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To Europe or Not to Europe: seasoned or not.


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DW and I are both late 60's and since I retired we have been doing three foreign trips a year – mostly Europe. We live close to NYC, and I was at the World Trade Center [buying Krispy Kreme donuts!] on "9/10" [that's not a typo – that's why I'm still here posting!]. We are leaving in two months for a Mediterranean cruise and our major worry is that Celebrity will cancel the stop in Turkey (Kusadasi for Ephesus). Later this summer we are flying to Amsterdam for a Norwegian Fjords cruise. We haven't given either trip a moment's thought about cancelling. The good news is that the Celebrity cruise bookings have been so soft that they have been cutting prices on a regular basis -- we have moved from Aquaclass to S2 to S1 and now to CS and are paying about the same price as we started with (but are now betting the "Best" package thrown in)! We won't go to countries whose regimes we have major disagreements with, but we will not limit our travels based on possible threats from outside the country.

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I've been to Europe many times starting from my early teens. Now in my early 50s and I usually average 3 trips a year outside the US, mostly to Europe. The usual pattern is two land trips and one cruise per year. Once I retire I expect to take longer trips.


I will be leaving for Tuscany next week and do not really have any concerns about it. My risk tolerance for travel is pretty high, but everyone is different.

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I first went to Europe when I was in high school as part of an exchange program in 2000 and have been a few times since. I was in Paris last year a three months after the shootings at Charlie Hebdo and never felt unsafe. We leave for Paris (land trip) next Thursday for my DH's 30th and again haven't give a lot of thought to changing our plans. We have a Fjords cruise booked for next April and plan to spend time in the UK prior to our cruise. My DH has been traveling to Asia for work and I'll most likely be going to Asia later this year. We also have a land trip/cruise to South America planned.


I feel lucky that we have the means to travel so much at our age and I'm thankful to our parents for giving us those opportunities/that exposure when we were younger. Yes, things have changed over the years, but that is the one constant in life. For me there is just too much to explore and experience to stay home. I like to think at the end of the day no matter what I'm doing, if it is my time to go, it is my time to go. So why not be on vacation?

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I know that many have expressed that they either would or would not travel to Europe this year, but it would be interesting to know how many previous years you have traveled overseas?Europe? Do lots of overseas trips make you feel more like traveling to Europe or are you a newbie with one two or less cruises overseas, Europe in particular? I am interested in the reasoning behind your decision to see if it has anything to do with the number of times you have traveled overseas and especially Europe. Also, does age play a factor? Are you in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's 60's or above 70? Is there more to it than just the "T" factor?


Would you or wouldn't you? I would travel & cruise to Europe this summer.

Age: early 50's

Been to Europe: about 7 times in recent years

Does age play a factor in my decision? Yes, probably. I'm more gutsy than the average traveler, a little more aware of my surroundings, able to move easily and travel on my own when necessary. I have an open mind and would rather die traveling than live scared at home. ;)

Do more trips overseas make me feel safer traveling there? Yes, because I know it's generally safe and I know how to behave in a less conspicuous way compared to touristy-types. :p

Edited by DrivesLikeMario
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I will be in Paris this time next week, the start of a six week adventure that includes three cruises and land tours. I am very excited!

Will I be on my guard? Of course, but I was pick pocketed in Amsterdam last year so that taught me a lesson (mobile phone stolen).


This will be my third trip to Europe, I am 51. Can't wait!




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We've driven through Provence and Tuscany staying in restored farmhouses and villas, taken escorted land trips through Italy, Greece and Central Europe, took the family to London for a week staying in a flat, took several independent trips to Paris and Rome and have cruised around and to and from several European ports. Now that we're in our Mid 70's we have been doing more Transatlantic cruises, renting flats for a few days pre cruise in the embarkation cities.


We still feel comfortable getting around in most cities. We definitely look American so no hiding it. We try to dress conservatively, travel with PacSafe bags worn cross-body and use neck pouches for valuables. We don't go to large sporting events or concerts and enjoy spending time in local neighborhoods, not just tourist spots. Situation awareness is key. We don't plan to stop until our bodies tell us to.

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We are in our 70's and we are still traveling to Europe. It's the packing and the unpacking that does me in!


We just returned via Amsterdam last week and I posted elsewhere that the security was tighter than I had ever experienced. They used the X-ray machines (promised me it was ultrasound) and I had the most thorough pat down ever. This was on Monday and I am sure they knew something was brewing. Our plane was delayed because we had to wait for a group connecting from Barcelona (I think) because of a strike in France. That's what they told us. Who knows why the flight was diverted to Amsterdam.


Anyways, we are scheduled to travel to Europe again this autumn and hope all goes well. As long as we are healthy and able, we will travel. But it does get harder every year, so my advice to you all is Go while you are still young enough!

Edited by Can'tstopcruising
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Last Dance -


We believe Europe is still fabulous & safe. We have been visiting Europe since the early 90's (both land & cruise). We are in our early 50's and are headed back out in 3 weeks for Celebrity's Rome to Venice cruise. Hoping we'll stop in Kusadasi - but if Celebrity chooses not to - we'll enjoy ourselves somewhere else.


We have a previous experience w/ changing ports - unfortunately our 2011 trip to Egypt was abruptly changed to Istanbul - when the Egyptian conflicts escalated the day before we were set to arrive. Had psyched ourselves up for the Egypt trip including hot weather & sun. We made an abrupt turn north to Istanbul & arrived to falling snow. Although it was chilly - had a fantastic trip there. Would have only been better had we had the opportunity to plan the stop in advance. Egypt is still on the list and we'll make it there one of these days!


When younger did the traditional England, Scotland, Ireland tour. Then spent time traveling through Italy - Milan to Piedmonte, Tuscany & Chianti via rental car... Love the Auto Strada! Stayed in winery's and small villa's we found on the way - fabulous trip. We've taken a couple of previous Mediterranean cruises, including Malta & the Canary Islands. We also spent about 2 weeks touring Barcelona & the surrounding regions. Truly enjoyed Cava country.


I'd agree with other's in that we are probably more adventurous than some and tend to be aware of our surroundings :) In addition, I've been to all 7 continents and John's been to 6.


Wishing you a fabulous trip and enjoy life while you can!!

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We are in our early sixties. We travel often-usually five months a year. We are travelling now in SE Asia.


We typically do 8-10 weeks of travel in Europe every Sept/Oct. Greece and Turkey are favourites. We often combine a cruise with our land travels. last fall we were six weeks in Greece. Never had an issue, saw any refugees, had trouble with banks, or saw any demonstrations-violent or otherwise.


We will probably go back to Greece/ Greek Islanda this fall. Based on the current last minute pricing that we see,we will more than likely grab a last minute Med cruise for 12 days, maybe 24. We are not currently worried about events in Europe. We have as much concern travelling to parts of the U.S. than we have travelling to parts of Europe. They both offer the same amount of risk to us as it pertains to personal safely.


Just our perspective.

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I have been to Europe 6 times in the past 3 1/2 years. First time I went was my solo land tour/cruise at 45 and I was hooked. Have done another solo trip, two with girlfriends and two with DH. We just booked a few weeks ago a trip to Paris for October and we are really excited. 8 days/7 nights and we booked it on our own. I fell in love with traveling to Europe a few years ago and can't get enough of it!!!!

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Both of us are 35. Going to Europe in July for the month, France, UK (well, London), Greece, Istanbul embark cruise to Rome, Paris, then home. He's been twice before, me once. Have been to USA twice as well. More worried about US than Europe, and that's not much at all. You only live once, I'd rather live and experience than live in fear. I believe in treating people (regardless of their differences to me) the way I'd like to be treated, and quite frankly, if my time is up, remember me as someone who lived well with kindness to others. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind - and I'll happily travel while we're still only at pinkeye stage.

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We unfortunately live in a crazy world. Nowadays we could be at the wrong place at the wrong time ANYWHERE in the world... Asia, Africa, Europe or even a movie theatre in the States.

Our personal solution or surrender to that will definitely not be to stay at home and watch life go by. We travel, and we travel a lot.


When you are open minded, traveling means learning. Traveling means seeing things with your own eyes ... and trying to understand how other people live and think. Not by biased news or politics but first hand with your own open eyes and hearts. The things happening today are based on ignorance and lack of education... a little less of the one and some more of the other would make the world a better place. Be a part of that. Don´t be afraid! Don´t be ignorant! Don´t let ignorant people win over your life and make you hide!


That being said: Europe is a fascinating, wonderful and interesting place. No other place offers such a vast diversity. Norway is different to Italy, France is different to Germany, Greece is different to the UK. Each country has its own incredible culture and beauty, each country has its own curiosities... all have one thing in common: real history!


And a cruise is the perfect way to get a taste of Europe!!!

Edited by Miaminice
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We are leaving in two months for a Mediterranean cruise and our major worry is that Celebrity will cancel the stop in Turkey (Kusadasi for Ephesus). Later this summer we are flying to Amsterdam for a Norwegian Fjords cruise. We haven't given either trip a moment's thought about cancelling. The good news is that the Celebrity cruise bookings have been so soft that they have been cutting prices on a regular basis


Good to hear you are still planning on travelling to Amsterdam. We will be flying from there to Heathrow next month. We anticipate it may take longer to get through security but are still very much looking forward to our trip.


We will also be following your cruise on Connie -- especially if there are any itinerary changes-- with great interest. Interestingly, the pricing for our cruise in August (Venice to Rome, stop in Kusadasi) appears to be holding up. The price for my CC cabin is now over $600 pp than we paid last Autumn!

Not sure what to make of this: have no idea how soft or otherwise the booking is, only see that Concierge appears to be sold out with only C3 guarantee presently available.

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Call me naive but I have confidence that Celebrity and others will do whatever is safe and make itinerary changes if needed. At this point I don't believe that anywhere is the world is completely safe (we had a home grown terrorist incident in Ottawa a year ago) and I refuse to hide in my basement.


Even with the weak Candian dollar I have booked a Med cruise for roughly the same price as I did last year (when the dollar was much stronger).

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In our late 50s... been on 8 transatlantic cruises in the last 4 years... London, Rome, Amsterdam. :cool:


The ONLY reason we are not going this spring... I got an even BETTER DEAL on a transpacific from Sydney! :D


You have a MUCH higher probability of getting hurt or killed in a car accident on the way to the airport. :rolleyes:

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I've been to Europe about 7 times, no cruises, and I'm in my 40s. My husband and I are planning a trip to London and Paris this fall. It will be his first trip to Europe, although he's pretty well-traveled generally.


We have not even considered cancelling for a moment, for all the reasons everybody else has expressed. We live in Atlanta, there is probably as much risk here as many other cites. I lived here during the bombings around the Olympics, so it can happen anywhere.

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I've been traveling a lot since 1984 mostly overseas. In 1984 I spent 2 months in England and loved it. Feb of this year I was in Konya, Turkey when a bomb went off up north. I felt safe. I out of the country between 100 and 140 days a year traveling. You can look at my signature below and see my cruise history and my land travels. Sept 2016 we will be on a 12 night cruise in Europe. With time in England before and after the cruise. As you will see I enjoy England very much.


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Good to hear you are still planning on travelling to Amsterdam. We will be flying from there to Heathrow next month. We anticipate it may take longer to get through security but are still very much looking forward to our trip.


We will also be following your cruise on Connie -- especially if there are any itinerary changes-- with great interest. Interestingly, the pricing for our cruise in August (Venice to Rome, stop in Kusadasi) appears to be holding up. The price for my CC cabin is now over $600 pp than we paid last Autumn!

Not sure what to make of this: have no idea how soft or otherwise the booking is, only see that Concierge appears to be sold out with only C3 guarantee presently available.


I am really looking forward to returning to Amsterdam in 2weeks. My first time there in springtime to see the beautiful tulips and other flowers in bloom! And would not considering canceling!


The Adriatic cruise you are taking was one of my favorites. I hope you are stopping in Ravenna to see the unbelievable Byzantine mosaics there.. More impressive even than in St. Marks or Hagia Sophia! It is a wonderful itinerary I plan to take again.

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It does not matter what age you are, JUST GO, the world situation may be worse next year. We are world travelers, well many, many places on the planet, and realize there are risk and there are risks that you take when traveling. Going on a cruise might be the lesser of travel risk that one can find. Travel safety is like living in the MOMENT but with an eye ahead. Be aware, of unusual situation/areas, if on a cruise tour, they do that for you. I have seen tooooooo many people do strange things, like wear $50K worth of gold in a back street.


IMHO, texting drivers are more of a real hazard to safety than events in the world.

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I want to thank all of you who responded. Those of us who are well traveled look at visiting Europe this year a little differently than others, and all ages responded pretty much the same...it is interesting to note that we are fans of the diversity and culture, as we keep returning for more. It is so sad that out world is not as dafe as it could be, but this is our new reality, not just in Europe, but all over...

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As strange as that is to hear, we are living in relatively peaceful times. As a very late son of pre-baby boomer parents, they would agree.


A few random attacks are nothing compared to previous wars. Even auto accidents are more lethal. Its really how the news portrays these stories. My wife and i are heading to europe for our first cruise this year. We are from Florida and know crime. Barcelona, Rome, and many other tourist spots will be seen but We have no second guesses about our safety. Our biggest concern are pickpockets. I am more worried about the 1 in 10 chance that all my stuff is stollen than the one in 10 million that i would be effected by an act of aggression.

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