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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Just a thought How is the name spelled on the Social Security card. Might have bigger problems than just birth certificate. Not necessarily today, but down the road when it comes to drivers license, passports, college applications, etc, etc.
  2. My opinion only is that if they are going to sell it, and receive a commission, then they are ethically bound to understand it, help with the claim if the client asks, educate the client, and explain to the client why they're only getting $89 back instead of the expected amount.
  3. Then you're only comprehending what you want to see and are pooh poohing all the stories of those who successfully filed claims for their illnesses and injuries. I was trying to throw some props your way, but,,, I'm done. On the block list you go. Some can be helped, others,,,, not so much
  4. I would think it is absolutely the TA's responsibility. After all, they get a very nice commission on that upsell.
  5. Part of the problem could be who and where you purchased the policy from. 2nd could be this: The cruise cost is (for example) the first 2 passengers pay $500 each. The 3rd pays a reduced rate (let's say $200). Now, let's say you all split the price evenly amongst yourselves (that would be $400 a piece),,, the insurance (especially if you went thru Carnival) is going to reimburse you at the 3rd person rate of $200 because there are still 2 people in the party. (How you each individually split the costs is between you 3, not the insurance company) With a 3rd party insurance policy, YOU would have set your costs and filed your claim for your losses. Lesson learned the hard way.
  6. Well,,,, the advice I have is not going to be appreciated. I empathize with the knee'd to have a certain seat for your malady. However, that knee'd should have been the priority over any cost savings when purchasing the air travel. 30 days out, I can almost guarantee that isle seats will already be filled. Good luck.
  7. Here's my take away. Over the last couple of years, you've learned a ton over what is covered, what is not covered, and the expectations therein. You've learned that there are coverages that are important to you and there are coverages where you have decided that you can absorb potential losses. I believe, that like me, when I first adulted and purchased travel insurance that it was all inclusive. Something happens, you call the travel insurance company, and they just make everything right and off you go. Fortunately, for myself, I figured it out BEFORE anything happened. For you, you had the misfortune of finding out the hard way and you were disillusioned and upset and figured the whole industry is a shell game. And, in a way, it is. However, this forum has taught me how the game is played and how to play the game that is most advantageous to me. Just as in banking, real estate, and any other business transaction.
  8. You're right. We do treat "On Time" as a hallowed principle. All our lives, being on time is beat into our heads. From a very early age, my parents beat into my head, not to be late to school or late to church, late to dinner, or late to work. The military taught me that that if I arrived to formation "On Time", I was 15 minutes late. The family trip to grandma's house for Christmas, Dad had an AIS departure time for the road trip. Oh Lordy, don't even think about being late for that one. Hurts just thinking about it. The "general public" is not stupid about being late. The aviation industry just hasn't communicated to the "general public" how the industry works. That's not to say that it is expected to throw out a series of PSA's about this information, however, there is a ton of programming out there about airport operations where this information could be shared. I'm 65 yo and traveled for business for 25 years. I'm today years old when I first thought about why some flights departures are delayed. My wake up schedule, my drive time schedule, my airport arrival were all scheduled around "On Time" departure. So Yes, I considered "On Time" departure as a hallowed ground. However, I now have a better understanding of airline and airport operations. For that, I thank you.
  9. Learning the 5 P's during my military days has served me well through the years. In the unlikely event, those fail me then the ability to adapt and overcome never has.
  10. I’ve been stalking BA288 PHX to LHR because that’s my flight in a few months. I don’t think this flight has ever departed PHX on time. It’s been close a few times but usually 30 minutes to a couple of hours late. This flight usually does arrive at LHR usually only 5 to 15 minutes late. Rarely more than an hour late. My question: Does operations delay departure to coincide with predetermined landing slot schedule based on winds and weather on flight route?
  11. Legally? A child up to 80 lbs requires a booster seat at minimum in Washington. Reality? My opinion only would be that you’re looking at a total of 1 hour seat time. I’d accept that risk and go without.
  12. My State allows me to buy a limited policy that includes a waiver for pre-existing conditions. (Some policies/States require you to cover all non-refundable trip expenses) Medical exposure could financially ruin me while the basic cost of the trip does not. Therefore, I insure the cost of the trip at $500 per person and still receive the maximum "primary" medical coverage that I'm comfortable with. At our ages, this coverage comes to about $70 per trip. Why the trip cost of $500 you ask? $0 - $500 is the same price. $501, the cost increases. By selecting $500, this gives me 150% of insured cost to cover meals and hotels in case of any delays or interruptions in route. If I price at $1, that gives me $1.50. $500 gives me up to $750 at no additional cost. For emergency purposes, I have a high limit credit card. The policy I purchase, should my limit be exceeded, the policy will grant either payment up front over and above my limit, or a letter of ability to pay.
  13. Probably not. I'm 66 and if family history is any indication, I'll not be around. If I am still kicking, taking a cruise will most likely not be an enjoyable endeavor for myself, or my family members. At some point, I'll begin to gracefully fade into the background.
  14. For me, plain and simple,,, The Love Boat. Growing up dirt poor, The Love Boat allowed me to dream big and see the possibilities outside of my current situation as a youngster.
  15. Here are a couple I found just doing a google search. Medi-Quote Insurance Brokers - Travel, Snowbirds, Visitors to Canada (mediquote.ca) Travel insurance broker - Securiglobe Homepage - Better Travel Insurance Canada
  16. History is nothing without the people. The buildings are nothing without the people. The cuisine and preparation are nothing without the people. Art is nothing without the people. Culture is nothing without the people. Take the people away and what do you have left? Without the people, your experiences can be satisfied with an old National Geographics magazine. That magazine and the pictures are what expanded my horizon and allowed my dreams to take me to these destinations to experience the people.
  17. It’s really going to depend on how close the wifi access point is to your cabin. The access point is the white thing in the ceiling in the hallway. Wifi signals are not strong in and of themselves. If your cabin is close to one of these access points, then the signal may be strong enough to get into the cabin for streaming purposes.
  18. Yep, roll calls are pretty much worthless on CC now days. As stated, other social media sites are much more active. Expedia is not allowing this site to grow as fast as it should or could.
  19. Hard to argue that when "mob" families ran things, there was a little more efficiency. Some things were tolerated, some things were dealt with immediately. Las Vegas was better for the little guy, Allied forces invasion of Sicily, prohibition ended because of these folks, luggage made it onto the ship quicker.
  20. Long flight and will require transportation from FLL to hotel, maybe around town, then to port. One child (6yo) legally requires a booster seat in our State. Unknown what the regulations are in FL. nor do we know what in reality is required. Very aware that safety is vitally important, but also aware that sometimes we all measure risk vs. reward. Do we need to carry around a booster seat for a total 1 hour seat time vs. a 10 day holiday?
  21. That makes no sense at all "However, she actually has 1 more cruise than I do. Her point total is correct." Bolded quote is from original post
  22. My wife and I have the same number of points. All of our cruises do show in the "past history." However, she actually has 1 more cruise than I do. Her point total is correct. My point total should be less than it shows. Any ideas as to why the discrepancy?
  23. If an interview will be required for a renewal, I’m waiting for that also.
  24. Curious if anyone out there has recently applied for and received their renewal. Curious about the time frame you experienced? Were you notified? Or did you just continue to monitor by visiting the website? I'm coming up on 4 months and according to the website, I'm still in a "Pending" phase. Yes, I am aware that since the renewal process has been started, that my expiration has been extended and should still be good for my travel plans.
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