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Everything posted by clo

  1. LOL. The list is endless. Half a century here in four different states. Love it.
  2. Another advantage to living on the Left Coast 🙂
  3. Actually Jamaica is level 3, don't remember Bahamas. And have no idea effect on cruise ships. I pay attention to those things for our independent travel.
  4. We got a second res at Jacques by being willing to share a 4-top. It was just as nice. Didn't become 'new best friends' and didn't even particularly have all our courses at the same time. But perfectly pleasant.
  5. Is that like that I just go to the last page?
  6. I can't remember if that's part of Antarctica and can you go ashore?
  7. Remember that it's summer there and a short season for traveling there.
  8. I see the US has issued travel advisories for the Bahamas and Nassau. I wonder if that will have any effect.
  9. I'm one of those annoying people who take pix of their food both at home and out. (Please believe me that I'm quick and subtle when out!). Our portions are reasonable enough that a FB friend once asked if that was a platter rather than a dinner plate 🙂 See that large portion of pork tenderloin 🙂
  10. Oh, thank you very, very much. Some of the dishes do sound awfully good.
  11. Nor do I. It continues to look like a major marketing mistake.
  12. We don't see that as much at home any more because generally we don't go to restaurants that serve those huge portions. I know it's a no-no but I could sneak something out in my bag for snacking on later. 🙂 I love rare/almost raw leftover steak. Actually we've been known to take little slices off the raw steak before we cook it. I AM my father's daughter 🙂
  13. Lol. We tend to share a couple of starters and share a main. And I would never order one of the pastas. Too filling. But I did manage to 'gag down' (LOL) a full order of Jacques' escargot and also the creme brule' 🙂
  14. It was funny when we did our Antarctica cruise (not on O) we wore shorts mostly on the ship. Some others did.
  15. Since U.S. folks are criticized and laughed at for their large portions, maybe they'll learn a new way. We had breakfast out recently and brought home enough meat for two more breakfasts.
  16. Was there any explanation why you didn't get it all back? Just curious.
  17. Oh, sorry I wasn't clear. No our lunch was at The Deck on Avenida Atlantica in Copacabana. And included the powerful caipirinhas, which are cachaca (sugar cane rum), sugar and lime - that's it. So a burger shared for dinner was fine and dandy 🙂 And, yes, it was an Oceania cruise. We have since wished we had simply gone to Rio for a time and then flown to BA.One of the ports we had been to on our own via a house exchange and the beach ones hold no appeal for us. Live and learn. We'd like to go back and do just Rio/BA.
  18. It's somehow better/different? I remember our last cruise from Rio to Buenos Aires. Embarked on a Saturday after we'd had our favorite Saturday Rio lunch of feijoada and caipirinhas. Dinner was room service - after a BIG nap - where we share a (very good) burger 🙂
  19. Not familiar with that expression. What's happening in a month? Did you read the whole article? It's about even more than those particular penguins. And seals also
  20. Horrendous news about the penguins in the Falklands. Bird flu found in penguins near Antarctica, 200 chicks dead https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/bird-flu-found-penguin-species-sparks-fear-spread-antarctica-2024-01-30/
  21. Oh my she-gawd. THAT'S the worst. And not just like for a dinner guest but every freaking thing. And places to put their clothes. And clean the dang fridge 🙂
  22. I never knew that although from the South originally. I'll have to pick some up.
  23. All of the above 🙂 We've used a couple of different sites over 20+ years and always satisfied and up to ecstatic. We already have a couple lined up for a month in July. It's changed over the years as so many now work from home. IIRC he's with a SoCal college/university in IT and she's...hmm, I can just can't remember but it's an E Coast firm. We have English friends who have traveled literally all over the world with them. I get very specific also. For instance I ask firmly that the dog (currently just one) not be left alone for more than five or so hours. So nobody is able to hold a in-office, full time job. The majority of people we've had have been youngish retirees who enjoy seeing different parts of the world. And the site give good info on sitters. Oh, and we generally make our car available to them if they're coming in from afar. Most recently they were driving in from three hours away. But some fly in. Best of luck.
  24. We visited the Falklands for several days after Antarctica. It was funny seeing green plants and things in bloom.
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