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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. Sol's doing fine...medically. But his balance is off...walks wobbly. I was "the butler" for him last week. A $50/pp obc and 10% fcc....not enuf compensation in my opinion. I just hope they have some good entertainment planned for you guys. Question....Sol and I have discussed this at length. Maybe you know. If 2 friends share a cabin, just friends....who gets the 10% FCC?
  2. @mking8288 Just curious...but when you're anchored, will you be in international water? ...will the casino and shops be open?
  3. The jury's in. Between a rise in price and a reduction of obc. ..it would be a $500 difference to change cabins. In addition....DH likes the pool.so "a cushioned rubber floor with no grip".....no thanks. I'm glad I read reviews..... IMHO....for various reasons this ship wouldn't have been a good fit.
  4. One major difference....the pizza is great! I prefer MSC entertainment....more singing and dancing. None of those game shows...no comedians.. As far as the buffet ...I'm a big fan of the NCL buffet. Last time we sailed non-yacht club on msc was 2019, and I didn't care for their buffet (except for pizza....which i had multiple times a day).
  5. Thanks.... I'm actually booked on the Lido...was so happy about that when I booked. I just aked TA if I could be reassigned without losing my OBC, If it's a "no".....then we'll probably cancel. I appreciate all the suggestions. The thing is....I'm not trying to solve a problem (go to MDR etc) but I'm trying to avoid a problem.
  6. I am not a fan of Bermuda....water can be rough while at sea and Oct is past "the season". Since I enjoy the pool deck buffets, that sailing wouldn't be for me. (LOL...I'm on the next sailing to the Bahamas.) I'd go with the first cruise...for Ocean Cay. In either case, you'll get the full YC pampering experience!
  7. I tried YC once ....and I'm hooked. I have 2 upcoming yacht club cruises booked. My husband's favorite port was freshly grilled fish for lunch poolside. Mine was customized pizza and coke delivered poolside by the butler! As far as entertainment....I love MSC's entertainment. So much better than "The Love Show" and the comedian on NCL Escape last week. At this point I don't see us sailing on NCL again. Although last week's cruise was fine (regular balcony)....it doesn't compare to a week in the YC.
  8. The good news is that the weather here is supposed to be beautiful Friday -Sunday, so people can use the ship as a hotel and enjoy NYC.
  9. Yacht club interior is the best value at sea, especially with the Voyagers Club discount! @bigdog1958He has one of those....if we end up doing this cruise he'll be taking it along.
  10. Sorry about that! In general, a buffet offers lots of options, and you can get what you want and as much of it that you want. In thinking back, I never really cared for Carnival buffets (compared to NCL buffets). Not as many choices....food not as good. On the last cruise (Magic...Sept 2022) the only thing I really liked was a specific panini from the deli in the buffet. And there were lines for that! I tried the MDR...and had a piece of salmon that areminded me of cardboard. The waiter brought a subsitute...spaghetti in cheese with bacon. No thank you....... So...as you can see...as a generalization....when I go on Carnival I don't put on weight (which is a good thing)....but overall....despite the upcoming cruise being a wonderful value...with a cabin in a wonderful spot....I'm seeing too many potential problems. Our (mine anyway) current preferred cruising venue is Yacht Club in the MSC Meraviglia. It's not because of prestige or snob appeal....it's much easier and safer to navigate. Not to mention the pizza (which I could live on for a week)!
  11. You can shake your head all you want...but because of behavior displayed by this sub-group....it makes lots of people dislike the entire group. As a mainstream member, I can only say that their behavior was a complete embarrassment. And re-read his post....he mentioned private school but didn't mention religion until I asked if it was a specific cruise.
  12. You just reminded me...the only food I really cared for in the buffet was a panini from the deli. We have 2 other cruises booked....I'll give DH all the pros/cons and let him make the final decision about this one.
  13. I do agree that MDR is a better place for those with mobility issues. We don't do MDR because neither of us like the food. In general, cruise food is bland, and we are spicy people. Buffet gives us multiple options to get what we want and the portion we want. (Transparency....eating out is not a big deal for us...we do it several times a week. But, buffets are a novelty.)
  14. Yes....he's going to be 89 this week. He had colon cancer/surgery last December. Internally, he had a complete recovery. His blood work etc is excellent. But his mobility/balance remains a problem. I chose YC because he wasn't "buffet ready"....in terms of carrying plates of food to a table somewhere in the middle of a crowded large area. Besides the excellent service in the YC....it's a small contained area. He never was more than a couple of feet away from a wall (to hang on to for security). The physical layout, the proximity of everything (helped by the YC elevator)...and butlers/workers all over the place gave him a lot of security. When we got off that cruise....I told his oncologist that "he was like 10 years ago". He got on the ship and put his cane in a corner, never to use it again until disembarkation. Fast forward to NCL Escape (got off yesterday). Going back with "the masses" wasn't a problem for me (although I still prefer YC) but DH still isn't "buffet ready". He had an "almost fall" when he decided to carry a plate of food in the buffet (luckily I caught him before he hit the ground). After that I was the butler, I was the hand holder, I held the places in line etc. The cane was his constant companion. He got off the Escape with a cold...this is what happens when you're with the masses. Bottom line....for those needing a little TLC....YC is the way to go!
  15. I have a very good deal for a January sailing to the Bahamas; final payment is in about a month. However, I'm really leery about taking this cruise. (Deposit is non-refundable) My husband is walking with a cane and has really bad balance. We just got off the NCL Escape, and, for all intensive purposes, I was his butler. Multiple trips to the buffet stations (we don't do MDR) were effortless. The longest I had to wait in line was 2 minutes for an omelet. I'm readling all these reviews about "one long line" and a very long wait for food. In addition, multple reviews mention "slippery floors"....not good for those with balance issues. Anyone care to comment......
  16. Yeah, that group would ruin it for me too....and I'm of that group but of the secular persuasion.
  17. Was that the infamous "school break" in January cruise? If so....I know all about it. The entertainment on this cruise is almost ok....but both of us prefer the MSC style. Anyway....I have a Carnival sailing in January....may cancel. Then 2 yacht club sailings booked. Although dh won't admit it....YC is much easier for him. He really needs a butler .... that's become my unofficial job this week. When I stood on the hot line for an hour ..he sat on a bench in the shade.
  18. That's exactly how I felt when sailing in an inside sailaway. I thanked those haven guests subsidizing my cheap cruise. We are in n a regular balcony right now on the Escape. It's fine.... better than expected. So many of the crew have offered to help DH. However ...I really prefer MSC YC. I had to stand on a hot line waiting for the tender back to the ship in Newport. Being escorted to the front of the line (as the masses comment).... would have been great. To add ... passengers in this sailing are really nice. Mostly retired folk. No large groups. Very few kids ..and the few on board are in the under 5 category.
  19. Being outside the YC or Haven really kind of depends on your fellow travelers. Are they rude, pushy...etc. Cut into lines...yada yada yada Bottom line is (for me anywy) the cost of an inside YC is barely more than a balcony on the BA class. Being the "value shopper" I am...YC wins. Even the small things, like soda in a can and bottled water included....are not included with the Haven....and certainly not included outside YC or Haven. I'm not saying outside the YC is "a bad experience". It's just so much better inside.
  20. And I'm putting that to the test today! Going to Canada on NCL Escape....regular balcony, no frills. I looked into the Haven, but for the price differential...and what it lacked compared to YC (no wifi or drinks included...no breakfast/lunch buffets at the pool, no spa included, no delicious customized pizza delivery to the pool)....it just didn't make sense to pay so much more for so much less. I have 2 YC sailings and one Carnival trip booked. If the Escape really just doesn't do it for me (compared to YC Meraviglia) I'll probably cancel Carnival. I was happy with MSC before I tried YC....but now it's just gonna be YC for me.
  21. I have 3 cruises booked for 2024. My husband refuses to wear a mask, just because it's annoying. I can't breathe in them, and talk with one on....so I just refuse to wear them unless absolutely necessary. As long as the ships sail, I'll be on them, with my nose and mouth exposed. But to your question....covid is just part of our lives; like colds and like flu. In my opinion, we won't go back to mandatory masking. There will always be others that wear them...at their own descretion.
  22. You must have been getting off when we were getting on....(4/29)....and on that day we only had carry-ons. Next trip is a longer one, so I may need a "big suitcase". Questions: Is this drop off for YC guests only? Upon disembarkation, are the YC bags in a separate area?
  23. YC "wasn't us either....until DH had health issues, and I decided that he needed the service. You know how they say once you do a balcony, you can't go back. I did balconies....and I went back to interiors without a problem, With YC...as you suggest...it's hard to go back. When I compared NCL sailaway rates (you don't pick your cabin and nothing else is included)...and interior YC....the costs were about the same. When I threw in the status discounts and TA discount (my TA gave me a 10%ish reduction)...it was a no brainer. Also...there is no need for a YC balcony. There is an elevator within the YC....for YC only....that takes you to an almost empty pool deck within a minute from your cabin.
  24. Are you talking about Oct 2024? Try YC....inside YC cabins are very reasonable (all sold out for this Oct). Inside or outside....the additional cost is well worth it!
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