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Live from Regatta--LA to LA January 7-17, 2017


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We will be on the Regatta in a couple weeks. We are making our restaurant reservations and don't want to miss the shows. What times are they usually presented? I am really enjoying your travel notes. Thank you for taking the time to write and post.


Normally shows are at 9:30. We have not had any trouble getting there in time.

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January 15, 2017--at sea


The motion in the sea really picked up during the night and continued through the morning. It is pretty windy, and cooler though still comfortable to be outside if you are in the sun.


We went back another hour last night, so I was up bright and early. Lots of marine life seen outside by some, not me though. We had 8 am massages which were excellent. I really like the fact that they do not try to upsell on this ship. Tips are included in the spa, though there is a line for tips on the receipt. So you have to know and remember the tip is already in there.


There was a "code Mike" last night in the galley and another this am in a stateroom. I hope that person from this morning is ok. They had the entry to that deck closed off at the stairwell for quite a while.


Ray led a well attended brief church service this am. There were a couple of lice tires as well as a Q and A given by the captain afterward, but I went out to brave the wind to get some steps. The wind is really blowing, but the temps weren't bad once you got moving. Also booked an Alaska cruise for 2018 for us, my son and his wife, and her parents. It is changeable and refundable, so no downside, even if plans change.


In the afternoon, there was an Italian wine tasting, bingo, and trivia. We came in 2nd in trivia, along with most everyone else as the scores were very tight.


A special treat this evening--we were invited to dine with the captain and Ray, the CD. A very fun time was had by all. The captain is such a nice down to earth guy. We really had a great time getting to know him.


There was a singer from England next then karaoke where Jerry was the star. Wonderful evening with friends.

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January 16, 2017--San Diego


It was appreciably cooler this morning with hazy skies. I could tell we were further north. The terrace was very busy at breakfast where I had another B&B (berries and bacon), this time with the addition of yogurt.


The final bingo game of the cruise was this am. It was exciting, But unfortunately I did not win.


This afternoon, we arrived in San Diego. We have friends who live here, and they generously agreed to show us around. We had a great afternoon touring and eating.


Back onboard, the dreaded suitcases were out. So sad to have to pack.

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January 17, 2017--disembarkation at Los Angeles


We were up early as disembarkation began at 8. The terrace cafe was very crowded.


Our uber was outside waiting. Lots of traffic but we are now at LAX waiting for our flight. I will post some final comments in a couple of days.


We did book another cruise on Regatta for Alaska 2018.

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and just read your posts. Very similar impressions of cruise and ship.

Sorry did not meet you.Sounds like we were on same excursions in some ports,so enjoyed your pics. My DH did the Copper Canyon tour,but I did Mexican village and art tour. He thought it was too long of a day also. Train ride enjoyable on way there,but NOT on way back. Depends on side of train for views too.Also, not much trekking in canyon,etc....we should have looked at you tube videos before. Just an area for viewing canyon and for a short period.Sorry, would NOT do that excursion again.So much nicer if option was to do it in 2 days and stay overnite at hotel ,with more time to explore canyon.


Also, I enjoyed the singers and dancers but didn't rate them as high as others we ve seen on previous O cruises. Good but not great.


We also had a PH and REALLY love it,but heard they are going to remove tubs in smaller ships and just have showers now. Sad,but will only be able to go on larger ships for tub.A dealbreaker for me.Have Insignia booked for July,but will not be refitted before that,so ok.


Update as to CODE mike, our butler knew my DH is also Dr. and told him crewmember fell in galley and hurt his head.Then one passenger had possible pneumonia and taken off ship by stretcher in Puerto Vallerta.Talked to his friend and said doing ok ,,for being 91.Also, 1 guest fell getting out of tub and butlers helped him. Pays to ask,,haha.I was curious too.


Overall, loved the cruise,but ports ,not so much.

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As promised, I have returned for some final thoughts after a week at home to catch up.


Overall, we enjoyed the cruise. I liked the ship a lot, much more than I thought I would. I would definitely sail on her in the future in a penthouse, probably not in a smaller stateroom though. The bed was super comfortable, and we had enough room to move around and not bump into each other.


I found the food to be about the same as on Regent, not better. In fact, a lot of the same food (ie, exact same recipe) turned up--not surprising as they are owned by the same parent company. Service in the MDR could be excruciatingly slow, but we were always a larger party. We did not eat lunch or breakfast in the MDR.


We did not like the terrace at all for dinner. It was fine for breakfast and lunch, but at dinner, we like a more serene experience. It seemed loud and crowded.


We did the buy 7 bottles wine package, and that worked out perfect for meals. We thought the bar service in the lounges was very slow, much slower on regent, which is weird because you would think with the pay extra drinks, the waiters would be hustling to make tips. Often we had to go up to the bar to order.


The excursions ranged from really good (whale shark, first zipline) to ok (most of them) to terrible (2nd zipline).


Internet was the fastest I have encountered on any ship. Minimal difficulties except for one morning, when they knew there was an issue and were working quickly to resolve it.


I really liked the captain and CD. Actually got to know both pretty well, and we would enjoy sailing with them again.


Gym and walking track were perfectly adequate. There is no sauna in the spa, and I missed this. There is a steam room only.


Spa prices are same as on regent--overpriced unless you have ship board credit to burn. Same with the gift shop. I had a moment of panic when I thought I had lost my reading glasses. The gift shop does not carry any, though they have lots of sunglasses.


Laundry was efficient. Same prices as regent. We did not use the laundry room, but our friends did. They had no issues.


Overall, we liked it enough to book a future cruise. I still love Regent and Silversea most, but this is a good option for traveling with family and friends.

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Thanks Paul.


One additional thing I forgot to mention. The average age on this cruises was OLD. To be expected with it beginning and ending in LA. But with the exception of two family groups, both with incredibly well behaved kids, and a mom with her collega age daughters, I was probably the youngest passenger. Which is crazy because I am 57.


So in the evenings after the shows, the lounges were pretty deserted. BTW, the entertainers were some of the most talented and hardworking we have ever encountered. Not only do they do the shows, they run bingo and a bunch of other games, host events through the day, and generally don't stop.

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Thanks Paul.


One additional thing I forgot to mention. The average age on this cruises was OLD. To be expected with it beginning and ending in LA. But with the exception of two family groups, both with incredibly well behaved kids, and a mom with her collega age daughters, I was probably the youngest passenger. Which is crazy because I am 57.


So in the evenings after the shows, the lounges were pretty deserted. BTW, the entertainers were some of the most talented and hardworking we have ever encountered. Not only do they do the shows, they run bingo and a bunch of other games, host events through the day, and generally don't stop.

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This is my 4th O cruise and I was amazed to see the age and condition of so many passengers. When excursions stated must be able to walk,climb,etc.,,,,it seems many did not read it. On more than one occasion we had canes,walkers,and even scooter which slowed down whole group. Don't mean to sound crass,but you just wonder.

Re. entertainers. I have seen similar on Regent,Seaborn,etc. They not only work on shows,but seem to be hosting,etc. all cruise.

PS. sorry, don t mean to offend the older passengers,As I m 71 myself,but know what I m not capable of doing at this age and took excursions that fit my physical condition, and interest.

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I have to agree with "Old". On our Insignia cruise around S. America, this was the oldest group as a whole we have ever encountered. It was close to a month and I do think that has something to do with it. "Time".

My feelings on age of cruise passengers: I just hope when I reach that age, I am still able to travel and enjoy life to it's fullest. I am happy they can make such a trip.


If it takes a bit longer for them to get off of a tender, bus, etc. we graciously wait. What is the rush?

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I agree I hope when I am 80+ I can stay up later & do excursions all day & still be awake at 10pm

I found many OLDER people have more energy than I do (late 60's)

I am struggling now to travel so I hope when I am old & can still take cruises & enjoy life


you just hope you get old some day ;)

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Not complaining about the older demographic of the passengers. It is what it is.

However, that said, I do not like it at all when people of whatever age either don't read or chose to ignore the description of a tour and what it entails, sign up for a tour for which they are clearly unfit, then proceed to complain about the physical activity required. The tour descriptions, if anything, over state the amount of physical activity involved, not understate.

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Not complaining about the older demographic of the passengers. It is what it is.

However, that said, I do not like it at all when people of whatever age either don't read or chose to ignore the description of a tour and what it entails, sign up for a tour for which they are clearly unfit, then proceed to complain about the physical activity required. The tour descriptions, if anything, over state the amount of physical activity involved, not understate.


Well said.

I agree with Lynn in hoping I can be as active when I am 80+.

However your post reminded me of an "entitled" group who went on a Pompeii excursion with at least three generations making up their numbers.

The eldest person could hardly walk unassisted and demanded to know where the escalator was among the ruins:confused:

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This discussion is exactly along the lines of what I was thinking about on our recent cruise. My question is when is it time to give it up and not cruise? I see many many people that it appears that just walking across the deck is a major effort.


I find traveling hard at my age and fitness level(nothing to brag about), I can't imagine how difficult it is for some seniors and those with mobility issues.


FWIW, just like many of you I've cruised with many in their 80's that can tour all day and rally all night(or at least part of it). I just hope I can live that long, much less have that type of activity level. Of course I'm sure it's the activity level that has allowed them to live that long.


At any rate I'm pretty sure we'll know when it's time to hang it up.

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it would be good if DS could give the participants of some tours a fitness test before they get on the tour ...do not think that will happen


At least when they see someone who cannot walk 2 feet unassisted they should be able to stop them from getting on a tour that is marked strenuous ( in a polite way of course )

What annoys me since we are going off the rails is when on a ship's tour & people wander off to shop while the others are waiting at the correct time sitting on the bus while they shop ..this is why we rarely do ship's tours



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it would be good if DS could give the participants of some tours a fitness test before they get on the tour ...do not think that will happen


At least when they see someone who cannot walk 2 feet unassisted they should be able to stop them from getting on a tour that is marked strenuous ( in a polite way of course )

What annoys me since we are going off the rails is when on a ship's tour & people wander off to shop while the others are waiting at the correct time sitting on the bus while they shop ..this is why we rarely do ship's tours




I have often said exactly what you have posted. If a person clearly can't walk, they should not be allowed to go on a strenuous tour.


At any rate, I hope to be cruising as long as I am physically able. And hopefully I will have the good sense to chose excursions appropriate to my physical abilities until then.

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I have often said exactly what you have posted. If a person clearly can't walk, they should not be allowed to go on a strenuous tour.


At any rate, I hope to be cruising as long as I am physically able. And hopefully I will have the good sense to chose excursions appropriate to my physical abilities until then.


Well OLD is better than dead.........Me too, and once I can't move that well, put me in a chair on the deck and a warm blanket will work for me.

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Well OLD is better than dead.........Me too, and once I can't move that well, put me in a chair on the deck and a warm blanket will work for me.


We met an elderly lady onboard (Celebrity) who was very charming but did not do tours because she feared she might impose on other passengers because she was not very speedy at getting on or off of buses. Upon further chats with her we learned that she uses the ship as her residence rather than stay in an old folks home telling us that it was cheaper, more interesting, and met all her needs. The crew treated her marvellously and we were impressed with her selection of continuous cruises as an escape from the confines of the old age home. We hope she is still cruising.:)

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We met an elderly lady onboard (Celebrity) who was very charming but did not do tours because she feared she might impose on other passengers because she was not very speedy at getting on or off of buses. Upon further chats with her we learned that she uses the ship as her residence rather than stay in an old folks home telling us that it was cheaper, more interesting, and met all her needs. The crew treated her marvellously and we were impressed with her selection of continuous cruises as an escape from the confines of the old age home. We hope she is still cruising.:)


There is a gentleman on Regent who does this as well. He is know as "the captain" because he is a retired navy captain. We first met him when he was living on Navigator, then again on Mariner.

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We met an elderly lady onboard (Celebrity) who was very charming but did not do tours because she feared she might impose on other passengers because she was not very speedy at getting on or off of buses. Upon further chats with her we learned that she uses the ship as her residence rather than stay in an old folks home telling us that it was cheaper, more interesting, and met all her needs. The crew treated her marvellously and we were impressed with her selection of continuous cruises as an escape from the confines of the old age home. We hope she is still cruising.:)


Can only wish about that one when it's time.

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