar all the way down by the WJ. I didnt try the hot dogs. I havent eaten one in years so dont know how they were. Many times it was hard to find a upright chair anywhere on the pool deck. It was crowded. I did liberty sept 11 and sept 17. Hot and humid. I'm assuming a clam shell is covered? I didnt see those that I remember.
  2. I've booked a excursion within the past 2 days. Np. I finally decided which one I wanted while I was on liberty but put it in my cart and just bought it after I got home. After I put it in my cart the discount changed for just that one excursion. Not sure if it's a way to make sure I cant get a lower price on that one or I was the tipping pt. Everything was 15% off. That one I bought went to 10% off. Then everything went to 10% and and that one went to 6%. Odd.
  3. I thought the new thing was if you apply a fcc, any left over is now obc on the cruise you applied it to. They always talk about dont book thru a 3rd party. I booked thru american. First my flight and then my hotel. Never booked a hotel thru american. Said I'd get pts but havent. So technically hotel is thru a 3rd party. Got my fingers crossed none of us on bellas cruise during spring break have issues. Flights will be full .. as will hotels.
  4. I took a lot of time.. .a couple of years from cruises. I used to go out of florida more often. I haven been to coco cay since it's been all built up. Oasis last time went to labadee. I think I'm going to feel lost in coco cay. Some I've read couldnt find the free food, just part of it, it's in 2 different places. I read 2 different pay areas. Chill beach and another. I just feel confused. I hope it's not so large and confused as it seems when I read about it. Your lunch did look amazing. Great way to start to end the week. Lobster and filet with a grilled taste. I remember a cook out kind of lunch lol with little ears of corn. Now I read of funnel cakes. ..pictures look nice. It was all free it's been so long since I've been there. I did have coco cay booked on jewel jan 2021. Of course cancelled. Oasis goes there. See you there. When oasis goes there have you booked a certain area again? Radiance goes to coco cay and would have booked it but too close to oasis. Dates just dont work out for twice. Oasis it is. Cant wait to see the new coco cay all built up. Water looks beautiful. What are truffle fries.
  5. @Ourusualbeachwould know but I would think to get a fcc or cancel you would have to send them proof of a positive covid test. I'm sure you were exposed but it would make it too easy to cancel if all we had to say was we were exposed.
  6. I cant imagine trying to eat a burger after the tower of onion rings and the poke nachos. I love raw fish. As I've said I lived hawaii for 10 years. ...so I got to love poke there. With chili pepper eater. I'm not a dress up type so this place and fare is top of my bucket list. It looked sooo good.
  7. I cant wait to try some of that stuff. It's all right up my ally. Poke, never heard of poke nachos. The onion ring tower I know I cant finish but I'd like to try a few of those. They sure all looked good. Sounds like it would be my favorite place. Unfortunately I'm the snack queen. Raw fish poke right? I could eat a lot of poke, keep the nachos. I'd never get to the burger in one sitting. Best meal ever I've seen.
  8. At least your 6 drinks a day can be used on coco cay. How many of those 8 are little kids who dont care about eating lobster. I plan to order something while in coco cay with vouchers so I dont care if drinks not included. I dont see how anyone can say if it's worth it for someone else. If it's something for sure someone wants to do, book and hope for the best price.
  9. The day of. The main porter at the luggage check in has a manifest with the assigned cabin numbers I had to go get my cabin number from. Then I could check in. He also has blank luggage tags.
  10. Oh no I was so looking forward to it on allure coming up next. Another cut .. I was have just reacted but there is no frowny face icon to react with .. I loved those. Darn. Well scrambled eggs it might be. ..though I'm irish and a potato raised girl. I just got off liberty last sunday and in WJ there has always been a grab n go ham n cheese omelette which was gone. Now if you want a omelette you have to order one from scratch and get a number and tell them where you are and all that rigamaroll. I noticed several cuts. :(
  11. As people seem to post a lot you can buy it and easily cancel and rebut if the price goes down or something better comes up. I want a excursion to see the Panama locks but the 3 we have so far arent great prices but all we have. Black friday maybe excursions will all be on big sales. .. lol .. in my imagination.
  12. I just looked at the menu for johnny rockets breakfast. Do they no longer have the hash browns with the onions and peppers that was a meal by itself? Maybe I'm missing it on the menu.
  13. That's what I was thinking final payment usually 90 days before. OP was yours a shorter cruise like 3 to 5 days is why a later final payment. Sounds like miscommunication and final payment was late so they cancelled. No one on threads I've read got their pre planner stuff back after cancellation no matter the reason even accidental. I'm doubting you will get obc to make up tne difference between old price and new prices on planner items but at least you are reinstated. Maybe get a TA next time? I dont know what else to suggest. It does sound complicated with all credits waiting to get applied.
  14. Good to know. Says not supervised, just bring the results of the test. I guess a camera shot or the test itself as proof. Havent thought that far forward for myself. OP let us know what proof people bring if you would. It can be professionally proctored at your doctor or drugstore, or it can be a test you administer to yourself at home without supervision.
  15. Exactly. I am booked on the 10 day radiance jan 30th .. rcl still requires testing so I assume it has to be supervised.
  16. If I didnt already have a large ccl position I'd take a chance and buy more. I do think companies with a lot of debt in these higher rate times wouldnt fare well near term. They need to start making a profit. And I dont see my other post but oil is apt to go up this winter. Rcl hedged 6 months out and I remember ccl did not hedge for higher oil prices which hurt them already. Saudi plans on making sure oil goes higher, opec meets next week.
  17. Galveston. And it doesnt hurt rcl now give me a solo discount and I get 250 off balcony. $721 allure inside next sept inclusive fees and taxes. Cant even do vista under $800. Jubilee is over $1200 the cheapest date, and much more other dates. Cant do the one date on jubilee .. booked dream that date jan 2024. If you know of a way to get carnival cheaper ... every roll call I got carnival cruisers now because rcl has going going gone last minute they all jumped on. Just got back last sunday. It costs me extra to fly so it's not worth flying to florida to me. I sure wish I could find a way to get carnival for less than advertised. No cheap group rates like rcl. No solo discount. And yes I'm only watching Galveston when I say carnival is pricing itself out of my reach. Carnival needs to run a sale. All I get emails for is money off a 2nd pax. Great. NOT. I'm solo. I just got the solo discount but my TA hasnt yet applied the 25% off. The $825 is for a inside balcony, allure b2b same price each week before the 25% off solo is applied. Should have the lower price confirmed by monday. I can show you carnivals price side by side .. it's more each week. Yes the 25% off solo on rcl is limited and only against the cruisefare. I'm in the process of seeing which ones I can get repriced. Carnival does let me book gty which I appreciate. Rcl is goofy and can be higher for solo than for 2. I can name some dates on rcl like march 27 radiance goofy for solo and unfair .. each has their downside. People on rcl threads complain rcl is cheaper out of Galveston than florida. It's not a hot market like for carnival. Carnival for me needs to maybe consider loyalty perks if not a real sale. But for me in texas .. carnival costs more. Again this is before my solo discount is applied. 250 off is diamond plus balcony discount. I have a date on harmony its $18 cheaper to book a balcony than a inside because of my loyalty tier. And jubilee is in by then and of course lots more expensive. I can do side by side all day and for me carnival is always hundreds more expensive. Idk what site I'm allowed to show side by side without getting in trouble. Hopefully I got enough blocked out just the ship, date and type of cabin and price shows .. you all can see carnival. And I'll get 25% more off .. any cabin.
  18. I'm really not sure why all the semantics about are we in a recession yet. Today cements 3rd qtr in a row of gdp that contracted. Changing the definition from what's widely accepted doesnt mean we arent in a recession. Yes also inflation, especially wages, rent and food. Just because wages spiralling up and a tight labor market which is dropping btw .. doesnt mean also recession. Stagflation. And oil apt to pop higher this winter once we stop selling our reserves. Saudi and opec is meeting next week to discuss what to do to stop usa from manipulating oil prices. Possibly a cut in output to push up price. I'm also calling this wageflation as wages keep spiralling higher. Another 75 basis rate hike by powell in nov and maybe you and others will believe we have been in a recession for 3 qtrs now. Only 2 qtrs are needed for classic definition. Rcl has great sales for all. Carnival needs some sales for non casino. They are losing people. I cant tell you how many I see say they have only cruised carnival but trying rcl .. prices I see are just better on rcl. Be competitive carnival. Need a sale.
  19. Isnt celebrity 2 per cabin like rcl? Its 2 if you are solo too ..per cabin. Though I know a lot of couples who each bring 2 and board separate.
  20. Missed earnings by a mile. I dont see a article. Sounded like cramer said a loss of 18 cents expected but had a loss of 65 cents .. or something equally awful. He said it's clear the consumer is t spending. All 3 cruiselines then were shown down.
  21. I dont see the report but the stock is tanking so possibly not the good news I sincerely hoped for as a stock holder. Down almost $1.
  22. I'm hoping for some good news. Might be delayed? Bell is within 40 minutes.
  23. I just go to the website where I can access my reservation and print the set sail from there. Sometimes the app doesnt work for printing sometimes it does. Idk if anyone who has sailed since testing was dropped and uploading your vaccine card was discontinued mentioned this .. But now I had access much sooner to my set sail pass. Also we were getting notices to do our muster drill much sooner .. we were still at our hotel, so we did the 2 little movie type things... from our hotel since it kept reminding us to do them. You would think they would want it done after not before even boarding the ship.
  24. Almost everyone in line to see the LA was there because their messenger didnt talk to their group, or the group could talk to him but he couldn't answer, or if he tried to set up it wanted to charge him again, or the group should be 5 people. Lol. I think having her desk in front of the computers made people think she was in charge of internet issues. I was the only person with a loyalty issue in line. My amenity gift. She insisted it says one thing, diamond said no it says something else. They keep trying to bring me a bottle of champagne. Almost everyone else on day 1 had messenger issues. She doesnt seem particularly good at loyalty issues or mine would be fixed. Carnival perks I think are the worst. Even with at 25, 50, 75 etc .. at 25 cruises 25% obc of the cruisefare as obc. My friend is getting his next month on a 6k 2 week cruise in a balcony.
  25. I think it depends on how things are going. My last boarding we had a coast guard inspection and we didnt start until almost 1 pm. My 1030 time was told come a hour later and had a separate line from 11 am time.
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