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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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Two quick stories related to people assuming I am too young to have an "elite" black card:

One time a few years ago, I purchased an item at the gift shop. The sales person was excited to inform me that I get 10% off (which I already knew). There was a passenger (female) behind me in line that I acknowledged. A few minutes later as I was walking up the stairs from the International Cafe, the same passenger that that was behind me in line tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped and turned around. She looked at me and said "you must be a travel agent, you are too young to have Elite status, must be nice enjoying the Elite perks". I just looked at her said "no I am not a travel agent" and walked away. (I had no idea what she was talking about). Of course, now I know that travel agents can earn elite status by going through certain TA/Princess training...

Also, twice I was stopped by passengers in the Platinum/Elite/Suite lounge telling me that this is only for Elites. Both times I smiled and said Yes with a comment that this is a nice perk from Princess.

Sue from Fairfield, CA

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1) Timetraveler.... I went to Trader Joes near Chicago for the first time in November (we don't have them around here)... two buck chuck is now $2.98......


It's still $1.99 in California. It's always been a little more in other parts of the country because of shipping and perhaps liquor taxes. It was $3.98 in New Jersey last I heard.:eek:


My recently-departed MIL loved her Two Buck Chuck and we always made a point of Keene her supplied. When she passed in November, we found almost two cases that her caregivers (who disapproved) had hidden.:mad: She was 96, for heaven's sake. It wasn't said the wine was going to kill her...


And I still prefer my inexpensive wine in a proper red or white glass, thankyouverymuch.

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My recently-departed MIL loved her Two Buck Chuck and we always made a point of Keene her supplied. When she passed in November, we found almost two cases that her caregivers (who disapproved) had hidden.:mad: She was 96, for heaven's sake. It wasn't said the wine was going to kill her...


Not this makes me really sad. Wine is one of the few joys of life that we can continue enjoy in our old age. Note to self, make sure that I have Catholic or Jewish caregivers who believe in drinking lots of wine. We had a friend who just died at 96 and she just loved her wine. Every time we would attend a funeral with her, even her husband's, the first thing she would say to me when we got to the reception was, "Go get me a glass of red wine". :) She had an amazing life.


We have a Methodist retirement home in our community called Bayview Manor which did not allow alcohol. All of the Catholic residents got together and campaigned to have wine at dinner and they now have a wine side in the dining room and a wine-free side of the dining room. Never try to come between Catholics and their wine, especially the French and Italians. ;)

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Snobs, don't know if some were snobs due to their alcohol consumtion.


On one cruise two men in their 50's bent over and mooned the guests in Crooners Bar while the piano player was performing. They were so drunk they could barely stand up.


Same bar, same cruise, an intoxicatied women starting singing happy birthday to the man she was with at the bar. She was so lound that the piano player got all of us to sing happy birthday; she shut up.


Table hogs in the Harizon court and around the pools.


People who take pictures of the photos the ship potographers took, so the did not have to purchase them.


One man showed up on formal night in the MDR wearing casual clothes, and a windbreaker.


A coupe held up the ship from saling on time, they were still on shore, the crew had to go out and find them, the were found, all of us on the top deck were yelling at them to hurry up and get on the ship LOL.


I have more but.... I am sure you all have had similar experencies. Were they all snobs, no, some IMHO, just stupid.

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Something no one has mentioned about the cruise caard - it was my understanding that keeping it on a lanyard was for convienience rather then

fishing it out of a pocket or purse when needed. Regardless of the color or status of the person. Unless they exhibit other characteristics I doubt everyone who does so is a snob!:)


There was no way macho me was going to wear my cruise card on

a necklace!!!!

However, after I had broken and delaminated a couple in my pockets and

lost a couple more than DW thought I should -- guess what---

I now have a lanyard which DW makes sure I wear with my elite card

attached. (plus a spare lanyard in the carryon:))

So if you see old guy (me) showing off my elite care to the rest of the cruise folks I am not really a snob and please blame DW for making me wear a lanyard.


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There was no way macho me was going to wear my cruise card on

a necklace!!!!

However, after I had broken and delaminated a couple in my pockets and

lost a couple more than DW thought I should -- guess what---

I now have a lanyard which DW makes sure I wear with my elite card

attached. (plus a spare lanyard in the carryon:))

So if you see old guy (me) showing off my elite care to the rest of the cruise folks I am not really a snob and please blame DW for making me wear a lanyard.



Earl you are too funny! Give our best to Carolyn. BTW, our pineapples are coming along nicely:)

Judy and De

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Snobs, don't know if some were snobs due to their alcohol consumtion.


On one cruise two men in their 50's bent over and mooned the guests in Crooners Bar while the piano player was performing. They were so drunk they could barely stand up.


Same bar, same cruise, an intoxicatied women starting singing happy birthday to the man she was with at the bar. She was so lound that the piano player got all of us to sing happy birthday; she shut up.


Table hogs in the Harizon court and around the pools.


People who take pictures of the photos the ship potographers took, so the did not have to purchase them.


One man showed up on formal night in the MDR wearing casual clothes, and a windbreaker.


A coupe held up the ship from saling on time, they were still on shore, the crew had to go out and find them, the were found, all of us on the top deck were yelling at them to hurry up and get on the ship LOL.


I have more but.... I am sure you all have had similar experencies. Were they all snobs, no, some IMHO, just stupid.


IMHO, none of these people were snobs. My definition of a snob is someone who thinks they are inherently better than other people, like the Armani suit guys in the Premier line who just assumed that an old lady couldn't possibly have higher status than they did. Maybe they tout I couldn't read the signs. :p


The people you describe are either drunk, ignorant or rude, but not snobs.


I agree with Pia on the lanyard issue--putting your cruise card on a lanyard is an easy way to keep track off it--nothing more. I usually carry a tiny purse that holds my phone, my lipstick, my social cards (in the event that i meet someone really cool with whom i would like to stay in contact) and my cruise card, but when I go to the gym, Zumba or a dance class and don't want to be encumbered with even a little purse, I use a lanyard, which shows only the back side about half the time. Just try controlling the side of the card that faces out d and see what happens. ;)

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Snobs, don't know if some were snobs due to their alcohol consumtion.


On one cruise two men in their 50's bent over and mooned the guests in Crooners Bar while the piano player was performing. They were so drunk they could barely stand up.


Same bar, same cruise, an intoxicatied women starting singing happy birthday to the man she was with at the bar. She was so lound that the piano player got all of us to sing happy birthday; she shut up.


Table hogs in the Harizon court and around the pools.


People who take pictures of the photos the ship potographers took, so the did not have to purchase them.


One man showed up on formal night in the MDR wearing casual clothes, and a windbreaker.


A coupe held up the ship from saling on time, they were still on shore, the crew had to go out and find them, the were found, all of us on the top deck were yelling at them to hurry up and get on the ship LOL.


I have more but.... I am sure you all have had similar experencies. Were they all snobs, no, some IMHO, just stupid.


IMHO, none of these people were snobs. My definition of a snob is someone who thinks they are inherently better than other people, like the Armani suit guys in the Premier line who just assumed that an old lady couldn't possibly have higher status than they did. Maybe they thought I couldn't read the signs. :p


The people you describe are either drunk, ignorant or rude, but not snobs.


I agree with Pia on the lanyard issue--putting your cruise card on a lanyard is an easy way to keep track off it--nothing more. I usually carry a tiny purse that holds my phone, my lipstick, my social cards (in the event that i meet someone really cool with whom i would like to stay in contact) and my cruise card, but when I go to the gym, Zumba or a dance class and don't want to be encumbered with even a little purse, I use a lanyard, which shows only the back side about half the time. Just try controlling the side of the card that faces out d and see what happens. ;)

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This thread is too tempting to resist. I ate beside a couple from S.Florida. Single tables, but with little space between them. So we had the nicest wait staff in the world. One outgoing young man, another young man, afraid he would make a mistake...so eager to please. And the Matire'D came to our table..and every other table..every night to check on service, say hello.

So one night, the young server thinks it is my birthday. No. Then the couple's no. Then he says he has a birthday cake. The woman says she will take. He says it will be delivered to her room as she doesn't want it then.NEXT NIGHT...she arrives. Furious. They jump the waitor. The cake didn't arrive. The husband jumps in..yells at him. They get the matire 'D over. He offers her a free drink. She gets a strawberry Daqurii. He takes her name promises the cake will be there tomorrow..REMEMBER. IT WAS NOT HER BIRTHDAY. SHE JUST SAID THE WOULD TAKE THE CAKE. The young waiter is dressed down. publically. NEXT NIGHT..they come in..yelling at the kid. Over some stupid something on the menu. I ask about the cake. Shes says..Oh, the cake came. But ****** does not eat chocolate, so I gave it to our cabin attendent.

I wrote a super duper report on the forms they put in your to recognize good service. I tipped both extra. I told the Maitre 'D how great they had been.

I was stunned that grown up people..could treat others like that. My husband said they were Trust Fund Babies..and didn't think servants were human. Maybe he was right. it was shocking. It disturbed me to the core.

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On one of our cruises, a Princess employee who travels (11 months of the year according to her) on various ships for one of the concessions, joined a table for 8 in the dining room for lunch. She was very obviously sick.. coughing and sneezing and complaining about how ill she was. I cannot understand how someone, especially someone who works for Princess, would be so unthoughtful and expose everyone around her to a nasty virus that was spreading through the ship. Felt so bad for the people on either side of her as she coughed all over them. Some people actually left the table.. Thoughtless...:mad:

On my last cruise during it I caught a very bad virus which could not be avoided due to everyone was coughing in theatre and showrooms.

I was confined to my cabin with this.

Was just feeling better and allowed to dining room when one of the ladies at my table was coughing and coughing ....the head waiter noticed this and also knew I had been ill due to the fact I informed them that I would not be in dining room when sick.

He sent one of the waiters over to say there was a message at the desk for me would I go.

He took me to another table and set me up there.

This is how special the employees with Princess can make one feel.:)

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There was one couple at trivia who had been on the ship for a number of cruises and knew almost all of the answers from having had the questions before. Naturally they won almost every time.


They liked to sit in one particular spot and often showed up early to get that spot.


One day, one of our team mmebers came extra early on purpose and took "their" spot. When they arrived, they chastised our team member for taking their spot and then left since they could not sit there. That day another team had a fair opportunity to come in first.


I got yelled at one time for sitting in a "Team's" seat. I had another instance (non trivia) where we were staying in a PH suite on the Ruby. I walked up to the passenger services desk to ask a question about my shipboard account. When I arrived at the PS desk, I saw there was a line for Suite/Elite. I also noted there were four or five people in the regular line. Not really thinking, I entered the Suite/Elite line (not to flaunt the fact I worked my a** off with overtime to be abe to afford a suite) but just because I thought that was my line). As I did this the woman, who was first in the regular line, began to scream that she was next. When the PS employee tried to tell her about the Suite/Elite line, I told her not to worry and got in the back of the regular line that now was about 8 or so peeople long. These two stories bring up what really bugs me; cruisers who yell loudly thinking they'll get more attention if they yell loud enough.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:




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Also, twice I was stopped by passengers in the Platinum/Elite/Suite lounge telling me that this is only for Elites. Both times I smiled and said Yes with a comment that this is a nice perk from Princess.


Sue from Fairfield, CA


I would have looked them right in the eye and said "I know that--but it looks like they'll let anybody in here!"

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Feb 2012 we sailed on the Disney Dream. Was a family vacation, 7 of us in all. We had a few things to celebrate. On the first night of the cruise we had a special cake delieverd to the table (pre ordered it) along with a bottle of champagne that I had brought on board and the MD was nice enough to chill for us for dinner. The 6 people at the table next to us were starring and one of the women piped up and said "well I guess they think they are just all kinds of special" well our waiter, Richard, overheard her. He told us to please give him a minute and he walked off. Turns out he went to the MD and the next thing we know the MD is on the mic asking for everyone's attention. He then proceeded to let everyone in the dinning room know that we were celebrating my husband's 20 years of active duty in the US Navy. My hubby then got a standing ovation and the men at the table next us promptly apologized for the woman's comment and the next day bought him a bucket of beer LOL

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I got yelled at one time for sitting in a "Team's" seat. I had another instance (non trivia) where we were staying in a PH suite on the Ruby. I walked up to the passenger services desk to ask a question about my shipboard account. When I arrived at the PS desk, I saw there was a line for Suite/Elite. I also noted there were four or five people in the regular line. Not really thinking, I entered the Suite/Elite line (not to flaunt the fact I worked my a** off with overtime to be abe to afford a suite) but just because I thought that was my line). As I did this the woman, who was first in the regular line, began to scream that she was next. When the PS employee tried to tell her about the Suite/Elite line, I told her not to worry and got in the back of the regular line that now was about 8 or so peeople long. These two stories bring up what really bugs me; cruisers who yell loudly thinking they'll get more attention if they yell loud enough.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:






Sir, it was your line. If you ignore people like that, they tend to bury themselves in humiliation all on their own.

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I arrived at the PS desk, I saw there was a line for Suite/Elite. I also noted there were four or five people in the regular line. Not really thinking, I entered the Suite/Elite line (not to flaunt the fact I worked my a** off with overtime to be abe to afford a suite) but just because I thought that was my line). As I did this the woman, who was first in the regular line, began to scream that she was next. When the PS employee tried to tell her about the Suite/Elite line, I told her not to worry and got in the back of the regular line that now was about 8 or so peeople long. These two stories bring up what really bugs me; cruisers who yell loudly thinking they'll get more attention if they yell loud enough.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:




Unfortunately, that's exactly what that person got - attention. Using the Suite/Elite line is not snobbery, it is using something we've either paid for or earned (paying for it over time...). When I use that line I make sure my card is visible, so that others will know I am not just cutting in.
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I love getting the fish knife. Now odd question. Not a southpaw, but in the words of my dad, I "eat like a Canadian" by having the knife in my right and fork/spoon in my left with no issue. What is it that complicates it for southpaws aside from having to switch hands? Or is it like a hockey stick and golf club with a curve on the wrong side?




If you look at the blade, you will see how it is made to cut. If you are left handed, you cannot properly cut with that knife. It is the same as if you are trying to cut with right handed scissors or in the case of a right handed person, trying to cut with left handed scissors. Perhaps we southpaws should request left handed knives. I am sure that would be called "stump the waiter" or better yet, fit into the category of being a cruise snot!!!! L.O.L

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I love getting the fish knife. Now odd question. Not a southpaw, but in the words of my dad, I "eat like a Canadian" by having the knife in my right and fork/spoon in my left with no issue. What is it that complicates it for southpaws aside from having to switch hands? Or is it like a hockey stick and golf club with a curve on the wrong side?


Not exactly a snob story - but our team was accused rather loudly by another group of "cheating" at a trivia session. Though I do think it relates to the esteem issues that drive snobbery.



Our last cruise, we had a woman that would come to the trivia session and ask who were teachers. She only wanted teachers on her team. Nothing against teachers but I guess everyone else was not considered intellegent enough for her. At the end of the session, she would leave in a huff because she did not win.......Guess I should have offered her the plastic princess photo album that I won!!!

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It's still $1.99 in California. It's always been a little more in other parts of the country because of shipping and perhaps liquor taxes. It was $3.98 in New Jersey last I heard.:eek:


My recently-departed MIL loved her Two Buck Chuck and we always made a point of Keene her supplied. When she passed in November, we found almost two cases that her caregivers (who disapproved) had hidden.:mad: She was 96, for heaven's sake. It wasn't said the wine was going to kill her...


And I still prefer my inexpensive wine in a proper red or white glass, thankyouverymuch.


Sorry to disappoint you, but effective January 1st, it is $2.49 in California

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Well I Never......(sticks nose in air)

One would think this type of thread would be more suited for the Carnival board. Unconscionable :p

Oh no.....you should have compared with P&O, dear boy! ;)


Most Carnival folks I've come across

are too ordinary for snobbery (myself included)


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It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of one of this boards great heros. Yes folks, Two Buck Chuck has taken his last bow. As of Saturday the 19th of January our hero Two Buck has now become $2.29 Chuck.


Yes, That is in his home state of California, and due to the "high" cost of producing it. Reported on all the local news channels last evening.


R.I.P. Two

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