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Sharing drink package


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How dare you break the rules and share drinks. Who do you think you are?


Yours truly,

Guy who saves a whole row of seats in the theater, his wife who hogs 8 chairs on the deck everyday, and their adorable offspring ages 6 and 13 who love the solarium. Fire away



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I'm a little surprised by the "holier than thou" tone that many responses have taken!


Although I would not PERSONALLY share a package, I can see that people are ticked off that RCI suddenly (and greedily) raised their drink prices 40%. As a result of the cash grab by RCI, I see sharing drinks more as an attempt to get one over on RCI / stick it to them, not as a person being morally bankrupt or lacking in ethics.

Edited by Laurin612
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Actually you aren't supposed to bump posts, but since you feel so strongly; the cruise lines evade paying US taxes, yet have the benefit of US services (Coast Guard, police escorts) that the taxpayers pick up the tab for every time, never the cruise line. Furthermore, cruise lines, such as RCI, have ceased to be flagged in Oslo and instead are flagged in the Bahamas so that they can pay workers less and make them work longer hours with less benefits.


None of this makes it right for someone to steal drinks, alcoholic or not, but come on, let's look at who really is getting the free ride here...


Agreed. A-greed.

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How dare you break the rules and share drinks. Who do you think you are?


Yours truly,

Guy who saves a whole row of seats in the theater, his wife who hogs 8 chairs on the deck everyday, and their adorable offspring ages 6 and 13 who love the solarium. Fire away



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Don't forget that the whole family fills their water bottle from the windjammer water dispenser!

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I just decided I'm going to cruise with a new philosophy. Given the rising prices, I am going to bring an extra passenger in my suitcase and I am not paying for them. I will eat in the MDR and they will eat in the Windjammer. I will use the Flowrider and they will rock climb. We will buy one drink package, I get the alcohol, they can have the soda. I will use the main pools and they can use the solarium. We will alternate every other day in the gym. After all I did pay for use of all the offered amenities.

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I just decided I'm going to cruise with a new philosophy. Given the rising prices, I am going to bring an extra passenger in my suitcase and I am not paying for them. I will eat in the MDR and they will eat in the Windjammer. I will use the Flowrider and they will rock climb. We will buy one drink package, I get the alcohol, they can have the soda. I will use the main pools and they can use the solarium. We will alternate every other day in the gym. After all I did pay for use of all the offered amenities.



Good idea. Wash your hands often



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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As for the concept that you can judge the true spirit of the rule by how it is enforced, I think it's completely valid. Just look at the no shorts in the dining room rule. It's clearly not seriously enforced so how seriously should it be taken?


This is a valid point. I feel the same way about bringing water and soda on board. If they knowingly allow it at the port, is it really against their rules if they choose not to enforce it?


Drink sharing is a little different though IMO. It's not easy to detect or enforce. It's hard to say how much, if any, sharing they would knowingly allow.

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i could sit here and make a case and argue against all of this but at the end of the day we are each going to think what we are going to think.. all i can say is that while I am not a verteran cruiser, RCI seems to have no real beef with the way i have used my drink package in the past. when they do, I will have to change my practice or find another cruise line. until then everyone, let us enjoy our cruising and complaining of our first world problems.. carry on.

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This is a valid point. I feel the same way about bringing water and soda on board. If they knowingly allow it at the port, is it really against their rules if they choose not to enforce it?


Drink sharing is a little different though IMO. It's not easy to detect or enforce. It's hard to say how much, if any, sharing they would knowingly allow.


Is it though? They swipe the cards. Buying 2 alcoholic drinks at 2 separate bars 3 minutes apart from each other all day long...I mean, I can put them back. But someone drinking 14 or 16+ liquor drinks in a day should put them on the floor. At minimum, RCI can implement a system that flags them when they hit a certain number of drinks in a time period, to at least keep an eye on them. But, they choose not to.

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i could sit here and make a case and argue against all of this but at the end of the day we are each going to think what we are going to think.. all i can say is that while I am not a verteran cruiser, RCI seems to have no real beef with the way i have used my drink package in the past. when they do, I will have to change my practice or find another cruise line. until then everyone, let us enjoy our cruising and complaining of our first world problems.. carry on.


I only have one comment - what you do is up to you as it is to everyone - but if you plan to continue,may be wise to change our photo thing on here to that someone else :D

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One might also throw in the no smoking on balconies rule. Which as a non smoker is very easy to detect. And which RCI and other cruise lines seem unable to enforce. And they have written rules, policies and consequences of non compliance clearly stated. This might also affect their bottom line if a fire breaks out.


And for the guy who's bringing someone in his suitcase, no problem for me but you will have to pay the single supplement.

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lets first say it this way.. I am no lawyer.. i don't need to justify anything.. if you disagree with me fine.. no sweat off my back brother. again the buffet example just doesn't cut mustard with me.. i don't know too many buffets that have some people going al a carte and others on the buffet.. maybe they are but i haven't seen them. so i will not entertain the same example again.. waste of time.


again.. i am not the type to past my drink to a child so again i will not bother to give this example any credence. sorry to tell you but rules are always up for interpretation, that my friend is reality. Now could i have on interpretation of the rules and Royal has another? absolutely. and since I am a passenger on their vessel their interpretation would supersede my own. I say the spirit of the agreement or law (let me not get started on laws and how many get repealed, and reworked.. and you know when that happens when people begin to rail against the law) because Royal in general is not going to revoke a drink package for giving someone a drink off a package.. now if you are taking a strict reading and interpretation of the rules then i will agree it is stealing.. However, to date, at least in my experience Royal caribbean has not taken such a stance so in application I may be closer to the reality of the situation and not this boards' sense of normative ethics. think what you will of me, my agreement is with Royal Caribbean and how they choose enforce their rules.


Okay let us address this shopping store example.. because as much as you may like to link the two these things couldn't be further apart at least in terms of application. when you say your son's friend paid less than cost (here i am meaning less than the companies cost), no employee even with the greatest of discounts pays less than cost (now if you are talking about retail cost i still don't know too many retailers who give their employees more than 50% off of retail price).. now in regards to the drink package the cost of the package has been covered (probably a hundred times over given the cost basis of the cruise line) the second it has been paid for. Now if I was out on the ship selling the use of my drink package to other passengers making a side profit, I would consider that an egregious and unfair use (or in the case of this board; morally reprehensible). and in the case of your son's friend he was obtaining something that wasn't already paid for. Now if your son's friend had bought the items off of said employee after he(the employee) paid for them with his employee discount, and thus splitting the difference between retail and the employees cost (both getting as small benefit for the deal) then your son's friend has no problem sense the retailer as already been compensated for the drink. which i think is a little bit closer to what some folks are doing with their drink package (presuming they are not trying to execute a outright two for one situation).


i think that adequately addresses the retail situation lets get to this last point. some rules are strictly enforced others are enforced in a way that prevents excessive abuse. all the recent evidence suggests that this package rule as enforced by Royal Caribbean is not a strict enforcement as they seem to understand a person will get a drink for a another person every now and again. when a person with a package gets out of line Royal will deal with it buy charging the room for another package or revoking package rights. now if you don't want to accept that reality or choose to interpret it as stealing or shirking the system you are free to do so, as it is your constitutional and god given right. however, it is not your right, nor the right of anyone of this board to sit here and try to condemn someone. but america is supposedly a free country so do what you will.


Ok, don't know why I'm continuing this. I am stubborn though.


First: The "Buffet" Comparison. You need to get out more. I spend a lot of time in hotels as part of my job. Many that have Breakfast Buffets also have an "order off the menu" option. So it's the perfect analogy. But more specifically, as someone else posted, I suggest you read this article and tell us that a Buffet is not similar and you aren't breaking the law.



Second: "Interpretation:" Here is a direct quote from Royal Caribbean regarding the Beverage Package:


"Prices subject to change without notice. Gratuity may be added or included in the published prices based on itinerary. Packages cannot be shared, are not transferable."


And, in case you are having trouble interpreting the words "cannot be shared" and "are not transferable," the Royal Caribbean website has also addressed the question in the FAQ section. Here is the copy and paste portion:


"Food & Beverage


Q: Can I buy a drink for my friend with the all-inclusive beverage package?


A: The all-inclusive beverage packages are for personal consumption. All additional drinks ordered will be charged at current bar prices."


Seems the "interpretation" is quite clear.


Third: Fair Use: You seem to like this a lot. So I looked up the term. Well, you AREN'T a lawyer. Because a lawyer would know that this term doesn't apply in any form. Fair Use, as defined in the legal world, and it's this "world" that you are making the argument, is:


"the noncompetitive right to use of copyrighted material without giving the author the right to compensation or to sue for infringement of copyright."


So, since Beverage Packages have nothing to do with Copyrights, Fair Use has no bearing on "use" of a beverage package.


Why are we so passionate about this issue. Well, not too long ago Royal Caribbean required both passengers of drinking age in a cabin to purchase the package. To my knowledge, all the other cruise lines still do require that. After many complaints Royal Caribbean eliminated that restriction. The logical reason for this restriction was to prevent sharing. Now that the restriction was lifted, to the benefit of many, people like you and others proudly announce that they will violate the rules. The net result will be placing the restriction back on the packages. So, your selfishness ends up costing all of us. So we are passionate.

I hope you get caught and thrown off the ship. Why? Because your actions will have a direct effect on my future cruising costs. Consider this, someone books a cruise for next year. The husband drinks enough to make the package valuable, the wife doesn't. So they budget for one package and a couple drinks a day for the wife. After all, these are the "budget strapped" cruisers everyone is talking about regarding higher drink prices. So, one month prior to the cruise, after final payment, they change the rules. Now the poor cruisers have to come up with another $59 per day for the drink package. And why? Because people like you cheated so Royal Caribbean reacted.

Royal Caribbean has a few choices. They can charge everyone in the cabin for the package. They can hire a bunch of security personnel and station them in the bars to enforce the rules, they can scan your card and limit drinks to one per hour, they can cancel the packages forever, or they can give their passengers the dignity to expect them to abide by the cruise line rules honestly (as they do now). You know..."honesty," a concept that seems to be disappearing rapidly.

Oh, by the way, your comment " i don't need to justify anything." is absurd. Of course you do. That's why you spent so much time after that statement "justifying" your position. Again... it's not open to interpretation, it's spelled out with no exceptions. And by law it's considered "theft." Just read the referenced article about the buffet. So, again, just Man Up and admit that you have made a conscious decision to violate the law and go for it. After all, we all know it. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself with your justifications.

Edited by papaflamingo
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Reading all these posts I found so many I'd like to quote. Your's is most recent so I'll quote it.


You must be a lawyer. Only a lawyer would go into such ridiculous detail and effort to justify his decision to disobey a rule of the cruise line or "law." Let's just call it a "law" as it can result in discipline. In fact let's just call it a "law" because it is shoplifting, plain and simple. Just like, as pointed out, if you go into a restaurant serving a breakfast buffet or order off the menu option, and you order the buffet, and your wife orders a bowl of oatmeal. So suddenly she says "those eggs and bacon look good." You then say "hey I paid for them, I can do what I want. Here, let me get you a plate." Shoplifting plain and simple.


So, now to your statement. You're "not the type to pass my drink to a child." So you say. But how about the 16 year old. After all, he's not a "real" child. So, hey, why not. Oh it's against the law? Well they don't really mean that, they just "look the other way." So it's ok. Right?


"I tend to go with the spirit of the agreement in this case based on how I have seen the package enforced." So you watch the bartenders and waiters for...what... a couple of days? Then YOU determine the "spirit" of the rule? ***??? It seems to me that the "spirit" of this particular rule is specifically "no sharing" PERIOD! Otherwise, Royal Caribbean wouldn't put that particular passage into the package rules. Now, you may not think it's enforced, and likely it's easy to get away with. But that doesn't relieve you from the fact that you are knowingly stealing from the cruise line. Justify it as you may.


Here is a great true story. A friend of my son had a relative that worked at a major retail store. He went Christmas Shopping there and his relative gave him a "discount." A very GOOD discount. Now, my son's friend paid for the items, but he paid less than 50% of their cost. His relative told him it was a "family discount" and winked. Heck, he wasn't actually "stealing" was he? Because after all, he paid a store employee, didn't he. Yeah.... sweet deal. Unfortunately his parent weren't home, so he called my wife and I to come bail him out of jail. Yup...arrested for shoplifting. Got probation and did community service.


So, justify it all you like. Look for the loophole that allows you to tell yourself your not "really" stealing. But we are all adults and we all know that if you buy a drink package and give away drinks to others you are stealing from the cruise line. Get caught, don't get caught. Get punished, don't get punished. But it's still stealing. Don't justify by "too high drink prices", "spirit or intent","gee I bought the drink I can do what I want." The only one who buys that junk are others that are justifying their own stealing. Just "man up." Simply tell us that you don't give a darn about what the law or rule says, ethics, morals, or anything else. You are going to violate it because that's what you intend to do. And the heck with the consequences. Be a man... MAN UP!



Completely agree!

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Ok, don't know why I'm continuing this. I am stubborn though.


First: The "Buffet" Comparison. You need to get out more. I spend a lot of time in hotels as part of my job. Many that have Breakfast Buffets also have an "order off the menu" option. So it's the perfect analogy. But more specifically, as someone else posted, I suggest you read this article and tell us that a Buffet is not similar and you aren't breaking the law.



Second: "Interpretation:" Here is a direct quote from Royal Caribbean regarding the Beverage Package:


"Prices subject to change without notice. Gratuity may be added or included in the published prices based on itinerary. Packages cannot be shared, are not transferable."


And, in case you are having trouble interpreting the words "cannot be shared" and "are not transferable," the Royal Caribbean website has also addressed the question in the FAQ section. Here is the copy and paste portion:


"Food & Beverage


Q: Can I buy a drink for my friend with the all-inclusive beverage package?


A: The all-inclusive beverage packages are for personal consumption. All additional drinks ordered will be charged at current bar prices."


Seems the "interpretation" is quite clear.


Third: Fair Use: You seem to like this a lot. So I looked up the term. Well, you AREN'T a lawyer. Because a lawyer would know that this term doesn't apply in any form. Fair Use, as defined in the legal world, and it's this "world" that you are making the argument, is:


"the noncompetitive right to use of copyrighted material without giving the author the right to compensation or to sue for infringement of copyright."


So, since Beverage Packages have nothing to do with Copyrights, Fair Use has no bearing on "use" of a beverage package.


Why are we so passionate about this issue. Well, not too long ago Royal Caribbean required both passengers of drinking age in a cabin to purchase the package. To my knowledge, all the other cruise lines still do require that. After many complaints Royal Caribbean eliminated that restriction. The logical reason for this restriction was to prevent sharing. Now that the restriction was lifted, to the benefit of many, people like you and others proudly announce that they will violate the rules. The net result will be placing the restriction back on the packages. So, your selfishness ends up costing all of us. So we are passionate.

I hope you get caught and thrown off the ship. Why? Because your actions will have a direct effect on my future cruising costs. Consider this, someone books a cruise for next year. The husband drinks enough to make the package valuable, the wife doesn't. So they budget for one package and a couple drinks a day for the wife. After all, these are the "budget strapped" cruisers everyone is talking about regarding higher drink prices. So, one month prior to the cruise, after final payment, they change the rules. Now the poor cruisers have to come up with another $59 per day for the drink package. And why? Because people like you cheated so Royal Caribbean reacted.

Royal Caribbean has a few choices. They can charge everyone in the cabin for the package. They can hire a bunch of security personnel and station them in the bars to enforce the rules, they can scan your card and limit drinks to one per hour, they can cancel the packages forever, or they can give their passengers the dignity to expect them to abide by the cruise line rules honestly (as they do now). You know..."honesty," a concept that seems to be disappearing rapidly.

Oh, by the way, your comment " i don't need to justify anything." is absurd. Of course you do. That's why you spent so much time after that statement "justifying" your position. Again... it's not open to interpretation, it's spelled out with no exceptions. And by law it's considered "theft." Just read the referenced article about the buffet. So, again, just Man Up and admit that you have made a conscious decision to violate the law and go for it. After all, we all know it. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself with your justifications.


Spot On:)

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I have learned today that many people do not understand that legality is not tied to enforcement. Just because it is not enforced or you did not get caught does not make it right. You sign a cruise contract that states that you will abide by their rules. If you don't like their rules find a vacation option that accommodates your preferences. Eventually it will become an all-inclusive and many will have to pay for services they will not use.

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And for the guy who's bringing someone in his suitcase, no problem for me but you will have to pay the single supplement.


I already thought of that. The stowaway would have to be a 3rd or 4th passenger.;)

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My friend just called to ask if I wanted to join her for supper tomorrow evening at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. I was about to decline since I am not a big eater and definitely would not eat enough to justify the cost of the buffet....but then I remembered this thread. We have decided that we will split the cost of the buffet. I will order an eggroll off the regular menu. She will get the buffet, go up and fill a plate, eat it and then after the waitress comes and takes her empty plate away, I will go up, fill a plate eat it and on and on until we are full and we will split the cost of $19.99 since I know I will not consume $19.99 worth of food. Brilliant idea people - hopefully one of you who do likewise with your drink package own the restaurant we are going to and then it will be absolutely no problem if we do get caught.

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My friend just called to ask if I wanted to join her for supper tomorrow evening at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. I was about to decline since I am not a big eater and definitely would not eat enough to justify the cost of the buffet....but then I remembered this thread. We have decided that we will split the cost of the buffet. I will order an eggroll off the regular menu. She will get the buffet, go up and fill a plate, eat it and then after the waitress comes and takes her empty plate away, I will go up, fill a plate eat it and on and on until we are full and we will split the cost of $19.99 since I know I will not consume $19.99 worth of food. Brilliant idea people - hopefully one of you who do likewise with your drink package own the restaurant we are going to and then it will be absolutely no problem if we do get caught.


Love it. Made me think of National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation when Eddie says to Clark "We only need one plate Clark. It's all you can eat":D

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lets first say it this way.. I am no lawyer.. i don't need to justify anything.. if you disagree with me fine.. no sweat off my back brother. again the buffet example just doesn't cut mustard with me.. i don't know too many buffets that have some people going al a carte and others on the buffet.. maybe they are but i haven't seen them. so i will not entertain the same example again.. waste of time.


again.. i am not the type to past my drink to a child so again i will not bother to give this example any credence. sorry to tell you but rules are always up for interpretation, that my friend is reality. Now could i have on interpretation of the rules and Royal has another? absolutely. and since I am a passenger on their vessel their interpretation would supersede my own. I say the spirit of the agreement or law (let me not get started on laws and how many get repealed, and reworked.. and you know when that happens when people begin to rail against the law) because Royal in general is not going to revoke a drink package for giving someone a drink off a package.. now if you are taking a strict reading and interpretation of the rules then i will agree it is stealing.. However, to date, at least in my experience Royal caribbean has not taken such a stance so in application I may be closer to the reality of the situation and not this boards' sense of normative ethics. think what you will of me, my agreement is with Royal Caribbean and how they choose enforce their rules.


Okay let us address this shopping store example.. because as much as you may like to link the two these things couldn't be further apart at least in terms of application. when you say your son's friend paid less than cost (here i am meaning less than the companies cost), no employee even with the greatest of discounts pays less than cost (now if you are talking about retail cost i still don't know too many retailers who give their employees more than 50% off of retail price).. now in regards to the drink package the cost of the package has been covered (probably a hundred times over given the cost basis of the cruise line) the second it has been paid for. Now if I was out on the ship selling the use of my drink package to other passengers making a side profit, I would consider that an egregious and unfair use (or in the case of this board; morally reprehensible). and in the case of your son's friend he was obtaining something that wasn't already paid for. Now if your son's friend had bought the items off of said employee after he(the employee) paid for them with his employee discount, and thus splitting the difference between retail and the employees cost (both getting as small benefit for the deal) then your son's friend has no problem sense the retailer as already been compensated for the drink. which i think is a little bit closer to what some folks are doing with their drink package (presuming they are not trying to execute a outright two for one situation).


i think that adequately addresses the retail situation lets get to this last point. some rules are strictly enforced others are enforced in a way that prevents excessive abuse. all the recent evidence suggests that this package rule as enforced by Royal Caribbean is not a strict enforcement as they seem to understand a person will get a drink for a another person every now and again. when a person with a package gets out of line Royal will deal with it buy charging the room for another package or revoking package rights. now if you don't want to accept that reality or choose to interpret it as stealing or shirking the system you are free to do so, as it is your constitutional and god given right. however, it is not your right, nor the right of anyone of this board to sit here and try to condemn someone. but america is supposedly a free country so do what you will.


Ok, don't know why I'm continuing this. I am stubborn though.


First: The "Buffet" Comparison. You need to get out more. I spend a lot of time in hotels as part of my job. Many that have Breakfast Buffets also have an "order off the menu" option. So it's the perfect analogy. But more specifically, as someone else posted, I suggest you read this article and tell us that a Buffet is not similar and you aren't breaking the law.



Second: "Interpretation:" Here is a direct quote from Royal Caribbean regarding the Beverage Package:


"Prices subject to change without notice. Gratuity may be added or included in the published prices based on itinerary. Packages cannot be shared, are not transferable."


And, in case you are having trouble interpreting the words "cannot be shared" and "are not transferable," the Royal Caribbean website has also addressed the question in the FAQ section. Here is the copy and paste portion:


"Food & Beverage


Q: Can I buy a drink for my friend with the all-inclusive beverage package?


A: The all-inclusive beverage packages are for personal consumption. All additional drinks ordered will be charged at current bar prices."


Seems the "interpretation" is quite clear.


Third: Fair Use: You seem to like this a lot. So I looked up the term. Well, you AREN'T a lawyer. Because a lawyer would know that this term doesn't apply in any form. Fair Use, as defined in the legal world, and it's this "world" that you are making the argument, is:


"the noncompetitive right to use of copyrighted material without giving the author the right to compensation or to sue for infringement of copyright."


So, since Beverage Packages have nothing to do with Copyrights, Fair Use has no bearing on "use" of a beverage package.


Why are we so passionate about this issue. Well, not too long ago Royal Caribbean required both passengers of drinking age in a cabin to purchase the package. To my knowledge, all the other cruise lines still do require that. After many complaints Royal Caribbean eliminated that restriction. The logical reason for this restriction was to prevent sharing. Now that the restriction was lifted, to the benefit of many, people like you and others proudly announce that they will violate the rules. The net result will be placing the restriction back on the packages. So, your selfishness ends up costing all of us. So we are passionate.

I hope you get caught and thrown off the ship. Why? Because your actions will have a direct effect on my future cruising costs. Consider this, someone books a cruise for next year. The husband drinks enough to make the package valuable, the wife doesn't. So they budget for one package and a couple drinks a day for the wife. After all, these are the "budget strapped" cruisers everyone is talking about regarding higher drink prices. So, one month prior to the cruise, after final payment, they change the rules. Now the poor cruisers have to come up with another $59 per day for the drink package. And why? Because people like you cheated so Royal Caribbean reacted.

Royal Caribbean has a few choices. They can charge everyone in the cabin for the package. They can hire a bunch of security personnel and station them in the bars to enforce the rules, they can scan your card and limit drinks to one per hour, they can cancel the packages forever, or they can give their passengers the dignity to expect them to abide by the cruise line rules honestly (as they do now). You know..."honesty," a concept that seems to be disappearing rapidly.

Oh, by the way, your comment " i don't need to justify anything." is absurd. Of course you do. That's why you spent so much time after that statement "justifying" your position. Again... it's not open to interpretation, it's spelled out with no exceptions. And by law it's considered "theft." Just read the referenced article about the buffet. So, again, just Man Up and admit that you have made a conscious decision to violate the law and go for it. After all, we all know it. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself with your justifications.


One of the greatest speeches of all time was Lincoln's Gettysburg address. You know the one: "Four score and seven years ago....". That wonderful speech was 272 words long, about a third of the length of each of these two speeches!:eek: Lincoln's speech was about something very important, the rebirth of a nation, rebirth of freedom, a government of the people, for the people etc. etc. And you guys are yapping on and on about sharing drinks packages.:rolleyes:


Geez angelofsin, my thesis was shorter than your diatribes on this thread! :eek: (I got an A+ btw:D)


angelofsin has one view, papaflamingo has another. Each view stated and overstated, move on already.


And all that said with less than 120 words.:)

Edited by DirtyDawg
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One of the greatest speeches of all time was Lincoln's Gettysburg address. You know the one: "Four score and seven years ago....". That wonderful speech was 272 words long, about a third of the length of each of these two speeches!:eek: Lincoln's speech was about something very important, the rebirth of a nation, rebirth of freedom, a government of the people, for the people etc. etc. And you guys are yapping on and on about sharing drinks packages.:rolleyes:


Geez angelofsin, my thesis was shorter than your diatribes on this thread! :eek: (I got an A+ btw:D)


angelofsin has one view, papaflamingo has another. Each view stated and overstated, move on already.


And all that said with less than 120 words.:)


Talk about overstated. The only thing you said of significance was the part about the two people have opposing views, and that only took 15 words.

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