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Do Celebrity Care – NO!


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I have sailed a number of Celebrity cruises and enjoyed every one, never have I seen problems such as the OP describes. And, in fairness, his post was about the lack of response from Celebrity, not his review of the cruise. But this is a forum, and all opinions should be welcome. I'm sure that most astute readers can sort through ALL the reviews of a ship before making a decision. Bundles, seems a little harsh to suggest that the OP sounds controlling and needs counseling, since you weren't there to really evaluate! Just saying.......

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from the standpoint of an ex CS rep I want to point out something: comments/reviews like this which are nothing but how rotten everything was and zero suggestions on what they would consider improvement generally get tossed. ( we used to also take all the 'Omygerd youse guys are the bestest evar!' reviews and toss them as well. In the interest of keeping the extremists minimized)


complaints just for the sake of complaining are ignored as they serve no purpose. furthermore, many of these things that were complained about are SUBJECTIVE in nature. Food especially.


any legitimate beefs that could have been and should have been rectified were lost in the rest of the rant.

Being in the customer service industry (retail) I completely understand what you are saying. However we take every complaint and complement seriously and reply with a personal phone call or letter just to show good will.It's not the job of the consumer to make suggestions on how things can be improved. It's the job of the company to take the information for what it's worth and use it to make improvements The OP states that he has sailed with Celebrity in the past and was satisfied with the product. Maybe he did rant but I still think it deserves acknowledgement. I guess that customer service only applies to current bookings. If Celebrity didn't rely on repeat business they wouldn't have a loyalty program. Hard to be loyal to a company who picks and chooses who gets a response to a problem or complement. Just out of curiosity if someone sends a letter or email complementing one of the staff does that get tossed as well. Let me know before I waste my time writing one.


Let me also add that it's been my experience that the cruise line CS reps for all lines seem to be untrained and not knowledgeable of the product often giving wrong information. Sometimes you have to call two or three times before you get the correct information. I have learned to address all my questions to the CC members who always seem to have the correct response.

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Being in the customer service industry (retail) I completely understand what you are saying. However we take every complaint and complement seriously and reply with a personal phone call or letter just to show good will.It's not the job of the consumer to make suggestions on how things can be improved. It's the job of the company to take the information for what it's worth and use it to make improvements The OP states that he has sailed with Celebrity in the past and was satisfied with the product. Maybe he did rant but I still think it deserves acknowledgement. I guess that customer service only applies to current bookings. If Celebrity didn't rely on repeat business they wouldn't have a loyalty program. Hard to be loyal to a company who picks and chooses who gets a response to a problem or complement. Just out of curiosity if someone sends a letter or email complementing one of the staff does that get tossed as well. Let me know before I waste my time writing one.


I sent a letter complementing the Restaurant Manger on Reflection for designing a special dining package to reduce the crowding in Blu. I received a letter thanking me for my response and then a call for more information about the program. I've noticed that Cemal's Specialty Dining Program for Blu passengers on Reflection has been implemented on other cruises. They do read, listen and respond to positives as well as negatives.

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I am in agreement with the OP that the minimal response should have been a more personalized email or letter stating that Celebrity was sorry the cruise did not go as expected, etc.,etc.


Beyond that point, I would not understand how someone could send such a rambling diatribe of a couple salient points surrounded by paragraphs of trivial complaining and expect to get anything more. Honestly, if I were a Customer Service agent and got this missive I wouldn't know where to start in responding other than a general "sorry you were not happy". I have written to companies a number of times with complaints, including to Celebrity once or twice, and have always gotten feedback - not always what I wanted to hear necessarily, but a personalized answer. it helps to get to the pertinent points and give some indication of what action you expect in return. It also helps not to get insulting (comparing the Cruise Director and his assistant to Laurel and Hardy?!?). It helps not to add implications that discrimination was involved which could only be devised by mind-reading (the implications that some of these issues were due to the OP's country of origin - seriously?!?! - why would someone jump to the assumption it was because they were Australian???) And finally, it helps to structure the letter cleanly with good grammar, spelling, and punctuation if you want to be taken seriously.

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I sailed the same cruise as the OP. While I wouldn't call any of it terrible by any means, it was also pretty... average. I certainly agree with weakness in the food department, and was quite disappointed.


My MDR dinner was delayed twice by my waiter actually sending the meal back before I even got it! And then there was another occasion when I sent it back for poor quality. The other times it was fairly average, but certainly not as good as it used to be.


I also agree to some extent with the other points he made, although issues affect different people differently. I certainly can support his description of the issues. Personally, there were other deficiencies that weakened the cruise experience for me, that he also didn't mention. As said, none of these made it terrible... but they also weren't up to the premium price and 'modern luxury' branding that Celebrity promote.

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I must say that I received good customer service from Celebrity. My husband had a fishing charter excursion in Alaska that was very unsatisfactory. He complained on the return to the ship as did the others on that excursion. As a followup to the cruise I wrote a letter to Celebrity and a review of the tour. A few weeks later my husband received a call asking about his tour and his concerns. No we didn't get a refund or a comp of any kind for the tour, but I was satisfied that his complaints were valid and they were going to do something about it. No cruise is perfect and if you think about it not all the meals you make are edible and delicious. You make adjustments and go forward.

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Being in the customer service industry (retail) I completely understand what you are saying. However we take every complaint and complement seriously and reply with a personal phone call or letter just to show good will.It's not the job of the consumer to make suggestions on how things can be improved. It's the job of the company to take the information for what it's worth and use it to make improvements The OP states that he has sailed with Celebrity in the past and was satisfied with the product. Maybe he did rant but I still think it deserves acknowledgement. I guess that customer service only applies to current bookings. If Celebrity didn't rely on repeat business they wouldn't have a loyalty program. Hard to be loyal to a company who picks and chooses who gets a response to a problem or complement. Just out of curiosity if someone sends a letter or email complementing one of the staff does that get tossed as well. Let me know before I waste my time writing one.


Let me also add that it's been my experience that the cruise line CS reps for all lines seem to be untrained and not knowledgeable of the product often giving wrong information. Sometimes you have to call two or three times before you get the correct information. I have learned to address all my questions to the CC members who always seem to have the correct response.


+1. The cost of keeping a customer is far less than the cost of gaining a customer...however celebrity is in a cut costs everywhere mode even if it means losing a customer. It's an unfortunate management style, but it is what it is.


My impression is that Hq relies on those on the ships to do any people/passenger issue management while hq focuses on ways to cut costs. There is a small staff in hq that only has time to focus on real, solvable problems....and marketing is focused on bringing in new customers, so there is essentially no one that cares about shipboard experiences....that's the ship's problem.

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I sailed the same cruise as the OP. While I wouldn't call any of it terrible by any means, it was also pretty... average. I certainly agree with weakness in the food department, and was quite disappointed....


As said, none of these made it terrible... but they also weren't up to the premium price and 'modern luxury' branding that Celebrity promote.


There seems to be a growing disconnect between the Celebrity experience of some returning cruisers and the image that corporate wants to convey.

There is definitely an inconsistency in the product that one notices when compared to previous sailings over the years.

I also have sent comments from time to time that have been met with computer generated responses with no reference to the issue raised.

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from the standpoint of an ex CS rep I want to point out something: comments/reviews like this which are nothing but how rotten everything was and zero suggestions on what they would consider improvement generally get tossed. ( we used to also take all the 'Omygerd youse guys are the bestest evar!' reviews and toss them as well. In the interest of keeping the extremists minimized)


complaints just for the sake of complaining are ignored as they serve no purpose. furthermore, many of these things that were complained about are SUBJECTIVE in nature. Food especially.


any legitimate beefs that could have been and should have been rectified were lost in the rest of the rant.


Sensible advice. We always provide feedback after our cruises but I stick to certain "rules". First, if you want your feedback to be taken seriously, write a proper letter. Secondly, make any negative comments constructive. Thirdly, if you are writing with positive comments, mention the people concerned by name - there is no point if the positive actions of these people cannot be reinforced because you have not named them. Finally, if you only have complaints, perhaps you need to think again. It is unlikely that your whole cruise experience was bad without any positive experience.



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We also got great service from Celebrity. We took a post cruise excursion in San Juan.

The tour was to a National park and then to the airport. Long story short, the ailing bus wouldn't restart

after stopping at the park's hospitality center and we ended up waiting over 90 minutes for its replacement.

The replacement looked like a vandalized school bus but we had the rest of the tour and were dropped off at the airport ,as promised.


I called customer service, told them how much I loved the cruise ,but mentioned this incident.

I was immediately offered full compensation for the excursion. Perhaps as someone else said, cranks are ignored

while polite concise complaints are resolved.

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BJC, this was a line from your review: Had I received something from them I might have restructured my review somewhat to acknowledge that they had listen to and acted upon our concerns, unfortunately I now feel that I must pass this on to others as is.

I certainly understand that you wanted them to acknowledge your concerns, but what did you mean by: acted upon our concerns.


Also you said in your second post: It should be noted that in my review we were very happy with the cruise duration, weather, sea conditions, destinations and the ports of call, the Baltic is a wonderful place to cruise, destinations and timing is always paramount for us, we don’t cruise for the food! But it does seem like food/dining services was your major complaint.

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You may yet get a reply (it's only been a month), but I was curious if you actually asked any questions that would solicit a reply or did you just send them a copy of your review? Maybe they didn't think a reply was needed and you were just trying to say your piece?


We've had great success with customer service. That doesn't mean others have always been as successful of course.


I wouldn't give up hope of getting a response, but I'm not sure really what difference it would make. I bet they read your letter with interest and simply forwarded comments to the appropriate people.


The automated reply is pretty standard computer stuff these days. It , at least, lets you know that your email made it to their inbox. I appreciate having that feedback.




Do Celebrity care about the concerns of their cruisers, even Captain Club Select Members, the simple answer is NO!

We had a bad experience on our May/June Baltic Cruise on Celebrity Constellation, after which I sent two e-mails to Celebrity in June and having only received their automated receipt response, I then posted them a hard copy letter in July, and followed that with another e-mail in August and they have refused to respond to my concerns.

So the question is do they really give a dam as to what their customers think about their service, and the problems they may have had on a cruise, and unfortunately it appears that they don’t!

Their attitude to responding to adverse comments appears to be “oh well we lost those ones, never mind we have plenty others to keep us going” well guess what, if you have too many of us talking about how you have let us down with poor service, old and run down cruise ships, poor maintenance, less than acceptable standard food, and simply a rude and inexcusable lack of customer service by not listening to or responding to your customers will surly see a downturn in your patronage.

I for one who has been a strong supporter of Celebrity over the years, and as a freelance writer and guest speaker on cruising in my home state of Western Australia, I will no longer recommend Celebrity to my audience’s, I’m sorry but a simple response might have made a difference but to be so rude and inconsiderate as to completely ignore my communications has left me dumfounded.

I only hope that other customers, outside of the US, don’t experience the same sort of treatment, it is almost as if we don’t count, how sad.

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Seems to be a series of minor issues which I can see would be bothersome. But the comments regarding them removing used dishes from an unoccupied table in the buffet is totally unreasonable. If they see dishes at an unoccupied table they remove them so someone else can use the table.


Sadly, they do not clear the pool deck so efficiently . . .

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Welcome to the world of modern luxury. :rolleyes:


Problem is everywhere we go things are not the way that they use to be or the way that we liked it. Competition has caused cutting back to keep the prices low that everyone seems to look for today. We all want to be paid the most and pay the least. Service is a thing of the past. People would rather serve themselves to save a few pennies than to pay for service and sometimes quality. Look at the gas stations, supermarkets, or any box store. There are no longer any sales people to help. You serve yourself and also do self checkout and then there is a "tip" jar for what , always wondered if the money in there was for me to take for the service that I provided.


It is frustrating when we pay for something that we expect and do not get it but we are doing it to ourselves even though we don't want to admit it.


Then we also have the "me" attitude today where people feel that the rules and guidelines only applies to everyone else and they simply feel that they can ignore or bend them a little. Eventually everyone starts to feel if they can get away with it why can't I. What is comes down to is money talks and everyone will look the other way because they need to keep it comming in.


Problem is the masses drive the product and what you are seeing is what most people seem to want and are willing to paying for.



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"Also a slow braised Osso-Bucco that was about 40mm thick and as chewy as boot leather and tasteless, on both occasions I was offered a replacement meal, however I was so let down I could not take up this offer, the head waiter brought a Chef over on the first occasion and he took notes and apologised, however on the second occasion the head waiter took the chef to the other side of the table and ignored the complaining Australian!"


This is the part I have a problem with. The food was not up to your expectations, they apologized and offered another selection...but you were so "let down" you just could not take them up on their offer. I have had a bad meal before but it has never caused me such pain as to ruin an entire evening or cruise.


In this particular instance, you complained, they offered resolution, and you were too bummed to accept their offer to resolve it. They even brought the chef over. I am not sure what else they could or should have done in this instance. What EXACTLY were you wanting them to do in this situation??

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I went on the Constellation last year and although I enjoyed the trip there were a few niggles. I wrote to Celebrity (UK) and put forward my opinions. I started by stating the good points, of which there were many, followed by what had annoyed me. They responded in 2 weeks and gave me some on board credit for my next cruise with them. I was pleased with the tone of the letter and the reply as some things happen on a cruise which need pointing out. I am now looking forward to my next cruise with Celebrity through the Panama Canal in November. I'll let you know how I get on.

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I'm not sure what exactly Celebrity would have responded to, other than "I'm sorry you were disappointed in certain aspects of your cruise". There really isn't anything concrete other than general dissatisfaction. However, I do think some response should have been forthcoming.


As to the food: our expectations are not that we will have five star dining; we enjoy our evening meals more for the camaraderie, and we never leave hungry. Yes, some meals are better than others, and I have found that if I rely on the waiter's suggestion, I do best. Sometimes no entrees appeal to me and so I will have two appetizers or some other combo. But the lively conversation and interaction with our fellow pax is what makes the meal.


I also think that each cruise has its own personality, and some are just better than others. Our last TA had a great group of passengers and a really fun vibe, which made it memorable even though there were hardly any ports. When I got the comment card, I could not think of one negative thing to say! Other cruises, I have needed more paper for what I consider legitimate and 'fixable' issues. (When you have one atlas for the whole ship, and it's the only book in the "Planet Earth" room or whatever it's called, it's pretty disgraceful when the binding has completely come undone, multiple pages have been torn out, etc. Someone just wasn't paying attention and they should have a stock of them on the ship for replacement when necessary. Very minor but easily fixed. On that cruise our port stop in Ireland was cancelled due to weather and replaced by a stop in Spain--many people needed to figure out where we were going and what they were going to do so the atlas was in huge demand!)

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I did not see anywhere in your review that you asked Celebrity to respond to your email.

Sorry it ruined your vacation, however, I can't see where Celebrity did anything wrong.


Perhaps a higher class line would be more appropriate.


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I try not to flame but....

Suppose we refund your money,

send you another cruise without charge,

Sink the ship, and have the captain shot.

Would THAT be satisfactory?!


That's not what the OP was asking for but thanks for sharing.

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Sorry, but we really can't take this seriously without some specifics.....Just ranting about something without any facts doesn't help anyone.

It does, it helps the poster to let off steam, get it off their chest and not feel so angry.


That's good enough for me :-)

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I found the statement about cruising in the 90's to be interesting. If you want that kind of service and food you need to cruise on the luxury lines. Otherwise - accept that there has been major downgrading of the mass market cruises.


We did a Baltic cruise on the Constellation about 10 years ago. I too was disappointed with the food and that was a long time ago. I wonder if it has to do with suppliers in the Baltics area.

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