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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. I'm going to Canada in May???? I don't think so. I called MSC to see if I could change the 5/4 date to 4/18...and what the new price would be. Lo and behold (although I have the letter saying I could change without a problem) the rep started reading me the "30 day policy". I politely told him "apples and oranges" and hung up. The whole point of this trip was to repeat last month's...sitting at the pool deck, having freshly grilled fish....NOT bundled up in an overcoat walking around Canada
  2. Glad your DH likes it. We did YC ONLY because DH's health issues. He was really not at all enthusiastic (he's a DIY guy...the idea of a butler made him feel old and invalid). But being the great wife I am...I booked it anyway. He had the best time of his cruising life! I'd never do MSC outside the YC.......
  3. I've seen it in NYS....but not in NYC.... certainly not in Bensonhurst. Truth be told, I prefer meatball Parm heroes to "authentic Italian" food.
  4. Interesting article. Many times I do make decisions based on "bad reviews". But not on one review, it would have to be a trend about something important to me. My only "bad" cruise was when I had a fight with DH. So, nobody should sail on that ship, right, because I was in a bad mood!
  5. The only thing is storage....it was adequate for us, but we travel lite. DH and I loved that sailing. We're already booked for next year. Almost all the insides for the May 4, 2024 are gone...so book asap!
  6. We were on 16. No noise, and IMHO, the best location. The concierge desk is "right there", the Top Sail Lounge is "right there"....the dining room is one flight up and the pool deck two flights up. If you're too lazy for the stairs, the YC elevator is "right there" too.
  7. Yes...and MSC...which is Italian and servers Italian food is not like "Italian American".
  8. @blawmtI live in NYC...where we have a lot of genuine foreign/ethnic restaurants (maybe one staff member speaks English and often the menus aren't in English either) and these restaurants are generally in a neighborhood populated by that group. And then there are those "foreign/ethnic restaurants in the classy areas or tourist areas. I call them "Fill in the blank for tourists". If a meatball hero is as Italian as it gets...then it's "Italian for tourists". I actually wouldn't expect more on a Carnival ship. (Brings back memories of a falafel from the Carnival deli. No self respecting middle easterner would eat it!)
  9. I can see how "that kind of weather" could put a damper on any cruise. We cruise a lot; a friend just commented that "why don't you ever cruise during the summer". School's out.....that's why!
  10. Where is there the "secure luggage dropoff"?
  11. @graphicguyI just checked my account and I have no coupons for anything! No discounts....no incentives. (Off topic...so in parenthesis....Since I discovered MSC YC I don't see any reason to book NCL. The prices are great...imho...a total 10/10 experience.)
  12. I just looked at "NYC Roundtrip" fares....and wow, not for me, not at this time. When I book "that far ahead" it would have to be for a great deal...or something "tried and true".
  13. My thought: If you keep it "as is"....can you deal with the "pre-cruise anxiety"...and how about making travel plans etc? You're leaving yourself open to a lot of forseeable problems. I'd ask TA his opinion....maybe it wasn't a "mistake fare"...just a lucky day to book!
  14. The point is...is they don't offer what I enjoy, there are plenty of other choices for me.
  15. I like b''way style shows....Las Vegas type reviews. Yes... it's a preference thing and they've dropped my preferences. If I want to see guys sitting around drinking beer...I can see that at any bar on the ship!
  16. I'm on the Escape in Sept....booked it a long time ago at a great rate. I may be "finished with NCL" because entertainment is important to us...decent entertainment. I don't consider "Choir of Man" entertainment (saw it twice....didn't care for it either time) and comedians are just not my thing. DH is not a native speaker of English...he doesn't "get them". I'm just praying that the buffet is still good. Or I hit a jackpot in the casino! Or, there's a singing juggler....
  17. Actually, I really liked the shower in our cabin. There was no problem adjusting the temperature of the water, the pressure or the angle. I don't remember exactly why I liked it...but I remember telling DH that it was "the easiest shower to use" on any of our cruises.
  18. The size of the cabin itself was decent and the storage was adequate for us, but we travel light. If you need multiple outfits/matching accessories every day...you may want to cut back. Again....dress code, what dress code? Leave the gown and tux at home... For us, it isn't the cost of the cruise, it's the value for our money. Why pay more when you get (in my opinion more) the same experience for less.
  19. Never been in Haven, but was in an interior Yacht Club. On the Meraviglia, there was a "dedicated mini elevator" (just did YC floors)...so it took less than a minute from cabin to pool deck. Absolutely no need for a balcony. The buffet/grill by the pool for breakfast/lunch was wonderful. There was freshly grilled seafood! And, customized pizza, delivered at the pool was....what can I say!!! I am afraid YC spoiled me. I was thinking of upgrading our Sept Escape/Canada cruise to Haven....but there were too many things that we enjoyed in the YC that wouldn't be available in the Haven. As to dress code....what dress code! The price of the YCI was less than a "guarantee balcony" (no perks) on NCL....same week. MSC to Bahamas vs NCL to Bermuda. ETA-YC includes drinks and 24/7 wifi. I don't think those are included in the Haven unless you have "Free at Sea".
  20. DH is not the world's greatest tipper...and we don't tip until the end. Our butler/asst butler/the entire YC staff were fantastic. We had an interior YC....butler/staff may have even thought we were going to be too poor to tip. Even the "last breakfast"....I had syrup for my French toast and DH had his "2 complete breakfasts". It has to do with attitude....and how you treat the staff.
  21. BlerkOne must be busy with the cats! I just booked 2295. Based on my research, I think that one has minimal (if any) obstruction from lifeboat overhang.
  22. I'm right with you there. As to cleaning a cabin twice a day....do people clean their homes twice a day? I also don't toss a towel into the laundry "just because I dried myself off with it once".
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