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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. I sent MSC my NCL info (I forget exactly what...it was pre-pamdemic). I'm platinum on NCL...MSC gave me Gold status. The only issue....no laundry included. When I priced the 4/29 8 day Mera YC interior to a 7 day NCL NY to Bermuda...sailaway rate....MSC came out a few dollars less. It was a "no brainer".
  2. Yes, a CTN...but a discount on a future cruise and OBC. Imho...February for Bermuda is far from ideal this time of year. It's not warm there unless you're a penguin and the seas are rough. I learned this when I did an early May cruise to Bermuda. Never again. For me, Bermuda is strictly "a summer thing". Enjoy your trip!
  3. He's doing fine. Thanks for asking. We're going on MSC Meraviglia in April. Yacht Club...you should check it. It's like the Haven but better (spa included, drinks included, butler etc) but at a much better price. They'll match your NCL status.
  4. If I'm reading the times correctly...they dock at 9:45 Friday evening and leave at 3:45 Saturday morning. So, basically...not there. At lease the compensation is decent. Welcome Home Henry....takes for letting me cruise vicariously!
  5. If the Gem is a small ship, the food was just as good (buffet) as the large ships. I think the entertainment was as good....I don't remember disliking it. I like singing/dancing....not comedians and not jugglers.
  6. Thank you for the review. What kind of entertainment did they have in the theatre in the evenings?
  7. I'm Gold. I got whatever discounts that entitled me to....and then "the almost 14%" discount on top of that. No OBC involved. This booking was less than 2 weeks ago. Not allowed to post TA info....but he's a small independent agent.
  8. You can call ask to make a reservation for that cabin. To the best of my knowledge, you can only book on line what they show on line.
  9. I recall that thread. At that time I had Fantastica balcony booked....booked by myself online. I decided to cancel it (due to possible medical issues) in early Jan. The next week I decided that YCI would be a perfect solution for the same cruise...no lines, butler etc...and the price was really good. I asked a TA who I've used in the past, just to see if it was worth using him, what his price would be. It was almost 14% less than a DIY booking. So, he's obviously still having a good rapport with MSC!
  10. I believe MSC will also give you a courtesy hold for 24 hours.
  11. This is one cutback I'm not happy about. In Oct 2019 (not YC cabin) I had a massage, a facial and a color/styling cut for approx $50 each (tip included)...all pre-booked and all first rate experiences...no short cuts and no sales pitches.
  12. I'm on the 9/3 sailing. If they put in an additional Canadian port and/or Boston I'm good; Bermuda-no! I checked the excursions.....nothing listed for Portland. Bar Harbor....yes. Oh well.....nothing I can do (not going to cancel....good price and good cabin).
  13. When people say they live "in the city".... Manhattan....and only Manhattan.
  14. I use their website and that plum one. I actually booked this thru a TA....and got a 14% discount from the MSC website price. (When I compared prices it was without any discounts or certificates).
  15. I've been on MSC twice....with the general population and I loved it. We're doing YC this time because of what I said about my husband. But, when I saw it was cheaper to do YC than NCL "balcony guarantee"...booking MSC was a "no brainer". I'm platinum on NCL....been in every kind of cabin they have, except Haven. And the prices have gone wild! We are really low key people...."buffet people"....because as a general rule, I've never cared for MDR food. I even skip the specialty restaurants we're entitle to....because I like the NCL buffet so much. My last cruise on MSC was a 7 day pizza party! I did not like the buffet or the MDR. But you can't beat the pizza (I'm a pizza snob). I'm hoping to like YC food...but if not, there's pizza delivery.
  16. We are booked for the Yacht Club in April....really only because of DH recovering from surgery and I don't want him to wait on lines etc. The price was actually less than a guarantee balcony on NCL for the same week...plus the MSC cruise is a day longer. I hate to say this....but based on current reviews....I'm very happy we'll be in the Yacht Club. You should check the interior Yacht Club cabins...the price may surprise you.
  17. So....here's my 2 cents. DH always said "the day he'd need a butler would be the day he couldn't do things for himself". Life happened and he's recovering (very well I may add) from major surgury....but balance has been an issue. I didn't want him to stand on long lines or carry his plate in the buffet....so I checked the YCI on Meraviglia. It was a few dollars less for 8 days than a 7 day "sail away balcony guarantee" on NCL Getaway for the same week. To me, worth the price if only to avoid "standing, walking, waiting issues". The bar, the spa, the dining, the butler.....all bonuses. I think that Ocean Cay as a YC passenger will far surpasses NCL's GSC, where you have to tendar even if you're in the Haven. I've checked Haven prices....and although I can afford it....it just isn't "cost effective".
  18. Now that makes me feel better. BTW...I didn't say they "dressed up". They dress well....good sense of style, even in the most casual of outfits. That's pre-Americanization anyway.
  19. Well, thanks for the warning. I'll be prepared to be disappointed. Just don't tell me they took away the Swarovski staircase......love that bling!
  20. One of my favorite things about MSC was that it "wasn't American"....the passengers, the entertainment etc. A bit off topic, but....I always liked that the people "dressed well". I don't mean "got dressed up for dinner in the MDR". I mean, all day long....outfits that were coordinated, beautiful shoes, nice jewelry. It didn't matter if it was the breakfast buffet or "opera time"....the people knew how to look put together; definately not the American look. ETA-I used to feel like it was taking a trip to Italy without bothering to fly there!
  21. My son lives in Arlington VA, NOVA....and says that whole area was considered "a neutral zone"...not the North and not the South. Definately not the Northeast and definately not the Southeast.
  22. My first opera was one of those afternoon ones on the Divina....I think it was in 2015....out of Miami. Although I don't cruise for the shows (I live 15 minutes from B'way) I do enjoy them. As long as a singer can carry a tune....and a dancer doesn't fall on her face....I'm good. Anything, and I mean anything, is better than the passengers being the entertainment (think those games on NCL and CCL). Who knows....maybe the Belly Flop game with be a Belly Dancing Competition.
  23. A few years ago I booked a cruise 2 weeks prior to departure. One week prior to departure I got the flu. So we cancelled and got every penny back without a problem. As I recall, I only needed to submit a physicians letter as proof. I forget which card I used. No fight involved....we live a 15 minute cab ride away to the port.
  24. @GA DaveWe're gonna be in 16010....right by the Topsail Lounge. One of the selling points if that if we feel "on top of each other", the lounge is literally steps away. @helenbThanks for the tip. DH is not handicapped at all. He's 88 and was always (pre colon cancer surgery) very active. However, right now he's still a bit hesitant with walking unassisted so I want to avoid standing and waiting in lines as much as possible. Before I thought of YCI I was thinking of a wheelchair just so boarding would be easy, but no need now. In addition, we are "buffet people" and as of now he isn't "buffet ready". Having the dining room "right there", with good food (not a fan of mdr food on any line) and good service will be ideal. For us there was no downside and the price we got was way too good to pass up. Anyway...made final payment so it's "Yacht Club here I come!"
  25. One person does it....others see one stroller there....and they all put their strollers in the hallway. It may not be "the ship allowing it"...but nobody on duty to "disallow it". Someone should report it.......
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