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Food - Regent and Oceania


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Jackie, I absolutely agree with you about the computer issue on Oceania. My husband and I both have jobs that require daily Internet access. If we don't have it, we can't travel. So on oceania, I had to suck up and pay for two Internet packages so we could work at the same time and be able to enjoy the rest of our vacation. On regent, we both have included Internet, so that makes a huge difference.


Hi Carol, the speciality resturants are now four over fifteen days on Crystal and after that $30.O0 which is cheap. Nobu ..Silk Road would be way over $100.00 on his land based resturants and Prego is fabulous Italien. We spent $60.00 for lunch today without drinks here in our town.


I also agree with you about the salt although it has been a few years since we were on Rgent but the soups were very salty and other food items over sauced and over seasoned. Forget about the Sushi it was very store bought looking and the Negri rice very starchy.


AI tours are of no interest to us and they are really not free. We arrange our own. Regent to their credit has very nice suites and that is about it. We did not find our five cruises on Regent anywhere near luxury.


All that be said, O appears to be a great choice. From what we have heard aside from Jackie the food is quite good in most cases. The suites are beautiful and don't hold a candle to Regent or Crystal.


Back to food, on our very last Regent cruise I just gave up with the sauces and salt even when requested not to have any of those items and survived on salad and shrimp. I was told once and that was enough asking for a baked potatoe with my fish and was told sorry it comes the way it is served on the menu but he could give me a stuffed bake potatoe. What's up with that?


O beckons us and I don't think Regent will be winning any luxury cruise awards.

Edited by Suite Travels
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I could NOT eat anything on Regent...I bloated up like a blow-fish or whatever and when I get too much salt I am like the Energizer Bunny on steroids and can't sleep.


I do like Oceania. They cook the food as I request. In all the alternative dining facilities, they know. On some of the other cruise lines, it is more like being in the county jail! LOL.


Anyway, everyone has to do what is comfortable for them. I am VERY, VERY comfortable in a lovely room...suite or whatever on a newer ship where I don't have to worry about pods and breakdowns. We all need to "go for it" whatever suits them best.


By the way, I do not expect any any ship to make food exactly as I would like it...just shoot for a close proximity!

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...where I don't have to worry about pods and breakdowns....

You hit on a rarely mentioned but important detail -- no pods on any Oceania ships.


But, we did get a log stuck in a propeller on Riviera's inaugural Panama Canal, only the second cruise she sailed. I believe it was on the west coast of Costa Rica or Guatemala as we were leaving the port; we limped to Cabo San Lucas where a diver improved things somewhat, and a crew was waiting in Los Angeles to fix it properly.


But, that's much more rare than pod failures, I think.

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"Yeah, but not all criticism has to be negative. Even film critics like SOME movies In my opinion, there was no need to post those "facts" on this thread; they struck me as intentionally nasty. But, that's just my opinion -- you're entitled to yours..."


Sorry you took my post as nasty. Quite the contrary. I listed the "movies" I like (Oceania, Silversea and Crystal). Too bad "facts" upset you.


Now you a learning how the Regent board rolls.

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TC, it was a US led invasion of Grenada (not a war). It was an interesting point in Grenada history. In the early 80s there was a leftist government in place (apparently that was popular with the people). There was a coup and prime minister murdered (Maurice Bishop, for whom the airport is now named). There was also controversy over the airport which was built with an extra long runway and an excessive number of oil storage tanks. Anyone who has flown into Grenada would have noticed how long it is. The US governement(and others I assume) was concerned that it was being set up to allow/support Soviet military planes. The Grenada governement was cosy with Cuba at the time. I believe that led to the US invasion. I have encountered many local Grenadians to this day that seem to be still a bit bitter over the invasion. I am mistaken for American a lot, but once I tell them that I am Canadian, they usually end up making some comment (not positive) about the "American" invasion of their country or Americans in general. Luckily, Grenada is now a peaceful and beautiful country.


The US position over the invasion of Grenada was not helped by 'forgetting' to keep Britain informed (Grenada being part of the British Commonwealth):


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Had a wonderful dinner in our suite with a friend. Our Butler, Raja gives over the top service. On top of that, he is very funny and makes us laugh. Our dinner was from Polo (Prime 7 equivalent) but the duck and watermelon salad was from Red Ginger (odd sounding combination -- we made this dish in the culinary center earlier in the cruise and loved it) I'll forward a couple of photos to computerworks later. Tonight is our first time in Toscana (Italian) on this cruise so we will attempt to take photos. The difficulty I have is remembering to take a picture before we start eating. No one wants to see a half eaten plate of food. The last night we were in Red Ginger we had the most photos since the G.M., H.R. Mgr. and the two of us were all taking pictures.


Views of Regent by posters is always interesting - even when do not match our experience. If anything we want more spices -- not more salt or heat necessarily but more depth of flavors on both Regent and Oceania. Again, with so many elderly passengers, some of the spice we love may not be well tolerated by some.


We discussed the ship last night. It is easy to quickly walk through and decide if you like it or not. It isn't until you look at the detail that you get the full impact. Every door hinge (most of which close doors silently), light fixture, decorative touches in your stateroom/suite -- actually, the touches are in every nook and cranny of the ship. We enjoyed walking around the ship the first time we were on board -- checking out the details and are still finding things that we did not notice previously. We are going to take the "Self-Guided Audio Tour" of the Art Collection either today or tomorrow. Whether you like the art or not, there is a theme in every part of the ship.


It sounds like I'm a sales person for the Riviera. As I've mentioned I'm looking at the Riviera and thinking about the Explorer. If NCL doesn't try to glitz it up and take away the elegant luxury, it will be a beautiful ship. No matter what you have read, NCL is firmly in charge of everything Regent or Oceania. If people begin to leave for greener pastures (as some have already done -- departing for Viking Oceania cruises), positions will need to be filled by people selected by NCL. It is so important, IMO, to learn the culture of both cruise lines which, as many know, is completely different.


I remember when LHT28 once called Regent passengers "needy" (not in a bad way -- the discussion was about how much interfacing there is between the guests and the officers/crew on Regent which does not happen on Oceania). As Regent guests know, Regent is like a big family. They welcome you "home" when you return to the ship, etc. This is not the same on Oceania. I once discussed this with FDR and he acknowledged the difference. When PCH purchased Regent, he saw the difference and also saw that officers could do their job and interface with the guests very effectively. Anyway, there are many things that are unique to each cruise line and it is important (IMO) for management to understand the "culture" which is part of why there are so many repeat customers.


Enough about that. My DH just brought a canister of the coffee used by Oceania. It is "ILLY Espresso". Had an in depth discussion about the coffee on Oceania. The machines here are "new generation" and must be maintained perfectly or the coffee will not taste right. I have no idea what coffee is used on Regent. It is no doubt Illy but is it "Espresso" or ??? And, is the same amount of attention paid to the machines on Regent as they are on Oceania? The coffee is definitely better on Oceania.


More later.

Edited by Travelcat2
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Gerry, I keep forgetting to post that the G.M. on April 1st will be Damien (I have his last name at home and will post it from there). Thierry says that he is great. Damien will be on the Riviera through dry dock (have no clue when that is but is some time after your cruise).

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Gerry, I keep forgetting to post that the G.M. on April 1st will be Damien (I have his last name at home and will post it from there). Thierry says that he is great. Damien will be on the Riviera through dry dock (have no clue when that is but is some time after your cruise).

I believe it's Damien La Croix (unsure of the spelling), and indeed he is as good as Thierry, although Thierry remains our favorite GM (along with Franck Galzy). We have yet to find a GM with Prestige that we don't like, due likely to the guidance of Oceania's original GM, Nicola Volpe.

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I believe it's Damien La Croix (unsure of the spelling), and indeed he is as good as Thierry, although Thierry remains our favorite GM (along with Franck Galzy). We have yet to find a GM with Prestige that we don't like, due likely to the guidance of Oceania's original GM, Nicola Volpe.


Nicola is the very best ;)

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Many thanks, Jackie!!


I believe that we have sailed with Damien before. Is his wife an Assistant Cruise Director or am I confused?? If so, then he used to be on Regent...


Drydock for the Riviera is right after we disembark in Barcelona, which is 15 April. From what you are saying things are in "such good nick" that I can't imagine what they will find to do in the drydock...


and in regard to the multiple photos of food in Red Ginger - just what one needs to see as each dish is so beautifully presented, and if there are only two diners then obviously one sees fewer dishes. Thanks SO much for taking all these photos. I shall be very very interested to learn what you thought of Toscana... it was my least favourite restaurant on the Riviera.



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Had a wonderful dinner in our suite with a friend. I'll forward a couple of photos to computerworks later.


Table set in suite - all having clam chowder




Duck and watermelon salad (yummy)




Caesar salad




Blurry veal tenderloin and lobster




Chocolate covered strawberries



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I believe it's Damien La Croix (unsure of the spelling), and indeed he is as good as Thierry, although Thierry remains our favorite GM (along with Franck Galzy). We have yet to find a GM with Prestige that we don't like, due likely to the guidance of Oceania's original GM, Nicola Volpe.


That is exactly who will be G.M. after this cruise. do not know if his wife is asst. C.D.

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The coffee is definitely better on Oceania.


Ha! Not the room service coffee delivered to our PH every morning by our butler or one of his colleagues on our transatlantic last month. Can you spell "b-i-t-t-e-r" and "a-c-i-d-i-c"?


Maybe they use the good Illy Espresso in Baristas and other espresso spots, but the brown stuff that came to us in a silver carafe each morning was neither espresso nor good. JOHO, of course.


Hasten to add that this was one minor complaint; an issue that would have remained unmentioned except for TC's comment which made me chuckle.


On second thought, maybe O's coffee was better than aboard Mariner last February. That Regent offering was straight from the bilge. Doesn't anyone ever clean the urns?

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Review - Toscana


To be honest, we did not like Toscana the last time we were on the Riviera and were not excited to return to this dining venue. I will send photos to computerworks either when I am done posting or tomorrow. In order to send photos, I need to log off of the "good" computer and log on to the Kindle (great in the states but not as fast as a regular computer on the ship).


Before the first course we were given choices of both Balsalmic Vinegar and Olive Oil. Like others that have posted, we found this to be gimicky last year. This time we paid attention to the description and made what we thought was a informed decision. The olive oil was too heavy as was the Balsalmi Vinegar. Failure -- on our part.


Our first course was "Mozarell el Bufala" (aka Caprese Salad). The tomatoes were not tasty but the cheese was fine. We decided to put the Olive Oil and Balsalmic Vinegar which helped the flavor. Rating: 3 out of 10



Then my DH has "Zuppa di Patate" (aka potato soup). He liked it but it was not warm enough. Rating - 6 out of 10. I had gnocchi with pesto that I did not care for. It was definitely not warm enough. When food is put into a "special serving vessel" it tends to cool off the food. We first experienced this with the pumpkin soup in Jacques. It may have been hot prior to being put into the pumpkin but was lukewarm afterwards. The gnocchi was served from a copper pan. Again, it was lukewarm. Rating: 2 out of 10.


Intermission: At this point we were pretty unhappy that we were there. However, the service was excellent. The server, Nelson, immediately gave me the black napkin rather than the white one (still wonder why Regent does not do this). His service starting to become exceptional starting with the next course.


My DH ordered "Vulcano di Capelli" (aka Angel Hair Pasta with Tomato Sauce). At this point Nelson asked if his server was too fast or slow. We have never been asked this before. Nice touch. Since I did not order anything for this course, he inquired as to whether I would like to taste his pasta (again, never been asked this previously on Regent). The pasta was hot and cooked to perfection. I had my own small plate and utensils. Rating - 9 out of 10


Next course, Caesar Salad made table side. Again, I was asked if I wanted a small portion (I did). It was prepared nicely but did not meet up to the Caesar Salad in Polo. Rating for service: 10 out of 10. Food quality: 5 out of 10.


Continued on next post:

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Main course: Osso Buco on Saffron risotto. This was cooked to absolute perfection (10 out of 10). It as fabulous!


While waiting for our dessert (tera misu -- spelled like a two year old would spell it - blame it on the wine), the Maitre 'D gave us some Parmesano Reggiano (sorry - horribly misspelled). We also had biscotti (not impressed). The dessert was 10 out of 10. Service by Nelson was amongst the best we have received at sea. We look forward to returning to Toscana and will ask for Nelson to be our server.


Tomorrow is St. Kitts. This is the first port where we will put on mosquito repellent (the type with the ingredient specifically for the mosquito problem there and in St. Barts).


Going to try to send photos:-)

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Main course: Osso Buco on Saffron risotto. This was cooked to absolute perfection (10 out of 10). It as fabulous!


Going to try to send photos:-)

Table setting Toscana




The restaurant. Note that chairs match dinnerware




Bread and baked garlic presentation




Olive oil and balsamic vinegar choices



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Geez, doesn't anybody send the soup back if it is not to their temp liking? :cool:

I strongly dislike warm soup. After one serving of lukewarm clam chowder, a quiet word to the head table waiter has resulted in my getting really hot soup every time; I think it went into my passenger profile!

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