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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Posts posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. This will be a quick note.  I just got two emails from Roy @rafinmd.  He can read the Daily, but still cannot log in.  


    This is the other email he sent about his condition.


    The theory so far is that this is the result of a stroke, although we are still waiting on an MRI.  I slept reasonably well last night.  


    Saturday morning it started about 2AM when I went to the bathroom but was ok with a cane.


    At 4:30 it was so severe there was no hope of getting up and was barely to get dressed a bit sitting on the bed before calling 911. 


    Since then I. Have been in bed almost all the time except for a few awkward transfers 


    I did just move to a bedside commode with much less stress but still far from normal.


    Wishing Roy all the best, and a speedy recovery.



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  2. The third time we were in Icy Strait Point in 2012, DH did the Zip Rider.  DH found the video he took with his GoPro when he did the ZIP Rider in ISP in 2012.  He deliberately slowed down so he could record more of the ride and the scenery.  The Amsterdam is also in the picture.  At that time, the Zip Rider was really fast, and even slowing down the ride as much as possible, it only took about 60-62 seconds.  A few years later, they had slowed the ride down.


    I just checked this file out, and it still works.



    ZIP Rider.wmv75.28 MB · 37 downloads




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  3. Here are just a few pictures of Hoonah.  We usually take the bus into town and walk around for a while.  




    This eagle built her nest in a tree just down from the school in Hoonah.



    A local restaurant



    The two local churches




    The local store which has just about everything you could need, including rental cars.



    Main street




    The totem carving demonstration




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  4. We have been to Icy Strait Point quite a few times, and we did the 14 day Alaska cruise several times on different ships and usually did multiple b2bs to get out of the the Texas heat.  


    In 2012 on the Amsterdam and 2015 on the Statendam, we anchored and tendered.  We finally got to dock in 2018 on the Zaandam.


    In 2012, DH did the zip line, but I chickened out.  At that time, it went a lot faster than it does now.  The drop took about 60-62 seconds.


    I'll start with my pictures of ISP, and post those of Hoonah later.



    Once in 2012, it was very foggy and in order to not cancel the call, the Amsterdam had to move closer to the tender dock so the Bridge Team could have visual contact with the tenders at all times.  This meant the Amsterdam was in much deeper water than usual.  Unfortunately, when she dropped her anchor, the chain brake failed, and the anchor and all the chain landed on the ocean floor.  It was determined that the cost of a new anchor and chain was less than trying to retrieve the old one.  Interestingly, the same thing happened the year before in Sitka, but the water was shallow enough to retrieve the anchor and chain then.  We did not find out about the incident until the next segment, when some of the people getting DH ready for the zip line mentioned it.



    We took this picture when we docked at Ogden Point in Victoria at the end of the cruise.



    These pictures are from 2012 and 2015 before the new dock and facilities were opened.





    The new facilities at the terminus of the zip line.




    The Statendam in 2015 on one of her last calls in ISP.



    The Zaandam at the new dock in 2018.



    As we were walking back to the dock and passing the food area, we found part of the cleaning crew hard at work.



    We saw this eagle in a tree near the dock.



    We have taken a couple of whale watching tours in Hoonah, and have seen many humpback whales, orcas and otters.







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  5. Good morning from a chilly central Texas where it is 64F with a 5mph wind from the NE.  The humidity is 74% with a dew point of 52F.  The predicted high is 83F, which is quite a change from just a week ago, and an even bigger change from two weeks ago.  It seems summer ended quite suddenly for us.  The long term forecast calls for highs in the upper 80s to low 90s, and our lows in the upper 60s to low 70s, except tomorrow when the low will be 56F.  This is early for the question to be, do I dress for the morning low or the afternoon high?  The other alternative is to start out in jeans and switch to shorts as the day warms.  Such a first world problem.


    This morning I need to make a quick trip to the store, and do a little cooking for tonight's dinner.  Then this afternoon, I'll make the chicken and dumplings.  In between, I need to catch up on things I didn't have time to do the last couple of days.


    Literacy is important, and I'll celebrate Literacy Day.  The ampersand is a good shortcut when needed.  Iguanas are interesting creatures, and when it's cold, one needs to watch out for falling iguanas.  The most important day is Grandparents Day, and I miss mine even after all these years.  My grandmothers played a big roll in my early life.


    The Robert Benchley quote is something I don't really agree with even though there are a great many things I still don't know anything about.


    I'll pass on the meal if it has the jalapenos, and will also pass on the drink.  I would like to try the wine since we've enjoyed other Spanish reds.


    We have been to Icy Strait Point at least nine times with eight times on BHBs.  We did the 14-day Alaska cruise several years, and did between one and four b2bs.  We also stopped there in 2018 on Coral Princess circle the northern Pacific cruise.


    In 1504, it was a big day for Michelangelo and the city of Florence. 


    We stopped in St. Augustine a long time ago on the way to WDW.  It is a lovely city.


    Today marks a sad day as the second anniversary of the Queen's death.


    @grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about ampersand day.

    @jodi58  Congratulations on the birth of your fourth grandchild, Thomas.

    @cat shepard  Ann, I like the meme about Alaska's unofficial state bird.

    @smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DB and DSIL could both come for a couple of days to hep you.  I'm sorry Tana is having such a difficult time.  It's good you are trying to get your hip looked after before it gets much worse.

    @superoma  Eva, thanks for filling in for Debbie @dfish while she was off having fun.  It's good to know there is someone who will see that we don't go hungry.

    @dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you arrived home safely even if late.

    @Cruzin Terri  Terri, safe travels to Savannah tomorrow when you take your friend for the pre-op testing.


    There is no news about Roy @rafinmd to report this morning.















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  6. 1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I don't sign out either.  I did not have any problems today - knock on wood!  Did you read where Rich mentioned on Jacqui's Bon Voyage request thread that he's booked the 28 day Alaska cruise next June?  There will be quite a crowd of us on board.


    Sandi, I haven't gotten past the Daily today.  First there was a meeting this morning that dragged on longer than it should have.  It's been a busy afternoon.  I'm glad Rich will be joining us on the cruise.  We need to arrange a Daily M&G.  BTW, you've got mail.



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  7. It's been an interesting learning curve today as far as our upcoming cruises are concerned.  First, I sent the request for stock credit to Stockperks the other day, and got the email it was approved.  Finished, getting it applied to our cruise, and fingers crossed 🤞 that it is taken care of.  We'll know in a few days.  Then a trial run buying and applying a gift card to pay for part of the January cruise.  That took a bit of learning, but finally I know how to do it, and now we have a bit less to pay next month.  It's good to know I can still learn new things, especially digital things.


    I have not heard any more from Roy, and I will wait to hear from him.  I don't want to bother him at a time like this.  I'm just glad he thought to add me to the list of people getting the email.  I'll let everyone know when I do.


    7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Grandma Moses certainly made her mark on the art world, everyone should be grateful patients when they're getting the medical attention they need, and yes to the blue skies.  The quote - wow, he likes half of the people a little bit and the other half he doesn't.  Is that right?  A little early for something to complex!


    It's getting darker in the morning when I get up - I've had to turn on the kitchen light when making my morning tea, so I guess the "f" word really is coming.  We're sitting at 10C(50) right now but the breeze coming in the window feels cooler than that.  Our expected high for the next 3 days is 32(89) which might be summer's last hurrah, we'll see.  I don't want to put away my capris and sandals just yet!


    @luvteachingBon Voyage; I hope you and your friends have a wonderful cruise!

    @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear you're having so much hip pain; I do hope the doctors will be able to provide some relief for you.  Glad you'll have help over the weekend.


    Hearing about all the horrible shootings happening in US schools sometimes makes us feel smug, thinking we're happy we don't live there.  Well, on Thursday at a local high school, a 14 year old girl threw gasoline in a 15 year old girl's face and lit her on fire.  A teacher was not far away and came to her aid, sustaining severe burns trying to put the flames out.  Although we have a burn unit at Royal University Hospital, the 15 year old's injuries were so severe she had to be air lifted to Edmonton for treatment.  The 14 year old is being charged with attempted murder, arson, and several other charges.  *shudder*


    Not a lot on our agenda today, so I think I'll take the time to make some winter liners for the curtains in our bedroom.  The room sits above the unheated garage, so gets fairly chilly in the winter, and I thought the addition of thermal liners on the curtains might help keep the heat in and cold out.  Might as well make them now, rather than when we need them.  DH is working on a bird house for our friends with a lake cottage - I took photos of their old cottage and he's used that as a model for the bird house.  It's coming along quite nicely; when it's finished, I'll post a photo here, as it's really neat with many unexpected touches.


    I'd like the drink of the day, will gladly drink the wine, but will pass on the chickpea sandwich.  The only time we have chickpeas in the house is when our friend makes hummus and brings it over.  LOL  Last night our neighbour came over with 3 huge red tomatoes so we're going to have toasted tomato and bacon sandwiches for dinner on the deck tonight.  And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



    Gerry, the news about the girl being deliberately burned by another girl is horrible.  I'm glad they charged the one who threw the gasoline.  I just hope the other girl survives, but I hate to think of the effects of the burns.  On a brighter note, it is nice of your DH to make the bird house for your friends.  I can't wait to see the picture of the finished bird house. 


    7 hours ago, dobiemom said:

    Good morning, all. Well, only a few more days of HOT and then we’ll start to cool down. PTL for AC! 🙌


    On my Alaska cruise I mentioned I had won twice at bingo. One was a cruise! 7-nights, inside cabin, Mexican Riviera or Caribbean, never expires. I can upgrade to a larger cabin or longer cruise (for a price of course). I wanted a 10-day MR and my TA found one: Nieuw Amsterdam departing Nov 29, 2025. My sis from FL will be joining me. We’re so excited! 


    Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Thank you all for caring and sharing. 🥰 Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.



    Marsha, congratulations on winning the cruise.  Glad your sister will be joining you.


    6 hours ago, atexsix said:

    Good Morning,


    It turned out there was a mix-up at the doctor, that yesterday's appointment was pre-test, which was fine since the exam/discussion yielded good results.  So the ultrasound and follow up to that is mid-Oct.  


    They discovered the beehive at DM's was more dangerous than they thought. They were "paper wasps" otherwise known as yellow jackets and the size of the nest was estimated to be as big as a basketball, but they are no more and the exterminator was able to eradicate them with poison.  At my urging, DM will be going back to monthly maintenance because this was a good example of what could happen should this have continued to go unobserved, these insects can apparently eat right through the drywall.  


    I'm thinking about paying off my car lease early and purchasing something else, without DD I don't have need for this giant SUV, so I'm thinking about what I'd like to downsize to and I'll visit the Toyota dealership sometime this fall when I bring the car in for an oil change and have the tire pressure checked before the cooler weather sets in.


    This is the real life stuff all of you on lengthy cruises are missing: car buying, bee hives, and doctor appointments.  So I'd rather be on a ship when running out of peanut butter pie would be the biggest crisis I can think of.  


    Bruno, I'm glad the doctor visit yielded good results, and hope the ultrasound next month does the same.  I'm glad they got rid of the wasp nest.  Yellow jacket stings are no fun, but not as bad as a bumble bee sting.


    5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the news!  Bon voyage @luvteaching.  Hope you have good weather all the way!  We are having a heat wave here, and smoke from the US, evidently, so the house is closed up and the air-conditioning on again.  Strange for September.


    Pat's appointment yesterday left me a bit bewildered.  It was just a phone appointment, and seemed, like some of mine, very impersonal.  It was mainly a quiz on his mental and physical abilities.  "Do you drive?"  "Do you use a stick or a walker?"  etc., and a number of times he said "as you are almost 90"!  And what should they do if things go wrong...  Sheesh, Pat's not almost 90, he's only just 88!  Hopefully, Pat said the right things, and now he "will be discussed at rounds".  So we continue to wait.  I keep thinking, if they don't want to do it, we'll just go to the States and get it done!


    This morning when I went out to get the papers, our male hummingbird came down and looked me in the face - he often does that if I'm sitting outside, just hovers about 6 inches from my nose.  My birder cousin always said they have facial recognition, so I guess they want to check that i'm who I'm supposed to be - talk about a guard bird!


    We have been to Chania, my pictures are like the others, so I'll just post some pictures from the market.  I bought a chunk of pumice/lava there for DS, the rock collector.



















    Ann, I'm sorry Pat's doctor "visit" was sort of a bummer.  I hope he approved soon for the valve replacement.


    2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for letting us know about Roy. I can sure relate. I hope he's feeling better soon. Seems like a few of us have developed vertigo recently.

    @sailingdutchy When I click on a picture, the url is strange, and it also takes me off cruise critic. So CC is trying to "get" the photo from where it's stored.



    Vanessa, I hope vertigo has had enough of the Dailyites, and is history after Roy recovers.


    55 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Greetings, everyone!


    We have made it as far as Chicago and we are relaxing in the United Club lounge.  We have several hours to wait for our next flight, so I thought buying passes made sense. It was hard saying goodbye to @Sharon in AZ Sharon this morning at the airport.  I hope she is having an good flight home.  


    @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for letting us know about Roy.  Healing thoughts sent out to him and may it be a simple fix and a quick recovery.


    @Vict0riann I hope all goes well with Pat's assessment and that he is scheduled for surgery soon.


    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


    Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue made it safely as far as Chicago.  I hope the rest of the trip goes well.


    11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    I do hope Roy @rafinmd is feeling much better soon.  At least he knows to head to the ER when he is ill.  Prayers for his complete recovery! 🙏  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for conveying the information to us.


    I had no problems with CC today at 6 a.m.  If CC decides to play tricks on us at that hour, it would cause all kinds of problems posting the Daily.  🤞


    It sure is World Beard Day.  Wouldn't you know, that's one of the many days I didn't post about!


    Sandi, and all others who had problems getting on CC today, I hope that doesn't happen again.  I didn't have any problems, but then, we never sign out.



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  8. I got an email early this morning from Roy @rafinmd in which he said he was in the ER.  "Woke with severe vertigo and could not stand safely.  Still being diagnosed."  In the next email, he said he was being admitted.  Before I said anything on here, I wanted to make sure he was okay with me sharing his news.  Unfortunately, I did not receive his reply until later as I was in a meeting for most of the morning.


    I'll pass on any information from Roy if and when I hear from him.  Wishing him the best and a quick recovery.  The last I heard from him, he was unable to login on CC.



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  9. We have been to Souda and Chania twice.  The first time was in 2017 on Prinsendam, and the second time was in 2019 on Veendam.  Both times, we took the shuttle from Souda to Chania and walked around town.  Except for the bus ride, we did not see much of Souda.  The shuttle dropped us off by a park across from the Old Chania Market.  From there we walked around the area and the Old Venetian Port of Chania.


    The area where the shuttle dropped us off, and it's the beginning for the modern part of Chania.  



    Pictures from the Old Chania Market.







    Walking through Old Chania





    A nice plaza with shops, restaurants and shade



    The Presentation of the Virgin Mary Metropolitan Church in the back ground



    The Church





    The sea entrance to the Old Venetian Port.  The Lighthouse of Chania is on the right and the Firka Venetian Fortress is on the left.



    Looking across the harbor





    Looking toward the Kyuchuk Hassan Mosque, which is now a museum.



    The mosque and a couple of the exhibits.  The first one was from 2017 and the second was from 2019.







    Past the mosque and around the corner are several restaurants and the small boat harbor.







    Chania is a lovely place to spend several hours relaxing, shopping, sightseeing and people watching.  We enjoyed our visits there.




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  10. Good morning from a clear but windy central Texas.  It is a cool 68F with a 7mph wind from the north.  The humidity is 86% with a dew point of 63F.  In spite of our chilly (at least to Texans) start, we should reach a high of 86F this afternoon.  The overnight lows are predicted to be 60F, which is a huge change from just a week or two ago.


    Yesterday was a long day, but basically DH got a good report from the ENT.  She wants him to have some physical therapy to strengthen his muscles and help with balance.  The good news is he can have the PT here.  He'll have a follow up telemed visit in late October; so that's one less trip to Dallas.  The appointment took about 2 hours, and we were caught in the beginning of rush hour traffic.  To top it off, there was a heavy rain shower just as we were getting on I-35E, but we were out of the rain relatively quickly.


    Today there is a big football game between the Texas Longhorns 🤘 and Michigan M.  You know we'll be rooting for the Longhorns, but I know many will be rooting for the other team.  All I'll say, is it should be an interesting game.


    Grandma Moses painted some amazing pictures.  Even with the grumbling about having to drive to Dallas, DH is a grateful patient for the care he is getting.  Clean air with the bonus of blue skies is always desirable.


    The quote is a bit too involved to really like it, especially this early in the morning.


    There will be no chickpea salad sandwiches in this house; actually no chickpeas of any kind.  DH enjoyed Lemon Drops on our last Koningsdam cruise.  The Chianti sound nice.


    We have been fortunate to visit Souda and Chania on Prinsendam and Veendam.


    Hooray for Pedro I declaring Brazil's independence in 1822.


    @Crazy For Cats  Welcome home, Jake and Juan.

    @dfish  Welcome back, Debbie and Sue.  I hope you have a safe trip home today.

    @Sharon in AZ  Sharon, welcome back, and I hope your travel home goes smoothly, safely and on time.

    @StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the other days to celebrate, especially buy a book day, bacon day, and hummingbird day.

    @smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you are having help this weekend.  I'm sorry your left hip has become painful.  I hope the doctors can help without resorting to surgery.

    @marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad you made it to the concert, and enjoyed it.  I hope Chuck @catmando can have his immunotherapy Monday.
















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  11. A quick good evening.  DH’s appointment went well, but it was long with various tests and procedures.  The nurse practioner wants him to do some physical therapy.  By the time we got out, it was Friday afternoon rush hour.  We took some city streets before finalky gutting on I-35E.  It was still slow going until we were passed Waxahachie.   It was late when we got home.


    I've read the Daily, I don't have the energy to comment now.



    • Like 9
  12. 1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

    Good morning,

    Happy Anniversary Sandi, I love the photo. Nancy I am sorry to hear about your brother. I worry about complications with my friend and her TKR. She a set up for problems. On a good note Murphy is a big sister. Baby sister Rooney Renee is here and doing well. They are one busy household. 

    Prayers and well wishes to all and have a great day. 



    Lorraine, thanks for the picture of the two cuties.  Murphy has certainly grown, and Rooney Renee is precious.


    2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Good morning Dailyites from the beautiful Westerdam in Skagway. Looks like liquid sunshine out there.


    @StLouisCruisers Sandi Wishing you and Dennis a Happy 55th Anniversary!


    @cruising sister such an adorable picture of the sweet sisters!


    @ger_77 Gerri I had to get a close up of all those beautiful blankets you've made. Such a lovely thing to do. (BTW, Bonnie's surgery is Monday but thank you for continued prayers) ❤️


    I don't know what will be on our agenda today. It is a quick 10 minute shuttle to town, just not sure if I want to get wet and soggy, and Allen is a firm no. Maybe find a cozy place to read my current book.





    Sending up thoughts and prayers to each of you, and warm thanks for your prayers for my dear sis.


    Blessings for a great day!



    Joy, I enjoyed the book earlier this summer.



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  13. This is what I posted about our visit to Koh Samui on November 17, 2022.


    We hired a taxi for a tour of the island.  This is a map of the island that was at one of our stops.


    The red arrow points to the park with the giant Buddha and other statues is located.  The other arrow points to Nathon and the area of the tender dock.  Koh Samui district is around the "bump" on the eastern side of the island.



    This is the dock where we tendered.  The people on the right side of the pictures near the bus with all their luggage were catching up with the ship.  They fly flew to Bangkok in time to catch the ship, but there were problems with the plane, and they made an unexpected stop in Anchorage until another plane became available.  Most were dressed for tropical weather, and were not dressed for Anchorage in April.  Regal Princes is in the background.  There were so many flying from Bangkok that Princess chartered the plane so there would be room for the passengers and their luggage.  The non-ship passengers were booted off the plane.



    The Giant Buddha up close and viewed from a town outside the park.





    Here are a few more of the many statues.  The park was still a work in progress.







    A small temple





    Ko Samui has many very nice beaches and an interesting coastline.







    We just viewed the shore from the top of the steps.





    A shopping and dining opportunity near a beach



    This is as close to riding an elephant as we've ever been.  😉



    The main street in Nathon.



    We enjoyed our day on Ko Samui and meeting all the friendly people.



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  14. Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas.  It is 73F with a 6mph wind from the N, 95% humidity and a dew point of 71F.  The predicted high is 89F.  We'll be heading back to UTSW later this morning to see one of the ENT doctors.  While the shunt is working as it should, there are a couple of issues that were thought to be related to the NPH, but since they have not improved, the nurse practioner thinks they may be caused by an inner ear issue.  DH has been doing the Epley maneuver for the past ten days and is having some relief.  Hopefully, this visit will tell us what is gong on and what to do about it.  In the overall scheme of things, and considering what others are facing, he does not need to be on the Care List.


    I always have a book that I'm reading.  401(k)s are a good way to save for retirement, but sadly they are not as good as the pension plans companies used to offer employees.  Food banks are good for those who cannot afford food, but it's still sad that so many need them.


    I like the Henry David Thoreau quote, and I wish it was easier to follow at times.


    The flank steak sounds good, but there is more to Cajun seasoning than salt.  We'll pass on the drink.  The wine sounds good, but since I can get my preferred Riesling for about a third of the price, I'll stick with it.


    We were in Koh Samui in as a substitute port on the old Regal Princess in 2003.  With SARS raging throughout a lot of Asia, it replaced our port in Vietnam.


    The 1522 ending of the first circumnavigation voyage has a sad ending when the ship returned to Spain without its captain, Ferdinand Magellan.

    The 1916 opening of the first Piggly Wiggly made history.  We never lived where there was a Piggly Wiggly.


    @atexsix  Bruno, I hope you carotid test comes back with good results.

    @Vict0riann  Ann, I hope Pat's cardiac surgeon visit today gives him a date for his surgery.

    @ottahand7  Nancy, that is concerning that your DB Nick has a pulmonary embolism.  I hope the hospital has the relatively new machine that can remove blood clots from the lungs.  Almost two years ago, DH had a huge embolism that was in the blood vessel and spread to both lungs.  The doctors when in through a vein in his groin and were able to remove all of the embolism.  I hope Nick can have the same results.

    @Heartgrove  Jack, that is good news your DSIL's ankle bones are healing well.  It must be a relief for her to have the staples out, along with graduating to a boot.

    @Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm sorry the check for possible cataract surgery for your DH yesterday was inconclusive.  I hope next week's cardiologist visit will give you some answers to his chest pain.















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  15. 59 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think people should be charitable every day, not just one day of the year.  I try never to be late for anything - I think it's just rude to keep people waiting; I'd rather be early and have to wait a bit than be late.  I think cheese pizza is great . . . for a starter with other things on top.  I like the quote by Bob Marley; whenever I hear the Beachboys "Kokomo" it takes me back to those beautiful islands.


    A little late to the party today; this morning DH had a cardiologist appointment right at 9AM.  It's usually about a 15 minute drive, so we left at about 8:25 and just barely made it into the office for 9 due to a traffic accident that had the main freeway backed up for miles.  Thankfully I knew of a diversion I could take that took us out of our way, but also got us to the appointment on time.  A good report was received today, the doctor telling DH that everything looks great and he doesn't want to see him until next year.  Yay!  With that in mind, we came home and booked a Caribbean cruise for February (DH said he owed me big time for taking care of him throughout all his ills, and who was I to argue?!?).  We'll be sailing on the Nieuw Amsterdam in a cabin we've enjoyed previously, and even though we've been to all the ports before, it'll be a great getaway from the cold and snow of the "frozen tundra" in the midst of winter.  I'm just enjoying the thought of sitting on the balcony watching the world go by!


    After the medical this morning we went to the Mitsubishi dealer to order a new clip for a part of the roof trim that broke off the last time we were in the car wash.  While there we also saw that half of the trim on the other side was gone entirely - how or when, we have no idea.  Thankfully the parts and labour are not going to cause us to have to sell a kidney, coming in at under $200 and should be available for us to have installed next week.


    I'm going to pass on the drink; even for someone who has a sweet tooth like me, I think it might be a little much.  I'd like to try the wine, and would enjoy steak, but not sure about the kale pesto.  Perhaps if someone made it for me, I'd try it, but I'm not planning on making it any time soon.  I've got chicken breasts marinating n Greek dressing that will be sliced and threaded onto skewers for DH to cook on the grill and will be serving them along with a stir fry of the veggies from yesterday's charcuterie board on the deck for dinner tonight.   And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the families of the 4 victims of school violence who died so senselessly yesterday.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



    Gerry, that is great news from your DH's cardiologist.  Now, you can doubly enjoy your upcoming winter cruise.


    38 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

    @Haljo1935 Of course I'll follow up on Alaska Eagle Arts. I'm going here because the couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend were gifted a beautiful print of a hummingbird (done Alaska Native style) with fireweed embossed on the side. The couple who gave it to them want me to stop in and take a few photos of the place and mention the lady's name as she does work down here for them. Here's a picture of the print. They have notecards on their website of this print and I want some!! 






    Karen, that is really pretty.  I'll have to remember to check the store out when we're there next year.


    23 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    My sister saw the surgeon this morning. The cancer was found in the lymph nodes so they need to go back in and take out more nodes to determine how advanced the cancer is and how to treat it. She has the surgery on Monday.


    Joy, I'm sorry your DS will have to undergo more surgery, but if they can remove all the affected nodes, that will definitely help her recover.  Wishing her all the best Monday.



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  16. This morning when I posted my pictures, I thought I'd posted some screen shots from DH's videos of the Nazca Lines, but couldn't find them.  DH found them and told me where to find them.


    @marshhawk  Annie, there is  not too much known about the Nazca lines, but this link should give you an idea of what is know.  It is to Britannica.  https://www.britannica.com/place/Nazca-Lines


    I dug through my pictures of our first time in General San Martin and our flight over the Nazca lines.  Between the plane's windows and time, the pictures are not very good, even after I scanned them and worked on them.  DH is going through his videos to see if he can get any good screen shots.


    I'll show the pictures that did fairly okay, but the one of the monkey just did not work.  I also found a couple pictures of Pisco that show a better part of town than the ones I shared earlier.


    Plaza de Armas de Pisco with a statue of General San Martin



    The churchjpg288.thumb.jpg.999beda1b9445ff78b690185a1277824.jpg


    This is the tower at the airport where we boarded the plane for our flight.  Looks like it should be in the south Pacific.




    The one figure that I have a good picture of is the Astronaut that was done on a hillside.jpg291.thumb.jpg.9d92d9c1e06486391ab3b76cdc079bef.jpg


    A couple of pictures from the plane.  The long thin white line is the road researchers used to get to the sight.  The wide white rectangle in the second picture is part of the Nazca Lines.




    Two screenshots from DH's video of the hummingbird




    The spider



    Just after I closed out CC, I found another imagine DH had sent.  It's a bird, but I could not find out if was the condor or not.  I suspect it is the condor.




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  17. A late good afternoon from a partly sunny and partly cloudy central Texas.  It is 85F, but the app says it feels like 92F with a 12mph wind from the NNE.  It is really not too bad out.  After I got the grass trimmed and mowed. I tackled the flower beds.  The remaining marigolds were looking rather sad, so I pulled them up.  I also trimmed and cleaned up the iris and weeded the flower beds.  All that's left before we head to Arizona next month is to trim the bushes, but that will wait until closer to the time we leave so I won't have to do that but once.


    I have a big project facing me thanks to the USPS.  They informed our mail service that we can no longer have a individual street address with a PNB number, but now everyone will need to use one street address along with their individual PMB.  I just hope I can remember everyone who has that address to let them know about the change.  We've only had this address for 25 years,  GRRRR.


    4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:
    Thank you Sandi, thank you Eva, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
    DSIL has her first post-op visit with the Ortho this afternoon. Waiting to see if they substitute a boot for the cast yet. Yesterday the Physical Therapist did a home visit. We had been expecting to need to drive to the facility but happy to hear they will come to us.
    Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


    - Jack


    Jack, I hope your SDIL gets a good report from the surgeon, and can switch to a boot.  Good that the PT can be done at home.


    3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

    Aloha! It’s 6:16 AM here in Honolulu and promises to be another beautiful Hawaii day. Sitting on our balcony overlooking Waikiki Beach and the Pacific precious. I’m in the never late crowd. Probably military training to some degree but I believe my dad ingrained the habit of being on time.

    Thanks for the pics of Pisco as we will be visiting there next year on our cruise around South America.

    This morning I’m watching granddaughter as rest of family get’s a private tour of Pearl Harbor on the Admirals Barge.

    Our flight over on Hawaiian air was fine and on time. Saturday we fly over to Kauai for our 3 week stay.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. Mahalo for the reports and post. Bruce




    Bruce, glad you made it safely to Honolulu. 


    1 hour ago, dfish said:

    Good afternoon, everyone!


    We had a full day yesterday at the Bay of Fundy.  We got there during low tide and were able to walk out quite far on the ocean floor.  Small tide pools provide a safe place for some sea life.


    This first picture is of the far side of Flower Pot Island.IMG_3580.thumb.jpeg.e7ef1823da5f7d2b25cf9c277123ac89.jpeg


    And now we see it as the tide comes in.










    Today we are in Saint John, New Brunswick.  Yesterday was pretty tiring so we had a laid back day.  Sue and I walked up to the City Market.  We bought coffee and lemon filled croissants at the Charlotte Street Bakery and took them across the street to the park to eat.  OMG, those croissants were to die for.  If you ever get the chance, try them.  We had devoured them before I thought to take a picture.  Here’s some flowers in the park to make up for that.



    Wishing you all a wonderful day!







    Debbie, thanks for all the wonderful pictures.  We've been out to the Bay of Fundy to see the bore tide, but didn't walk on the ocean floor.


    15 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

    @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, DB has been treated by an ID since his first knee surgery.  Sadly that has been how long this train wreck has been rolling.  😢


    Nancy, it seems like too long a time to not be able to get the infection under control  Is anyone thinking about calling in another ID or two for another opinion?


    Tonight we will be splitting a ribeye along with baked potatoes, salad and red wine.  There will be no pesto on the steaks, however.



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  18. We have been to General San Martin twice.  In 2001, we were on the Ryndam, and I was still using  a film camera.  That time we flew over the Nazca lines, and that was definitely not a disappointment.  The second stop was in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi, but we did not meet until we were both on the Daily.  That day, we took the shuttle into Parachas and walked around.  We also hired a taxi to take us to Tambo Colorado and Pisco.


    A few more pictures of Parachas.






    This pelican hung around the boardwalk, and some of the locals were feeding him.  Later, he was walking on the boardwalk, but when I tried to take his picture, he turned into an attack pelican.  



    Tambo Colorado is the remains of an Inca village near the coast.  Until our visit, we had not realized the Incans had lived in the desert.  You can see in the next to last picture what irrigation can do to the desert.







    A couple of pictures of Pisco as we drove through the town.




    The memorial to General San Martin is an interesting sight in the desert.



    Part of the Peru's navy dock behind the ship.  You can see their base on the far right.  There were several tall towers around the base.




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  19. Good morning from a still cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is 73F with a 7mpph wind from the N.  The humidity is 94% with a dew point of 71F.  Our weather forecast for today is for continued wind up to 13mph rom the NNE and cloudy.  The good news is the chance of rain is never above 10%, and our high will be 86F this afternoon.  My plan is to get out a bit later this morning to mow and trim the grass.  I want to give it a little more time to dry out.  It is getting shaggy since it didn't need mowing last Saturday.  I was going to wait until Saturday, until I found out the Texas football game will be at 11am CD Saturday morning.  By Sunday, it would probably be way too tall to mow with just one pass.


    Charity is a good thing, and it can be in many forms besides monetary.  I try not to be late.  Cheese pizza is okay, but we much prefer toppings on our pizza.


    I totally agree with the Bob Marley quote.


    Grilled steak is popular in this house, but please, please leave the pesto off mine, especially kale pesto.  We may just have steak tonight.  I'll pass on the drink, but the Pinot Noir sounds good.


    We have been to General San Martin twice, on Ryndam in 2001, and in 2015 on Ruby Princess.  The first time we took a tour which included a museum in Pisco and a flight over the Nazca lines.  The lines are amazing, must be seen from the air.


    The 1958 demonstration of recording in color on magnetic tape was the beginning of a revolution in tv broadcasting and later in home movies.  We still have our Betamax camera and tape deck.


    @kochleffel  Paul, I hope you feel like traveling again soon.  Our only hang up is flying, especially with all the problems with flights recently.

    @marshhawk  Annie, I hope Chuck's @catmando back is better today.  I'm glad you will be able to go to the concerts this year since that is what you both enjoy so much.

    @cunnorl  Charlene, I agree with you about those late people on an excursion.  Once in Auckland on tour we picked up locally, the driver left a couple at the museum after we waited quite awhile for them.  He told us that on a multi-day tour, one family was always 30 minutes late.  He told the rest of the tour participants that he was going to announce the boarding time, but for them, it would be 30 minutes later than stated.  He added that it worked.

    @RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm happy your DH's eye pressure is stable and within the accept range so no drops are needed.

    @ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sorry your DB is facing an extended rehab stay.  Have the brought in a infection specialist?
















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  20. 20 hours ago, richwmn said:

    Howard was my trivia partner for the Grand Australia & New Zealand and continuing on to Fort Lauderdale. We talked about meeting up again the day before he left Volendam, so I'm not sure when you talked to him. As to losing, we had 15 correct and the winning team had 16. We lost a couple over the 106 days we played together, but not many.



    Howard has been our trivia partner on a few cruises, and we rarely lost.

    • Like 2
  21. Good afternoon from a cloudy central Texas, but no rain here.  We did get a pretty good rain on the way to Dallas just as we got to the area with the heavy traffic -- naturally.  There was a little rain on the way home, but by the time we got to W-M it had stopped.  We even got to put the top down on the car for the rest of the drive home. 


    The nurse practioner was pleased with the results of yesterday's CT scan.  Just since the last adjustment less than two weeks ago, the ventricles were larger, and the area between the brain and the skull was smaller.  She is leaving the setting as it is, and we'll repeat the process in a month.  It's a fine balance to get the correct setting and to keep the NPH from returning.  The nice thing is she is working with us on timing, and thinks we will be able to head to Quartzsite toward the end of October.  There are places in Phoenix and Palm Springs that we could go to if needed, but hopefully that won't happen.


    I'm doing my happy dance.  The December Sea of Cortez/Mexican Riviera cruise is official.  I just made the final payment on line.  And the HAL website worked without a hitch this time.


    8 hours ago, ger_77 said:

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Wildlife needs to be protected so future generations can enjoy them, too.  We still have a newspaper carrier, but now it's a middle aged lady who delivers them in the wee hours of the morning (3-4AM).  I'd love to eat an extra dessert - who's serving?  The quote is good, but a judge I know who always had a ton of files on his desk had a sign on his wall that read: "A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind."


    It's overcast this morning and doesn't look to be much better than that even later; right now we're sitting at 13C(55) and only an expected high of 20(68).  I've noticed it's much darker early in the morning compared to just a couple of weeks ago - fall is definitely coming.


    @Sharon in AZHappy Birthday to your DM; you're so lucky to still have her in your life!

    @marshhawksending good vibes for DH's PET scan today.


    A busy day in the offing for us - first thing this morning is the cardiac rehab program, then will stop for some groceries on the way home.  This afternoon some of DH's retired colleagues (all but 1 who are women) will come over for snacks and a visit.  They're going to bring wine and munchies, we just have to provide the venue, but I'm going to make up a charcuterie board to have on hand as well.  Maybe I'll pick up something easy for dessert like frozen profiteroles and then I can have a second serving!  


    I'm looking forward to seeing what's in the Bumblebee cocktail, would like the wine, and think today's soup recipe would be a good one to make when it gets colder.   I'm sure with all the things we'll be nibbling on this afternoon that we won't be needing much for dinner, so I'm thinking we'll just enjoy the leftovers of the charcuterie board and some crudites on the deck tonight.  And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain or in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



    Gerry, the afternoon get together sounds like a lot of fun.


    8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Good morning Dailyites from the beautiful Westerdam. 


    A cloudy start to the day with fog, but smooth seas.


    Last night's dinner was lobster again. Allen had the cod and said it was good.


    Today we sail the inside passage.


    Prayers for all on Vanessa well kept list.


    Happy Birthday's to Sharon's mom and Sandi's DD mom.


    Thinking of Roy at his appt today as well as Ann and DH.


    My sister had her drains removed yesterday and has her appt with the surgeon tomorrow. Hoping to get a surgery date early next week. 


    Prayers lifted to all our military, and those affected by war. 




    Some artwork on the ship




    Joy, I'm glad your DS had the drains removed, and will see the surgeon tomorrow.  I hope the second surgery can be scheduled soon.


    7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

    Interesting collection of photos Lenda.


    Thank you, Graham.


    4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, Dailyites!  Thanks to all for the news of the day - I know I have missed some festivities, birthdays, anniversaries, cruises,  so all the best to those celebrating.  And prayers for those with troubles.  So sorry school shootings are starting up again so early in the school year.  When we passed by our closest elementary school yesterday, I noticed a couple of police cars there, but I hope they were just visiting!


    Tony,  I know you now have your pictures stored on memory sticks -  do you keep any on your computer?  Maybe you could put the ones you want to show into your photo library and then pull them onto your desktop.  That's what I do, and then they are easy to just pull them into a post.  But I pay monthly for storage in the cloud.  Or else, yes, you will need a lesson at the Apple store!  Our shop here is very good at helping us.  


    Things are pretty quiet here, the weather has been really nice, but bit by bit the reservoir level goes down, the level is at 72% today.  We've been watching a lot of TV, as Pat gets tired very quickly and sits around most of the day.  I am going to have to learn how to do the vacuuming, or things are going to get very dusty!  As they say, old age is good there, your eyes get so bad you don't see the dust!


    I had  a message today from Wikitree - "The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia 250 years ago this week — September 5, 1774. Which participant in that Revolutionary event is closest to you? Is it firebrand Sam Adams at 15 family steps to you? "  I didn't know we had a firebrand in the family...


    A few late flower pictures, I am planning to drastically reduce the plants in my flower beds, and instead mulch heavily.  I really miss the mulch we used to get in Virginia, it was a lovely dark hardwood bark mulch, here we get a very red cedar bark mulch.  










    Ann, your flowers are lovely.  I use what is called a no float cypress mulch.  However, there is one place where the water from the driveway runs into a flower bed, and the mulch floats.


    3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    Same with us Lenda. No problem. We had our flu and Covid shots a few days before we set sail this week, due to the new Covid shot not being available til then. No problem with either of them.


    Joy, I'm glad you didn't have a problem with any of the shots.


    2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Very sad to hear of the school shootings in Winder, Georgia.  I'll be watching for more news of the investigation of the shooter.  Prayers for the families of those lost today, and the ones who were injured as well.  Tragic and heartbreaking.🙏



    I also had the RSV shot last year and don't recall a problem.  I had the flu shot the same day, different arm.  We have the flu shot each fall, and that won't change this year.  



    Twin went to her surgeon today and Dr. was quite pleased with her progress.  She (the Dr.) mentioned that my twin was way ahead of most of her patients at this point.  She's still not driving, and said her PT actually starts Friday, not Monday the 9th as she thought.  So progress is being made.  A big relief!



    Ann @Vict0riann I used the dark hardwood mulch in our Midwest homes.  I love the color of it.  I would LOVE to have it here in Georgia.  I used to order truckloads of it which they would dump at the bottom of the driveway.  We always had extensive planting beds back in the day.  The pine straw down here in Georgia is just not pretty at all, and messy too.  😒


    Sandi, that school shooting was horrible.  I'm glad your DS's surgeon was pleased with her recovery, and that she will start rehab Friday.  


    3 minutes ago, NextOne said:

    I've been to Dover, but no pictures because it was a turnaround day and we decided to take a ship's excursion into London. I was determined that DD DH was going to get there! Well, traffic was so bad that we were very delayed - we were able to get into the Tower of London, and a brief stop at Buckingham Palace, but everything else was drive-bys. Ah well. We were about three hours late returning to the ship -- the guide was a nervous wreck, although we kept telling her that the ship would wait. Not the day we had hoped for!

    I still get a daily paper, but I think my carrier has been assigned all the remaining paper customers - he keeps arriving later & later...

    I got the RSV shot last year without any side affects. This past weekend I got both the covid & flu shots in preparation for next month's TA. The arm that got the flue shot is still a little sore, but no issues otherwise.

    News flash -- I DROVE TODAY and the town is still intact!😁



    Edi, I'm glad you made it to London even if the tour was not quite what it should have been.  Great news that you are driving again.


    We will probably get our flu and Covid shots in a few  weeks.  With two cruises during flu season, we want to wait a bit to be sure we're covered.  I'm not sure our pharmacies in town have the new Covid vaccine after I talked with them last week.  I'll check again next week.  For the past few year, we get both shots at the same time, and in the same arm.  I'd rather have one sore arm than two.  



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  22. 14 minutes ago, quilty964 said:

    Good afternoon, it's a pleasant day here again.  Sunny and low 70's with lower humidity.  We're having tomato soup for supper, the suggested dinner looks good.  Haven't been to the port, but thanks for the pictures!  Cheers for all celebrating and good thoughts and prayers for those that need them.  Be safe and have a good day. 


    Has anyone had the RSV vaccine?  My doctor suggested it.  I'm trying to figure out how to spread out the Covid booster, flu shot and the rsv vaccine.  I'd like the covid booster to be later, closer to our winter cruise.  Today was the first day of Reading Buddies at school, I had one coughing Kiddo today...hoping I stay healthy!  


    When we had the RSV vaccine last January, neither of us had a reaction.  Don't remember even having a sore arm.



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  23. Canterbury is a very interesting town, and I wish we'd had more time to wander around.  The Cathedral was closed that morning for a ceremony, but was open by the time we arrived.


    These are random pictures of the town.







    The passage that leads to Canterbury Cathedral


    Our first glimpse of Canterbury Cathedral



    The Quire



    The main altar



    A statue of Thomas Becket as he was praying just before he was killed




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