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Here comes know-it-all Miimito4 on her first Alaskan Regent cruise.


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Enjoying every post, Teresa (my best friend here in Tulsa is Teresa, so I have no problem remembering your name). Also enjoying your pics immensely.


We did a major kayaking excursion in Alaska too. I found muscles I never knew existed. A good work out. Will be looking forward to your report on the hike.

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Oh gosh Rachel, I was hoping everyone would forget I mentioned the hike. <hangs head in shame> We opted out, because well, quite frankly it started raining about the time we were to leave for it, so Don looked at me, I looked at him, and we both broke into one of those "let's play hooky from school" kind of grins.


We did the White Pass Scenic Railway tour this morning though, and it provided the most drop dead gorgeous vistas. My camera got a good work out and of course, since i'm on 3G in port, well, you guessed it. Picture time!



This is our train. We were towards the back, and so I was able to snag this photo as the engine headed around.






I will say that we have yet to see Russia from our suite or anywhere for that matter, and that has been a bit disappointing. ;)

We did run into this gal and ask directions for viewing Russia, but she wasn't very forthcoming.



Haha. Oops, forgive me, didn't mean to get into politics. Just a little something to make you chuckle. . .hopefully.

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Lol, Teresa! Why am I not surprised? ;)


Like the others I've thoroughly been enjoying your commentary, pics and overall experience with Regent and my beloved home state. It IS a remarkable place, I must admit. :)


Sorry about the rain. If it's any consolation it's been pretty dismal here in Anchorage, too. Apparently there's sun in Fairbanks (lucky for my kids) but that's a bit out of your way. Hubby is in Ketchikan on business and said it was definitely living up to it's moniker as the rain capital of Alaska. Unfortunately, it looks like the whole southeast is in for a few days of that liquid sunshine.


Just have to say that in my opinion some of the most beautiful pics of Alaska are taken on those days where the clouds hang low and the mist paints the landscape in an almost ethereal light.

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As I was eating the wonderful chicken, citrus and coconut soup (like FT, I've loved all the soups) a couple of days ago in Compass Ross, it dawned on me why the "retelling" of a voyage, coupled with your encouraging comments, bring me so much pleasure.


It has to do with coconut.


You know how when you eat coconut, unless you rush off to floss and brush, you get to enjoy it twice?

Well, I can do even better than coconut. I enjoy the experience at the time, then again during the retelling, and yet a third time when I get your feedback.


Coconut and travelogues. Who knew?


Thanks to your suggestions we did indeed see Ray's puppet show last night. It was a variety show with the magician (very good) and the comedian (excellent) and it was delightful. I just saw Ray this morning and told him how every many of you asked about him and send your regards, explaining how he was Internet famous. He was quite touched and sends his thanks.


I must run to the cruise George Inlet and crab feast excursion, but I shall return to tell you about the glorious day in Juneau. Get ready to cry us a river though because our could-not-wait-for dog sledding excursion was cancelled.


Random comment of the day: I do so love those hard salt stick breads!


And one teaser photo.



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Papaick, thanks for that wonderful article on Shemya. Enjoyed it immensely.


Am currently enjoying a relaxing double shot decaf cappuccino in the Navigator Lounge. Peggy is at another tabe enjoying friends. The atmosphere is quite relaxed. We just returned from the Crab Feast. The. Best. Crab. Ever.


Rain, rain, rain. Many excursions were cancelled today. Don and I for sure opted to cancel our rainforest hike.


So, instead I shall talk a little about yesterday. First off, met a CC stalker. She actually introduced herself to me by saying, "I've been stalking you. . .on Cruise Critic.". How cute. Liked her right away. Has never posted, but has been on CC for a long time, and is a long term Regent and Silver Seas cruiser. Goes to show you, I suppose, why the numbers that really count are "eyeballs" (# of views) rather than number of posters. So, anyway, with her permission, I present lurkers/stalkers Tim & Janet from southern California:




We dined last night with Matt & Coby in Prime 7. I must say that it was not one of the better meals in my opinion. My steak was very over salted and I like salt. Service was excellent though. When we go on our anniversary, i'll remember to tell them to put NO salt. I can always add my own.


We also enjoyed a trio playing in the lounge last night. I apologize, but can't recall their name, but it was a very talented mother and son. Found out later in conversation that she owns a restaurant close to where we spend the winter in Florida, so we'll have to visit them.


Nap time!

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Papaick, thanks for that wonderful article on Shemya. Enjoyed it immensely.


Am currently enjoying a relaxing double shot decaf cappuccino in the Navigator Lounge. Peggy is at another tabe enjoying friends. The atmosphere is quite relaxed. We just returned from the Crab Feast. The. Best. Crab. Ever.


Rain, rain, rain. Many excursions were cancelled today. Don and I for sure opted to cancel our rainforest hike.


So, instead I shall talk a little about yesterday. First off, met a CC stalker. She actually introduced herself to me by saying, "I've been stalking you. . .on Cruise Critic.". How cute. Liked her right away. Has never posted, but has been on CC for a long time, and is a long term Regent and Silver Seas cruiser. Goes to show you, I suppose, why the numbers that really count are "eyeballs" (# of views) rather than number of posters. So, anyway, with her permission, I present lurkers/stalkers Tim & Janet from southern California:




We dined last night with Matt & Coby in Prime 7. I must say that it was not one of the better meals in my opinion. My steak was very over salted and I like salt. Service was excellent though. When we go on our anniversary, i'll remember to tell them to put NO salt. I can always add my own.


We also enjoyed a trio playing in the lounge last night. I apologize, but can't recall their name, but it was a very talented mother and son. Found out later in conversation that she owns a restaurant close to where we spend the winter in Florida, so we'll have to visit them.


Nap time!

And where do you spend the winter?
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Mimi - - -

Maybe you can find a cardboard cut-out of Tina Fey from SNL who, making fun of Sarah Palin, actually was the one who said she could see Russia from her front porch in Alaska.

Sarah never said it.

It wasn't funny or accurate in the first place but at least give credit to a second-rate comedienne for the bad joke.


Ummmmmmm. Ok.


Today is a sea day, and a much needed relaxation one after trying to see everything we possibly could while in the ports


As I said earlier, our highly anticipated dog sledding was cancelled due to low cloud coverage. Apparently the camps are at very high altitude and that's why it is the #1 cancelled excursion.


We substituted the helicopter and walk on Mendenhall Glacier. It was awesome.




Yesterday it rained and rained in Ketchikan. We opted out of the rainforest walk, but did do the crab feast. I'm not lying when I say the crab was plentiful and delicious!


I will post a few more pictures later because the satellite connection is really being extra uncooperative, probably due to so many on now.


Last night was a Beatles tribute night in Galileo's and it was great fun. The dance floor was full with people having fun and just enjoying life.

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We had a lot of rain in Ketchikan, too. We were scheduled to do the crabfeast by float plane but sadly it was cancelled due to weather. Did you do this one, or travel by coach to the feast?


Loving your posts as it's bringing back happy memories of our July cruise.

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Thanks for that clarification, Papaick;). Didn't mean to start something 'cause goodness only knows I wouldn't know where to stop. Pepc, it WAS a joke that begged to be delivered with the picture, ya know? That's all. Promise.


Now, back to our regularly scheduled news program. I am happy to report that the sun is shining as we head toward Victoria. It is a glorious day!


I have a question for you Regenters. Is it common to have both trivial pursuit and the tea going on at the same time and same place (Galileo's)? It seems odd to me, plus it was so crowded today. Now today is the first day I've gone to tea, so wasn't there for trivia. Just seemed odd and a strange environment.


More later.

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Oh, and Elwood, to answer your question. . .all the flight excursions in Ketchikan were cancelled yesterday due to the weather. We did the one where you go on a bus, then the boat around the inlet, then the crab feast. It was very good. The boat tour was a bit cheesy, but the crab feast was worth any amount of cheese. :D

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Oh, and Elmwood, to answer your question. . .all the flight excursions in Ketchikan were cancelled yesterday due to the weather. We did the one where you go on a bus, then the boat around the inlet, then the crab feast. It was very good. The boat tour was a bit cheesy, but the crab feast was worth any amount of cheese. :D

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Teresa, yes, on Regent, tea is normally at 4:00, and trivia follows at 4:30. Tea and trivia a symbiotic relationship, one to the other, if I am using the right word ;) Then, bingo starts at 5:00 if the ship is at sea and it's allowed. If I'm off, check your Passages for details. On one of my Siversea cruises, trivia was downstairs in The Bar, not mixed with tea party people. We had a TA group aboard on that one, and asked for a bartender and waiter, and they obliged, knowing what we were used to on Regent.


I have to say you have been a most tolerant cruiser of the weather which befell you! I've seen some rain and gray skies in Alaska on my 3 cruises there, but never as much as you! I too, was rained out of a misty fjords thing in Ketchikan by seaplane once, fog related. Just got on that lift thing, and climbed the rest of the hill to the salmon factory. Then back in town we found some bar for a couple of beers, named after some guys bent Elbow? Mike comes to mind. Fun!


Enjoy Victoria! Been there twice, and went to Butchart (sp?) Gardens both times. Once pre-cruise and spent night from a ferry ride from mainland. It was worth it. I just love those gardens and go and see all the varieties I can't grow because I have to live with DEER!


Keep on keeping up with us! We are all loving your reports!

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We would have done the bus, boat version of the crab feast but we had such rough seas getting to Ketchikan (arriving nearly an hour and a half late) that my husband was feeling quite ill. In the end, we took the refund and applied next day to a wine tasting with Daniela, which was excellent.

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First off, love the shirt, lkakers. Terry Breen had mentioned that shirt. Oh, and you are a dear to flatter me so. I could only wish I could travel enough to warrant having a travel blog. As it is, I only maintain a family blog, but we do have fun with it.


Also, before I forget, we did just today clear for the ale tour tomorrow in Astoria, TC2. I was not hopeful, but it came through at the last minute.


I have much to report, but I'm getting way behind and should have been making better notes, so before I forget, this is one report which must go on record. I was THAT impressed.


We went to Galileo's for an after dinner cocktail and to have a Yuri fix (Yuri is our very fav bartender), knowing full well that nothing was going on there tonight. Well, nothing going on was an understatement. The only people there were

"suits" (in cruise industry terms, I suppose I should say uniforms). Anyway, when we saw that literally nothing was going on we turned to leave, but this one gent jumped up and quickly said, "Yuri will be back momentarily, but in the meantime, I am happy to make you a drink.". It was obvious that he was an officer, so we quickly said, no, no, not necessary. He insisted very cute like that he had been a bartender in the past and could help us. *About that time, Yuri came in. The "suit" was Michael notsureofhislastname, the general manager of the Navigator.


I continue day by day to be impressed with everything about this experience. So. . .I rest my case, your honor.


Btw, it is worth stating, and since I have a background in HR and management, I am hopeful that the powers that be in the company will take note that Yuri stated his tremendous respect for Michael. Spoke of how approachable and respectful he was to the crew. Speaks volumes about the particular management culture on this ship.


I shall have much more to say later about the entire cruise, the ports and so on, but even before it's over, I must say to my friends from other cruise lines who are following this thread--and you know who you are--get thee to your TA and book a Regent voyage. *Couldn't be more pleased, and you know I speak truth about such important things as holidays and vacation time. ;)


Again, many thanks to all for your kind comments, superior humor and tolerance with my typos. You'll forever be coconuts to me. ;)

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Since everyone else is in bed probably, the satellite internet access is pretty good, so i'll take advantage.


The weather was glorious today. People were out in swimsuits on the pool deck. Amazing change literally overnight.


Gorgeous. Victoria is that and more. Loved seeing the amazing gardens. Could do it everyday.


And remember the Ketchikan feast I told you about? Does it look like we enjoyed? Who cares about rain when you're slurping away at this??





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Teresa, I've been enjoying your posts and always love the sense of humor in your writing. Pictures have been terrific as usual. The photos from your Ketchikan feast are great.


When I first saw your Sarah Palin photo I knew exactly what store you were in as we had seen it at the entranceway of that store just a couple of weeks earlier.


Please send the cooler weather here. We need it. Best to you and Don.



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T, thanks again for the delightful posts & pix..very happy to hear Don & you have put Regent on you cruise line dance card for future cruises. The very personable Navigator GM is Michael Coghlan--thought so highly by the leadership of Regent that he generally is the World Cruise GM. If you get a chance, pls pass Ida and my warm regards along to Michael. Also, speaking of Michael and his very talented wife (she performed on Regent World cruises in 2009, 2010, and this year). In March during this year's World cruise, Michael's wife (Stephanie Baldwin--classical trained Soprano and former Miss California) here is Stephanie singing a duet, Time to say Goodbye on the Voyager earlier this year:


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Teresa, this thread is one of the most delightful I've read on CC for years. And it's mostly because of your writing style, sense of humor and general joie de vivre. Clearly you know how to enjoy the great experiences (and little experiences) of life. We have done one Regent cruise (a TA on the Mariner March '10) and had a fabulous time and look forward to our next cruise with Regent, whenever it will be. We've considered Alaska, but I had misgivings about the Navigator with her vibration problem and other issues that have occurred in the last few years, but clearly, she is a worthy ship (just be mindful of cabin selection).

By the way, we lived in Cinti for two years (Central Trust/PNC merger) and loved it. Still close and we still visit (still mourn Maisonette). Still stop at Arnold's every time.

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