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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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An interesting story here. A local hair salon is going to "gender neutral" pricing. The price will be determined based on how much work is required for the hair style not on whether the client is a man or a woman. About time I say. I decided in March to give up dyeing my hair and I got it cut very short in order to deal with growing out the dye. I went to my regular salon and paid $75 for an almost "buzz" cut. As it got to the stage where it was looking a little scraggly I did not want to pay $75 for a trim. I went to a barber shop and got basically the same cut for $25. I'm good with that. :) Here is a link to the story:


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Greetings Coolers!


WOW J! That sounds amazing! A travel theater! Excellent! Myster decided on a Roku. We got it earlier this week. We signed up for Netflix and we are figuring out where to go next. Myster burned through the IT Crowd thoroughly enjoying it! We tried a couple of the Black Mirror episodes and probably won't watch anymore of that one. Thanks for all your input on this streaming thing! :)


Have a great day all!




Remember that a fIre tablet is also a kindle reader. So it is an all in one solution. Hopefully Canadian Netflix should give you the full US repertoire? If not then consider a VPN like NordVPN which will give you access to US Netflix. They are currently offering a very inexpensive 2 year deal. The US content is around x3 of the UK content so don't know what you get.

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Cam hope your AC is fixed. I wonder why things get busticated at the most inopportune times, like when you have houseguests!


M, You go girl! I did a similar thing to my hair. Went with DS to his hair person, they cut my hair very short. It was during my recovery from major surgery so I had some recoup time before I went back to work. I have never regretted letting it grow out. My hairdresser always had told me I had ugly salt and pepper hair. Turns out I was funding his mortgage because my hair is white. I don't miss shelling out a fortune at the salon I never liked. Now I embrace my age and my hair, which I have let grow and only cut once in awhile( by myself).



Yes the earth and us are still here. Waiting for your cooking demo.

I'd much prefer seeing something food like immoliated.


DH started the series SUITS and has breezed thru all but season 6. Too much like work for me...


Carpe diem all!

Edited by spinnaker2
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J..first off...YUMMY! Relative to Netflix, the Canadian access is not as robust as the US version. I will set my lad on the research for NordVPN. :) I have a Kindle paperwhite now. We have a Surface Pro. Would that suffice?


Spins...thanks for the support! :) I did like my old salon but with retirement comes a little spending trimming. Priorities are not currently on my hair! I do have ugly salt and pepper hair for now. I'm not really concerned. It is what I look like not who I am. :) We love Suits and now we don't have access to it (cutting down on cable costs). Another priorities choice.


Cam...echoing Spins' hope that your AC issue has been successfully addressed!

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M, I am not calling salt and pepper ugly, that's what my salon guy said. I would have been happy with whatever grew out. As I mentioned I think he was trying to keep me as a client forever having my roots treated. I agree we are not defined by our hair!

For me it was a liberating event.

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Spins...I know you weren't saying that salt and pepper hair is ugly! :) I was just echoing your hairdresser's opinion (which is a common one). I'm sure he would not approve of my buzz cut or the colour and I am not worried! Ha Ha Ha! I definitely feel "liberated" from the tyranny of the dye! Now if we could just get shod of the "nut jobs" I could breathe easier!

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Many Congratulations Spins & Hubby.


YES, Congrats to Spins and her DH on their anniversary. Plus, I wanted to "one-up" Candy on her "Nixon connection". Our wedding day was June 17, 1972. 45+ years ago. That was, as we found out later, the date of the infamous break-in of the Watergate complex that led to the . . . "Rest of the Story".


Our Central Ohio weather continues nice and mild for mid August. Sunny and a high of 82F today. That's 27C. Very nice weather. Been busy with my wife's brother from Kansas and his spouse visiting here, plus work, eye doctor appointment, etc. Catching up now.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 185,038 views for this posting.


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G'Day All.......


Spins, your garden looks lovely...even in the rain....hope your weather has improved.....it's been raining here today and there's bound to be more on the way as we have a local 'Party In The Park' event tomorrow in the grounds of a lovely old country mansion...not my scene but I'll hear all the frivolity from my garden 😯


Agree with the Gals about the hair salon charges....good on your Ottawa one M...she'll do well l think.

I'm still on the tinting lark...my mother was completely white at the age of thirty and without a colour I'd have a white streak on top Cruella style....!


All the gadgetry sounds very complicated...l have a large TV and DVD player....enough for me to negotiate!


The Trump issue is worrying....very worrying ...I've stopped watching the news....guess I'm in ostrich mode.....thanks for stocking the vodka Jeffers 😉


SS have come very good with a voyage to replace the Spirit cancellation.....as predicted my TA fought and won.


Last day of the kids holidays today so we enjoyed a lovely day and lunch out....August seems to be flying by.


Happy Day ☺️

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MissS., I also tint and highlight my hair. It's a pain in the pocket, even in this semi-rural area where I live, but I've always been hair-obsessed. I remember when I was at UC Berkeley, I had my dorm mate iron my hair to get it as straight as possible and I self-tinted it platinum! I looked so odd, but I was young and adventurous. Funny, now I use a curling iron...

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Cam....having trained as a hairdresser back in the 60's I'm lucky that l can manage it myself providing l get a good cut which l do right now....my guy is Turkish and and excellent cutter and tinter! I keep the locks quite long so have the option of putting it up in warmer climates! 😊

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Cam....having trained as a hairdresser back in the 60's I'm lucky that l can manage it myself providing l get a good cut which l do right now....my guy is Turkish and and excellent cutter and tinter! I keep the locks quite long so have the option of putting it up in warmer climates! 😊


Sorry, ladies, this discussion on hair color/tinting is going "over my head". As you can clearly see, in any pictures, that I went "salt and pepper" long ago. And have been in the silver/white zone for a number of years.


BUT, my barber has been cutting my hair since 1969. That's 48 years with him!! He just turned age 77 and is still, fortunately, clipping and cutting just fine these days.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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Just trying to catch up with posts here and unlurk for a minute or two. Really on the countdown now as just over a week to go before we get on the Whisper - nowhere near have half the stuff ready to go - oh well.


Jolly I can so relate to your dilemma of gloves and sweaters while sitting there dripping - oh how I long for those days again. Not too difficult here to envisage colder temperatures as I've hardly been out of winter clothes and sweaters since we arrived here three years ago.


Shrewsbury Flower Show is on at the moment and rather disappointing nowhere near as good as it has been the previous three years. However the fireworks in the evening more than make up for the disappointment with the floral efforts.


Oh well back to readying the house/garden for the housesitter.


Happy Weekend.



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Great to see you on the cooler again Mary......shame about the flower show, l haven't been for years....hope you have a wonderful cruise.


Party in the blooming park started here half an hour ago with the music being loud and clear and to top it all the event finishes later tonight with fireworks which terrify four paws so I'll have to be back from dinner in time to get the tele on loud.....Sod's law as l very very seldom go out in the evening grrrrrrr!


Ah well.....happy Day 😊

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Good Afternoon Coolers ......


Welcome back Mary ........


Yesterdays finished plate .......





... and I have been working more on the Charlotte potato dish .... work in progress ..... with Welsh lamb loins ...... to be honest the main event was the potato .... :)








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Terry, your relationship with your barber is almost as long lasting as your relationship with your wife. WOW!


Appreciate this nice follow-up from our New York State "neighbor" to the east. BUT, remember that my wife has to put up with me every day, year around. My barber only has to see me for about a half hour every roughly four weeks. My wife has had the much bigger and more difficult challenge.


Nice food pix's from Jeff. Looking very tasty!!

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 33,758 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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Greetings Coolers!


Echo J's welcome back Mary!


J...that meal looks soooooo yummy!


Terry, our long-suffering spouses (yours and mine) are to be commended! There really should be some kind of "distinguished service" awards for them all! :)


Dust bunnies have been corralled in preparation for the imminent arrival of our eldest and her eldest (5 years old). They are coming by train and it will be the first train trip for the young lad. Apparently he is VERY excited! Should be a fun couple of days!


Have a great day all!

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Hello Coolers,

Have been sick with a bad cold these last couple of days but feel better now...especially since our AC problem has been resolved!

Jeff, as usual, your dish looks delicious. Potatoes are my favorite carb, and there are zillion ways of preparing them. I love them with caramelized onions.

Mysty, what fun to have your 5 year old grandchild stay with you! So many exciting things to do with him at that age. Well, I should say exciting and exhausting...but I'm sure you won't even feel it until they're gone. Enjoy!!

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Thanks Cam! Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather but very happy to hearing that AC is now functioning! Yes, we are trying to come up with ideas for his amusement. There is a pirate adventure on a ship in the bay here which I'm sure he would love. Just a question of the weather (which has been very wet). The adventure goes regardless of weather but I don't think the 4 of us would enjoy it in the rain.

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Loving those potatoes Jeffers.....do enlighten us with the recipe......


M....enjoy your family time.....hope the rain stays away!


Terry...I'm sure your lovely wife enjoys all your challenges and great gusto for life.....


I survived last nights dinner out in town and thoroughly enjoyed the Chinese restaurant.....the old place has been a favourite for over thirty years but l was saddened to see that the takeout orders were far busier than the dining room...is it a sign of the times? Are folk preferring to eat at home more with the options of cheaper wine and the choice of being able to have an after dinner smoke in comfort....or are we being less tolerant to certain ambience with how folk dress for a night out these days.....l don't wish to sound snobbish but having made the effort to dress 'nicely' l find it a shame to see jeans and T's at dinner.....just my opinion of course!


Having a duvet day today....home farm pork chops for later with roasted veggies......


Happy Day All 😊

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Miss S. Glad you enjoyed your dinner out! We don't eat out as much anymore. The drinking/driving laws make it difficult to enjoy a nice bottle of wine without worrying about a road check. Much simpler to dine in.


Enjoy your lovely meal and your duvet day. I take pajama days myself. :) And I love them!

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Good aftreen All!


Cams sorry to hear of the illness ....


Good to see Lois is having a great time and that she isn't wasting precious time on detailing everything when she could be drinking and eating! I'd be happier for her if she completely forgets CC and concentrates on having fun. I know people love reading the live accounts but I find the effort some make bewildering,


Soapy, I think the eating in - it's several things. For example i hate eating in Indian restaurants and being subjected to the totally noisy obnoxious papadum chorale surrounding you. I'm not just older and grumpy, I have always hated noisy crisp eaters but being in a restaurant where you surrounded by the sound of crunching I find obnoxious. I find myself anticipating the next table who have just ordered "another twelve please ..... " And because they talk and eat it is always louder.


I find it is largely other diners and their habits as an issue. And don't start me off about mobile phones or badly managed kids and perhaps two generations who have not been taught table manners or even how to use a knife or fork, or to eat without their elbows on the table. Or even how to stir their tea or coffee without it sounding like a fire alarm.


And there's driving home. A meal out where one of you cannot drink seems pointless.


And then there is the "Just Eat" app. You don't even need to relephone and shout very slowly your order, and no "accidental" overcharging. You tapp in your order and it arrives.


Potatoes are my favourite food of all. I could live without proteins and this is what we say every meal. The potato dish is simply baked Charlottes in their skins, halved, flattened skin side down, and lightly surface mashed with a fork. Toppings in order are grated Cheddar, course Maldon sea salt, cooked petit pois and absolutely covered with slow braised onions in loads of butter and olive oil all pressed down into the potato and slowly rebaked for those nice crunch bits to form. Parsely if I have some.


I have put on a few pound over the last few days ...


Can we open the Cooler shutters yet? Has Mr Trump stopped yet?

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MissS., I hear you regarding sloppily dressed people at dinner venues. I have always overdressed. I love fashion, and would love to be young again just to wear all the off-shoulder, ruffled, frilly, mini dresses that are in fashion again. I've convinced myself that I will not care how other people dress; and will not let them dictate how I should dress. I've entered restaurants smiling, with my head high, wearing smart clothes, to the surprise of jaw dropping people sloppily dressed. I feel their queen. We have a saying in Spanish, freely translated "the frock does not the monk make...but it certainly distinguishes him". MissS., you keep wearing your nice clothes, you deserve to!

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Hi all. Trying to hold on for another day until we are done with this weekend of work. Quite tired. The past two nights have been disruptive, with lots of phone calls during normal sleeping hours.


But, after tonight, no on-call responsibility for two weeks.


Thursday night's dinner was seared tuna with mango salsa.




Too tired to comment on much else. Was thinking we'd go out to dinner tomorrow night but now I will have to dress up...


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