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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Posts posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. 13 minutes ago, bennybear said:

    Good morning and thanks all!   Dogs in politics?  I read there was a rental🤷‍♀️🤔
    @lindaler  sending lots of prayers for strength and comfort as you are on this journey! 

    @cruising sister yikes!  That is not fun to have!  

    @smitty34877 glad you are holding your own! 

    @aliaschief sad that all good things must end!  Would love your larb recipe!  


    DS had tragic news yesterday as his mentor was killed in a car accident after her twin’s funeral.  So  terribly sad. 



    Brenda, our condolences to your DS and to the family of his mentor.



    • Like 1
  2. After five hours it is still raining, but not as hard.  We've had at least three waves of heavy rain pass through this morning.  According to the digital rain gauge we've received 2.53 inches so far.  Looking at the old fashioned rain gauge from the safety of the dry porch, it looks like it's showing about 2.6 to 2.7 inches.  It looks like I won't have to turn on the sprinklers for a while.  I'm also guessing that I'll be mowing the entire yard Saturday after all this rain, but I'm not complaining.  We needed the rain as the native grasses were getting crunchy.


    This morning I cleaned and rearrange the pantry.  Besides making it where I can find things, I did an inventory of what I'll be leaving here over the winter.  I did the same thing in Quartzsite last spring, so I won't be taking duplicates back and forth with us.


    1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, Dailyites, I'm up early today.  Lots to do!  We have not always been in the States, but I do remember some of the US - can we call it history?  - about dogs!  Checkers, LBJ, etc.  I do like pot pies, what is a Great American one?  It is raining here too, I guess Fall has arrived...


    I'm going to clean the bathroom, shower, and then go to the hospital.  I think I'll pop in to the cancer clinic and register our cars for the free parking, and then walk up and see Pat for an hour or so before my appointment with the oncologist, then, I'll have a bit of a wait, there may be time to walk across and see Pat again, or else I will sit and do sudokus (DD gave me a book for my birthday last month) and then I will have my CT scan and tattoos.  I guess they will also test me to make sure I can hold my breath for 20 seconds.   I think it will be an interesting experience!  I thought I wouldn't sleep last night as I had napped in the afternoon, but I slept like a log, just woke up a bit early.


    I hope everyone has a good day,   I'm thinking of you all, my good friends!


    Ann, I hope Pat is doing well this morning.  I also hope your appointment with the oncologist goes well.


    55 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

    Well, shoot - the rain didn't last long; it stopped about an hour ago 🤞 it starts again.

    I did get in one trip to the recycling bin and will attempt a couple more in hopes that nudges the 🌧 🌦 to return.


    Elizabeth, usually we are the ones who either get very little rain or none at all.  Today is different and it should really soak into the ground.  At times it was raining so hard, water was puddling in the low spots.


    43 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

    Good morning to all. Sunny and warmer today although our low last night dropped into the high 30's. Today will be be mid-70's and then warming the rest of the week. It looked like we had a shower or two overnight, but if we did I did not hear it.


    I am going to have to put some real speed into my sorting as my handyman called me last night to tell me that he has scheduled the work on my back bedroom for the end of October. Taking up the very old carpet.... new flooring, painting, scrape the popcorn ceiling (it is not asbestos) and hopefully hauling some of the old furniture to the dump. And this is the room loaded with books and boxes, some of which my Sister sent me when Mom passed away and which I opened, sighed, and closed up again. I am going to have to do some serious tossing but I know there is stuff that just needs to go somewhere else - anywhere else. And I need stop trying to look at the books - just send them to the library. I have a hunch I am about to become stiff and sore.


    @cruising sisterI hope my neighbors did not unleash a plumbing backup gremlin when the tree roots caused a backup and the two lower units behind me (and threatened my driveway with the repairs). Hope it is resolved quickly and with little effort.


    Best wishes for good health to all and their families and friends. Getting older is really not what I expected although my Mother used to warn me. And you sure don't want to hear my Sister on the subject.




    Susan, I know you'll be glad when all the sorting is complete and you have a whole new spare bedroom.


    32 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

    I know that I am in the minority here but I really like butternut squash and use it in soups, stews etc . I agree with Annie that roasting it improves the flavor. The teenager loves the way I make Mac and cheese but would loudly protest the addition of this vegetable! I decided to make a vegetarian lasagna with the butternut squash that’s roasted and I think my “customers “ will be fine with it.

    I was so glad to hear from Linda but sorry for the difficulties she and the family are facing. 
    Sending good wishes for Pat and Ann as well as Annie and Chuck. Prayers and hugs as well.

    We are holding our own here as my DB is fond of saying. He will return in a week or so to lend us a hand. 

    Take care everyone 


    Terry, holding your own sounds good.  I hope everything stays on an even keel for a while.  I have a recipe for vegetarian lasagna that adds carrots, zucchini and summer squash.  The entire family enjoys it, and then they can have the leftovers at lunch during their visits.


    26 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

    Good morning. Up early as we were getting phone calls from service agencies who have rightfully no idea where we are.

    Last night we enjoyed our homemade chicken larb salads and of course wine.

    Looks like Florida is going to experience another potential hurricane. From what I have seen it may be close but just East of our home but could impede our flight home Saturday as it travels up through Georgia. 
    We had a shower pass through West of us last night during sunset which tamed down the afterglow. Still was pretty and I’ll post a pic hoping it will brighten your day Roy. 
    Lot’s of you are having some serious issues. Without being repetitive I hope all of you fair well during your illnesses and difficult times. As usual thanks to all who contribute. B.




    Bruce, I'll miss your sunset pictures when you head back home.



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  3. Good morning from a wet and rainy central Texas.  The rain, heavy at times, started about 6:30 and should last until about 1pm.  When I turned off the sprinkler yesterday, I was afraid I'd jinxed us for getting rain.  It is 68F with a predicted high of 80F this afternoon.  That's quite a change from the last few days in the mid 90s.  The weather app says we have an 8mph wind from the north, but the flag across the street is just hanging straight down.  The main thing on the agenda is DH's appointment this afternoon for more PT.  He commented last night that the PT  seems to be beginning to work.  Since it's trash day, I may finally go through the pantry and refrigerator to see if anything needs tossing.


    Since I was 6 at the time of the Checkers speech, I was aware of the election, but only learned about the speech much later.  The first "political" dogs I remember are LBJ's beagles, Him and Her, and stir he caused when he picked them up by their ears.  Sign language(s) are very important.  I love chicken pot pie, especially if it has both a bottom and a top crust.  I'll also celebrate Redhead Day that Sandi @StLouisCruisers found for us since my mother had beautiful auburn hair.  Families are also important, and I'll honor Family Day, too.


    In many cases the quote is true, but there are times you can see love.


    I like mac and cheese, but without the added squash.  If I want it, it make the box version, but not often since DH does not care for mac and cheese.  We'll pass on the drink, but would not turn down the wine if it was offered.


    Another port of the day we have not visited.  I had to look up Armacao dos Buzios, Brazil, on Google maps.


    There are three good days in history, but for this Texas, it's the day Buddy Holley and The Crickets reaching No. 1 on the charts with "That'll Be The Day".


    @rafinmd Roy, I hope today is a better day for you.  After learning more about Palliative Care, I hope your medical team can come together and make you care better coordinated to help you regain your health.

    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad you are on the home stretch in finishing Christopher's stocking.

    @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your DB had a bad time yesterday.

    @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you are more rested and are feeling better. I hope your friend, Jackie, can see a urologist soon.  And I hope your friend, Janet, and her DH are doing better soon.

    @lindaler  Linda, thanks for checking in and letting us know you are okay.  I hope the family situation improves sooner than you expect.  Take care of yourself, too.

    @ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad you are feeling better today.

    cunnorl  Charlene, I'm sorry your can't be on your golf team this fall, but enjoy the days you can golf.

    @cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope the plumber can get to you soon, and fix the problem.














    For Dogs in Politics Day.




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  4. 10 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

    Good Sunday Evening Dailyites!  I have been reading the daily on and off all day.  And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower!  (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home.  We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted.  And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants.  And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me.  And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner.


    @Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival.  Until I talked with him on  Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th.  Glad I made that call before I made my schedule.  I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures.


    @Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance.  Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe.  When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER.  He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now.  I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary.  Now?  I dial 911. 


    I read an article about doing that too.  You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive.  Which helped DH when he had his heart attack.  He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital.  If I had been driving him, he would have died.


    @tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me.  There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever.


    Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened.  Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed.  He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do.


    @rafinmd 29a20bb354904ef00aa66b50029ad9a2.gif



    1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

    Good evening to all.

    Thank you to all who keep this thread going.,

    Sorry for being so lax in writing.

    I realize that making a round trip to Jacksonville in one day is just too much for me.

    Yesterday I was basically a basket case and could do nothing.

    I have recuperated.


    My friend Jackie is home, However, it appears that in performing the laparoscopic surgery to repair the hernia, they punctured the bladder. So now she has to see a urologist.  Not really sure how serious this is and what it entails.  She is home and very tired and weak.  Her sister is staying with her.


    My friend Janet’s husband fell face forward on the pavement yesterday after they went to vote early.  He had to be taken to the ER.  He has facial bruises, a broken orbital bone, and a few broken ribs.  He was sent home and is resting.


    We are doing all right.  I am afraid to say so because everything around me is not going well.  Don’t want to jinx it.  Thank you to those who keep us in your prayers.  We do appreciate it and it really makes a difference.  We take each day as it comes.  Some are better than others.  I never know until we both have our two feet on the floor each day as to what the day will bring.


    @rafinmd Roy,  I am sorry to hear of your setback and I will prayer for better news in the coming days. 

    @JazzyV Vanessa, Hope your leg improves and you are able to up and around better.

    @smitty34877 Terry, you and Tana are always in my prayers.

    @StLouisCruisers Sandy Prayers for a good outocome on the medical tests.

    @St Pete Cruiser Welcome Home

    @LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to River

    @kazu Hoping you find your lost items and that you are able to get your cataract surgery soon. 


    Don’t have much else to report. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


    God Bless,



    Terri, I'm glad you have recovered from the long day going to Jacksonville and back.  I hope Jackie can be treated without further surgery.  Best wishes to her DH for a quick recovery.


    1 hour ago, tupper10 said:

    Not much on the agenda today. Did my morning swim, shopping and visit with my 95 year old mother and then my DH is watching football and I am reading the Jodi Picoult book "By Any other Name".  


    Just a FYI palliative care is not hospice care - it is not end of life care, but rather a form of care that encompasses a team approach to address all of the patient's various needs, including not only medical needs, but social needs, spiritual needs, etc.  Most people wrongly associate palliative care with hospice care but it is not the same.  I am hoping that for Roy this was explained to him, since it seems he does need supportive care to go home, since he lives alone, and has multiple medical issues that he needs to address. It is so much better to have a team approach that is aware of all your needs vs the piecemeal approach that is unfortunately our normal system in the US.


    @Vict0riann - I do hope your DH gets the needed valve ASAP and that your treatment also goes well.  


    @Cruzin Terri  I am amazed at how you were able to drive to Jacksonville and back in one day.  Glad that you were able to collapse and rest yesterday and that you are doing better today.  


    @JazzyV I do hope your leg gets better.  I don't know how you go the basement to do laundry and up and down the stairs in your home.  I hope you got to watch the game on your phone.


    I hope everyone has a good day.  I emailed customer support on CC to see if they could ask @Nickelpennyto just give us a quick shout out post to let us all know if she is okay. My guess is that they can't do anything at all.  I do hope that she is okay. Even though I don't post very much @StLouisCruisers has my email. I think everyone here should share their email with at last one person so we can make sure they are okay.    


    @kazu    I wish things were going better for you and hope the movers can find your boxes.  I do hope the surgeryi is scheduled quickly so you can go on your trip, 


    Thanks for the information about pallative care.  I knew there was a difference, but was unclear about what was involved with pallative care.  I have the email addresses for several Dailyites, and they have mine.  I'm glad Roy was able to reach me when he went to the hospital.


    37 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

     I have only been able to read the daily off and on for the past few weeks and I feel like I have missed some or many important things going on with our Daily Friends I am not going to be able to back and catch up with everything so if I make any inappropiate comments please forgive me.As many of you know  we brought my son here on Aug. 3rd, he wound up in the hospital the next day for about a week, was discharged and the following weekend he fell while I was at church and had to go to ER.  Since then he has been seen at the wound clinic once a week and by his PP once a week. He is slowly but surely getting stronger. We can't find a GI Specialist to see him before Nov. This past 10 day period my body has rebelled with a flareup of my colitis and also a flare of either heart failure or bronchitis. Today I am feeling somewhat better and hopeful that I can get my son to wound care and also go to the grocery store tomorrow. I continue to worry about and pray for Dailyite Friends who need it and praise God for those who do not need our prayers.


    Jane, I hope both you and your son feel better soon.  We appreciate your update.


    10 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

    Good Sunday Evening Dailyites!  I have been reading the daily on and off all day.  And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower!  (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home.  We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted.  And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants.  And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me.  And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner.


    @Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival.  Until I talked with him on  Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th.  Glad I made that call before I made my schedule.  I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures.


    @Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance.  Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe.  When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER.  He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now.  I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary.  Now?  I dial 911. 


    I read an article about doing that too.  You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive.  Which helped DH when he had his heart attack.  He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital.  If I had been driving him, he would have died.


    @tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me.  There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever.


    Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened.  Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed.  He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do.


    @rafinmd 29a20bb354904ef00aa66b50029ad9a2.gif




    A nie, please get checked out afterbthenincident at lunch.  Hopefully, itmwas just stress related or the beginning of a panic attack.  Still, lp0k after yourrself.



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  5. Today's update just came in from Roy, and I wish it was better news.  I can just hope the doctor is wrong in his prognosis.


    A pretty depressing day.  Slept relatively well but the cardiologist was indicated ny discharge would likely be to some form of palliative care.  Dozed a lot today.

    Online worship was an automatic broadcast today but apparently ran past the automatic shutoff time.

    That’s about it for today.



    • Thanks 30
  6. Good afternoon from an increasingly cloudy central Texas where it's 89F.  Not a lot going on around here today.


    2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

    Good morning. Sunny and chilly this morning. It was 43F when dogs and I walked about an hour ago. High today is forecast for 62F. We got lots of rain on and off yesterday and evidently also last night as everything was very wet when I went out. The rain seems to be delaying our fall colors but I can see the changes now almost daily.


    The town is really quiet these days with most of the tourists gone. I am meeting for friends for a couple of dinners this week as seating will not be a problem. The next influx of people will be ski season as most of the hunters stay out of town and the leaf peepers come and go quickly. I am seeing lots more deer in the backyard.... they know they are safe in town.


    Off to clear the kitchen and work on a couple of boxes from my back bedroom. Load the car again so I can do clearance runs tomorrow morning.


    Best wishes to all. That Hawaii cruise in January sound good, but getting out of Durango in the winter is always a worry.






    Susan, for a couple of years eons ago, we were some of the skiers.  Except for stopping at City Market on the way through town, we stuck pretty close to the ski slopes and the condos we rented.  The Hawaii cruise begins on January 11 which would give time after the holidays to fly out early and enjoy some warm weather in San Diego.  We'd love for you to join our group of Dailyites.


    3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We could go car free today, as we don't have to be anywhere but home.  I have a friend who makes chainmail pieces and has had some in a couple of movies.  I had a diary as a teenager and would like to go back to see what I wrote in them, but they're long gone.


    It's cool and cloudy, but it appears the rains have moved on.  Overnight in the southern part of the province they had frost warnings, so all plants that were wanting to be kept were under covers.  Thankfully it only went to 6(42) so we didn't have to worry about covering anything.  Yesterday I did go out and pull out a couple of plants that had given their all for this year and put their remains in the compost bin; we still have a number of large begonias, papyrus and Boston ferns to provide some life to the back yard.


    My cold has changed to a cough overnight - spent a good deal of the night with a cough drop in my mouth, after taking a swig of some vile tasting stuff from the medicine cabinet.  I'm afraid I kept DH up most of the night, so I'm letting him sleep this morning.   I phoned our friend Fran yesterday morning to say I didn't want to pass along my cold to her and Wayne, particularly since Wayne just recently had a pacemaker installed, so they had a quiet dinner for 2 last night.  We've decided to get together in a couple of weeks instead.


    @LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to your DS.

    @smitty34877glad your DSIL stayed over to help you out; I hope your DD feels better soon and that you don't have a bad reaction to your vaccination tomorrow.

    @JazzyVI'm not sure how you do it; living in constant pain, yet here you are every day before the rest of us get here.  

    @kazuhopefully the missing articles will soon be returned to you.


    I'd like the drink of the day, but with just blended scotch, nothing else, will pass on the wine, but I do love a good grilled chicken sandwich!  I've got a frozen bag of chicken soup thawing in the fridge that we're going to be slurping up in the kitchen along with some crusty buns for dinner tonight.  And wine.


    Cheers to all with celebrations, prayers for those in need.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





    Gerry, I hope you are over your cold soon.


    1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, Dailyites, and a very happy birthday to Lambie's River!   For the last few days I have been dropping in quickly, but never have found the time or energy to post...  I'm so sorry about Roy's health concerns, and Jacqui's problems with her move and her health.  

    On Thursday, Pat started complaining of chest pain/discomfort, so we went to the hospital, and sat for a very long time on very uncomfortable seats (my back is still aching), until Pat was finally put in a cubicle in  emergency at 5 a.m.,, on Friday.  The place is a madhouse!  Once you get in, the care is excellent, but there were gurneys in hallways, people sitting, bandaged, in awkward places, it's amazing anything gets done!   Later, Friday at 10 p.m., he was admitted to the hospital and he is now in the cardiac care unit waiting - I hope tomorrow we will hear that they agree to give him a new valve on "TAVI Tuesday".  He has been receiving iron infusions, as he is anaemic, but that is all, and he's wearing a heart monitor.   Yesterday he had less chest pain, but he's not doing anything, just lying in bed.  I did get him up a couple of times for a little walk, but he got quite breathless, so the nurse said that today he should do less...  Tomorrow I have two appointments at the cancer clinic, so I'll be able to visit him in between and just hope he will have good news.   A couple of days ago, I came home to find cookies on the doorstep - our ailing cleaning lady, Leanne, had been in the complex!  I called to thank her and she said she had been 3 days in the hospital getting the feeding tube, now she has a week or so break, and then she will have chemo and radiation at the same time to shrink the tumours, then another break and then surgery to remove part of her esophagus and attach her stomach to her throat.  She is amazing, very determined and positive in outlook.  Please pray for her!



    Ann, I'm sorry that Pat started having chest pains and is in the hospital.  Hopefully, that will move him up on the list, and he will get the new valve on Tuesday.  I hope your two appointments tomorrow go well.  Sending positive thoughts for Pat, you and Leanne.


    1 hour ago, bennybear said:

    @Vict0riann so sorry to hear your news.  But hoping there will be a silver lining for your DH.  I’m sorry you’re having to juggle so many things right now!   Prayers all goes well! 

    @LambKnuckles happy birthday to River! 

    @ger_77 hope you feel better soon!  

    @Denise T the wedding sounded lovely! So nice to honour and include your late sister! 

    @cruising sister nice to hear from you and glad Murphy is enjoying her little sibling.  

    Hope we hear from those missing, @Nickelpenny@MISTER 67 and Linda D. 

    To all those Hawaii cruisers @dfish @Sharon in AZ @Quartzsite Cruiser  plus plus. Happy to meet up if you have time when you visit my winter home of Kona 😎 other wise I’ll toast you at sailaway! 



    Brenda, so far we only have the Glassbottom  Boat tour booked in Kona for the late morning.  Maybe we will be able to meet in the afternoon, and I'm sorry our tour did not allow us time to meet last winter.  I don't know what has happened to @Nickelpenny Penny, but @lindaler  was planning on going on the Japan cruise in spite of an emergency her son was dealing with.  I wonder if the situation changed.  @MISTER 67 was upset  about a comment that was not meant to be serious regarding Dailyites who do not now cruise HAL.  In his last post, he said he was leaving The Daily and HAL boards.  Many of us asked him to reconsider, but I'm not sure if he saw the posts.


    1 hour ago, superoma said:

    Nice to meet a fellow elephant collector. Mine have taken over my China cabinet so I don’t have to dust quite as often. Bigger statues are scattered throughout the house.



    Eva, that is quite a collection of elephants.  I'm not sure if I can call my small group of elephants a collection.  When we were in Agra, India, one stop was a factory where they made marble tables inlaid with semi-precious stones.  We purchased a small end table, and the salesman gave me a marble elephant with inlaid stones.  He told me it was good luck to have the elephants facing an outside door.  Just in case it's true, my are facing the patio door.


    Now, I'll see if the rest of the memes will load, and not double load.   🤞











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  7. Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is 73F with a 4mph breeze from the SSE.  Our predicted high is 93F.  There is a 49% chance of rain overnight, and we need rain.  The rain chances for more rain Tuesday and Wednesday have dropped considerably.  We will gladly take any rain we can get.  Not much on the agenda today.  I'm a bit later this morning than intended because CC was having a bit of a server error.  I'm glad it was fixed relatively quickly.


    Most days are car free days, but I might run into the store this morning.  Chainmail was important before some of the newer materials to protect the body were developed.  I do not keep a diary.  I tried once, but that did not last long.


    I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


    A grilled chicken sandwich sounds good, but I'll wait and let someone else prepare it for me.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


    We have not been to Norfolk Island.


    The Salem Witch Trials were a shameful part of the history of the US.


    The White Sox trying to fix the World Series in 1919 was a sad day for baseball.


    St. Pete Cruiser Welcome home.  I hope the cruise even though short was fun.

    Jazzy V  Vanessa, I hope the leg is better today.

    Lambknuckles  Please wish River a VERY HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY for us.

    smitty34877  Terry, I hope DD is feeling better today.  It was nice of your DSIL to stay overnight to help. 

    ottahand7  I hope your DB is doing well today.

    Denise T   Denise, I'm happy the wedding was lovely and you got to visit with family members.


    For some reason the blue bubbles are coming up today, so I improvised.


    The memes are not loading either, so I think I'll quit for now while things settle down.




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  8. Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is 73F with a 4mph breeze from the SSE.  Our predicted high is 93F.  There is a 49% chance of rain overnight, and we need rain.  The rain chances for more rain Tuesday and Wednesday have dropped considerably.  We will gladly take any rain we can get.  Not much on the agenda today.  I'm a bit later this morning than intended because CC was having a bit of a server error.  I'm glad it was fixed relatively quickly.


    Most days are car free days, but I might run into the store this morning.  Chainmail was important before some of the newer materials to protect the body were developed.  I do not keep a diary.  I tried once, but that did not last long.


    I totally agree with the Frank Zappa quote.


    A grilled chicken sandwich sounds good, but I'll wait and let someone else prepare it for me.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


    We have not been to Norfolk Island.


    The Salem Witch Trials were a shameful part of the history of the US.


    The White Sox trying to fix the World Series in 1919 was a sad day for baseball.


    St. Pete Cruiser Welcome home.  I hope the cruise even though short was fun.

    Jazzy V  Vanessa, I hope the leg is better today.

    Lambknuckles  Please wish River a VERY HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY for us.

    smitty34877  Terry, I hope DD is feeling better today.  It was nice of your DSIL to stay overnight to help. 

    ottahand7  I hope your DB is doing well today.

    Denise T   Denise, I'm happy the wedding was lovely and you got to visit with family members.


    For some reason the blue bubbles are coming up today, so I improvised.


    The memes are not loading either, so I think I'll quit for now while things settle down.







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  9. 15 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

    We had been looking at Hawaii in late January/Feb, I think it was Rotterdam Jan 28. Is that the cruise some if you are planning on?  Thanks, m—


    Maureen, several of us are on the January 11, 2025, Koningsdam Hawaii cruise out of San Duego.  There is an 18 day Hawaii cruise leaving the day we get back.  After that, Koningsdam will do a 35 day Hawaii Tahiti cruise.  Koningsdam is the only Pinnacle class ship on the wasr coast. 


    The one on January 28 is the 18-day Hawaii cruise.




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  10. 22 minutes ago, kazu said:

    @dfish Debbie, sorry to hear about your pain.  I hope the MRI can lead to the solution.  Thanks on the offer of the Hawaii cruise.  I suppose it sails out of San Diego. (ugh).  snow is an issue and storms but I’ll ponder.


    @Haljo1935 a very happy anniversary to you.


    @marshhawk Annie, if I could get the surgery now, I would.  I am at the beck and call of the surgeon, the wait list and the avalability of the O.R.  there’s not enough cataract surgeons nor time in the O.R. For our aging population.  


    @ger_77 I hope your cold improves quickly and disappears.




    Jacqui, it would be nice if you could join us on the Hawaii cruise.  There are several Dailyites going.  I realize San Diego is a difficult city to fly into, and we're lucky we can drive in from Quartzsite.  I know you do not want to do an Alaskan cruise, but the 28 day summer solstice cruise is different, and there are several of us going.   That time of year, Alaska is not too cold, and this is from a thin blooded Texan. I hope you can get the cataract surgery soon.  Hopefully, you are at the top of the list since the cataracts are growing so quickly.



    • Like 17
  11. Good afternoon from a hot, 94F central Texas with mostly sunny skies and a slight breeze.  The yard work, along with spraying Round Up and bug killer, was completed in a little more than two hours.  There was still a good breeze blowing through the port, that I sat outside reading to cool off a bit.  It's been a while since I could enjoy sitting outside.


    It looks like we won't be able to watch the UT Longhorns play the University of Louisiana at Monroe Warhawks tonight.  The game is on ESPN+, but we will be able to listen to the game.   🤘 HOOKEM HORNS!  🤘


    45 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

    Good afternoon,

    I have been busy and out of town but have been reading the daily when I can. I am so sad to read of everyone’s health challenges. I have sent prayers everyday. I am concerned about not hearing from 2 of the regular posters. Hopefully they are off on a great advent and will check in soon. 

    Murphy is slowly adjusting to baby Rooney. She is surprised by the sounds that comes out of the baby. Murphy is just learning to vocalize as her vocal cords are coming back to life and has never really cried.  I think the baby will be good for Murphy. 

    Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 


    Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy and Rooney.  Murphy will learn a lot from Rooney, and in return she can teach Rooney.


    5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

    Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm all for peace internationally, like chai once in a while, and had no idea what surgical technologists do.  Good quote today.


    Well the sun tried coming up and maybe it is somewhere, but now we've got clouds again.  Not sure if they're expected to hang around all day or just part of it, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it, so I won't worry.  Not sure how much I'll get done today anyway as yesterday I realized I was coming down with a head cold.  Ugh.  Not sure where the heck I picked it up, likely at a grocery store, but my head is all stuffy and my throat is scratchy.  I'm dosing myself with vitamin C and either lemon or peach tea, so that should help.


    @Haljo1935wishing you and your DH a very Happy Anniversary and many more to come!

    @kazuI'm so sorry to hear you've got a big black cloud hanging over you - it's time you had some good things happening for you!!!  I do wish you'd be able to get the cataract surgery soon, as that would help you so much.


    My son sent me this . . . 



    I'd like to try the drink of the day as I love grapefruit, would give the rose a try, and have had a smashburger - they're good!  I'm not cooking tonight as we've been invited over to our friend Fran's (from Wayne & Fran) for dinner.  We haven't been there before, but Wayne tells us she's a great cook, so whatever she's prepared will be appreciated along with the conversation and laughter.  And wine.


    Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


    Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



    Gerry, I hope your cold is already better.  I loved the wine meme.


    5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

    Good morning. Cool and cloudy here. Rain in the lower elevations, snow for the High Country. A possible freeze in the next few evenings. Sounds like a good time to stay in except for dog walks.


    @kazuI am so sorry to hear that things are not going smoothly (to say the least). Hopefully the lost items will be found and you can get the cataract surgery scheduled soon.... it will make such a difference. And of course that they can get the pain resolved. All too much at one time.


    Roy (for some reason the blue bubble has stopped working).... hope you are feeling better and that you can continue on with your recovery.


    Best wishes to all others today.


    The man who was stuck by lightning here during our last thunder storms has been transferred to Denver and is slowly recovering but it is a wonder he survived. When he was found his clothes were shredded and his hat blown apart. Evidently the lightning stuck the ground near him, went through his feet and out through the skull. He has numerous burns over the body, broken bones and 2 skull fracture. His dog was near him and reported to be stiff and sore but ok. It was fortunate he was found as quickly as he was. It has given me a new respect for thunder storms.


    Off to get ready to haul some stuff out to the Thrift Store (if they are taking donations) and make a quick stop to pick up some salad makings. I think this afternoon I will just settle in with a book and maybe put together some books to be donated to the library. I want to get rid of some bookcases.






    Susan, that is good news the man who was struck by lightning is improving, and his dog is doing all right too.  


    2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

    Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    International Peace is an elusive goal, but hoped for. I like chai tea and chai latte. Surgical techs are an important part of the surgical team. Great quote. Yes to the meal, maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Riga. 2 interesting days in history. Good deal on Stonehenge.


    It's partly sunny and 80F. We're still hoping for rain, but it looks like Mon-Wed. I spent most of yesterday in the recliner, then about 9 hours in bed. My leg looked smaller this morning, but just standing in the shower I could see it get larger and it was painful. I've tried to squeeze it into my compression stocking, but if it slides down there's no getting it back up. BFF plans to come over later to watch another 2 episodes of the LOTR prequel.


    @Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary Elizabeth and DH!

    @Tbay Welcome Home!

    @rafinmd I hope you are doing better and will be back to rehab soon.

    @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I've been meaning to ask how your twin is coming along? Good job on the stocking, and I'm sure it will be perfect.

    @Denise T Enjoy your nephew Josh and Amanda's wedding and spending time with family.

    @Seasick Sailor I like your enthusiasm. Nice photos of you and Allen.

    @smitty34877 DSIL sounds like a nice person and I'm glad he's there to help. Good luck to the teenager at his game and I'm sure the support is important to him.

    @kazu Thanks for checking in. Oh no on the missing items from the move! That is so frustrating and I hope you get your things. I'm sorry about your eyes and hope you can get cataract surgery soon. Your pain sounds like mine was, neuropathic due to nerve compression (in my case by a spinal cyst), found on the MRI. That is wonderful of the foot nurse to offer help out. Sorry about the inconsistent dog walkers and the probability of having to cancel your cruise. Hugs and prayers for you. You can come here and vent any time; we're not only about good news and want to support you if we can.

    @ger_77 I hope your head cold passes quickly. 

    @durangoscots Yikes on that man struck by lightning. The weather people here are always saying, "when thunder roars, go indoors".

    @quilty964 Enjoy the Wine and Harvest festival.

    @mamaofami I hope Sam is more comfortable now.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.



    Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs are still swelling so much once you get up in the morning.


    1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

    Good day. Just getting up over here. We just had a lite shower pass through but I’m seeing blue skies. @Haljo1935 HAPPY. ANNIVERSARY!🍾 

    @kazu Jacqui oh my! You can’t seem to catch a break. Praying that all will get better,

    Here it will be more of the same which is basically doing nothing but enjoying our surroundings.

    @rafinmd Roy as I said yesterday don’t get discouraged and let your faith strengthen you.

    Sunset last night was a little less spectacular but no complaints here. Our alfresco dinner with good wine was wonderful.

    I guess we can watch college football and have breakfast at the same time. Night race from Bristol will be an early afternoon happening.

    Hope all of you have a great weekend and those of you in pain, worries and illnesses find some relief. Aloha! and Mahalo. Bruce




    Bruce, even with the clouds the sunset is still pretty.


    27 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Good afternoon!


    @kazu I'm sorry to hear that you may have to cancel your cruise.  As awful as that is, it would be miserable to be gone from home while in such pain and not being able to see.  You'll do what is right and if you have to cancel, join us in January in Hawaii.  

    @rafinmd While things seem gloomy right now, AFIB is treatable and it sounds like your doctors are on top of things.  Relax a bit and just get well.


    @cruising sister Thank you for the update on Murphy and Rooney.  


    No one has suggested a mattress to me, but I'll look at it.  I was doing acupuncture for my back down in Ohio as it was a service offered through the Spine and Pain Clinic.  I don't think it is offered here, but I will ask.  My insurance will cover it and it was helping the last time but had to be cut short due to the pandemic.


    My pain is not constant and getting up and moving helps it, unlike what @kazu Jacqui and @JazzyV Vanessa had.  


    River did well in her game today.  Afterwards we went out to lunch with her great grandma and Aunt Janet.  




    Debbie, I agree with you about AFIB being treatable.  We had a neighbor who lived a normal life with just an occasional AFIB episode.  Great picture of River, and she has really grown since the first time you shared a picture of her.  I also agree, it would be nice if Jacqui @kazu could join us in January on the Hawaii cruise, even if she can do her fall cruise.


    25 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

    Checking in late after a busy day.  Special prayers for Jacqui and Roy.   My brother is doing his PT.  I will visit him tomorrow.  


    Nancy, I'm glad your DB is doing his PT.


    52 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

    Good morning, 

    Fall is definitely in the air here but no rain until mid-week so that's good. Tonight is the finale at the speedway so we'll get fireworks about 10 PM. Probably can't see them but will definitely hear them! 


    @Denise T Have a great time at the wedding!

    @Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary to you and DH

    @kazu As alway you're in my thoughts and hoping that all smooths out for you. 

    @rafinmd Sending good thoughts your way, 


    Yesterday I came home to the contents of the master bath linen closet all piled in the living room and the linen closet has had the first coat of paint put on and the new shelves in. So, my job today is to go through all the "stuff" and sort into 3 piles - save, donate, and junk. It's an out of sight, out of mind situation and I had no idea how much was in that closet. I think I'll do the same for the guest bathroom but I know that there's not nearly as much in there! 


    Yesterday was errands and the pool. I got the local plumbing and heating people set up to come do the yearly inspections on Wednesday afternoon so crossed that off the "to-do" list. This weekend is staying home and tackling lots of small jobs from laundry to sorting to the dreaded bathroom cleaning. I can reward myself with time to read a bit and some time enjoying the Daily. 

    Have a good weekend!



    Karen, a couple of years ago when we replaced our bathroom towels, I went through all our old towels, and donated the ones I didn't need or want to the animal rescue in our county seat.  They can use them for the dogs in their care.



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  12. Roy just sent another email, and I wish there was better news to share with everyone.  Wishing all the best for Roy.


    A crazy day yesterday.  After arriving in the acute care unit and 3 tests, chest X-ray, leg ultrasound, and head CT, I was diagnosed with AFIB and spent most of the last 24 hours on 2 IV lines, making sleeping pretty much impossible.


    Prognosis is not good, although today’s cardiologist indicated my heart rate is down and my heart rhythm is back to normal.


    Just got flowers from VFD.


    No idea what the future looks like.



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  13. Good morning from central Texas where there are a few thin clouds in a sunny sky.  It is 76F and heading to a predicted high of 96F.  Tomorrow is showing we might only get to 92F.  There is a 3mph breeze from the SSE with 91% humidity and a dew point of 73F.  It looks like tomorrow will be our last day in the 90s for the foreseeable future.  Monday begins a string of days in the 80s along with rain Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and we need the rain.  The more of the grass is looking dry and turning brow.  This morning, as soon as I get breakfast, I'll be mowing and trimming the grass.


    International peace would be wonderful, and we should work for that goal.  Someone can have my chai.  I salute surgical technologists and all the do to help the surgeons.


    I agree with the quote as kindness makes everything easier to handle.


    A smash burger sounds good, we'll probably just have regular cheeseburgers when we have burgers.  We'll pass on the drink, but DH might like the wine if it could be found.


    We have not been to Riga.


    The 1621 Royal Charter to colonize Nova Scotia was good for that area.


    I'm glad that English Heritage was able to obtain ownership of Stonehenge, and that is now owned by The Crown.


    @rafinmd  Roy, I hope you are doing much better today, and are back on the road to recovery.

    @grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about the role of surgical technologists.

    @Tbay  Welcome home.

    @JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope your leg is better today.

    @Seasick Sailor  Joy, thanks for the great pictures of you and Allen.  I'm glad they could repurpose the red brick buildings instead of tearing them down.  We saw a lot of interesting shops are there.

    @Denise T  Denise, enjoy your nephew's wedding and seeing family.

    @smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DSIL will be helping you today.  I hope the teenager gets some playing time today, and I'm glad DD and his father will be there for him.

    @kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry things are not going well after the move.  I hope your missing items are found soon, and that you get your MRI soon.  It's good your foot nurse working to get it done.  I also hope the cataract surgeries are schedule quickly.

    @dfish  Debbie, hopefully the MRI will allow them to find new ways to help with the pain.

    @richwmn  Rich, thanks for the video of Yokohama at night.  It is a lovely city at night.












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  14. Good evening.  DH did feel like going to the neighborhood meet and greet and concert.  We had an early diiner, and I made it to the last part of the meet and greet.  Then, I stayed for the first hour of the concert.  The band was not bad, but they weren't great.  It was good to be able to visit with so many neighbors.


    5 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Good afternoon!  I just realized I hadn’t posted yet. I’ve been reading the Daily in spurts lately because of the huge floater in my left eye. 

    We love fried rice and whenever I make rice I make double so I have extra for making it.  I used to eat a lot of string cheese when I was working. It’s an easy snack and not messy at a computer. 

    Today’s meal is always a great choice. I like grilled zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, onions….. I could go on and on. @0106, Tina, I’ve heard of grilled romaine but have never made it. I’ve seen some recipes for grilled Caesar Salad too. Today we are having fish tacos since I still have leftover sauce and cabbage. Lots of fish in the freezer so there it is. 

    Whenever I have a Martini I like it shaken, just like Sandi’s DH @StLouisCruisers.  The tiny shards of ice are crucial to the enjoyment. 

    Craig scheduled his next nerve block for October and I’m hoping that they go forward with the ablation. He’s always in pain. 

    Debbie @dfish, I hope the MRI helps the doctor diagnose what is going on and your pain is helped. 

    Sandi @StLouisCruisers, thinking about you while you wait for your next appointment. 

    Joy @Seasick Sailor, I’m really enjoying your pictures of Japan and your food—especially all the lobster pictures!


     I hope @Crazy For Catsand @Nickelpennyare okay. 

    Happy Birthday to @HAL Sailer’s DH!!


    Denise @Denise T, enjoy the wedding tomorrow and your time with your family!


    Jack @Heartgrove, your cruises next year sound wonderful and a great idea. 

    Vanessa @JazzyV, I hope your leg pain is less every day— you have a cruise soon!


    Have a great day everyone!







    Sharon, I hope the nerve block works for Craig, and that he can get the ablation soon.


    3 hours ago, bennybear said:

    Their different types of noodles and soups, are outstanding.  As is their Wagyu beef and Karaage chicken.   The ice cream comes in very unusual flavours,  wisteria and Matcha are the two I tried.  I also loved their chicken Katsu sandwiches and all version of peach drinks,   Even peach Coca Cola!   Not to mention all the flavours of Kit Kats.  

     We weren’t expecting to fall so in love with Japan,  we have spent decades travelling in Europe but it was an extremely pleasant experience. Glad I opened your eyes.   My cousin’s  DH is a very plain eater and he fell in love with their soups.   Some things are not what we expect.  




    In 2018, we found Coca Cola with fiber in the vending machines.  DH like it, but, I didn't.


    1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

    Good evening,

    We are home from Jacksonville.  it was a long day and I did about 6 hours of driving today.  That was a lot.  The two good things that helped were that the traffic was light both ways and the weather was perfect.  

    The blood work was good and it showed that the PMR is not flaring.  My question is “why am  I feeling so bad?”  I have no answer for this.  I am exhausted, my legs hurt but it is not the PMR.  So what is it?  

    The travel doctor went over the itinerary and recommended that we get pills for malaria.  the Yellow Fever shots we got in 2012 are stil valid and we do not need new ones.  Good!  We received Tetanus shots today.  We have prescriptions for Paxlovid.  Oceania charges $2000 on board for the medicine.  We will pay $25 for it at our pharmacy.  We also have pills for malaria and Cipro for norovirus.  

    So it looks like we are all set.

    Very thorough and worthwhile session.


    As for Jackie, she is home and sleeping according to her daughter. She cannot find her phone so I can’t call her until it is found. 

    I hope she finds it so that if she needs help, she can call me. I will try to get in touch with her tomorrow.  

    Tonight I am too tired to do anything.

    More tomorrow.



    Terri, I'm glad you got home safely, and got everything you needed.  That's good news your PMR is not flaring.  I hope whatever the problem is, it clears up soon.


    1 hour ago, dfish said:

    Good evening!


    @rafinmd I'm sorry about the setback today.  Hopefully things will stabilize over the weekend and you can go back to rehab instead of acute care.  

    @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you made it down and back safely.  That is a lot of driving in one day.

    @Denise T Have a blast at your nephew's wedding tomorrow!

    @Crazy For Cats has posted on Facebook recently.  One of the kitties had a birthday.


    I hope the MRI finds the cause of the pain, but I have lived with it for so long it is just another part of life.  I won't let it stop me.  The prescription for my back is to keep moving.  So, that I will do.


    I made the grilled lemon garlic marinated pork tenderloin from last Monday.  It was really good.  The marinade gave it a nice flavor and the meat was so tender.  Even Sue, who doesn't like pork, enjoyed it.  We have enough left over for dinner tomorrow night.  The Farkle dice were not kind tonight.  


    Debbie, I hope they find out what is ccausing your back pain, and that it's a relatively easy fix.



    • Like 14
  15. Good afternoon from a very warm central Texas.  This morning we decided for a change of pace, that while the weather was still cool enough, we'd do a drive-thru breakfast and then drive to Waco.  It had been a while since we explored the areas of downtown Waco they had been working on for the past two years.  What was a somewhat rundown area has been spruced up with new street lights, roads and landscaping.  We then headed back home by a different route.  It was nice to get out without going to a doctor's office, PT or W-M.


    3 hours ago, wdw1972 said:

    Another hot day in Florida, but at least it's Friday. All 3 days are good, although I don't eat string cheese these days.  Fried rice is delicious but eaten rarely due to the calories! I do wish everyone who had kids cared for them properly. They're our future.


    Hard no to the meal, drink and wine. I remember Billie Jean King winning that match - great moment in history! 


    I've never been to Japan, and really don't have an interest, primarily out of concern there's nothing I'd eat! Seems enjoying the local cuisine is a big part of being there, and it does not appeal to me at all. But, never say never 😉


    My DH has been to Japan once, back in the days when he was a Baltimore Oriole. They played some series of games over there and the hotel they were staying at laundered their uniforms. In the morning (after playing the game the day before, and then no doubt drinking/eating/carousing afterwards) he & his team woke up to find their uniforms were not in their rooms. A call to the front desk was made & they learned the uniforms had been placed hanging from the outside of their hotel room doors. DH immediately thought no way would they still be there, but every single one was. He was amazed nobody had stolen them, and still tells that story today! No doubt some (or all) would have disappeared if left out in the US!




    Sue, your DH's story while he was an Oriole is interesting.  The good thing about a cruise to Japan, you can forgo eating on shore.  However, we've had some good meals in Japan.  It is an interesting country to visit.


    2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

    Good morning all!

    It's going to be a sunny day and low 60's.  So far we're having a lovely early fall.  The leaves are just starting to turn.


    All children should be cared for, I love fried rice in moderation, and have never eaten string cheese!  Funny quote from Phyllis Diller, I'll pass on the drink and wine.  We have grilled veggies as a side dish nearly every time we bbq steak or chicken.  I usually just marinate the veggies in Italian dressing, but I may try the 2nd recipe -- sounds good.  I have never had any interest in going to Japan, not sure why.  


    Happy 88th birthday to @HAL Sailer's DH!

    Debbie @dfish I was sorry to hear that you're having more back pain.  I hope the MRI you had on Wednesday can give you some answers.


    Only plans today are DH has a doctor's appointment this morning and then this afternoon we'll drive down to DD's house to pick up the car wash tickets DGS is selling with the Scouts.  We still have some from last year -- but hey, it's for the DGS 😉  


    For all the cat lovers here -- something I read this morning that touched my heart.  Amazing story of survival!






    Carolyn, thanks for the story about the cat.  Animals are amazing creatures, and can really surprise us.  


    2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

    Good morning, 

    It's sunny out at the moment and it's supposed to be in the mid-60's today. Yesterday I stayed home but it was busy. DS was here and put doors back on, worked on painting some more trim, and we planned out what he was going to do. These are things that were on my list but no timeline but he could use the work, he gives me the family rate, and I get to have him around so a win-win situation. He took down a cabinet in the laundry room that came with the mobile almost 40 years ago and is going to put a shelf in instead. I couldn't even reach the cabinet and we took out 3 garbage bags of DD DH's "stuff". DS is also going to take out the shelves in the linen closet in the main bathroom and put in new shelving. We went online and ordered the paint for the main bedroom and bath, laundry room, kitchen and other bath and then some ceiling paint so I'm getting quite the refresh here. 


    Today is some errands including Costco and Fred Meyer as well as the Hallmark store, a water class at the pool, and a stop at the funeral home to show them a few pictures and the certificate from the burial at sea so a busy day. 

    Have a great one! 



    Karen, you will definitely have a "new" house when your DS gets through with the renovations.  With the bonus of the "family rate" and spending time with him.


    1 hour ago, 0106 said:

    Thank you to all of the regular posters who make the Daily a special place.

    I love grilled Romaine.  I know it sounds unusual but with a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of Parmesan it is a delicious side dish.IMG_1791.thumb.jpeg.a40220e1e78ac4f236093bc8fc89314a.jpeg

    Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating.



    Tina, I never thought about grilling romaine.  Thanks for the idea.


    1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

    @Quartzsite Cruiser  Lenda, we are trying something different for us when our Rotterdam Transatlantic returns to Ft. Lauderdale next month. The Celebrity Beyond leaves that same day for a six night cruise so rather than just flying home, we will change ships. No overnite hotel required!


    After planning that, I have been able to do the same for next Spring. And today MSC has the full itinerary for the new cruise assignment. The MSC Magnifica will now include a port call in Malta which is a bucket list port for me. We will need to travel to Naples to board but there is a direct train to make it easy that actually bypasses Roma Termini. Plus  the Magnifica doesn't depart Naples until 9:00 pm. So 32 days on three ships without a hotel stay.


    Jack, I'm glad everything worked out for your cruises.  One time we switched ships in San Juan.  They were docked next to each other, so it was very easy.


    1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

    A beautiful sunrise this morning.




    Bruce, what a spectacular sunrise.


    40 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

    Good afternoon.Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    Kids should be cared for. I’m a fried rice and string cheese fan. Funny quote. Pass on the meal and drink, maybe for the wine. I have not been to Sakata. 3 good days in history.


    It’s warm today and sunny. Hopefully rain this weekend as it’s been weeks without. I slept ok. Leg is the same. My PCP’s nurse called and I mentioned that it only seemed less swollen when I wake up. During the day it gets bigger and is painful. Sad, so many schools here daily are in lockdown after threats of a bomb or shooting being made. One was from a 10 year old, who may be charged with a felony!


    @HAL Sailer Happy 88th Birthday to yor DH!

    @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. And for mentioning POW/MIA Day and pepperoni pizza day.

    @Cruzin Terri Safe travels today. I hope Jackie is ok and gets discharged today.

    @Denise T Enjoy the wedding tomorrow.

    @dfish I hope you get some answers from the MRI.

    @grapau27 Enjoy your new car!

    @Seasick Sailor Lovely photos. I hope everything is ok with @lindaler.

    @Heartgrove Great cruise plans!

    @wdw1972 Cool on DH having been a Baltimore Oriole.

    @smitty34877 I hope the weekend is fairly peaceful in your house.

    @luvteaching Your house will be like a new one after all the changes.

    @aliaschief Wow, your time there is passing quickly. Beautiful sunset and sunrise.

    @kazu Thinking of you. 

    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.






    Vanessa, I'm sorry the leg continues to swell and be painful during the day.



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  16. Good morning from a clear central Texas where it is 74F with a 3mph breeze from the SE.  Our predicted high this afternoon is 97F.  This afternoon there will be a neighborhood meet and greet at 5:30 outside.  This will precede a concert by a local band that our neighbor is hosting.  I would loved to go, but I'm not sure about in the heat, and I don't think DH will want to go.  By the time the concert begins at 7pm it will have cooled off to 93F, but the 8mph predicted wind should make it a tad bit more comfortable.


    Everyday should be car for kids day.  We enjoy fried rice occasionally.  My favorite is the Dungeness crab fired rice in the Tamarind.  String cheese is okay, but I don't buy it.


    The Phyllis Diller quote is good, and I always enjoyed her shows.



    Grilled vegetable kababs are good, but I'd add either steak or chicken to complete the meal.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would try the wine.


    We have not been to Sakata, so no pictures from me.


    Three good days in history, beginning with the first circumnavigation of the earth.  The reunification of Germany was important in world affairs.


    @Denise T  Denise, enjoy your nephew's wedding tomorrow.

    @ottahand7  Nancy, I hope your DB is doing better when you visit today.

    @grapau27  Graham, the new car looks great.  I hope you enjoy it for many years.

    @Heartgrove  Jack, your spring cruise(s) sound wonderful.

    @HAL Sailer  Melisa, please wish your DH a VERY HAPPY 88TH BIRTHDAY for us. 

    @Seasick Sailor  Joy, thank you for the pictures from Yokohama.  We enjoyed our day there in 2018, and loved walking through Chinatown.
















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  17. 1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

    Well, today was productive in some ways’

    The inspector from the Bug company came but the actual bug man won’t be here until next Friday. That means we have one more week of killing flies.


    I heard from my Doc at the Mayo Clinic and he has increased my Predisone dosage.  Ha also ordered blood work for tomorrow so I will know if the has been a PMR flare and where we go from there. I am really grateful to the staff at the Internal Medicine department, who are very kind to me and made sure that I was taken care of.


    So tomorrow we will leave at 9 am and drive to Jacksonville. We will have time for a light lunch and for me to get my blood work.  Then we will go up to the Travel Medicine Clinic. I have all my documents and already have a small case with everything in it in the car.  


    We will stop at Total Wine on the way home.  When we get here we will go to one of our favorite eateries for dinner.  I am certainly not cooking after 5-6 hours of driving tomorrow.


    Today my friend Jackie had hernia surgery.  i meant to ask for prayers, but forgot.  Her daughter told me that although she had surgery this morning, she is still in the hospital.  Not sure if she will be released tonight or tomorrow.  Jackie was Eugene’s (DD DBIL) caregiver when we went away.  She has become a dear friend.  I am hoping all is okay.  If you remember, say a prayer for her.


    Probably will not have time to post tomorrow.  Maybe tomorrow night.

    Have a good evening.

    Good night and God Bless,



    Terri, I'm glad your doctor arranged foryour blood tests tomorrow.  Safe travels.  Sending positive thoughts that Jackie's surgery, and that she is recovering without amny complications.



    • Like 8
  18. 2 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Good afternoon my dear pirates,


    It sounds like everyone is having a good time with the pirate names.  I looked mine up and promptly forgot it.  


    Our trip north to the dentist was a good one.  They were able to reseat the crown with no problem at all.  They didn't even flinch about it.  The dentist looked over everything the one here in town wanted to do.  He says he sees most of what prompted her to want to do $5100 worth of work but doesn't feel there is anything that needed addressed at this time.  One crown she wanted to replace is just fine and he wouldn't touch it.  The other one is stable and the margins she didn't like are ok and the same as they were last year. Neither of the two fillings need to be replaced.  The last crown she wanted to do isn't advisable.  He said there really isn't enough tooth left there to crown and if it starts to give me trouble suggested pulling it rather than anything else.  And I definitely didn't need a deep cleaning as they said here in town.  So, I made an appointment for cleaning next March up there.  It is worth the drive to know that I am being treated fairly.  


    Sue got a big welcome when they saw her.  The dentist came out and gave her a big huge bear hug.  I think they have all missed her.  She is having them do a new bite guard for her as well, so a profitable day for them as well.  


    Hope the rest of your day is going well.  


    Debbie, it sounds like Sue's former boss is a keeper.  It is nice to have a dentist you can trust.



    • Like 17
  19. 4 hours ago, wdw1972 said:

    Happy Thursday everyone! Interesting days - don't know much about pirates beyond riding Pirates of the Caribbean countless times, and I definitely would prefer chocolate pudding rather than butterscotch. Rita Rudner is very funny - great quote! I'll pass on the meal, would consider trying the cocktail, and like @StLouisCruisers would try the wine if that was the only white available! I'm not a chardonnay fan at all, but hate red wine much more! Never been to Valdez - maybe some day if I do the 28 day itinerary after retiring.


    Not much going on here - another warm humid day, storms expected later (Florida normal). My son's 38th birthday is today and yesterday was the 37th anniversary of starting my current employment. Not sure how my son can be 38 when I can't believe I'm that old (& more) 😉


    @cunnorl Hoping for good results on your colonoscopy

    @Cruzin Terri Ugh - sorry you & DH have to make that drive to Jax. Incompetent people are infuriating!


    Sue/aka Jean Claw of the Sea


    Sue, please wish your DS a VERY HAPPY BITHDAY for us.  Congratulations on the 37th anniversary on your current job.


    1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

    Good warm and sunny afternoon from Ghost Lagoon Skurvy. It’s another beautiful day and same is expected tomorrow.

    Tomorrow I have my Botox appointment at Hershey and then back again next Wednesday for a Neurologist visit. I’m still not happy with the time it is scheduled for (9am) which means we need to leave by 7am . I’m hoping they can change it to later in the day.

      This morning DB and I went to the Oley Fair. 
    The fair is in its 77th year and is a community fair with no commercial sales allowed. The food stands are all run by volunteers. Everyone goes for the French fries and the milkshakes. The senior class of the high school sells apple cider. It’s a great tradition .

      I hope everyone has a great day.


    The fair sounds like fun.  The West Texas Fair when I was in school had different local organizations selling food along the midway.  A friend's mother worked in one of the booths, and we always had supper there.  Great memories.



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  20. Just got the latest update from Roy.



    A busy day starting at 9 with Occupational Therapy followed by Yoga.


    At 10 there was an hour of stroke education and, finally breathing exercises with the Language Therapist.


    After lunch 1 1/2 hours of Physical Therapy using cane rollator and walker.


    Constipation and bloating still an issue.


    I think I will have an extra 4 days on my stay here.




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  21. 2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

    Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

        Crazy thunderstorms last night with heavy rain. Not sure what todays forecast will be.

        I like butterscotch pudding and DD likes all pudding so I make it often.

    No to the salmon and have never been to todays port.

         I won the extra point at trivia the last time we had the notice of New Zealand. No one else knew except me!  So thanks Dailylites!

           @mamaofami    A very Happy Anniversay to you both. May you have a wonderful day.

           I am scheduled for the dreaded colonoscopy tomorrow so I will be "indisposed" most of today.  Just routine. Dont expect any surprises. Both of my parents died from colon cancer so I must be vigilant.

            Hope everyone has a great day.

       Stay safe and enjoy today



    Charlene, hope the findings tomorrow are normal.


    1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

    Good morning all!

    DH can have my butterscotch pudding, I'll be looking for the chocolate 😉 

    Funny quote!  I would like the drink and wine, and although I like both salmon and pasta, I'd rather not have them together in a salad.  Have not been to Valdez yet, but hopefully will get there next year on the 28-day Alaska.  We have a HAL tour that day, and hopefully can get out and walk around town afterwards.  We'll be there until 11 pm. Thank you Annie @marshhawk for the great photos!


    We have a foggy morning, heading for mid 60's and part sun later. No big plans other than continuing to start packing for Yellowstone.  We'll fly out in 6 days.  As usual the weather will be all over the place, so packing a little of everything.  


    Happy Anniversary Carol and Sam @mamaofami!  I hope Sam has a comfortable day as you reflect on your years together.


    Sandi @StLouisCruisers I hate working with the gold metallic thread too.  


    Me (Creeps Lagoon Skurvy) and my pirate friend in San Francisco in 2016.  Handsome dude, isn't he?  😉 🙂  




    Carolyn, when you find the chocolate pudding please let me know.  😁


    1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

    Good morning, 


    Ghost One-Ear Feathersword checking in. It's a bit foggy this morning and we're definitely getting into more of the fall weather. It's hard to decide on capris or longer pants some days. 

    I've been busy doing the pool on Monday and Wednesday and had PT on Tuesday. Today is a bit more laid back which is nice. DS will be over in a while. He's painting all the door trim to match the baseboards and then we're talking about painting the inside rooms. It's something DD DH and I talked about but just never got to. DS could use some income and I'm fine with that. Now the fun part (not) - choosing paint colors. I have a light blue chosen for the main bedroom and bathroom, laundry room, some of the kitchen and the guest bath but I want a cream color for the other rooms and havent' seen one I like yet. I'll stop at one of the home improvement stores and check for samples in the next few days. We're also talking about a backsplash in the kitchen that may incorporate a few of my HAL tiles. DS also suggested flush mount light coverings so lots going on. 


    Would enjoy the salad and the pudding but I have a box of Dove Dark Chocolate Bourbon Vanilla Pudding and a box if tapioca sitting out to be made- just can't decide which one. 



    Karen, your plans for the house sound wonderful.  By the time you're finished, it will seem like a brand new house.


    44 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Good morning and Happy Thursday from Jean Hook Pants on this pirate day. I’d hate to live with that name!


    I would like the salmon pasta salad but would leave the salmon either whole or in big chunks, and yes to adding feta. 

    Yesterday Blue had a pawdicure and dental scaling so he was out of sorts the rest of the day. We decided to go ahead and start him on a medication for his incontinence and see how it goes. 

    Happy Anniversary to Carol @mamaofami& Sam!


    Have a great day everyone!


    Sharon, I hope the new medicine helps Blue.



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