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Activity Staff Reduction (3 Threads Merged)


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Celebrity has always had speakers, especially on cruises with more sea days. There has always been a nice variety of activities for everyone until recently.


It's obvious to me and to most people who have been with Celebrity for a while that there are some big changes going on. As I said, I'm reserving my judgment until the two cruises I'm taking in the fall, but I am concerned with the direction Celebrity seems to be taking.

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I with you, I love speakers. I also do a lot of expedition cruises and the speakers on those trips have been fantastic. I would love Celebrity to do something a little more educational. The best speaker I ever heard was on my trip to Antarctica where he spoke about Shackleton's expedition...it was awesome. I know speakers are not for everyone, but then again trivia isn't for everyone either.


I suspect that the difference is in the length of the cruises.

Jim Kennedy (ex director of Kennedy Space Centre) packed the Theatre for his lectures on our Oct '13 TA, on Infinity.

It will be interesting to hear what will happen on the TAs to Europe that have just started.


One of the passengers on our TA gave 2 illustrated lectures about the 2012 Titanic anniversary cruise. He was in talks with Celebrity about extending it into a series of lectures, for future use.

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Another thumbs up for Jim Kennedy - he was on our Icelandic cruise - fantastic. More like him or the fantastic naturalists but please monitor the standards, as some other speakers have been dire.

Otherwise, I know I am going to get flamed but I am glad there is going to be a revamp, the programme was tired and needed a refresh.

I stopped going the trivia when it stopped being fun and was dominated by regulars, telling others off for sitting in "their seats" fighting over the answers, or worse coming in with a folder where they had the answers from all their previous quizzes

I can understand the reduction of Activites on port days, last cruise we were going off ship about 10 and en route passed no less than three activity staff two waiting but no one had come to their activity and the third playing table tennis with the sole attendant.

Where there is the lawn games, it is fun, but this years trend of bringing up the PA system and cranking up the commentary is not fair to those up there for a quiet read. I did not think the hyperactive kid on the activity staff then really thought about what guests wanted, all around the ship it was about him - And look I am having loud fun and I have this portable toy yeah....

My take is that Celebrity has been misreading what the majority of guests wanted for some time. The feedback surveys probably had quite a significant number of "did not use" etc and they have woken up to this and are bringing in some other plan. Yes, it was probably the bean counters that homed in on it, what cost centre is not delivering high satisfaction etc etc

Sometimes during a change it's easier to shut down the old completely before you start up the new, but I am sorry if any staff affected have not found employment either elsewhere on RCI or with another cruiseline.


I look forward to seeing the impact of this change on our 14 night trip I. September we have a good ratio of port and at sea days so there is an opportunity for some well chosen activities to interest us.

Edited by uktog
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The activities staff on our Reflection TA cruise last November were great and the activities were a big part of what we did on many days. I very much enjoy trivia and (I am sorry I forgot his name) the guy from Mexico City (can anyone please help me with his name) and Charlotte from Sth Africa made the games very enjoyable. I play because it gives me a great opportunity to meet, chat and learn from new friends. I like the fact that the questions are US centric as the answers that I did not know came with an explanation from my team.

My wife enjoyed Zumba almost every day and I participated in the basketball shootout regularly run by another great activity staff member Oz from Honduras.


All of them were so enthusiastic and made the activities fun for all.


A few weeks later I was in St Maarten on Oasis and the Reflection was also in port. I was walking along the beach and heard some one call out Aussie and then the guy from Mexico City came running out from a bar to say hello and see how I was enjoying my vacation. He did not need to do that but was just a great and very funny guy. I really am embarrassed that I have forgotten his name.


We all have things that we either enjoy or don't particularly care for on board but that is the great thing about cruising. It would be a shame to see any of them cut back. The 4 activities staff are well worth the cost and add to the experience.

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Did anyone ever indicate that activities were being cut of just the Staff? On an earlier post there was a reference that an outside firm was being contracted for the Zumba classes and perhaps other classes. Perhaps this is a way Celebrity can get better instructors (some of the activities staff ends up teaching classes were they are npt very good) at a lower cost. Perhaps even more variety to classes. Is this part of the agreement with the new group running the spas? It seems like they could be linked. Perhaps other activities could be maintained with the under utilized entertainers. Many cruise lines are better utilizing the entertainers instead of having them perform a few times during the cruise with an additional reversal or two.


Perhaps many people just need to wait until they experience the changes before they start to complain. (unless they just like to complain)

Edited by dz9yvr
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Never really was - that was a marketing concept that some backroom spin doctors thought up - very successfully I might add - Welcome to modern luxury is their next trick :)

I'd say it's still "premium". It's not luxury. Standard would be Carnival/NCL/RCCL.

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Really?! I thought for a 5-night spring break cruise it was a really calm cruise, few kids running around ect. The average age was younger but the amount of kids IMO seemed surprisingly low. I didn't hang around the outdoor pools to much but it looked crowded. obviously no surprise there.

I do agree with you all that it certainly seems like they are trying to get by with less staff to once again save money. Will they be able to get away with it, I'm not sure. Let hope the so called new activities they are trying to bring onboard don't cost too much! :o


The number of kids did seem surprisingly low and I thought they were well behaved. What i was referring to was 2 specific incidents near the pool (one one deck 10 and one on deck 11) on Thursday's sea day. I was on Deck 11, starboard reading my book when I suddenly heard a man screaming. I looked up and there were two older gentleman (guessing in their 60's) nose to nose with each other screaming over one of those nice cushioned chairs between the two pools. Hundreds of people stood in awe. A few went and called security. I later spoke to someone who witnessed the entire thing first hand and gave me a detailed account but to sum it up, it appeared the couple who had the chairs were gone for some period of time (I've heard 20 minutes) when another couple had the pool attendance remove their belongings and took the chairs. The wife of the first couple comes back, words are exchanged (allegedly husband # 2 now occupying the chairs called Wife #1 who lost her chair a f****** b****.) So husband #1 comes by and confronts husband #2. Voice get raised and Husband #2 threatens to hurt Husband #1. Couple #1 eventually gets their chairs back. I only witnessed the screaming part and heard second hand accounts of the rest, so I'm not sure who was in the right/wrong, but I do now both couples behaved poorly in making a scene in front of others, including several young kids, over chairs. Disgusting.


Not a half hour later, up on deck 11, right behind me, a woman screamed out at a man to stop harassing her or she would report him. Again, some squabble over chairs but the man who thought the chairs were his started name calling and harassing these 2 women. Seriously, ugly, inappropriate name calling and insults.


This was all before noon. Before drinks were really flowing. No one appeared drunk from my vantage point. Just nasty. This kind of behavior is sad and obnoxious and could happen anywhere I guess.


But I mean, really, are chairs really worth threatening and insulting your fellow passengers?


Anyway, back to the activity staff thread…..

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Imho all activites are good for a variety of cruisers .Some love trivia ,some love enrichment series ,some love Zumba ie .The list goes on;) .


The real question is will Celebrity add new activities to each day whether with their own people or hired outsiders or will the activities in general be cut & the money saved go directly t6o the bottom line:rolleyes: . In time we will all know that direction . In the meantime we should all enjoy our cruises :D

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Did anyone ever indicate that activities were being cut of just the Staff?


Perhaps many people just need to wait until they experience the changes before they start to complain. (unless they just like to complain)

That is why I keep asking the question, what activities have been cut since the staff reductions were announced. After it was announced that the staff had been reduced, we keep hearing this and that or this won't be happening or I won't cruise if there is no trivia or I was told this by a reliable source or they will be cut to 2 and someone else says 3, etc. People are acting like the sky has already fallen and there will be absolutely nothing for them to do on their cruise or that their personal favorite activity won't be happening any more, when in fact they have no idea what is going to happen. It is one thing to complain if you don't like something, but to complain because you think something might happen, that is totally unbelievable.


Some, like me, are optimistic about the changes in hopes that there will be some newer, fresher, more fun activities added that we might like, while others just want the same old same old. Neither side is wrong, it is just a difference of opinion. I will just wait to see what the fallout is and then make my decision if I feel the changes are good for me or not so good for me, but either way it will not be the end of the world for me.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I recently returned from a 2 week Eclipse cruise and there were lots of people participating in trivia. The progressive group trivias brought out at least 100 people, quite a few more than I ever saw in the casino. I guess that means they should get rid of the casino too.:rolleyes:

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This does not sound good. We LOVED Maarten on the Silhouette. Cruised on HAL 2 months prior (Nieuw Amsterdam), whose activities staff consisted of a staff of two, and suffice it to say it really had a negative impact on our overall experience, so I'm not too psyched about this news.


Just got off the Silhouette this morning. I'm happy to report Martin is still there but his 4 other coworkers are gone. Trivia still existed but because Martin was stretched so thin, three of the days, trivia was while we were in port. Activities on board were really limited compared to my last two Celebrity cruises which were three and six weeks ago. I went through all my reading material I brought on board by Wednesday night. Thursday (sea day) had very little activity going on except BINGO and a trivia game along with one music challenge. The other offerings for the day were all sales related, jewelry, watches, clearance of T shirts, etc. Friday (sea day) was a little better with two other activities scheduled, Liars club and cooking with the chefs.


Lots of bored people on this cruise, people commenting about the lack of things to do to anyone who would listen to them. Game room was packed, ping pong in the central hall was filled to capacity and tons of us walking around looking for something to do besides over eat.

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Just got off the Silhouette this morning. I'm happy to report Martin is still there but his 4 other coworkers are gone. Trivia still existed but because Martin was stretched so thin, three of the days, trivia was while we were in port. Activities on board were really limited compared to my last two Celebrity cruises which were three and six weeks ago. I went through all my reading material I brought on board by Wednesday night. Thursday (sea day) had very little activity going on except BINGO and a trivia game along with one music challenge. The other offerings for the day were all sales related, jewelry, watches, clearance of T shirts, etc. Friday (sea day) was a little better with two other activities scheduled, Liars club and cooking with the chefs.




Lots of bored people on this cruise, people commenting about the lack of things to do to anyone who would listen to them. Game room was packed, ping pong in the central hall was filled to capacity and tons of us walking around looking for something to do besides over eat.



Bored? Really? Guess we saw things differently. We just got off today as well and had an AWESOME time. Probably close to our best cruise ever. I never heard one person say that they were bored on this cruise. Sorry you were bored.

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When Trivia gets diluted too far on Celebrity they can count on their younger demographic because we of the oleder sort will be gone too.................WHAT ARE THEY THINKING............please let us know Mr. Bayley.............WHAT are you substituting except alcohol?

Edited by OBX-Cruisers
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I for one hope you are right.................but what are those fresher, newer activities is what many of us would like to hear about that require fewer staff...............checkers? chess? Solitaire? shuffleboard?................Ok, being an optimist, what are those activities Mr. Bayley?


That is why I keep asking the question, what activities have been cut since the staff reductions were announced. After it was announced that the staff had been reduced, we keep hearing this and that or this won't be happening or I won't cruise if there is no trivia or I was told this by a reliable source or they will be cut to 2 and someone else says 3, etc. People are acting like the sky has already fallen and there will be absolutely nothing for them to do on their cruise or that their personal favorite activity won't be happening any more, when in fact they have no idea what is going to happen. It is , one thing to complain if you don't like something, but to complain because you think something might happen, that is totally unbelievable.


Some, like me, are optimistic about the changes in hopes that there will be some newer, fresher, more fun activities added that we might like, while others just want the same old same old. Neither side is wrong, it is just a difference of opinion. I will just wait to see what the fallout is and then make my decision if I feel the changes are good for me or not so good for me, but either way it will not be the end of the world for me.

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Our first cruise was in 1987 and have yet to go to a session of trivia.


I used to be able to say that, then I went to a late night (11:00 or 11:30pm) adult trivia session with JC and Mark and it was pretty awesome. It was in the sky lounge, with beverages flowing and we couldn't stop laughing. Good times.


I'm not sure I could see going other times.


Happy Sailing,


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This has been badly mismanaged by Bayley and Co at Celebrity. If you are taking things away, you need to announce AT THE SAME TIME what new, innovative, exciting modern luxury activities are taking their place.


The deafening silence from Celebrity leads me to conclude, sadly, that the answer is none!:mad:

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I used to be able to say that, then I went to a late night (11:00 or 11:30pm) adult trivia session with JC and Mark and it was pretty awesome. It was in the sky lounge, with beverages flowing and we couldn't stop laughing. Good times.


I'm not sure I could see going other times.


Happy Sailing,


Now we can't stay up that late:D

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We used to play trivia all the time. Last week we never attended one session, and it it was offered several times a day. forgot all about it. So busy socializing and boozing and reading, we didn't miss it.


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This has been badly mismanaged by Bayley and Co at Celebrity. If you are taking things away, you need to announce AT THE SAME TIME what new, innovative, exciting modern luxury activities are taking their place.


The deafening silence from Celebrity leads me to conclude, sadly, that the answer is none!:mad:


I guess I don't understand why we get to question or why Celebrity needs to put a press release out about staffing levels?


If Marriott cuts its front desk agents down in size, they probably won't send out a press release, same with airlines or really any industry unless they're unionized workers being reduced, and then it is uusally the union who sends the info to the news.


If we don't see a reduction in service, then while we can feel bad for staff who lose their jobs or are re-assigned, we can't really complain. If we do see a reduction in service, you really only have a few options, and complaining here won't really help much. Really your only options are to: 1. Not buy the product or 2. Contact the company directly and let them know your dis-satisfaction in an actual service you were disappointed to have.


Until I hear consistent reports of less service and activities across the board, I'll reserve judgment.


Disclaimer: It is however hard for me to really care much as we don't do many organized activities.


We used to play trivia all the time. Last week we never attended one session, and it it was offered several times a day. forgot all about it. So busy socializing and boozing and reading, we didn't miss it.



Is that what we were doing when I "forgot" to go to trivia :D I think we were also dancing ;)


Happy sailing,


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I think if somebody could post a few copies of the Celebrity today activities sheet from after the staff reduction then the contributors to this thread will have a better idea on the impact of the reduction in activities staffing levels.


I don't understand the comments from those who don't partake. The variety of things available on cruise ships is what makes the whole ships population happy because there is such a WIDE range of choice.


I don't use the card and games room or the library much but would not want to see them go because others I know do like those facilities. Likewise Karaoke, craft places, late night bars, the gym etc. The large selection keeps all occupied and in different areas. The CHIOCE is what I love.

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I recently returned from a 2 week Eclipse cruise and there were lots of people participating in trivia. The progressive group trivias brought out at least 100 people, quite a few more than I ever saw in the casino. I guess that means they should get rid of the casino too.:rolleyes:


I always appreciate your posts but a two week cruise probably attracts more trivia players than a 7 day as many are repeat cruisers and, for whatever reason, these folks tend to like trivia. Even at 100, isn't it only 3% of passengers on Eclipse?


I could care less about trivia on way or the other but if it is drawing a very small group most of the time doesn't it make sense to cut it back?


Again, I think you are a very thoughtful poster but this issue, not so much.

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So they have cut the activity staff to the bone and many here are saying to give Celebrity the benefit of the doubt that good things are coming.

This reminds me of Whimpy's expression "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".

I'm glad many of you support Celebrity's new Whimpy philosophy.:rolleyes:

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