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What is best time of year for Mediterranean cruise?


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Dierdre, I just finished your trip report and have bookmarked it. Thanks for taking all the time and including all of the links. I like your style and you had a great way of writing. I told my husband this is what we are doing for our 35th. After all I can not be the only woman in her fifty's that has not been to Venice. What a lovely couple you two are! How wonderful to get to see your daughter and then have her meet you at your next stop.


Terry, I also spent most of the day reading and looking at all of your pictures. They are amazing! You can tell you love to travel, take pictures and share with others. Thanks for taking the time it takes to share. I am so excited and am pretty sure I have found my next big adventure!

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Terry, I also spent most of the day reading and looking at all of your pictures. They are amazing! You can tell you love to travel, take pictures and share with others. Thanks for taking the time it takes to share. I am so excited and am pretty sure I have found my next big adventure!


Appreciate from our "neighbor" next door in Indiana for the kind comments on my pictures, posts, etc. Keep up your great excitement and planning to prepare for that next great adventure. Look forward to any added questions you or others have.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 107,009 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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We just got back a week ago. We cruised out of Barcelona on Sept. 20 thru October 2 then 4 more nights in Barcelona. Weather was perfect, 70s most of the time, smooth seas and sun. We went to Venice and back, stopping in Cannes, Livorno, Rome, Naples, Kotor, Montenegro Venice and Split, Croatia.


Both sunrise and sunset were between 7-7:30 depending on location. We were too tired or back on ship by that time so shorter days weren't a big deal.

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Another vote for May. We've been to the Mediterranean twice (east and west) from early to mid-May. Both times with great weather, sunny and hot but not too hot. Less crowd and get more daylights as we go. We've got enough time even if the ship doesn't dock until later in the day, won't feel like we have to cut short our sightseeing time. :)

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We cruise the Med every year usually back to back and read many myths about worries travellers need not have!

1. It is nice any time between late April and late Oct. Have not cruised later than mid Nov. when it was nice in the southern regions such as Israel and Egypt. You can get showers any time but they would be rare in July or August. Weather cannot be guaranteed anywhere but the Med. is more blessed than most!

2.Venice does not smell! We were there in Aug. when it is supposed to smell in high summer but there was no whiff whatsoever! Venice will be superb and cooler in Oct. but was not crowded in July this year. St Marks Square is pleasantly busy of course but elsewhere quiet and uncrowded.

3.Security is not a problem. If you are in a port where there is a protest (highly unlikely and unlucky) the ship would advise a detour. The TV coverage is from rare episodes in places like Madrid, not normally on the cruise itinerary!

4. Back to weather, in late or early season the best weather in to the south and nearer southern Greece and North Africa naturally.


5. Another myth - you will be pick-pocketed in Barcelona. If you flaunt your valuables, hanging out of your back pocket, you might. But take the appropriate precautions and you will not see any crime.

6. Another myth - the restaurant Julia Roberts went to in Naples is not the oldest. Not far away is Port D'Alba, which is the oldest pizzeria in the world.

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5. Another myth - you will be pick-pocketed in Barcelona. If you flaunt your valuables, hanging out of your back pocket, you might. But take the appropriate precautions and you will not see any crime.

6. Another myth - the restaurant Julia Roberts went to in Naples is not the oldest. Not far away is Port D'Alba, which is the oldest pizzeria in the world.


I don't think anyone says you WILL be pickpocketed, but downplaying the very active risk in Barcelona is wrong.


I am a very experienced traveler, and I assure you I did not "flaunt" any valuables, nor did I have anything "hanging out of my back pocket". Yet the pickpockets managed to steal the wallet out of my zipped purse that was carried across my body and under my left arm without me even noticing it until I went to pay for my admission to the Picasso museum and found it gone.

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We've sailed in October and November, yes the days are cooler and you may have the odd shower of rain (that's how I came by a bargain of an umbrella in Rome!, 5 euros for a huge long handled one, still use it now). The cooler temperatures suit me better as it is more practical for sightseeing, there are less crowds and prices are generally lower.


Athens in November was cold, definitely needed a jacket especially up at the Acropolis.


Planning to do another med cruise from Venice round the adriatic next October/November, Venice is a fabulous place and really should be visited once in your lifetime.


If you are sun worshippers you would probably be better going in May, June or early September. July and August gets very hot and crowded so unless you intend staying on the ship to sunbathe I would advise against that time.


Enjoy your planning - you get spoiled for choice!!

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Dierdre, I just finished your trip report and have bookmarked it. Thanks for taking all the time and including all of the links. I like your style and you had a great way of writing. I told my husband this is what we are doing for our 35th. After all I can not be the only woman in her fifty's that has not been to Venice. What a lovely couple you two are! How wonderful to get to see your daughter and then have her meet you at your next stop.


Terry, I also spent most of the day reading and looking at all of your pictures. They are amazing! You can tell you love to travel, take pictures and share with others. Thanks for taking the time it takes to share. I am so excited and am pretty sure I have found my next big adventure!


Thanks, Cindy, for the kind words. We had a wonderful time. I was worried about cruising in the middle of the summer but honestly it wasn't any hotter over there than it was here with our Indiana heat and drought. One nice thing about it was that the water was really good for swimming. I'll never forget spending our beach day at Dubrovnik. If you do care about going swimming, I'd say go no later than the end of September at the very latest. When we were in Bari, Italy (at the bottom near the heel) last October, it was capris and t-shirt weather by the middle of the month, not bathing suit weather. Though of course if you like swimming in Lake Michigan, you can disregard everything I've said about going in the water. :p;)

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Last year in Octoberdid the last Med and Transat on Epic

in bcn it was relatively warm during the da y but it did get col in am andafter dark

in Florence it was freezing ....boy I was not ready for it and caught bronchitis ...no fun ...had to see the doctor ..i was quite sick So do not travel without your ovtc meds .Our stuff does not necessarily exist in Europe Bring sweaters and a jacket .and raincoat

We went fromvery warm tovery cold and some placesery wet ....Azores


Visiting. Was fine


i think May would probably be similar. And warmer

we went last july and it was hot hot hot but i loved it



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We cruised in early May and found the weather to be perfect - not too cool and not too hot. We stayed with relatives in Rome for two days prior to embarkation and did 10-days on Oceania's Insignia - ending up in Barcelona - it was our first European vacation and a most memorable trip - the itinerary was second-to-none and the small ship atmosphere was perfect - not much night life but after full days of exploring/sight-seeing, that was ok with us.

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WIth all the recent economic problems and strikes that are happening in Greece right now getting in and out of Athens, back and forth from the airport to the ship would give me grave concern. THey seem to have these strikes at the drop of a hat with no warning.


Also, of the Med ports I have been to I was the least impressed with Athens. Yes the Acropolis is fascinating if you can even see it under all the scaffolding they have had up for the last few years doing restoration work which would appear never to end. THere are some other areas worth seeing but overall Athens is a sprawling, ugly city with really ugly 60's & 70's buildings. It would be at the bottom of my list to start or end my cruise in.

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We've done 4 Med Cruises and have always gone in Oct. It is a great time to go. We've always had perfect weather--70's and sunny and it's less crowded, there are fewer ships in port than during the summer. A cruise is a great way to see Europe. Figure out what country and area you like and go back for a longer time if you want to.

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"Best" can depend much on your personal interests, schedule flexibilities, budget, travel style, etc. We have done two different Med cruise cruise in early to mid June. Things have worked out super well on both "adventures" with great weather and nice conditions. This includes late June 2006, Athens to Istanbul, enjoying the Greek Isles and Turkish Coast over seven days on a smaller Seabourn ship. Then last June for southern France, Italy and the Croatian Coast from spectacular Barcelona on the larger, 2850-passenger Celebrity Solstice that is detailed below on my live/blog for that trip and ship.


If your work schedule permits, May could be super, allowing less crowds, nice weather and maybe a little cheaper costs. As noted by others, late September and October can work out well, too (if you're not a football fan who has their favorite college and/or NFL teams). Early to mid June are good as many in Europe and other locations are not yet totally done with school schedules, etc.


You have several choice and decisions to consider. Where to depart from? Barcelona is becoming very popular with good air, port, main city, etc., options and facilities. Do you do more western Med and/or reach out and cover some of the eastern Med that includes the Greek Island and/or Turkish Coast. Then, there is wonderful Venice and key, spectacular cities such as Dubrovnik. Below are some added links and my visuals options to help spur your thought process. How much are you interested in history? Countrysides vs. cities? Museums, food, wine, art, music, shopping, architecture, culture, etc.? How much of it in a leisurely style versus fast-paced? Then, with more detailed and specific information from you, we can make better, more specific suggestions on what best fits your needs and interests.


Reactions and added questions??



Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 10,540 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.



More on wonderful Kotor and nearby, check these postings. Have had over 8,950 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:



Since Venice is one of your key stops, you might look at this earlier posting that I did on the Italy board that shows many options and visual potentials for this city that is so great for "walking around", personally sampling the great history and architecture. This posting has now had over 15,275 views and I appreciate those who have dropped by and tuned in. Don’t be shy in sharing any questions or comments.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!



You can check out my earlier post on “Athens Tips, Suggestions, Examples to Enjoy!” for many details, ideas and interesting visuals on this great city. Lots of ideas here from me and others experienced with Athens. This posting has had over 6,000 views. Appreciate those who have dropped by, made comments, etc.



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 106,897 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Don’t miss the sail-in and/or sail-out for Venice. This was our view from the top of the ship as we approached the historic center of Venice. On a beautiful day, as we enjoyed, this is so spectacular!!!:





This is a view of the historic Dubrovnik wall at an upward and outward point built on top of the rocks and where it overlooks the Adriatic Sea. Walking this wall is a wonderful and unique way to sample and see up close and personal what makes this city so special.:





It was a big “WOW” for our first visit to Pisa. This tower is much taller than I expected. They just completed a major cleaning of it a few weeks earlier in the spring, making things perfect, except for that little foundation problem with one tower. Also impressive here are the Pisa Baptistry and Duomo (main) church. Pisa has a couple of major universities here. There is another church here that also also a learning (and shorter) tower. We drove by that site. Two leaning towers in Pisa! How many knew that?:





Looking downhill towards the library and other ruins from when Ephesus, along the Turkish Coast, was Rome's capital of Asia Minor. The history here is real and totally amazing! This Library of Celsus was built in honor of a Roman Senator and completed in 135 AD by his son, a Roman Consul and powerful official. The library was built to store 12,000 scrolls and to serve as a tomb for his father. The interior of the library and all its books were destroyed by fire in an earthquake in 262 AD. Only the facade survived, but was later destroyed by another earthquake. In a restoration during the 1960's and 1970's, the front was restored and serves as a key example of Roman public architecture.:





Here was our first view of Istanbul in 2006 from our just-docking cruise ship as we smelled the sweet blend of this historic Turkish city. YES, you could really smell how “special” is this unique city with so much culture, charm and interest! Istanbul has so much variety, history, culture, architecture, people, food, charm, etc. It’s the total experience here that is so amazing.:





Here’s a sampling of the narrow, flowered street in Mykonos in the Greek Isles with its many shops. The streets were made so narrow in order to fend off pirate attackers. It is an island with lots of history and legend dating back thousands of years, including connections to ancient Greek mythology. Ionians settled on Mykonos in the early part of the 11th century BC. As Delos developed as a sacred center, Mykonos was under the influences of the different people, including Phoenicians, Macedonians and Athenians. With the rise of Alexander the Great, the fate of Mykonos became a commercial center for agriculture and maritime trade. Mykonos flourished with enormous wealth during Roman occupation during the reign of Augustus Caesar. During the Middle Ages, Mykonos fell under the Venetians and later were victimized by the Saracens and latter the Turks. Starting in the 1950’s, its unique architecture, seclusion and hospitality have made it a haven for the rich and famous.:



Dear TLCOhio,


Just have to say "Thank you very much" for all this wonderful info about the Mediterranean! The photos are outstanding and with your knowledge, you could write a travel book (or Blog).


We have been trying to decide which Mediterranean cruise we want to try first and you have given us a lot of help. Hope to cross paths with you someday.

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We are about to embark on our. third Mediterranean cruise next week. I would say mid October would be the best time. Last year we took one that left early in September for 11 days and it was so darn hot.


LOL! That is what I said about June-especially Venice, Split, and Kotor. I am not sure winter would be a good time to go either though-but I would like to go again-just either in the early spring or late fall.


Another bad thing about summer-there were a zillion people at the Trevi Fountain, Roman forum, Pompeii, Leaning tower of Pisa,etc.

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Thanks, Cindy, for the kind words. We had a wonderful time. I was worried about cruising in the middle of the summer but honestly it wasn't any hotter over there than it was here with our Indiana heat and drought. One nice thing about it was that the water was really good for swimming. I'll never forget spending our beach day at Dubrovnik. If you do care about going swimming, I'd say go no later than the end of September at the very latest. When we were in Bari, Italy (at the bottom near the heel) last October, it was capris and t-shirt weather by the middle of the month, not bathing suit weather. Though of course if you like swimming in Lake Michigan, you can disregard everything I've said about going in the water. :p;)


It was a bother for me because I was OUT in the heat-at home when it is super hot-I stay in-so I still say spring and fall are better times to cruise. We only went in the summer so our daughter who works in the school system could join-if we ever go again it will be the 2 of us and I will just have to say "We took you once, I want to enjoy it more myself this time." she knows I have issues with the sun/ heat because of my diabetes (Meds that control it) and fibromyaliga, both of which make me more sensitive to the sun than most people and if I am out in it much my energy is drained badly and it takes a couple of days for me to recover.


So I suppose it depends on the person-if you love summer and outdoor activities in the summer-than no you probably will not mind the heat. However, if you avoid outdoor activities as much as possible in summer heat-then yes it will not be the best time for you.

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We did the Easter Med in May and it was absolutely perfect except for a very few sprinkles one day. It was warm, but not hot...just ideal weather for all those fascinating ports. Personally, i like the Spring much better than the Fall. To me, the Spring is like a rebirth, with flowers everywhere and a new and fresh smell in the air. However, that is just my opinion.

Last September, we did the Western Med. The weather wasn't fantastic each day, but a little coolness isn't bad either. Remember, you are asking about Mother Nature so it can be unpredictable. Neither cruise had pouring down rain!;)


You can see that I am returning to the Spring cruise this May, 2013!

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Hi, have you made up your mind when to go to the Mediterranean?


I have so much more research to do but I am thinking of booking Sep/Oct for 2114. I need to wait until the itinerary comes out for Celebrity in Feb or March. Thanks for everyone's input.

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