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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Agree with vibe. Passport is all you need. Digital works fine. (Side Note: My wife insists on bringing paper copies and that's okay if it makes her feel more comfortable, however, the digital works fine)
  2. Not to defend Carnival or AON but you have 2 distinct and separate transactions in place. Carnival sells cruises. Just like Travel Agents, they supplement their income by selling travel insurance for AON. Carnival and AON are separate entities. When you called to cancel the cruise, the CS rep "could" and maybe "should" have asked if you wanted to cancel insurance. Then again, when they call up the screen to cancel the cruise, maybe the CS rep can't even see that you bought AON travel insurance. Effective communications goes both ways. Many 3rd party travel insurance companies don't allow cancellation, but they do offer to keep the policy live for your next vacation/holiday/cruise.
  3. Thank you for the updated information. Appreciate it. Still confused on what the OP is asking for though. Did they file a medical claim or a CFAR claim?
  4. Have you sought help either thru the appeal process or by filing a complaint with you State Insurance Commission? Insurance Complaints | Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance (mo.gov)
  5. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but if you exercise the "Cancel For Any Reason" provision of the policy, you don't get any money back. You are supposed to receive an FCC type credit of up to 75% of your cruise fare. You have up to time of sailing to officially cancel. Whatever else you're supposed to do, I don't know.
  6. Found this link with a simple google search TRICARE Select Overseas | TRICARE
  7. By parents informing those in their care that there is a curfew and that they expect them to comply with that expectation?
  8. I'll stick my nose in here. Have you considered an expat policy such as what I found in this google search 10 Best International Health Insurance Companies in the World (internationalinsurance.com)
  9. Thank you for that clarification nj. Your input provided valuable insight.
  10. Congratulations. I've had my GE for a few years now. I'm not sure what the future holds though. Lately, whenever I arrive back, I find that with GE, I get through Immigrations much much faster, however I'm still waiting with my fellow 250 passengers for my luggage. I used to just breeze thru Customs, but lately they still stop and ask questions. Also, with the industry moving to facial recognition, I'm not sure GE will hold any value. As a side note, I do have Pre-Check with the GE. I also pay for Clear. Just this past Saturday, the pre-check lines in SEA had a 30-minute back-up. I was able to bypass all of those passengers by using Clear. (Then again maybe I shouldn't share that information. Pre-Check used to be a great little secret until everyone, and their brother started applying. Pre-Check almost holds no advantage anymore.)
  11. Frankly, I'm happy about this. We normally book suites and have found the Concierges lounge and Suite lounge to be overcrowded on many occasions.
  12. Most big name hotels will store your luggage for you if too early to check in. Im thinking the Sheraton of the cuff right now. Another option that I prefer to do is I actually book the room for 2 nights. It requires a little follow up to ensure they don’t give your room away, but it’s nice to get to the room real early and be able to relax
  13. Please help me understand the correlation between a "silly website", and YOU using the debit card rather than selecting OBC? It's the website's fault? The user of the website has no culpability?
  14. As long as you have internet access, and the phone is set up properly, Wi-Fi calling works the same everywhere.
  15. Yep, that's happened to us also. Our friends beat us onto the ship. We were Priority, they were not.
  16. Can you just wait and board the ship with them? I’ve been able to do that when we travel with friends.
  17. The "horror" stories that you read about are people who file claims not understanding that the claim was not a covered event. One instance I filed due to my wedding band being lost/misplaced/ or stolen. A couple of things that I had to show proof of was a letter from the cruise line stating that they searched and couldn't find it. Check...The next step was to provide a copy of the original sales receipt. We actually keep these as a pdf in our "Major Purchase" file on the computer. Check... Received the max allowable according to the policy of $500 about 2 weeks later. Another was when our return flight was cancelled. Had to get a document from the airline proving the flight was cancelled. Check.. Had to keep receipts for hotel and meals for the extra night. Check... This was recent, so the review and acceptance took a while but received a check a couple of months later The one that didn't work out so well was all on me. During Covid, we took a trip to Cancun and stayed at an RIU resort. The resort offered a free €10,000 medical only policy. I self-insured the rest. The policy clearly stated that should we require a trip to the ER, we were to notify them first. Well, my wife tripped and fell, blood going everywhere, broken wrist, etc. Off to the ER we go. $3500 later, she's fixed up and we finish our vacation and fly back home. Submit the claim and it gets denied. It gets denied because we never called first. That's on ME. I knew the policy but was wrapped up emotionally in the emergency. Being wrapped up emotionally is a good reason to forget to call, but it's not a good excuse. At the time, I did have a BC/BS employer provided coverage that had an international rider. However, since my wife is/was on Medicare at the time, we had to file with Medicare 1st, wait for the denial, and then file with BC/BS. After allowable deductions, Out of Network deductions and everything else, I got back about $2400 of the $3500 we paid.
  18. I travel with an international Wi-Fi hotspot that I get from Skyroam. I'm also very happy with the services I receive from T-Mobile. I've used the Skyroam to make Wi-Fi calls. I remember we were in Copenhagen. We just did a walk around after getting off the bus. I pinned the location of the bus stop on my Google Maps app, then off we went with my wife and phone. When the time came to go back to the ship, just followed the map back.
  19. Or, Maybe the manager has 100 things on their plate and in all honesty your complaint doesn't merit the time. Actually that lesson made me a better person. Made me look at the bigger picture and try to get a better understanding the Whole operation rather than just my little slice of the pie. Made me a better and more productive employee.
  20. Valid complaint. I would be interested to know what you would recommend as a solution that would not cause an undo burden on current consumer pricing. I had a boss one time tell me, it's easy to complain about something. Next time you have a valid complaint, bring me 2 possible solutions to your complaint. Then we can talk.
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