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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. I get that. But why did they change you in the first place? Was a cruise canceled? A charter? It sounds like it wasn't just a random cabin change.
  2. I keep reading that they moved you from YC to a balcony...but apparently I missed the details. Could you please either give me a link to "that thread" or a brief synopsis of what happened.
  3. While on this topic....how does one log into the internet? I assume you need the app. Do you log in with your booking number? Do you need any other info? Go to airplane mode (like NCL)?
  4. The only thing a "past TA"said was that it was too time consuming to do the transfer. The TA I use now gave me a nice discount....but I had him book directly.
  5. Many agents won't work with MSC. Others will, but only if they do the original booking.
  6. My 8 night "interior Yacht Club" (small cabin but all YC benefits) to the Bahamas is less than a 7 night NCL cruise to Bermuda (both out of NY) guarantee balcony....for the same week. I've been on MSC twice (pre-pandemic) and loved it (regular balcony cabins). Upgrading to YC for this price was a no brainer.
  7. I am not insisting that they change for me. I am suggesting that they would have a better chance of success if they adapted to "the American Style". Except for you and a few other diehards, nobody likes the cancel/rebook and other customer service anomolies that we have to deal with. Enuf said...........
  8. I'd send them a check and let them book/buy whatever they want.
  9. Despite the customer service, you'll love the ship. And if you're a fan of pizza, you'll love theirs.
  10. I seriously have to laugh at you....for thinking you know me or anything about me. I live in probably the most diversified zip code in NYC....I can be in any culture in the world within 1 minute of walking or 15 minutes on the subway....and I thrive in all of them...despite limited language abilities. So when I step outside my home (apt really) things are different...not everybody speaks English. I'm a native speaker of English; English is my husband's third language. Being with "English speaking Americans" of my ethnicity is far from my norm. One thing I like about MSC is the international population....and I couldn't care less about announcements in 5 languages. Does this make sense: Mr & Mrs TabbyKats are booked in a Fantastica Balcony. Mr Tabby has not been well, so Mrs Tabby decides to upgrade to Yacht Club (not for drinks etc...but so Mr Tabby can avoid lines). Mrs Tabby calls MSC to make the conversion. NO. I have to cancel first and rebook. So Mrs Tabby cancels. Then, being sick and tired of MSC customer service, I had the TA do the YC booking for me. Including his discounts/obc....the fare was something like $500 less. If the agent rebooked instead of canceling (it didn't affect her salary)...MSC would not have had to issue a refund...and then I book a cabin for less than what I would have willingly paid if their representative did it on the spot. Me thinks, not such a great business model, MSC.
  11. @JamieLogicalWelcome to the world of MSC....where your expected to read and digest "the terms of service".....instead of making a simple call to make a simple change. @MorgsmomI don't eat meat, I don't eat past 6pm...and I don't drink anything with alcohol. I also don't do 3 night cruises. So, what you think is my dream cruise...."ain't so" @HomosassaIf MSC is sailing out of the USA, and if they want to be sucessful...they do need to change to meet the limited expectations of a certain national population...by which I assume you mean American.
  12. Maybe you never heard the phrase....When in Rome, do as the Romans. If they are operating in the USA and targeting American customers, they should adjust their procedures to fit our customs. There'd be a lot less complaining!
  13. If there is a re-fare....it's again "cancel and rebook". They don't adjust prices...like every other cruiseline!
  14. I've gotten refunds within a week....sometimes a little longer. Other people report longer waits.
  15. Me....t-shirt during the day. Add some bling...and I'm dressed up!
  16. All these upset people....do they clean their homes twice a day? I don't. It's living in the "old glory days" of cruising....when people had to dress up for dinner etc. And just going on a cruise was considered a luxury. The times, they are a changin......... Keep it cost efficient. If people "want more" they can spend more on luxury lines.
  17. For people prone to seasickness, low and mid is the way to go. I really never understood why "high up and forward" is the most expensive.....even for a balcony, especially for an inside. We did an Ocean View on Carnival Magic...I think it was Deck 1, mid ship. The cabin was huge (by cabin standards) and we loved "being in the waves". You could barely feel the ship move. And, as a bonus, the cost was really low as compared to a balcony.
  18. Going in April.... What time is the YC dining room open for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Thanks!
  19. NCL enforcing rules is weird..... I was just about done....otherwise I would have elevated this to the manager.
  20. One time I was wearing a knee length t-shirt dress and sneakers....treading away on the treadmill. I was asked to leave because I was not wearing appropriate attire. Seriously? How many times have a seen people in sandals exercising....but that's ok? Hmmmm....maybe he thought I was under 16!
  21. As beautiful as the ships are....the land service is awful. On the home page there's a link to request a call from a concierge. Maybe they are a bit better trained and/or more logical that the reps at the call center. I'd give that a try. Maybe it's my imagination...or I had a senior moment, but I swear that just recently (last couple of weeks) they were pushing solo cruisers on the home page.
  22. And same response as given before....I don't have time to read a novel.
  23. @mickeychickyIf you book another person, would it be a real person with a real passport #? And then the person is a no-show at the pier? This may be a different outcome than booking for two, and then canceling one prior to check in.
  24. Call NCL or TA to remove the dining package. No need to pay extra if you're not going to use it. However, if you're past final payment, you may not be able to do this.
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