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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. I am getting conflicting information on the internet and the only statement from Royal seems to be from 2017. Would a 12 year old be counted as a young teen or a Voyager? One site suggested that 12 year olds are sort of in between Voyagers and Young Teens making it hard to find activities for him. Any help is appreciated.
  2. The concern I have is that very rarely do PVP's or many TA's have a clue what is in the insurance that they sell. (That's right, SELL. They get a commission on it.) Your policy that you bought from Carnival has nothing to do with Carnival other than they sold it. Your policy is administered by AON. Your PVP might give you bad advice and if they are mistaken in what they tell you, you have no leg to stand on. The only thing that is important is what is written in the policy. Again, find your policy and read it. Not the marketing brochure, the actual policy itself. It can be very eye opening between what you "think is or is not covered, and what is actually covered. I know it was for me the first time I started adulting and buying travel insurance. I learned alot just by reading threads in the insurance board here on Cruise Critic.
  3. Not sure what you mean by "What Happens?" What are the Trip Delay terms in your insurance? What are the Definitions of Trip Delay, Missed flights? etc. Are the claims paid out on a fixed basis or paid out based on a percentage of Trip Costs? This is all information that you will find in your policy. If you can't find your policy, a quick Google search will help.
  4. I already purchased my Oyster card and my trip isn't until Sept. Pre-paying a few things just to take advantage of the current generous exchange rate. Actually went to my Triple AAA and bought some British Pounds to take advantage of the exchange rate.
  5. Check out YouTube.com Thousands of videos available Here's just one
  6. I had a cruise do that before. If I remember correctly, it was a cruise out of Venice. I believe it was because one of the countries we were visiting wanted to see the actual passports before arrival
  7. You really don’t have any choice where you use OBC. It’s just a credit to your account. Whichever charges hit your account first, will deduct from your credit.
  8. Just confirming what Babr is stating. There is no cost to the patient if an emergency requires medical evacuation from the ship.
  9. Cut from the above post. Most cruiseline CFAR policies allow you to cancel up scheduled departure time. Most 3rd party policies utilize the 48 hour rule.
  10. When it comes to past leadership ( or lack thereof) I think many of us who are or were very proud of our companies have experienced the same thing. It’s heartbreaking to watch your company failing when as a front line employee you can see it but the C suite won’t listen. Retired General Electric employee here.
  11. Will her travel insurance pick her additional costs due to you having to cancel?
  12. Make sur you keep copies of the BC's in case the passports don't come back in time.
  13. After going to the drug manufactures website, I found that either they would provide a Travel Pac for long trips, or, they also stated that my drug is good for 14 days without being refrigerated. Therefore, for a cruise, I don't worry about it anymore.
  14. Wouldn't it make sense if technology allows it to have you sign in early? The staff now has a much better idea of the count for each of the different groups. They can make better decisions on staffing, maybe a better understanding of families who may have kids that may want to level up or level down. I can think of a myriad of reasons why their internal decision making can better improve the customers experience if they have this information up front rather than on the same day.
  15. I think the ultimate answer was from Ferry Watcher who checks in customers for a living. A few months ago, I would have said bridging documents are required. However, Ferry Watcher has earned my trust over the last few months as someone whose credibility is up there with Cheng75 and iamtrustworthy as subject matter experts.
  16. If you are asking if "any" of the cruise lines are back to what you considered as Normal pre-covid? Then I would have to say the answer is No. All the cruise lines have had to make changes. A large part of these changes had to do with the current scale of economics Have the changes affected me and my cruise experience. Only in very little ways. Will they affect you? I have no idea.
  17. Thanks Ferry Watcher for sharing the information from a front line experience
  18. @Ferry Watcher May they’ll see this
  19. A good person to ask would be @Ferry Watcher May they’ll see this
  20. It's all going to break down to the fine print in your policies. Is your Travel Insurance considered "Primary" or "Secondary". If Primary and your medical happens during the covered period, then you only have to submit a claim to the travel insurance. If "Secondary", then you must submit to your health insurance provider first, collect what you can, then submit to the travel insurance provider. In this instance, even if you're on Medicare, you must submit to them and wait for the denial letter. Then you submit to the travel insurance along with a copy of the denial from Medicare. BTW, most cruise line insurance is secondary when it comes to medical coverage.
  21. I've sailed out of LA, Galveston, NO, Charlston, FLL, Miami, PC, Venice, and Amsterdam. For the most part, each geographical location will have it's own vib, atmosphere, and demographics. Each cruise was different in what each of us would consider to be normal decorum. Many of us tend to tut tut anything we perceive to be different. I have to ask, is that a Them problem? or a Me problem?
  22. Okay, we're getting closer. We now know that you cancelled due to a medical reason and filed for that reason. (FYI this has nothing to do with CFAR in any way, shape, or form) Here is a link to the policy (I think) CW RC Cover Page Ver. 200801 (archinsurancesolutions.com) The policy is administered by AON but underwritten by Arch. Someone else can chime in but here is a copy and paste regarding medical "Benefits will be paid for covered Medical Expenses incurred, up to the Maximum Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits, subject to the following: 1) covered Medical Expenses will only be payable at the Usual and Customary level of charges; 2) benefits will be payable only for covered Medical Expenses resulting from a Sickness that first manifests itself or an Injury that occurs while on Your Trip; and 3) only Medical Expenses incurred by You within 365 days of the date of onset of Your Injury or Sickness will be reimbursed" Appears to me that the policy will only cover medical that occurs during the trip. Here is the definition of Pre-Existing Condition and look back period “Pre-Existing Condition” means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60 day period immediately prior to the Effective Date of Your coverage for which You or Your Traveling Companion or Family Member scheduled or booked to travel with You: 1) received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment; or 2) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item (2) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription throughout the 60 day period before Your coverage is effective under this policy." From my understanding, which is amateurish at best, the OP may be out of luck when it comes to a medical claim. How much of a deposit are we looking at? May be time to lick your wounds and move on. If the deposit is substantial, may want to consider the CFAR route
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