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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. I've had this conversation! Although annoying....it's better to cancel and rebook. Less potential problems. What other lines can do with a keystroke, MSC can't.
  2. I took the plunge and booked. As to the price.......nowhere to go but up! So, let's keep this our secret
  3. Thank you for posting the pizza menu. I was going to ask if pizza was available in the YC, or if it would require a trip to the buffet. Seems like "the butler will bring it"! Just another reason to book YC.....
  4. I'm 4'11 and about 120 lbs. I don't need a very big coffin....and there's always the spa for a more luxurious shower! I've been randomly comparing the costs of NCL, Carnival and MSC....for similar routes and dates (I only sail out of NYC)....and MSC Yacht interior just keeps on winning when it comes to being "cost effective". The point of my "Yacht Club Experiment" is that I want to make this as easy as possible for my husband when it comes to "standing in line" and waiting for service. Spa, drinks, wifi, private areas...they're just bonuses. The YIN, at a cost less than NCL balcony sailaway is truly a godsend for us! Who knows? If this works out, maybe I'll be one of those people who "can't go back" to a regular cabin.
  5. Is this just the Yacht Club area, or does one need water shoes for all the beaches?
  6. So, this has become a "no-brainer". The cost of a "sailaway" balcony on NCL (they pick your room.....nothing extra) for 7 days to Bermuda (end of April...not beach weather) is $50 more than the 8 day interior yacht club to the Bahamas for that week, When I listed the benefits of the yacht club...DH jumped on board! A couple of selling points: Potential Ocean Cay visit vs NCL's Great Strirup Cay No standing on long lines Just about no extra costs As far as the size of the cabin, we always just bring one carry on....and we're small people. The NCL balcony would be larger for sure....but I think totally worth the trade-off. Thanks to those who gave construction opinions and advice!
  7. Very helpful......... 2 more questions: Do you remember what times the meals were served? Is there a dress code....casual attire acceptable? For men, a shirt with a collar?
  8. Thanks....I'm looking at Deck 16, so there shouldn't be a problem.
  9. DH always said "when I can't walk, that's when I'll pay for a butler". Unfortunately life happened and he's currently recouperating from major surgery. Although all is going really well, I don't want him to have to deal with lines and crowds etc....so I'm thinking Int YC on the Meravigia. I have a few questions: Meals....what are the times and do they offer a modified buffet? Can you get things not on the menu? Is the Aurea area (I think it's deck 15) for Aurea passengers and YC? Or, does YC have a separate pool area? Actually, I'm confused about "the pool". Where is the pool for "the masses". Also confused about the lounge; where is the YC lounge? Do you tip the butler/concierge? (I ask only because somewhere I read extra tipping is not expected) Is use of the spa included? We were on the Meraviglia in 2019 and I loved it. But, to be honest....if it weren't for the pizza I wouldn't have found much to eat. Lastly....on another thread someone commented that there was only on uni-sex toilet by the concierge for the lounge and restaurant. Can someone else confirm this? Not important to most people....but "to men of a certain age" it is!
  10. Are you sure of this? One of the reasons we like cruising is that the restroom is never far away. I'm considering the YC...but this could be a deal breaker. I cannot imagine a restaurant without a conveniently located toilet!
  11. @PATRLR I'm the first to admit....I never read the contract, and being that it's 15 pages, I never will read the contract. After many years of reading posts, I've come to blindly accept "it's in the contract". If there's a lawyer in the house, maybe there's an overdue class action lawsuit.....if I got bumped from an angled balcony to "anything" I'd be uberangry.
  12. No....you are correct. There is that "in limbo" category where you get the freebies but they pick the cabin. It's not BX....it would be BA etc...except they pick your cabin. But, that category isn't less expensive because they pick. It would be more expensive than the BX, but the supply is limited...so they pick. To be clear...I am in agreement with you. If it happened to me I'd be "not happy" as I only "pay extra" so I can choose the cabin and I only find it worth choosing angled balconies. I have no need for the food or the drink...or the excusions. But, as I said in a previoius post....when you choose a sought after cabin....keeping it is a gamble.
  13. In theory I agree with you.....but they can argue that you are still getting "the freebies" (which really aren't free...lol)....so it isn't a BX cabin. "Smart shoppers" are the ones who select the angled balconies, but it doesn't always work out. When you picked a sought after cabin....keeping it is a gamble.
  14. Were you booked alone in this cabin? If so, they probably needed it for a larger party. Most likely either you are the rep misunderstood.....that the cabin was reclassified "not as a single" cabin. Sorry this happened to you....but they can change your cabin for any reason and they don't need to tell you that reason. Unfair (because you pay more for the priviledge of choosing) but allowable.
  15. Reclassifying the angle balconies to single makes no sense. Read the contract.....they can change your cabin . I'm on the Escape in September. ...angle balcony. So far, no change.
  16. The "empty" buffet....I'm up way before DH. I sit and have breakfast #1...in peace!
  17. Maybe they will be playing "spa music"!
  18. Thanks....I know NY...but this is Brooklyn (technially NY...but like another country to me...lol) DH had surgury and graduated from walker to cane....and is almost off the cane. But I don't think he could handle standing on a long line. I feel more secure knowing that it won't happen. I did fill out the special needs form....
  19. If one needs a wheelchair, do contact MSC of the port? We have an April cruise out of Brooklyn, NY in April. I'm not familiar with that port and if it's gonna be one of those 3 hour boardings....I don't think my husband could handled it. If I can't arrange a chair for embarkation I'm gonna cancel the cruise. Final payment is in a couple of weeks. Any insight would be helpful TIA
  20. I use chrome....no problems Try logging in with your booking number. I had that problem in the past and booking number seemed to work.
  21. Did you book on-line, a TA or phone call? The good news is that the cruise makes up for the frustrations.........
  22. Did the promos change? I was told that if you applied it to a "previously booked cruise" you'd have to change to the current promos. I could have been misinformed.
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