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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. Can obc given by MSC be used for topping? For the casino?
  2. Let me clarify....lounge chairs in a location we liked. I used to love GSC before they upgraded the island. At that time we'd take the shuttle to a different area...it was like being at a private resort. They even had a separate food area. I used to think....they could sell this as an excursion. Too bad they read my mind. Now GSC is just rows and rows of chairs...in the sun...with a long line to eat.
  3. "Been there, done that"....we consider GSC a "stay on the ship" day. To avoid the long lines for the tender, we'd wait...but by that time it was hard to find lounge chairs. And then a long line for the food. Since most people do get off, we decided it was more fun to be on an almost empty ship. The tender itself is crowded and can be rocky.
  4. I've really young kids at Rock of Ages...whining and sitting in the aisle.
  5. Disagree....it's for the memory of the cruise. I overpay all the time....if I see something I like. The trinket reminds me of the great time. I can "value shop" any day of the week at home.
  6. Had "those beds" once....never again. It was a Family Inside on the BA. Besides the "hanging bed issue" there was a complete lack of closet space. The cabin was supposed to hold 4....we were only 2 and our luggage consisted of one carry-on each. It was really enough room for one! Never again! Keep in mind....you'll still get internet even if you don't want dining/drinks. My other plan...book sail away....but plan to upgrade yourself if you're unhappy with the location.
  7. Wow...this brings back memories. When I was in my 20s I used to go to The Sizzler with my mother. If you got an entree....you got the salad bar for free. And the salad bar was fantastic...it wasn't just salad. Without the entree...you had to pay for the salad bar. My mother used to insist that she order the entree and I should take "her salad bar" (I only wanted the salad bar). I did it once....really instead of fighting with mom. After that, I refused to go there unless I ordered and paid for my saBulad bar. But, yes, this is a perfect analogy. One drink, maybe. But planning this in advance...no! "My people" call this "schnorring".
  8. Don't think we'll hear from OP again....not a regular poster and doesn't stay on top of things. My bet...she paid the TA but the TA never submitted payment to NCL. As far as NCL vs CCL....I enjoy them both. One major difference is "the passengers". Slightly more sophisticated crowd on NCL. The other difference is the buffet....NCL's is excellent. You won't starve on Carnival...but the selections don't compare.
  9. When available, I always book "the larger balcony at a discount price". What view are you obstruting....water? If it's a winter cruise...do you really need privacy. Of course, it it's a winter cruise, do you really need a balcony, a large balcony at that? It'd make my decision based on "cabin convenience" to other venues and the price. And if it's good weather, and you make friends....a nice spot for entertaining!
  10. Ice cream.....at lunch and dinner. Eight flavors....2 kinds of syrup and sometimes sprinkes!
  11. But....can't you still use Non-Refundable obc to play slots? And assuming you go thru the whole thing, cash out your winnings?
  12. I've been living in NYC 73 years and go to B'way regularly. (Getting ready to go today.) Yes, on NCL Behemoths they do have B'way style shows...the talent is a notch below B'way (think tour company...not quite ready for B'way). The MSC talent is much better...with their singing and dancing. As I recall, there was a nightly production. On NCL...limited performances and reservations required. On the "non-behemoth" ships it was more Las Vegas style. On one Divina cruise several years back there was an opera singer who was well known it Italy...besides the evening performance he gave an extra matinee. Some people like "Love & Marriage" or "comedians who thing cursing is funny"...I don't and you won't fine them on MSC.
  13. Speaking as an American who doesn't drink: I think the shows on MSC are fabulous. Lots of singing, dancing and acrobatics. The entertainers are of professional quality. No comedians....no "passengers are the talent"....kind of things. There is also great music around the ship. I've never been on RCL....but I do go to Broadway on an "almost weekly" basis....so I set the bar high. Try the casino instead of the bar.........or sit in the atrium and make new friends. Productions are only about an hour anyway.....
  14. I've done all the types too....... For Canada, we did a Deluxe OV on the Magic. The room was huge and it's too chilly to sit outside anyway. The only time I prefer a balcony is if the majority of the cruise will be in warm weather. I do like lots of interior room....so the insides don't work well for me.
  15. So I have to eat my words. A TA just quoted me an 8% discount over the NCL rate. I just may book with him when I'm ready to book
  16. I dialed NCL @ 11:21. I got thru to the rep @ 11:22. I asked her a covid related question....and was off the phone by 11:24. Maybe I just have "a magical phone"!
  17. I'm not doubting anyone...but just wondering: The TA's commission on these cruises is very low. I don't know by per centage...but my friend "the retired TA" told me that she made "pennies" per booking. If the TA makes pennies ....how are they giving these generous discounts?
  18. @PATRLRI'm not doubting you. It's just that my experience is different. Here's another TA story. Last Sept I called my TA....told him I had my credit card in hand...wanted to book a Nov cruise. He said his asst would do the booking....she never got back to me. Life happened and I put off booking until 5 days before sailing. I got a better rate and won a bid to upgrade....the bottom line was I came out a few hundred dollars ahead with a "do it yourself" price than if my TA's assistant picked up the phone. I've been very lucky with this PCC....he picks up immeditely and answers e-mails with a prompt phone call.
  19. I'm with you on this one. I never have a problem getting thru to NCL. If my PCC "isn't there" someone else will pick up the phone. I don't book "expensive" cabins...so my TA incentive is generally about $100 or so. But, I've lost out on upgrades for that just waiting for the TA to respond, or call the cruiseline. I never found a TA that offers these amazing deals people talk about....or calls me with fare adjustments. ETA-I had one TA that actually wanted me to stay on the phone with him when he called the cruiseline. And then he went on to tell me how little he made on my booking! No thanks......
  20. This is exactly like one of my cousins. He's about 75 and has been a chronic smoker for about 60 years. He has lung disease. Now he's complaining that nobody ever told him the dangers of smoking. Didn't anybody ever tell you about cruising during the hurricane season? NCL gave you a trip...food, entertainment....for a week. They had no other obligation. Here's a stupid question.....did you buy insurance?
  21. Where are you sailing from? I'm planning a Jan 2023 cruise from NYC. I'm planning for a huge price drop within 2 weeks of sailing....so I'm holding off booking. It's all based on supply and demand. "Demand" from NYC in Jan isn't that great. Just keep your eye on the cruise you want....and if "less than 15 cabins" show up in your selected category, that may indicate that supply is limited.
  22. OP is a NYer...as I am. When I sail out of NY in the winter...yes, there are a couple of cold days. But...no stress of flying to FL or anywhere. If there's a snowstorm...the flights could get canceled or delayed....and the ship would sail without me. Sailing out of NY...worst case scenaio is I get the cab a little earlier! This is one of the reasons why the prices are low out of NYC. If I lived "anywhere else" and had to fly to NY or FL for a winter cruise....I'd fly to FL.
  23. First of all....I am not seeing any 12 day Gem trips (except one that ends in Panama City) but I do see some 11 day sailigs. I've been on the Gem many times; the Getaway once (but on BA, Escape, Bliss multiple times). If I had a choice I'd pick the Gem. I just liked it more. However, in the winter, if seas are rough, I think you'll feel more movement on the Gem. If the ship isn't crowded...you'll find plenty of "alone space" on the GA. But you need to reserve the theatre. With this being said...I plan on a 12 day GA in Jan. The Gem has a 9 day cruise...but I don't like the itinerary (Bermuda in the winter? No thank you!) Getting my crystal ball out: Sailings out of NYC in the winter can be great bargains...if you can wait to book. If the prices are in the same range, the itinerary similar....I'd go with the Gem. We were on the Gem last Nov at a very limited capacity. We didn't get off the ship....but had a great cruise. I vote Gem!
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